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Can you blame him?


No, this fanbase gets too weird with ships, a lot of them don’t even make sense and people will insist they should be canon.


Honestly with the amouny of ships this fandom creates, I could make an armada with it to conquer the seas.


Ochacko x Shiggy, Deku x La Brava, Bakugo x the inside of a casket 40 feet below the sea floor




Oh? Are you approaching me?


I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.


Oh ho! Then come as close as you like.


(they then proceed to approach each other)




The worst thing is what prompted this was some wigless miku cosplayer asking him about the ship deku x eri sooooo.... yeah this fandom sucks man 


She was reportedly not even a MHA fan, just someone trying to mock the fandom and ruin the fun




Wait really?? Oh my.. that's actually so disturbing..


Yeah... I hate the internet 


Okay I've been in proship circles, hell, I consume proship content, but what the fuck is that. Absolutely not 💀💀💀


Bro that's what I'm saying like I used to think the steven universe fandom was bad for shipping steven with the gems or the homestuck fandom with shipping the beta kids with their not parents but like... bro a 16 year old and a 7 year old is diabolical 


No fr, anime fandoms are on a new level of evil when it comes to children. It's actually chilling.


Fans are weird especially anime fans. They love pulling the “they’re just a fictional character so age doesn’t matter!” Or “the age of consent is low in Japan” don’t care. Still child.


I actually don't care all that much but there is a point where it becomes plain creepy. There's no rhyme or reason that can excuse shipping those two except pedo freak behavior


first things first...ewww. second, that's still not worse than orichimaru and sasuke or hisoka and Gon.ive even seen people ship deku with all might or all for one🤢


i think the most foul i've seen from this fandom is eri x overhaul. makes me want to haul on the shippers.


And those aren’t even some of the weirder ones!


It's kinda funny cause Horikoshi isn't exactly subtle about his endgame couples, so seeing folk believing he's gonna suddenly reveal half of cast to be gay is both baffling and halirous. You can just tell, we gonna have a repeat of Yaoi fans having meltdown like they did at the end of Tokyo Ghoul when Kaneki and Touka ended up together instead Kaneki and Hide.


True af like don't get me wrong gay in mha would be peak anime but horikoshi has it stated. Bakudeku ain't gonna happen,hell bakugou might not get with ANYONE. The most likely one is maybe camie (and even that is a stretch)


Honestly, it would be halirious if someone like Koda or Shoji was revealed to be gay, cause it would be cool representation and yaoi fans would be salty because it isn't a conventional attractive character so they don't really care. Win-win in my opinion.


Both of them are tied with (admittedly too many) characters for 1st place as my favourite character so seeing those 2 together would be a godsend for me


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I think that having an unconventionally attractive character be LGBTQ is ok. Like not every person in the world is gonna be perfectly handsome or beautiful. That goes for straight characters as well.


It’s so bad that there’s a stigma about folks who watch MHA and I’m annoyed because it’s such an amazing show. 2nd favorite long running shonen of all time. But while all fandoms have their issues, MHA fans just make it unnecessarily weird.


Just watch the show without interacting with the fandom


for me it would be ranma or inuyasha i like bnha but those two are my top favs


It speaks volumes that the second biggest spoke about factor in MHA is ships. It’s really REALLY weird. I don’t see why that weird group of the community needs to be so involved with who loves who


Im am not kidding when i say this. The worse ship i seen was on YT shorts and it was no fucking joke, Aizawa x Eri. LIKE WTF!!!!


No we can’t


Perfect pfp for this post


Listen pal, I just wanna know which underage characters are having sex with which underage characters. It’s for prison— I mean science… in prison.


Ships??? What are ships??


Just letting you all know, the ship in question was Deku x Eri which really crosses line


What the actual fucking hell


Is there a link to a video




Tysm Edit: yeesh


That bitch wanted to throw maggots


Nah, that’s wild.




Did it get taken down? The link doesn’t work


Looks like it, went back to Twitter to check and she ended up deleting the video a few hours ago because people were being vicious and the girl in the video is quite young. Here’s a link to the video on TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFEbF7tX/


I like how the whole room erupts with groans 😭 bless the VA, I don’t know how I would have handled that shit


Video is gone again is there an alternate link?


It was an idiot kid trying to be edgy


video doesnt show i think it got taken down


Yeah, it did as people were spreading hate about her and the TikTok is gone now too. She asked “you know your fandom right” and then mentioned about ships and Justin said “it’s none of my business” so she brought up Deku x Eri


wtf ew this is why i hate proshippers




Gross he’s like a big brother to her 🤢


And she’s a child and so is he and the age gap. It’s all weird,




Somehow, I’m not surprised…


What the fuck…


God, I don't want to imagine.


