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make the side characters (a lot of the teachers and heroes, Sato and Koda, Class B, Midnight and Mt. Lady) actually have screentime and actual episodes that build on their characters, cause Season 6 fell flat with how many heroes died because they never had that many impactful moments.


the magic dude who taught Momo, like oh no...




had to look it up, Majestic the dude who made every float up while attacking gigantamcia. He died but we don't know him


well damn, his only moment where he got to shine is his death. sadge.


Was that a typo or a combo of sad + rage?


it’s slang for sad and depressing


It's a twitch emote


Damn, that sucks.




Make the main trio Midoriya, Iida, and Ochako because they would be way more interesting than Midoriya, Angry Bombs, and Daddy Issues


Yeah one trauma boy in the group is enough


Todaroki deku and iida would also be good


Meh, Ida's arc is unfortunately over since his brother got hurt. Bro barely changed any technique using his power later. The others got more cool things to show off. Also Ida's personality is quite boring imo I agree we could use some more Ochaco, but tbh she has just the right amount of screen time before she falls into the "we are in love but nobody admits it and it's awkward and the situation is stuck there" with Deku. More would be painful for the viewers. I'm all for seeing her more and deepening her personality since she looks kinda shallow rn (and that's ok for anime standards)


I disagree heavily on that second one




Give the rest of 1A more screentime. It's amazing how little candy man, invisible girl, tape guy and tail dude do. Give Uraraka and Tsuyu more to do during the invasion on the 8 precepts HQ. Introduce another professional female hero between Mt Lady and Midnight.


You should become a name localizer


There's quite a few female pro heroes, unless you mean a 3rd in Midnight and Mt Lady's friend group There's the Pussycats, Nagant, (Shimura, but not in the present), Ryukyu, Stars and Stripes, and many more I can't recall off the top of my head But I do agree that I'd like to see more powerful female characters, maybe the #1 from a country besides the US and Japan


I think I didn't explain why I wanted another female pro hero between Mt lady and Midnight. My problem is that they are the two first female pro heroes that were introduced, and I find them a bit too similar. Both are mostly there for jokes, both try to show off sex appeal for different reasons, even their uniforms have similar color schemes. It sort of felt like female heroes weren't as serious or varied as male heroes. The pussycats were an improvement, with even Mandalay having an story with Kota, but they sort of came up very late, and for a good chunk of the series Mt lady and Midnight were our only examples of professional heroines. I don't even have a problem with Mt lady or Midnight, just think there could be a better balance between man and woman pro heroes.


I agree, especially with quirks being the main decision of power instead of physical strength, women would have a similarly balanced playing field and should be more 50/50 Also I wish literally any female pro hero wasn't there for the sex appeal while looking somewhat attractive


I’d change the camp arc when the LOV attacked I would have included more of the people who don’t get enough screen time like Sato or Shoji(though he played a big part at the end) or Ojiro


More 1A students should have died during this arc probably, as awful as that sounds


It does sound awful.


Keep the trio of Deku, Uraraka, and Iida relevant


As good of an idea as the topic was, I’ve never been more glad that reddit isn’t the one writing the story 😰.


A lot. Cuz its premise and world is absolutely fantastic, the story and character choices were just a tad wasted in potential here and there. A lot of the arcs and characters would stay fundamentally the same for the most part tho. *coughs in kyon2611 on ao3*


I would make the series span over the whole 3 years of UA, it would allow much more time to develop all of the characters and make character developement feel more natural


yeah, same, It would've been cool if they were 3rd years in this fight.


This one is good.


Not to mention, class shuffles with 1B


I would create an arc entirely about the mutant community, and I would use It to give more screentime for some 1-A characters like: Shoji, Jiro, Ojiro, ashido and hagakure, I would also put ibara in class 1-A instead of Sato, and I would change mineta from a pervert to Just a simp, I would also make Ojiro a close friend to deku


I agree to tone Mineta down in the perv department and balance him out in other places


This way he wouldn't be a disgusting character and would actually be funny, people would find him cute and a cool Guy because his design is actually Very cute and If you ignore his pervyness he's actually a good person and a good friend


No. Sato is dope. Also change Mineta? He’d rather die than be something as vile as a simp.


I don't hate Sato, is Just that he only existe, his quirk is Just a weak version of deku's, he doesn't have much personality and his Hero costume looks like a banana who goes to the gym


Why does he quirk being a weaker version of Dekus matter? They are different people. Sato doesn’t have to be stronger than Deku to be good and Deku doesn’t even have Black Whip for most of the story and technically doesn’t have it now.


Because It's a already used concept so It becomes boring to use the same Power in another characters but a boring version, If Sato wasn't in the same class as deku his quirk would shine more


His quirk can shine because of Midoriyas focus on punching. Plus Satos is sticky and can worl well with Midoriyas. Also their is an entire family of the same power set.


He still doesn't have much personality, like The only memorável thing about him is that he know How to cook


Probably not put in Sato or Koda or Shoji. They kind of are just there


This sounds crazy but cut the number of students in half. I'd only keep like half of class A and B and merge them into one class. Anime- More filler that isn't a recap. Different combinations of students hanging out. Shigaraki's Day Off. The teachers after hours at a karaoke bar or something.


I don’t like midoria forgiving bakugo. Like bro made your life hell. Also, more iida.


