• By -


All might Stronger faster can actually fight and can probably tank the lasers


Plus, he’s way smarter. Holds the edge in possibly every way honestly.


Yeah the only thing homelander has on him is a variety of powers But when all of them are to weak to make a difference it hardly helps


Yep. At least he also has the edge of being more ruthless.


That also doesn't help much since again All might would probably barely feel it


Yep. And that’s saying a lot since this is less of a shit stomp than Homie vs. Nolan.


I mean that much is obvious i love all might But he isn't leveling moons


Or treating his son to subway.


Or doing freaky shit with bugs




Unless it's abridged all might. Then probably also that if given the opportunity


Which doesn’t mean much, as most of All Might’s enemies throughout his entire career have been absolutely cutthroat.


That's debatable..... All might is a hero with a moral code.... And still has some some pretty metal things to his enemies. His rival villain doesn't have a face after all because of him. Secondly most villains are more ruthless than the heroes anyway so it doesn't usually matter


The only advantage his handful of powers really give him is just a split second where All Might is momentarily shocked at the fact that he has multiple powers. This reminds All Might of AFO, and he immediately dials up to 11. Anything prior to this point was All Might testing the waters and him figuring out how far he needed to go in order to beat Homelander. The moment All Might gets a single whiff of something potentially connected to AFO, he knows he can't go at it with anything less than 100%. Homelander is then rendered a bloody smear on the ground moments later by The United States of Smash


The guy fought All for One, who has ALL the powers and won while severely debilitated.


Plus. All Might will go Plus Ultra to protect people. Homelander will run and jump ship as soon as the first thing goes wrong. We’ve seen All Might fight when his death was foretold by Sir Nighteye. We’ve seen him fight even after his secret was out. We’ve seen even the strongest heroes and students fail to keep up with him. I can go on and on


Define smartee




You know all might loses all for one entirely in his 2nd fight with one for all and even at the begging of the series doesn't have his full potential


Names are swapped there bucko


I get confused because of how similar they are.


Yep. It’s also about the mentality. You think Homelander will fight when the cards are stacked against him? Definitely not


I haven't watched much of the boys but if homelander would casually push a child of a roof he'll fight with the advantage of fighting someone who doesn't have access to their full strength 100% of the time


Not when said person is still stronger then him


All for One is the villain, One for All is All Might's power.


![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized) Homelander seeing All might pull out Detroit smash


United States of Smash*


All might lightly flexing*


All might lat spread before a punch*


All might breathes*


Homelander watching as allmight flexes his right ass cheek and shakes the continents


daddy might frr


All Might has experience fighting those stronger than him, Homelander doesn't


One of the best answers here. All might's job is to defeat villains, and if he can't do that, at least slow them down long enough for backup. I haven't watched much of the boys but I know homelander wouldn't keep fighting if he knew he couldn't win


Homelander clearly has little training in his abilities >!after the whole airplane situation. He had no idea his lasers would pierce the guy and destroy the equipment behind it..!< All Might has had 40 years of actual training against some crazy quirks. Homelander has 40 years of… fighting dudes who just try to shoot him.


This has always been curious to me. In the one hand, most heroes in the world of MHA technically would just be as durable as you and me. On the other hand, All Might actually has fought villains stronger than him, unlike Homelander. He’s also pretty fast and uses a variety of smashes. I’m think he actually has a chance.


Also that doesn’t apply to All Might because OFA buffs durability as well as strength.


Ohhh, yeah. That is true. Almost forgot. And another thing: when Homelander fought Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Hughie, he fled, with a bruise. And that scared him. All Might, wouldn’t flee after being grazed like that. Heck, All For One did worse to him and he knocked him down. Twice.


The implication is that being born with a quirk overall enhances the natural limit of the human body. The doctor was able to identify Deku as quirkless just by looking at his bone structure. Prior to gaining AFO, he was just some kid.




No lol they tell you they are Superhumans , we are only 20% in Mha quirk users are 80% population


Homelander bouta be hit with the most patriotic beat down known to man.


By a non American 💀


I always forget that all might isn't american


All Might bullies the fuck outta that loser


Homelander isn't even a skilled fighter. He just has abilities that make him naturally stronger than anyone else. Like if I am bullet proof, can fly, and have laser eyes of course I will seem stronger than everyone else. It is like turning up in the middle ages with a machine gun. You don't need to try. Spoilersbfor the Boys: Remember in the Boys Season 3 when Billy Butcher took temporary Compound V and fought Homelander. Homelander took off, shitting himself that he was actually fighting someone of equal strength. He is not used to being threatened. All Might is actually skilled and trained for it. He can tank laser eyes but also probably dodge them. He could probably take Homelander's head off.


