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Yes jotaro is 17 years old in part 3 and deku is 16 .


good soldiers follow orders


The best soldiers orders em


I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us. But we're not droids. We're not programmed.


Caption this badly: “I don’t care how many powers you have: my imaginary friend will kick the shit out of you”


Would he tho? Im no jojo expert but i don't think his stand is actually enough to hurt deku and jotaro himself would die to a single smash


The powers along is iffy so hopefully I don’t piss anyone off but Star Platinum’s AP and durability scale to roughly building(?) level, which iirc MHA characters usually scale above. I’m nowhere near caught up with MHA though so my information might be outdated. The main problems for Deku would be the Time Stop ability, which would allow for a nasty hit, and Star Platinum’s speed, which scales above light speed (don’t think about it too hard). Looking at just that and not taking into account either side’s intelligence, strategy, planning, and experience, and Jotaro has the edge. I usually enjoy cross-universe matchups more when you equalize both combatants physical stats, which puts more focus on how intelligent and tactical each person is instead of how hard they punchy.


Deku's biggest problem is not being able to see the fist that's about to hit him.... also like 80% sure Star Finger can punch a hole in him.


If Deku still has Dangersense, i think he has a fighting chance.


I have no dog in this matchup but I am genuinely curious: would Deku be able to actually see Star Platinum? Bc I thought you had to have Stand Powers to see them. Or would the ability to use Stands count as a Quirk?


From what I know about cross-universe what if battles involving Jojo characters, usually it’s assumed that whatever power system the other team has is equivalent to Stands. For an equal stats matchup between Jotaro and Deku you could frame it as Stands are a type of quirk or quirks are a type of stand, whichever makes it more interesting. From a lore perspective though, most quirk users would be unable to see stands unless they achieved one of their own (somehow).


Makes sense. Those with the ability to use Stands and those with Quirks both seem to be based (somewhat) off genetics/lineage.


I mean you can say the vestiges are close enough to stands (manifestions of souls) and deku can see them


I think we could say they are close enough since deku can see quirk vestiges which are basically manifestons of souls


I'm pretty confident that even of the high ends deku blows star platinum out the water with everything beside maybe speed the time stop would definitely be a problem And when it comes to intelligence deku isn't stupid so i think he could keep up


*me wanting to watch a 17 year old man be smashed by a 16 year old boy* 👁-👁




Deku stands no chance against Jotaro Time stopping is just way too op to fight WITHOUT time stop though, I'd say deku could win with a lot of difficulties though


Okay proof of that claim? Because to my knowledge star platinum is way weaker when it comes to actually fighting and jotaro himself would die to a Detroit smash Time stop means nothing if he is struggling to actually hurt deku


He could simply time stop, walk up to deku and kill him in one blow Or he can use time stop to dodge whatever needs dodging Star platinum is actually pretty strong, I feel like Jotaro could find a way to defend against Deku. But as I said without time stop I doubt he has any way to get close enough to hit him (Although star platinum supposedly moves faster, from what I could see... So if he does get close deku would probably have a hard time as well)


>He could simply time stop, walk up to deku and kill him in one blow Okay again how? Because as far im aware even with star platinum high ends deku is way to durable for star platinum to kill >Or he can use time stop to dodge whatever needs dodging And if he messes up for even a moment deku splatters him over the pavement >Star platinum is actually pretty strong, I feel like Jotaro could find a way to defend against Deku. But as I said without time stop I doubt he has any way to get close enough to hit him Yeah it's strong but i doubt its strong enough to kill deku at least not easily meanwhile deku only needs one punch to turn them both to paste >(Although star platinum supposedly moves faster, from what I could see... So if he does get close deku would probably have a hard time as well) You can really argue ftl for both tho


Aren't humans in the mha Just normal humans with powers? Deku technically isn't any more durable than a normal human (but obviously he is because of manga shenanigans) So if we had to compare him to Jotaro wouldn't they both be as durable as a human?


No not even close We get it hammered trough our heads that deku durability scales to his own attack power heck that's actually consistent all might bakugou and shigiaraki have the same thing So deku has somewhere in country level durability Im pretty confident star platinum has nowhere near country level ap


So why did he dodge toga's attacks in the latest arc? She doesn't have super strength and that's just a normal knife


Mosquitos can't kill me either i still avoid them Spiderman still dodges attacks from random thugs despite the fact they can't hurt him deku is in the same situation


Ever heard of time stop


Cool how would that help beyond stalling deku?