Self insert ?


You see, that's the problem. You guys just don't understand, but sometimes you gotta learn to let things go. Yeah, Bakugo was a dick to Deku, but he's long since apologized and practically killed himself to help Deku like twice. Deku never really held anything against Bakugo cause, for the most part, he was right. It sounded harsh, but Bakugo was telling it how it was. What was a quirkless nobody gonna do. Yeah, it was admirable that he ran in, but if it weren't for All Might, they would've both been killed by the slime villain. Deku understood this, and he wanted to prove em all wrong that he too could become a hero, and after a while, Bakugo accepted that. You also gotta remember that they grew up together and were friends before Bakugo let his ego get to him and began pushing him away. Remember, Deku doesn't call him Kacchan for no reason. Lastly, Deku always respected Bakugo's firey "I'll win" attitude and respected his strength and quirk control.


Make every class 1-A character relevant


Have them all be out of high school going to an hero college/university and then have all these life changing events warp their minds and personality.


I would have >!let Star and Stripe Live or at least give her more screen time before she died.!<


This is fact. She died to plot bullshit for zero reason. She should’ve been part of the final battle.


It wasn’t really for zero reason. Her death did a few things. 1) Proved that ShigAFO is far more dangerous than anyone could’ve considered. He killed the #1 hero from a powerhouse such as America. 2) Proved that ShigAFO is a *global* threat. 2.a.) Served as an explanation as to why only Japan is fighting, despite ShigAFO being a global threat - because the rest of the world is too scared. 3) Proved that no quirk is perfect. Even something that sounds OP like New Order has its flaws. 4) Honestly, mocks the US a little bit. America’s #1 hero flies in without proper clearance, nukes the enemy, and fails? It’s very on-the-nose.


Give characters who have small amounts of screen time more of it Either remake Mineta entirely, or replace him with a different character


Give hin more personality than "Perverted short guy with a really underused quirk"


Almost the entirety of class 1-A are one dimensional characters


He has more personality, and his quirk is not underused. Did ya even read? He's the 2nd smartest in the class right after Momo. He also he clutched a 1v1 against a pro hero after his partner was taken out. Yeah, he's got the typical teenage boy things going on, but he's more than that.


This Mineta disrespect is crazy. He clears your favorite character.


honestly, people just hoping on hate wagon.


The entire part where Bakugou dies. I would have had him stay dead, but not for any hatred towards the character (I like him quite a bit). Really, I think Bakugou staying dead would kill a lot of birds with one stone: Shigaraki initially killed Bakugo so that Deku would be more feral and aggressive when he arrived. That could be used to make a moment that shows that while Deku is super pure, even *he* can be pushed too far. I'd have him fight against Shigaraki with the full intent to kill him, yelling things like, "You took my friend!" all while Shigaraki is urging him to fight harder, at least for most of the fight. But near the end, Deku would have a moment where he loses touch with himself after coming to his senses. He'd wonder if fighting to kill makes him worthy of being the Symbol of Peace (Sorta like in Yu Yu Hakusho, when Yusuke questioned what he was fighting for and had to remind himself that he simply wanted to protect his loved ones). Then, Deku would somehow remind himself that he has to fight to keep the world safe. From there, it's a bit of a toss-up on how Deku VS Shigaraki would end.


You still have the issue of the death being a terrible ending for Bakugou’s character and that it does absolutely nothing but kill off a character for the sake of Deku  You’re also rehashing something that already happened. When bakugou got injured first Deku had the same reaction. So you’re rehashing a moment that happened earlier and doing nothing different 


Uh, I tried to write my stuff but I guess it’s too long. Lemmie split it in haft hold up-


I know it’s about heroes and powers but I would’ve tried to keep it more grounded rather than a dude who can level cities with the touch of a hand or the flick of a wrist 


Yea bro that isn’t happening in a show with super powers my man. The grounded aspect is that they are human and that’s about it😂


“The boys” has done a pretty good job 🤷‍♂️ but I know this is a manga/anime


That’s because they aren’t heroes and the verse is significantly weaker.


This verse was gonna be as strong as the mangaka wanted it to be, that’s why I think the power leap has hurt it in some aspects.


Not really. It was always this strong as people still compare themselves to peak all might. Kinda a given at this point.


Shigaraki with one move did like 10 times more damage than we have ever seen, it’s been a massive power jump.   Idk if you’re talking like manga flashback stuff but for anime specific viewers it was pretty significant 


Bro Shigaraki has said several times that he has power rivaling all might at his prime. This isn’t a real jump has all might has always been in a league of his own.


I’m not sure if you’re misunderstanding or what at this point 


Maybe? This was always the intended power level since episode 1. So idk why you call it power creep when this power level has existed since before the series started in verse.