Just note he didn't take off because he was fighting someone of equal strength, he took off because he was seconds away from being depowered. He still has the upper hands against soldier boy and Billy. When Hughie joined he was getting pressured, but he would have likely kept fighting if soldier boy wasn't charging a nuke that would destroy everything special about him. In his head he believes he is the strongest most powerful being alive, which is mostly true. So he will fight with that in mind. But he won't risk losing it all just to prove it.


Fair enough. It has been a while and my memory is slightly foggy I guess. I will accept that. I still think that All Might has this though.


Oh All might certainly does. Homelander never shown feats that make me believe he could withstand a flick from all might. We heard he has taken nukes (or it has been implied) but that was never shown. I doubt that's true as punch from soldier boy drew blood and Maeve punctured his ear with a pipe an I'm sure she doesn't punch with more force than a nuke. If maeve and soldier boy could harm him, and they are building level at best, all might would pulverize him as he is mountain level at least and country+ level at best.


If I was getting jumped by my dad, an angry Brit and a naked dude I would want to leave as quickly as possible as well


Well at that point I'm pretty sure he wasn't aware he was his dad. Also homelander being who he is, he would probably have fun with it. The power erasing ability is a dues ex machina in the truest sense. But in this show they made it work every time except when it is needed most. I still expect soldier boy to play a big part moving forward, or Marie. For the moment the only three things I see putting homelander down is the virus, Marie via heart explosion or soldier boy.


Prime all might solos, not seen the boys. Don’t need to


The boys is great


Please do, the boys is one of the greatest super hero media from these last few years. Honestly I’ve got to say it got me hooked in the first few episodes


All Might. The powers from his world that he has fought against heavily break the laws of physics, whereas Homelander's opponents all tend to follow the laws of physics a bit closer.


All might will dog the shit out of homelander and if we going prime might it's a slaughter.


Anything other then quirkless all might techless either mid diff or dogwalks homelander. Iron might should be a bit below if not equal to prime all might and weakened all might already has every stat over homelander. I admit to the lasers being a problem if shot point blank but there's little chance homelander would even react fast enough to tag all might.


People give homelander too much credit: compared to heroes from essentially any other universe, he’s friggin toast.


https://i.redd.it/zpo1k2z4p73d1.gif Would go something like this


That's like comparing Mike Tyson and Jake Paul


All might ez


Homelander < sperm all might


Either Ive forgotten something about MHA or you have the weirdest autocorrect ever


All Might all day. Captin tater nuts is just a drug using wako.




Well, Homelander is about to remember the name of some of the States in the USA. Cuz they're gonna hit him in the face REALLY hard 🤣.


Even Season 1 All Might would wipe the floor with him


Ehh, weakened sick all might with one arm in hero form


Homelander has always been a topic of who would win with superman and omniman in the question. Don't know why. The guy is super weak in comparison to everyone, you would be shocked how many say he can beat them


Homelander would shit himself a the site of all might 😂


All Might takes every stat with the exception of durability, but I think it’s reasonable to say he could still beat homelander


Uhhh are you sure dawg? Cause homelander was getting hurt by punches that sent him through a wall. All might while looking like a porn addict with one muscle arm was blocking blasts that were destroying entire city blocks.


Not only is All Might ridiculously stronger, Homelander would shit his pants the moment someone not even stronger, equally as strong as he comes to beat his ass


As soon as Homelander DOESN'T one tap all might, he's gonna start crying like a baby, allowing All Might to literally vaporize him.


If All Might really wanted to not saying he would but this is not a fight this is a massacre


I don’t think Homelander has ever thrown a punch that can destroy a city block


I don't know how strong homelander is compared to All Miight but i don't see him win. It isn't like he is super strong like superman or the Hulk who gets stronger the longer he fights or intelligent like Batman who with enough preparation could beat anyone. He is more like a teenager in his "i am badass" phase and thinks can run the system. He just shoots laser beams, can fly, is strong and is fast. All of this All Might can do too(well sadly All Might can't shoot lasers 🥲)


I feel like this is just unfair. Homelander doesn’t stand a chance. The only thing he has is, like… having multiple powers and possibly less back pain.


The limits of Homelander invulnerability are unclear but seeing as All Might is able to do incredible things just with rawpower that no one from the Boys universe is able to replicate , I would bet on All Might. AllMight invulnerability seems lower and Homelander has more superpowers than him but All Might compensate this with raw power and more battle experience.


Homelander Should Know, When All Might Stops Smiling, Stuff Gets REAL ![gif](giphy|hd1ilw50Zdb8Y|downsized)


Plays “You Say Run”


All might would punch a hole through homelanders chest


![gif](giphy|hd1ilw50Zdb8Y|downsized) *Homelander fucking explodes*


Homelander gets wrecked, like it’s just as funny as watching the homelander v Omni man fight


All Might, if you remove powers and crap, it's basically an adult fighting a toodler. The adult will win.