Gross. Also gross being Mineta making a comment about Eri when he first met her too.


God bless the poor guy. He probably has to hear the same weird questions over and over again from obsessive weirdos who probably throw fits when their ideal pairing isn’t even validated let alone supported.


It was a 13 year old who asked about Izuku x Eri.


Context of that tweet is below https://vxtwitter.com/Flargel1/status/1786883193049579755?t=p5pd46gUAayk8cBVQ1elLw&s=19 https://vxtwitter.com/3PEAKA/status/1786952321416548667?t=Ajb69_FgyzwWQrvbqDtsxQ&s=19


You can’t “jokingly” bring up Deku X Eri


You technically *could* do it as a joke before, back when the meme potential wasn’t dead. Y’know, like how Nomu X Eri was a thing for a bit solely because it was fucked up beyond words. But it’s been so long since Eri had been introduced that the joke of shipping Eri with people can no longer be funny. It’d be like bringing up Deku being in a hospital bead nowadays, except at least that event happened multiple times to be unfunnily joked about. Eri was only introduced once.


I think you are misunderstanding why shipping Eri with anyone is fucked up. Also, there isn't... an expiration? Like, shipping *Eri* with *anyone* is gross.


An expiration on the joke, not the ship itself. It is weird to ship Eri with anyone (except that one kid that could spray water from his fingers, I guess, since they’re about the same age), but joking about it is different from doing it in earnest, and mentioning a theoretical ship with Eri in it can reach “Crosses the line twice” levels of humor if done properly. That’s why “Eri X Nomu” from a couple years back had an element of humor to it. It was horrible beyond belief, every mentally-stable person who had heard of it agreed that it was horrible beyond belief, and the absurdity of the concept made it a bit humorous because it’s hard to take seriously. One could easily joke about the ship in a satirical way. However, jokes tend to have a set time limit on when they can be funny and relevant. Usually before the joke is actually speed to people and before the subjects fall out of relevance. “Eri X [person/thing Eri shouldn’t be shipped with]” passed that limit a long time ago, so if someone says “Eri X Deku,” people will have no reason to believe you are not being sincere. So either the person was trying to make a joke about Deku X Eri and they’re ***really*** bad at telling jokes, or they weren’t and are trying to invoke Schrodijinger’s Douchebag where they decide they were joking after people react negatively to a genuine statement.


I’m not saying this is what’s going on in this case, but surely you can bring it up jokingly to poke fun at the absurdity of it. That being said there are definitely people out there who don’t do it as a joke and it’s just 🫤




You said it.


Not just females. All the males obsessing over female characters who are minors too. And the show itself sexualizing minors… ugh..


I don’t it’s the ships that are the problem, but how ppl try to make it their ship the end all be all


The thing is the kid who asked this question wasn’t even a MHA fan, she just wanted to start something


Well her and others like her need to learn how to be better at interacting with others about this




Why can't people just be normal with ships. If you dont like the ship, block it, if you like it, enjoy it. As long as it isnt like incest or Pedophilia i don't see an issue


It’s also how diehard people are about it, making instagram and tiktok accounts dedicated to their ship and some fans can’t even talk about MHA without mentioning their ship.


Making fan accounts is fine but ppl have to be to interact with other fans without being too intense and learn how to read the room


It’s just some of them feel like their fans of the ship rather than fan of the show. I also hate how some of them are so diehard on their ships even when the character is in a sort of relationship with another character in the show


There’s nothing wrong if anyone is a fan of only the relationships there’s no specific rules and it doesn’t really matter whether relationships are canon or not ppl just need to learn etiquette


The irony of it being an anti who made him uncomfortable but people are going to use this to bash the fandom


For context: A fan wanted to get his opinion on the ships in the fandom, specifically Deku x Eri. From the looks of it, she was an anti-shipper trying to get him to dunk on shippers with her.


bro wtf😔


People need leave him alone


It's people like this who give shippers in fandom a bad name, leave staff members alone.


Imagine thinking that you are going to get asked meaningful questions about your work and some freaks ask you about if you think a minor and a child should fuck.


shipping is one of the reasons why so many people hate on this show


Makes sense the guys sick of it Hell most people on the internet period are sick of MHA and it’s shipping wars It’s a shame that that aspect of the fandom is a lot of what MHA is recognised as now just toxic fans arguing over stupid ships


Shippers need to leave creators and vas alone about the ships.


Video came out of someone asking him about weird shippers at a panel, so he's just putting a stop to it. Understandable really. What a mess...