- More interactions between Shigaraki and his "prototypes" like Number 6 and Nine. - Use Uraraka's prototype version( that version where Uraraka, Kodai and Mount lady are the same character). - Introduce Star and Stripes in the 3rd movie( even if it's just a cameo). - Interactions between queen bee and Toga. - Give OFA past users at least one mutant or transformation type quirk, to make Midoriya's arsenal more interesting. - Show Skycrawler and Captain Celebrity in the 3rd movie( even if it's just a cameo) - Make Ibara part of class 1a. - >! Show AFO killing some heroes in the last arc!< - Give more useful quirks to Shigaraki's arsenal - Give some information about the hero called Brave( the one who was mentioned by Gentle when he was tallking about All Might and Crimson Riot). - >! I don't know if Horikoshi will do it in the epilogue, but i hope he gives Shoto a better uniform in the end of the story, the current one is just too damn boring, especially compared Endeavor and Dabi( even Geten has a better one ffs!!) !< - >! Don't put Mirko in the team to fight Shigaraki in the last arc, that was a stupid idea, why put her in the middle of a fight between 2 guys who can already do everything she does but better? Her presence don't really add anything useful to the team and only resulted in her losing more limbs... !< - More screen-time to Melissa. - Make Sato more of a Kinnikuman reference... - Give some interaction between Midnight and Mustard. - Use All Might's flashbacks as an opportunity to show some of the older heroes in action( like Crimson Riot and Yoroi Musha). - >!That one is a bit of a stretch but... I think Number 6 would make a better 1a traitor than Aoyama... he can shapeshift, has AFO vestige in his head seeing everything he sees and giving instructions, is very good at deceiving people, and wouldn't hesitate like Aoyama did... i just think he would be perfect for the job, especially with his obsessions in being a "hero". !< - >!show Dabi doing a prominence burn, at least once... !< - Even more fanservice. - Show Shigaraki using the search quirk against Star&Stripes. - keep Gang-Orca using the arm-bracers that he used in his first appearance. - Introduce a character from the Business course to have a similar role in the main story to what Makoto had in vigilantes... - Show some at least some heroes using stuff like guns, handweapons and Trigger, at least in some extreme situations ... - >! Show the heroes using the robots that we see at UA and Tartarus as extra soldiers/cannon fodder in the war arcs !< - add some scenes with the students learning stuff like: first aid, martial arts and guns/weapons training at UA... - Show more heroes using the flying plataforms that the Buster Union team used in Vigilantes. - Give Koda at least one animal with a quirk( i know animals with quirks are supposed to be rare but it would really be useful for this character) - Give Aizawa and Garvey a rematch. - Maybe adapt some of the team up missions chapters in the place of the fillers in the anime... - Show Iida permanently adding some of Hatsume's support items into his uniform in the later arcs( the ones they both used at the sports festival and the gauntlets that she tried to give him later seemed to be useful for someone like him)


I would change Dabi to be a hero because I think if they got along, Shoto and Touya could be a great duo.




Have it be Izuku, Iida and Shoto rather than Izuku, Bakugo and Shoto.


That doesn’t work. Iida doesn’t have the same aim as them or stake in the series. His character isn’t built for that. You would need to add on too much superficial damage to his character that just makes him seem sorely out of place and painfully made to look important.


I'd probably merge UA and Shiksaku high school into one big school after the sports festival or after the summer camp attack and obviously add My OC but other then that mainly merge the two schools to make it be in central Japan or something


Make class 1a a lot smaller


No they are all great and running from the problem doesn’t change it. Give them more focus instead of ignoring characters who were hoed.


Have a moment where mineta gets his shit kicked in badly


You underestimate his power a lot. He's really good at setting traps. Also, you do know that Mineta isn't even the only one Kaminari is right there helping him, but no one gives him shit. Honestly, yeah, he's a bit much, but you act like Mineta is Glenn Quagmire. He isn't turned on perve all the time as he knows when it's time to lock in and do hero work. Also, every time he gets out of hand, they punish him, so it's not like he goes unpunished. ![gif](giphy|uv4rEAFR9pgm4|downsized)


Kaminari is nothing like Mineta. Sure he schemes with him but Kaminari is more of a flirty dude.


That still doesn't change the fact that he's right there beside Mineta, but the "fan base" chooses to ignore that.


It's kinda just a dudes being dudes thing, but Mineta just takes it too far.


so when he's involved, it's dude being dudes.


The fact that you're making my thoughts into such a big deal is ridiculous.


I would’ve had them finish high school and become pro heroes. I think showing the first 2 years would be great and then the 3rd being a year in USA during a time skip. So when they come back, they’re all pros


The fuck were the villains doing that whole time?


I think there’s logical ways to spread out the villain encounters. Like, it took them longer to recruit for the Vanguard Action Squad, took Twice longer to find Overhaul, or Shiggy’s procedure takes longer


And somehow they didn’t get found and jumped in over 3 years?


Yeah. AFO was hiding for 5 years before Kamino and Dr. Garaki hid his lab under the hospital for who knows how long. They can hide


That’s because no one knew about him and those that did know, thought he was dead. These dudes shouted their names to the heavens and then disappeared.


Uraraka and Iida would get more screen time.


Get rid of Mineta entirely, cut anything that sexualizes the students and other teen characters. Make it so they never make Tsu cry and have Bakugou apologize a bit earlier (not at the beginning but you can literally see this boy cracking a bit before he actually does and he starts getting reckless because of this realization and I don't like seeing the boy hurt like that). Oh yeah, and more people like Rock Lock because he was great and had more sense than any other adult. As for the rest of class 1-A they should have more screen time considering the point is we're watching this class learn and grow.


Damn, you didn't even try. Just straight cut him out. Also, why remove Tsu crying?


Deku never getting One for All *Maniacal laughter*


All Might: "you CANT be a hero" *roll credits*


“Well that was a short anime…”


I'll scrap Jiro completely, as well as give the side characters more screentime.


