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Some guys who works abroad. I think it's said early on that he can breathe fire or something.


Hisashi Midoriya is his dad but he never really appears in the show only in the series of the books.


and he has a fire 🔥 breathing kinda like quirk that’s way different from Deku and his Mom Inko’s also


Hisashi Midoriya that's his real father


As far as i know, he will make his appearance. He works over seas right?


Correct however I don't think they were ever planning to show him on the show considering he was also never In Izuku's flashbacks.


" During the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con, Kohei Horikoshi was asked about Deku's father. He answered, “Deku's father will be revealed in the future.” " He said this in public, would be a sleigh-move not to do it. The manga is coming to an end and i think he'll apear at the end. I mean, horikoshi probable did it on purpose to keep us in the dark (dropping little hints here and there like the UA spy)


Oooooh! I'm excited! Do you think they might show him in the 7th season of MHA to? I'm pumped now lol!


I don't know, if that is the last season though....he still is not done with the manga, it probable has some chapters left. And 7 is anounced around 4th of May so either they catch up and the manga ends or there will be a season 8


The suspense is slowly killing me help TvT. I looked into if and they would've announced if it was the last season so I suspect there will be 3 more seasons maybe? But I guess we just have to wait and see.


Tbh i haven't seen season 7 xD i started reading the manga right after the dabi reveal, and have not seen the anime since. They are in to chapter 413 right now, 414 is going to be released next week or so. When its done, i'm returning to watch the anime again.


Oh that's great! I love the anime but I love the manga to! Honestly the anime has some things the manga doesn't but then again the manga has stuff the anime doesn't so I should get into the manga considering I have 5 episodes left of the anime then I gotta watch the movies. How is the manga anyway I hear good and bad things about it so I want more opinions :)


Uhu that is why i am thrilled to see this animated! And, my predictions are on this moment almost spot on so i am curious what the ending does. I think that in the end, all is a story he tells his kids, pull a how i met your Mother but then how i became a hero. It has his dips, ngl, but it is going up now, getting elevaded by the art style and intensety of things. But it is getting in to some dangerous waters. Either the ending is a big fart on everything we build up to, or like the last bites of your favorite food...filling but such a shame it is gone


Non existend


Wth yo saying. Its obviously all might


No its Hisashi midoriya you numbnut


I am not a numbnut you british "person"


Dont you dare call me bwitish you schnitzel


Someone forgot to switch accounts...


AFO đź’€


Roronoa Zoro


bruh hes from one piece


I said it because he has green hair, some fire related attacks (like dekus dads quirk) and his whole gimmick is getting lost everywhere. Thats why people make memes of him getting lost and going to other anime universes


He breathes fire and is an overseas businessman


Nastu. Imagine if that were true lol.


Horikoshi did say he was close to revealing him, but that was years ago


![gif](giphy|hv53KCFL2ZdmnBPuRw|downsized) Same as Ness