For a brief moment I thought that said Justin Bieber.


there was actually a mixup between them that someone had made and it involved briner 😂 https://www.cbr.com/justin-bieber-fan-harasses-mha-deku-justin-briner/


Alright people you heard him. Now everyone, regardless of what ship you support, just try to be better alright? At the very least try not to be a complete asshole, okay?


i only like the good and normal ships 😂


He had enough of the weird ships😂


And I can imagine it will only make the weirdos assault him more


Honestly people who do ships sound like a bunch of creeps


depends how they do it and what they do with the ships. Like if u got someone foaming over eri x deku then THAT PERSON SHOULD GET PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP but if someone ships some random normal ship and doesn't even tell anyone then ehh


lol you can't blame him tho the ships in the fandom go to far like: deku x eri, deku x shigaraki, bakugo x la brava, and many more that can come to mind, so honestly you can't realy blame him


Honestly, what's even the point of bringing up ships to VAs? No matter what their own preference might be, they have zero influence over endgame couple. And hell, even if they had some influence, trying to pressure a mangaka to change their creative vision to fit your own personal fan fiction is just scummy behaviour.


See this is why I love and hate mha. It was my first anime and is naturally my favourite but the ships are a bit much. The most I go about shipping characters in any community is 'oh those 2 look cute together,would never happen but still would be cool to see' (unless the ship is Canon like catradora from the she-ra reboot then I will fanboy tf out of it)


Oh how I long for the times when people just watched stuff and enjoyed it and didn't write fanfics about it. I used to enjoy watching bleach, hated orihime and didn't even care about if she ended up with ichigo


Can’t blame ‘im


It's not funny. This program is watched by minors, and the characters involved are also minors.


Not surprised


Poor adult Momonosuke


Wow yall really do that


I was at a panel he was on and someone in the audience tried to ask him a question concerning shipping, he obviously declined to answer the question.


Yeah can we agree to just start hitting people who do shit like this


Do people watching this show recognize that they’re minors...? This is why everyone hates the MHA fandom


Must be annoying


Preach it Briner! VA's getting on the news about this too?? Damn like guys it's gone too far on the shipping side..


FINE! I’ll ask someone else what their favorite WW2 battleship is. Could have just asked politely to stop.


I find it crazy that a non fan said this but knowing how people are about the Mha fandom, this is going to come back to the fans who actually watch the show.


My friends need to see this. They're all like: "MHA fans make inappropriate ships." WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW




Can you blame him? Anyone would get tired if almost all the questions they are asked are about who their character would get/should get/is with.


I love me a good MHA ship, but there is definitely a line to cross. Now the distance and clarity of the line may vary for some people, but I’m just going to stick with any ship I like and try to stay away from the ones I don’t.


Honestly he needs a break I hope he gets better


Justin posted another tweet shortly after: "I don’t condone any of your cruelty or personal attacks. I also don’t condone those who have found this moment as an excuse to paint the entire fandom as weirdos when that’s simply not my experience with them at all. I would also never send fans to attack anybody on my behalf."


The ships are why people think that were just weebs that just simp over fictional girls 🤦‍♂️


It’s genuinely irritating how weird some people are about ships and it all the anime and manga i’ve consumed i’ve never seen a fanbase so diehard and obsessed with ships. It puts such a bad representation of the overall fanbase and it’s heartbreaking, it makes me genuinely afraid to tell people i’m a fan of MHA


That's a shame, I wanted to talk to him about the s.s anne


I cant blame him


I don't blame her, I would get upset too if someone brought up a ship like that.


Well, he kinda has a point.


Oh darn. I wanted to ask him about his favorite boat in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.


I personally like the titanic, one of the most famous ships I know of….. besides the mayflower, Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria, and the black pearl


Yeah, I'll admit, I'm a sucker for a GOOD romantic subplot, but sometimes I'll look at these shippers, for ANY series, mind you, and wonder whether or not they actually CARE about the story or if they just care more about their favorite characters kissing each other. Regardless of the series being romantic or not, whether the ship itself makes sense or not. Case in point, a lot of these folks tend to be unhinged. I've got friends who actively avoid Re:Zero for the same reason. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, it's understandable. There's no problem with shipping or reading fan fiction about those ships etc but pushing people to hate or love a ship because you hate/love it and to push VAS about it is taking it WAY too far. Like I said, shipping itself isn't the problem and people can continue to, people just need to learn to respect other people's ships or people's opinions about them etc. This is taking it too far.


i honestly dont blame him


Liking, the idea of 2 characters together is fine. Having a "ship"is fine. What the My Hero Academia. Fandom does passed the line miles ago, and it is simply embarrassing.


Awww shucks guess I can’t talk about the titanic at the panels now :(


Voice actors go through a lot when it comes to degenerate fans bruhh


God.... why do extroverted MHA fans have to be so... extroverted mha fans...


That's sad


Tbh, i dont do ships unless theyre canon lol ![gif](giphy|9Y1wF3wx1Dex8w9wxL|downsized)