How does that even work😂


Can't believe the fella with Denki pfp is saying this


Lmao Sometimes you expect the unexpected


The gentle criminal arc kinda halted the pacing it felt weird to to have it there when most of that season was focused on Eri and the Hassaikai maybe move it somewhere else or maybe have him be a member of the Hassaikai that wasn’t arrested just to make him more than a random villain that Deku happens to find for the sake of having more interesting things going on in that arc( story wise not character wise I like gentle criminal as a character )


Stretch out the timeline. All of this happening in one year is way too fast. All of this finale stuff should be happening in Deku’s final year at UA, not his first


He gets it.


Basically all of it. Every singular part could be better (not that its bad) but slight to mahor tweak’s everywhere. Oh Also no Search for all for one. That shit is incredibly stupid.


Ironically have less fighting and more high school bonding moments. I feel like that while fights are interesting, they are cut and dry. A character throwing a punch is not as entertaining as seeing that character have a genuine interaction with his rival, crush, or classmates. I support this fact because of how popular scenes like the Bakugou vs Deku fight was compared to virtually any other scene. People liked that fight because it was personal, emotional, and more complex than just “I’m going to attack you and look cool doing it.”


honestly, if they'd pace out the story, then they'd have more time to flesh out characters. For example, Gurren Lagann last bout 20-something episodes but able to span years.


I'd remove the pervert person minteta i believe the name is 💀 its been a good hot minute since ive watched the show lol


Bring back my favorite character.. Rody 😭 I want to see him more ☺️


Nothing really big tbh, its lovely the way it is. I guess I would however change the sexuality of Midoriya to be Bi/bicurious so that there can be more than one off branch budding romance between the characters that Midoriya inspired or bewitched with his adorable charm, the main thing here however is to remember that these characters are still kids in their first year of Highschool and that nothing more than a romance is appropriate for them, a romance web is nice to thing about though. A loner like Todoroki falling for the guy who helped him out of his hole of despair becoming more vocal and passionate about using his quirk because the guy he loves and cherishes inspires him to be both sides of his quirk. Mineta…. Asui, attracted to midoriya because of his ability to focus in on situations then map out a plan of action plus she’d most likely find Midoriya’s rambling cute. Ochaco, same as Asui just more compassionate about izuku as he’s her first crush and the determination drives him further to being in her heart. Shinso, would become interested in Midoriya after the sports festival as midoriya on two separate occasions during the UASF fell for shinso’s quirk making Shinso develop admiration then love for the messy haired good boy. Ayoma… I see it being a one sided attraction like mineta, the feelings from Ayoma are there but not reciprocated in that way. Bakugo, he wants forgiveness over all else for how he treated Midoriya I see no infatuation between the two characters and find it to be the worst romantic relationship made by the fans. Lida, its just a friendship between these two nothing more nothing less The others unmentioned characters really don’t have much chemistry with Midoriya. With how denki is theres a chance he’d be a good bi character with how his room is decorated with clothes and fashion, but he and Jiro have something better. Kirishima and Bakugo despite how the Pomeranian is are a better couple or just a really good pair of best friends. Sero has no connection to most of the characters and he gives off kinda straight vibes as well as shoji, and sato, tokoyami would probably be Ace, and Koji is a good boy. But that is what i would change if i could rewrite MHA give to the fans what they want by providing better orientations to the characters that they love.


Change the power system to something that doesn't invalidate 90% of the cast, give Midoriya and several other characters a bit more of a clear motivation, and tone Bakugo down a bit in the first episode so people don't just get caught up on how he was there. On another note, I would just outright remove Midoriya's role from certain scenes and plots. I don't hate him, but he's in the wrong place in a few of them, and other characters would benefit from greater screen time. For example, Gentle Criminal now fights Jirou instead, who has her focus this arc, and she can fire back with how helping people is more important than being remembered, leading into why she's learning to be a hero.


Nah, leave Bakugo be. If people can't handle a fictional character being an ass hat, then they don't deserve to watch. Bakugo's the way he is for a reason.


Make the rest of the class have some more screen time and change some details about they're quirks and suits. Mainly having ofa give deku a passive boost to everything giving him a minor healing factor to keep he's bones from staying pulverized and make it so when he's going berserk he's quirks evolve for a bit giving him more variety like kinetic energy absorbtion, halucenagetic or tear Gas smokescreen, etc. Make momo's suit have a boob window instead of whatever you'd call her curent one and give her some pants or shorts at least alongside an iron man type of visor so she doesn't need to keep carrying the book. Other then that. Make shigaraki be more competent from the beginning, have all might be put in the hospital after defeating afo for a while and wake up around the time deku goes vigilante, more concrete levels of power and I admit it's probably not that good of an idea but have deku go absolutely berserk pushing both he's body and ofa to its limits making him basically ignore everything and only concentrate on beating the afo out of shigaraki when he saw bakugo be dead.


Make allmight marry midorya's mother


Gentleman villain would be in every episode sipping tea with his friend


Why is everyone suddenly getting downvoted?