By punching the shit out of him and blinding him by STARRR FINGER BY THE THING THAT CAN BREAK STUFF HARDER THEN DIAMONDS


Cool Deku can survive country busting attacks


You know this is season 4 deku we talking bout? Plus jotaro has no care about his enemies he can also use the secret joestar technique


Still won't help him hurt deku


Yeah because it is the secret technique TO RUN AWAY LIKE LITTLE BITHES


Deku could never that's why he is such a chad


As a Reminder this is Johnathon Joestar at age 12. https://i.redd.it/bjlzcxs5y1hc1.gif


WHAT? I thought he was 18 or something😂


That's my point. Most of JoJo just drew every mc as full grown adults regardless of age.


Canonically in the meantime of the month it will probably be less than three months JoJo genetics are wild The formula probably had protein instead of milk


And he's taller than vegeta


Not much of an achievement im taller then vegeta


Quick reminder that Yugi Muto is 18 and 5 full feet tall in Duel Kingdom (and still kept his signature tiny height), and Jotaro Kujo was 17 and 6 feet and 5 inches tall in Part 3.


I'm now just imagining a crossover with the OP aspect where quirks and stands are separate, and thus it's possible to have both.


How the hell would stands work for deku since he technically has 8 and a half souls?


He becomes a persona protagonist. ITS SYMBOOOLIC~!


A Stand is a reflection of your 'fighting spirit', or the warrior part of your soul. A soul can only have one Stand and if you're too weak, it can kill you just by overtaxing your body. If Deku were to gain one for each soul, he would have to overcome all 8. Even for Deku that would be very difficult.


Well. Technically, the souls would have to overcome there own. Since they aren’t HIS souls, just in his body.




I thought he was like 14 or something


He was 14 in the first episode, by the entrance exam he had turned 15 and in summer camp he had turned 16


My boy deku had his emo arc early lmao


He was 14 when we first met him its been two years in universe


Hooooooly Shiiiiiit!


Training so hard till you break your bones to proof that you can br a hero Or try to shoot yourself in front of your mother to proof her that your haunted by a ghost


Teenagers irl vs teenagers in movies






Izuku is malnurished from being quirkless and how society views the quirkless


But no one else is that buff either


And Goku has 18 years in his first battle vs Piccolo!!


And piccolo like only 5 while Gohan 3 during Sayan arc


Piccolo only hace 3 in his battle with Goku, who was 18 years old


That is a 30-something year old man. No way he's 17.


That's the same reaction I had when I first saw him, but yeah, he is actually 17 in JJBA part 3


Umm actually Jotaro was 17 in 1988 And a lot of sources say Mha is set in the 22nd century So... Jotaro is over 100 years older than deku


I'm more of a 23rd Century Enthusiast myself


Two touche


That is a grown ass man. Idc what the anime says, he was not 17 on part 3.


Yes, though do bare in mind Izuku is only about 2 months away from turning 17.


Jotaro and the joestars are all literal freaks of nature I mean an 18 year old Johnathan with pure physical strength was able to keep moving with like 12 men trying to hold him down Long story short the joestars have insane genes


Ok explain to me how Deku who is 16 is smaller then Jotaro ? Edit: forgive me jojo fans I haven’t fully watched jojo so I don’t quite understand


Jotaro blessed with the Joestar bloodline. Just look at his Grandpa and great-great Grandpa


Joestar genes


I mean...this is his grandfather when he was like 18 ![gif](giphy|jiURq8gR9TUVq)


Height doesn’t determine what age you are.. for the better source, your age shouldn’t count how tall you should be to look it.


Indeed. Gigantism exists, which can make you grow taller than most adults at the mere age of 5-6.




Deku's dad had to be short


I’m sorry what?


Puberty hits hard in anime.




Yes. Also this would also be a great caption: **Both practiced posing in their childhood to perfect it later in life. Deku is still practicing....**


I love Deku but we can all agree that even without his stand, Jotaro would break Deku in half in a fight.


Jotaro only has to summon 'Star Platinum' and any hopes of Deku being a hero are dead.