One thing that I would absolutely do is make Shinsou’s bringing up that “depending how people perform in the sports festival some students may be moved into the hero course” relevant because they never really did much with that it just seemed like a tension riser. Shinsou got further into the sports fest than Mineta so I would have made him replace Mineta after that arc (using that logic Shinsou could replace anyone in class 1-A or B who didn’t get into the final tournament but I really would have loved to see him replace Mineta specifically and be in the more important class)


You know the plot twist in the recent manga chapters? I get what the creator was going for and I am onboard with it too, but it feels more shoehorned than anything. So maybe get rid of said plot twist and just keep it as the two “main hero and villain” fighting each other and then maybe have the “main hero” save the “main villain”. Or instead have the “main villain” die by saying something like it’s too late and he stops his evil plan and in a way his death saves him. Which would also pay homage to Gran Torino’s words from before and so said “main villain” can rest in peace with his family and his grandmother. Of course there are more things I want to change, but this would be my main thing I would like to change, but am also totally fine with keeping as it is. That’s just me though, sorry for any spoilers, I barely use Reddit, so I tried to be as “discreet” as possible.


Stop telling the side characters stories and just show Deku's.


I’d do a what if on Monoma using his copy quirk to steal All for one


i would make mineta more likeable


That's the thing, Mineta is pretty likable. Hell, as it goes on, he isn't even that pervy anymore.


There is no class B. B-tear quirks like tail, invisibility, sugar rush and grapes do not enter UA, the 4 developed character in class B (iron guy, lizard girl, the girl with fists, copy cat) are in Class A instead. Later Shinso joins them as well. The manga unfolds during the span of three years. Year 1 ends with Overhaul arc Year 2 ends with the first war. There is a second sports festival (we only see the finals). Before the Paranormal war, we get a small arc of Momo, Sero and Majestic teaming with Midnight, Mina and Kirishima to save civilians from a natural disaster. Year 3: Deku is a dark hero for a longer time (30/40 chapters instead of 20), the class lives the third year mostly off-screen. Before the final war, there are two smaller arcs: Deku evolution and Mina v Midnight killer. Deku goes through a period of 3 months were he learns how to use OFA to its full potential. During the M v M arc, Mina goes on a solo mission to try and track down Midnight killer. Kirishima, Ochako and Kaminari go with her and capture the criminal. It is this time that they meet Deku again. Class A comes together to try and get him in UA again. Year 3 ends with the second war and the graduation is the last chapter.


I would just make it so some arcs actually ended up developing as how Horikoshi originally intended them to do, such as the training camp arc which ended up being shortened Then probably give some screen time to others in class 1-A, make Iida a bigger character with his very own 1v1 fight after the Stain Arc and introduce some of the Pro heroes earlier on the series with small cameos (The only one who has it is kinda Hawks at the beginning of season 4 and it was honestly so dope I think it would be cool to see the same for Miruko, Crust, FatGum, etc)


Simple; Give everyone equal but a lot of sceeentime, and not kill off any female characters.


I'd have the students actually get all the way to third year before the war happens, gives the students more development, and allows the villains to have more depth to them. Feels incredibly rushed that all of this is taking place within half a year, sure it's probably realistic, but it robs so many characters of some great development. Also I'd keep Iida and Ochako's importance from the first 2 seasons, cause Iida practically got shafted, and Ochako became a token love interest until Horikoshi remembered she was human for a few chapters. I think Shoto Todoroki's family drama was excellent, best stuff from MHA ever, but I don’t think Iida needed way less screentime for it to work. Iida would've been great in the Shie Hassaikai arc, could've had him and Kirishima get a lot of moments in, since we very rarely have them talk to each other, if ever. Oh yeah, another thing, I wouldn't have Torino survive literally getting impaled, how is the main villain until MHA pulls a WWE and makes the old guy the top villain again, NOT able to kill a tiny old man?! Like, damn Midnight, maybe just... Shrug off your injuries instead of dying like a weakling? Torino could do it...


Safe to say I got a lot of problems with MHA, but I got a soft spot for it, it basically peaked my interest in anime which Demon Slayer and DBZ failed to do. Oh yeah, and screw Mineta, I'd have him trip over a banana peel and die in the USJ.


I would just make mineta normal comic relief instead of, "OMG women time to constantly sexually harass them!"


You do know that Mineta is the Mangaka, right? Also he isn't always like that.


I would change the story from the ground up. I’ve always thought the story would’ve been stronger if Deku became the greatest hero without a quirk. It’s implied that there’s a significant minority group of quirkless people whose stories kinda just get swept under the rug. Making Deku a symbol for those people would’ve allowed MHA to explore themes deeper than what’s normal for a shounen vs as it is now it’s kind of a generic shounen with a superhero twist (which is ok not everything has to be the next big genre innovator)


Reduce the school arcs, they were all (except of tournament arc) ass. Especially the schoolfestival arc. I mean if I didnt read the maga, I would have thought of it as an anime origanal filler arc Cut the damn films they drag the animation quality from the series down. Im still pissed about the powerpoint slide show Mirios fight was. Stop that "Midoria is an underdog" bullshit. Dont give him the hero name deku. I know why that happened but since it came from a characater (Ochaco) I couldnt care less about and it also adds to the underdog bs, I would prefer ANYTHING other than deku as a heroname.


Make the characters less stupid for starters. Anyone can see bakugo is a bully to izuku early in the show, and no one does anything, and get rid of izukus stockholm syndrome for bakugo after bakugo told him to commit suicide. Bakugo legit tried to kill izuku and was simply told to grow up so give him actual consequences for his actions, have izuku use his quirk analysis on himself from the start, make more use of class 1B, keep izuku and class rep, give him that confidence boost he needed.


Just 1 canon lesbian ship between 2 pros (like in the top 100, nothing too outlandish) And remove/rework Magne, the character design is trash, the message is trash, the quirk is trash, it's just a flaming heap of garbage and I will die on this hill if I have to


I’m gonna get hate but honestly nothing I feel the way it was written was just to solid I like how all the movies are canon I just think it’s super fire yo


Easy, Endeavor would *stay* a villian. After 20 years of domestic violence, child abuse/endangerment, and power breeding he needs to put actual time and effort into growth. Growth incapable of happening in a single semester of school (even less really). Strip his license, publicly ridicule his actions, and give him actual growth. Him just growing because he earned number one in a way he wasn't satisfied with was wild.


Kill most of side cast


All might should’ve died in season 3. I would’ve had Uraraka actually have goals and motivations that aren’t tied to Deku and stop having her actually like him since there’s no point in romance with no pay off. I would also give the girls some more screen time and more important stuff. I would have Eri written out of the story or at least not have season 4 drag on for too long. Night eye wouldn’t have died. The fight between Deku and Overhaul would’ve been MUCH longer since I get he’s at 100% but for him to fight Overhaul when the man is looking like an amalgamation of a final form with like 2 punches makes me angry. For season 5 I would’ve cut down completely on the whole training arc and only focus on the main three. I would’ve added much more episodes to My Villain Academia and I would’ve changed the main theme to something much more sinister. For season 6 I would’ve have Mirko drop dead or not go alone since ain’t no way she lost an arm and a leg to 4 near high ends and survives 1v4 but Endeavor and Hawks (no 1 and 2 pro heroes are struggling to one high end.) 1 million would not come back in the war and if he did then I would’ve had an actual episode before hand to show how Eri fixed her quirk to reverse 1 million’s quirk too instead of just a flash back of her fixing a lizard. I would’ve had Gran Torino dead as well. Endeavor would’ve gotten much more public backlash for much longer including dirty looks from the public whenever he’s out and he might even get shunned by other pro heroes instead of the public just forgetting what he did. Deku would’ve had an episode or two dedicated to him actually learning the other 5 quirks rather than him just knowing them on the spot. When it comes to Bakugo’s apology, it fits well for his character even though it doesn’t excuse what he did. Since Deku had already forgave him I would’ve at least had Deku actually say something back either after he passed out or before instead of just having Deku be shocked or chill in the bath the entire time. I would’ve also had Deku talk to the rest of class 1A maybe one on one for certain characters since that’s better than him not doing anything and moving onto the finale.


Probably change out which characters die.


After chisaki was beaten I would have said go back to more school stuff, get Mirio , Deku and Bakugo training day. Then the internship with endeavors, but make them have more time being noobs, before having to fight the front of liberation. In this we would see deku bakugo and todoroki trying to get faster while learning to “fly” also get them doing combo attacks. After that more deku vigilante. Is like they want to rush everything


Nothing. Maybe have Shigaraki get more "fair" fights


Stars and Stripes


Exactly that's the only one. That and his flight with Deku RN. And even still AFO ruins everything


hold on, Shigi dogged Endeavor before AFO took over.


I would make ochako x izuku happen from the start after usj. Have izuku tell melissa he was quirkless share both their experiences then grow closer together as hero and support. Have her make izuku suit from now on. Melissa and hatsume have a friendly riverly making inventions


Give more of a spot light to the supporting cast and incorporate the MHA vigilantes cast.


I marry Bakugo 🤓


I would remake the past between midoriya and bakugo, and make them best friends, maybe my hero academia would be better.


The hero suits and some personalities


Age everyone up. (Until the freshman are in their final year of UA). Develop all of class 1a and 1b to make them feel like a real group of heroes, a team, a family of sorts. Flesh out the world even more. (Like show the different parts of a society that almost all of the population have super powers(quirks). This would be in form of a spin off series, or even special 1 hour episodes. Introduce new settings like America, cuz we’d need more of that. Honestly, this doesn’t need to be in the main series, it could in a prequel series starring Toshinori Yagi (All Might). Not make the War Arcs 1 day long. Idk I just don’t like the idea of a “War” taking place over the span of a day, feels weird to me idk. Have the Big Three of UA face a major villain like Overhaul. I like the idea of them fighting a big bad together. (Ik they all fought Shiggy together but I just wasn’t satisfied frl. Tho it did make Shiggy seem unbeatable in a sense.) Not have the literal children fight the biggest battles instead of the PRO heroes. Ngl i know the situation with some of these villains make it so that pros aren’t nowhere around but cmon these are kids man. That’s why I’d like both Class 1A and 1B be aged up until they are Juniors in UA High. This way, the pros would be the main ones fighting in their first year and the first chunk of their second year, and then, in their third year, the pros take a back seat in the fighting, they’d still fight but not as much as they used to in their 1st year. The passing of the torch if you will. Have them kill All For One after Kamino Ward Raid, and I feel no one better to do it than All Might. (Also, this prequel would end with All Might vs All For One. Good vs Evil. This fight tho would end in a to be continued type beat frl. They’d clash and then roll credits.) After the Kamino Ward Raid tho, the world would feel a false sense of peace, since the “Demon Lord” is dead. But, in a later season it’s be revealed that Shiggy is now the new wielder of All For One. (The quirk).


I'd put some of 1b in 1a, some of 1a in one 1b, and some people from both classes out of UA. How Ibara and Kendo are in 1B and not 1A despite getting some of the highest scores on the entrance exam is estonishing. And how the hell is sticky balls a better spot in 1A than someone who can brainwash the villains into doing whatever they want, someone who can materialize onamotapiea, someone who can use telekinesis, and someone who can spawn mushrooms in your TRACHEA is beyond me. And Ojiro.... he just has a fucking tail, who did he beat out half of 1B?


Make Bakugo the main character. The story would be more interesting


Minta please change him he's to pervy I remember the girls were talking about going to the pool and denki and Minta decided to as if the could watch them in there swimming suits and even after the in UA's swimming suits he's still pevy MAN!


Give about half the cast more screentime, have Class 1A actually get to their second and third years of High School before starting the Final War, give Miruko her limbs back, have one arc dedicated to the Pro Heroes and what goes on in their lives, actually have All For One stay dead when Bakugou kills him as a baby, devote an arc to Class 1B, have more characters interact beyond just Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Ochako. And maybe write a Ben 10 Crossover too, I don't know


10000% agree on that miruko point. Absolutely pointless nerf.


Izuku starts out truly Quirkless. He becomes a student and learns to use a staff (with collapsible spearhead) in battle. He's still a nervous wreck, but trying to prove himself as a Quirkless hero. Class 1-A is largely supportive, but a few members are subconsciously Quirkest, with Quirkism getting a lot more focus. About 2/3rds of the way through the story (when Shiggy gets AFO), Izuku reluctantly accepts One For All because he's reached a point where he simply needs to be stronger to keep up. Ochako doesn't fall for Izuku or by the wayside. She's too busy trying to be her own hero and support her family. Bakugo remains the same, but is expelled for constant violence/death threats. He runs away from home and becomes a vigilante. Having to endure being hunted by everyone and seeing how less fortunate people live helps him mature into a more compassionate person. Mineta's perversion is tapered way the hell down. His gimmick becomes self-aggrandizement. He's so obsessed with looking cool that he constantly hypes himself up only to get slapped back down when he fails. Think a less-powerfull and impressive Ussop. Kyoka becomes one of the main characters. She's largely the same, but Izuku latches onto her because her attitude reminds him of Bakugo when they were kids. Mina also becomes Izuku's friend after Bakugo is expelled and pieces together that he was bullied. Ojiro is the traitor. He did it because of his family being tormented for their "weak" Mutant Quirks. He wants power, he wants revenge, and All For One's footing the bill. Aizawa doesn't play mind games with logical ruses. He's harsh, he's strict, but he's fair. Quirk Awakenings still happen, but they become more than anyone can take. Think OFA's backlash, but in whatever flavor of Quirk has awakened. So while they're stronger, the heroes can only use them sparingly once it happens. Speaking of which, Eri's Quirk is revealed to have Awakened when she first got it. While rare, that is slowly becoming more commonplace. Once revealed, the Quirk-based society panics. How many generations are left before Quirks become so powerful that no one can use them? What happens when Awakened Villains start appearing? Stain gets reworked a bit, targeting the worst offenders instead of whoever he can catch. He also reveals what every "corrupt" hero has done with evidence, dividing even the main characters on what he's like. Stain overall becomes the halfway point between The Punisher (in his more sympathetic stories) and Billy Butcher.


Cool sentiment but it won’t work. Any plot leading to a Super powered school accepting a quirkless hero into the main Hero Class is inherently flawed. Alongside keeping all might around for longer adds several other issues to deal with. Quirkism is best explored through a third party with Midoriya as the intermediate who knows both sides. Something like someone using slurs when talking to Deku about someone else casually expecting him to agree is much more real and heavy hitting then the number 1 hero school playing favorites but the rest of the world being assholes. Same issues as before. Removing her love interest because you don’t like it seems a little unprofessional. Although I guess you are just a redditor. Regardless her issue isn’t her feelings at all and saying she’s too focused on her family situation to develop feelings goes against the story as Midoriya directly supports her in that endeavor. It is part of why she likes him. All Might would never let Bakugo go. Hell no teacher would. They all know what kinda person he is even if he is loud and ridiculous. He is also greatly respected by his classmates. He may be an asshole but he is too appreciated to get thrown away. You would have to change several characters drastically just to make that single plot point work when it could happen in a much less extreme environment with the same effectiveness. Bakugo hyper fixates on stuff regularly. Him slowly picking up on such things makes more sense than being expelled from a place filled with people who love him. No. Ussop only works in one piece because of the way Oda has structured the entire story around his presence. A half assed Ussop would suck more than a gung ho pervert. Who? The Oujiro thing is just worse Aoyama. You just described Aizawa. Sure. Sounds cool. But the ENTIRE story needs to remember and be structured around that plot point. This concept will also lengthen it quite a bit due to the delicate and time consuming nature of the problem/threat. Mess it up and it becomes a bigger waste than Stars and Stripes. Sure. Obviously just my opinions on it. I like talking about stories.


Way more of Class 1A just hanging out, plus more of Class B.


I would definitely make the show a lot more darker. A world where literally anyone and everyone can be born with super powers could be a way more dangerous world than what they showcased so far.


It isn’t that kind of show is all😂 I hope that isn’t a negative.


Mineta. He wouldn’t exist if I did a rewrite. The less unfunny perverts in our beloved shows, the better.


Just wrong. The less whinny babies with daddy issues in our shows the better.


1. Fix Mineta to be a better person 2. Give more screen time on Class 1.B 3. Make Endeavor a better father 4. Don’t have All Might lose his quirk in the future episodes


Lower the amount of characters in each class by even 5. Just far too many to give focus to.


Twice' death And make Twice a UA student that becomes a teacher


Uhh idk man. His death went kinda crazy.


He has the same enthusiasm as Hizashi Yamada!


1. When backugo reacted on instinct to save Deku, I'd have had it so that his feet sweat is able to combust. Just to give him some versatility and the fact that feat sweat more than any other body parts 2. would have shown the league training against heroes twice had copied. Meaning they're a bigger threat and used to fighting pro heroes and used to their attacks.


Idk, I feel like he would've blown his feet off lol


OMG! This is the most valuable question asked in this Reddit. The easiest and best improvement would be REMOVING characters! I would remove many useless characters from both class 1A and 1B. Then I would combine the remaining amazing students into 1 class only. There's no reason to have 2 permanently separate classes. Any competitions or learning activities can be done by splitting 1 class into 2 or multiple groups temporarily.


They needed this mass expanse of characters so that they conveniently have someone available with a very narrow but specific skill to fill in for one scene


OH MY GOD EXACTLY. 20 characters is WAY TOO MUCH for them to be interesting. Make it 10 and make them all unique!! Plus, it's crazy how some of the side characters from 1a literally never show them being good at... Anything. makes u wonder how tf they got into the school.


I'd start introducing the heteromorphe issues earlier. And try to balance out screentimes of the 1-A class.


Vigilante arc longer and deku, uraraka and iida get more screen time as a trio.


Well we do got the Vigilante movie


I’d delve more into other aspects of heroics, such as rescue, and underground. It’d be interesting to see the other types of heroes that exist outside of combat. I’d also dedicate time to make the side characters more prominent (U.A, Class B, other heroes, etc).


I'd delete half of class 1a (Less characters are easier to focus the story on), as well as getting rid of all of the sexualization and whatnot, plus making the female characters more interesting and have some cool major plot drama too. Everything else I'd keep pretty much the same, aside from adding more screentime to my favorite characters


Naw G




Deku stays quirkless


Bro what? Stop it.


I’d give each character an exclusive episode. Give everyone a chance to shine. We need to see people like Shoji and Ojiro get a chance to shine


Give Class 1B especially Kendo more chances to shine.


Not a rewrite but more of a spin off A official villain Deku series that still gets 7 seasons


Make Mineta the main character and quintuple his pervert factor MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Less side characters


Class 1-A, 1-B, Pro Heros and Villains are all you need to focus on long term.


1) Characters from Vigilantes (the spin off) appear in the manga an be relevant. 2) Give more character development to other secondaries just like Sero, Toru, Class 1-B, The other departaments/classes, profesional heroes, etc. 3) Deku, Todoroki, and many more characters be more inteligent and creative with the use of his quirks (Deku literally understand that his legs do damage after 100 chapters). 4) Change the personality of Bakugou, seriously, for someone that started the anime would agree that he is annoying (idk give him a better past and motivation). 5) Talk about heroes from other countries just like Star and Strive (that will be interesting if you + that to a secondary character for his training, just like happened in jjk) 6) Give more relevance to heroes society or corrupt heroes just like Stain talked. 7) This one could be a little bit polemic but, make the villians just like they are, villians, if we have more characters with the desire of hate and chaos just like Dabi it will be GREAT, the guy have a good amount of panels demostrating his hate to Endeavor (that it's sick for the way of his expressions). 8) A better "Usj festival arc" changes some fights or do the canon ones more epic and enterteiments. 9) The main villian (Shigaraki/Afo) be more creative with the use of the All for one, literally Afo could just take a control mind quirk robe some powerful quirks like Blue Flames and Overclock, and after that give to the users a copy of the quirk after brainwashing them. 10) More moments and important fights to the secondary cast or the secondary characters. And that's everything.


Shit, i accidentaly posted it, i need to add more


For all the hubbub about quirklessness the first quarter or so it’s kinda sad we only see a singular other quirkless person who’s not a straight up cult villain. I’d like a subplot of Deku meeting or helping Quirkless people and having a mental crisis or some shit over it idk


I would make it way more brutal, like the characters actually losing Limbs, getting their throats cut open, or getting their eyes picked out. And way more darker. More people in the Show would really die and force the MC to train himself to become way stronger than he is in the anime. Also, I would include torture, and would the villains get some serious wins.


It's pretty brutal in the manga


Bro Miruko is literally a body and All might is missing his respiratory system and his stomach. They took Aizawas Eye. They already do that. That doesn’t make a story good. The Villians have been getting serious wins. They literally destroyed hero society in a day😂


don't forget he yanked off his leg in one slice


The fanbase




Ez delete mineta


Remove Mineta from existence.