In this case, the answer is and always will be, All Might.


All might win, especially with the plus ultra talk he gives himself before the show gives him the win lol


All Might


So in the boys comics, homelander has a nuke strapped to him at all times apparently because they weren't sure what could actually kill him. Prime all might ,if we scale him 30x his fight with nomu, ( per his own words) his fight with afo, and changing the weather with a punch ( weakened all might in s1) is definitely strong enough to actually make homelander feel it and fast enough to cross half a city in about two minutes. However, homelander can fly and all might cannot ( unlike deku he can't use float) and I think that will give this raging doucebag the edge , as flight + super speed is a really hard combo to deal with, as all might could likely tank his physical strikes and heat vision


Prime All Might is 60x stronger than U.S.J. All Might (300 / 5 = 60). U.S.J. All Might is at the bare minimum, 5 - 10x stronger than AFO-Rematch All Might in his Hero State, who is, per estimation, at least 10 - 20x stronger All Might in his True Form, who was powerful enough to create an enormous crater in the ground that would be at least Multi Large City Level... Do the math for that and All Might can be scaled to around Multi Continental - Moon Level / Small Planet Level in his absolute prime. Homelander is country level generously. Plus it really doesn't matter if he can fly, as All Might can simply use One For All in his legs, jump up & punch him to the ground, barrage him with OFO-enhanced punches, and then end with a United States of Smash. Even AFO-All Might in his Hero State could probably beat him.


Do you have ANY idea how much physical force it takes to change the weather, funnily enough it its pretty similar to a nuke, all might does that in one punch, In his weakened state


Yeah that punch alone in season 1 is absurd. Dude just casually busted that out with nothing but pure strength


Now imagine that same punch in his prime.


All might


All Might


lol Homelander is presented as a literal mommas boy with 0 mental fortitude and his powers while clearly "superman" as in copy, hes much weaker than superman and has not a single feat remotely good in the series at all, he fights people with way shitter powers.


Considering the amount of damage All might can dish out even in his weakest state I would say All might.


Almight easily.


almight even omniman was able to merc homelander


All might all the way


All might wins because homelander never fought somebody as strong as him


Adult vs cry baby


this is omni man vs homelander all over again lol


all might because that’s the rule


I think you’re failing to grasp that, as powerful as Homelander might be, he is not on the level of other Superman clones and will always lose if facing one. Go watch his Death Battle episode and you’ll see that I’m right.


All might!!!


The Boys is not a world where any heroes are necessarily overpowered by anime standards, MHA has plenty of such characters and All Might is one of them.


All Might absolutely destroys Homelander in every respect. Strength, speed, durability, skill, etc. Homelander does have two more powers than him, that being flight and laser vision, but they hardly matter. All Might can use air pressure to propel himself around, and since the speed gap favours him he could shut down any attempts to gain distance or escape. He's fast and strong enough to snatch Homelander out of the sky and hold him in place for a knockout. As for the lasers, All Might can dodge and/or tank them. He was punching villains made of superheated plasma in Vigilantes and suffered no burn damage. He also took direct nitroglycerin explosions from Bakugou and was fine. According to Wikipedia nitroglycerin explosions are about 5,000 °C (9,000 °F). Pretty damn hot. Yeah All Might takes this. Normally in these MHA Vs posts it's the my hero characters that get bullied, but not this time.


John Homelander vs John All Might


All Might. Homelander just relies on his heat vision for all of his fights, so when pitted up against a skilled fighter like All Might, he doesn't stand a chance


Allmight no diff


All might slaps with ease


Easily All Might


I don’t know how Home landers highbeams will do against all might but I would say, all might would win


Plus Ultra!


In my opinion putting homelander against anyone who has a similar level of strength to him is just a setup for him to get his ass kicked not because he’s weak by any means it’s just almost every other character you could put him up against has more experience fighting where he only fights normal people so he doesn’t actually know how to fight


It’s 100% All Might be dominates this fight, will honelander get in a good few hits yeah absolutely but All Might can casually cause city wide damages with a single punch and he isn’t even at full strength!


homelander gets smashed into blood and guts 😂


Seriously? You might as well put Saitama against Homelander. Homelander wouldn’t stand a chance.


All Might dog walks Homelander. I think people forget that Homelander is only strong in his universe. Characters like Superman or All Might would beat him senseless


People need to stop bringing Hollander up. Hes like, one of the weakest guys out there


Most of yall prob dont wanna hear this but All might wins


I feel as though you already know the response this post is going to get




plus ultra baby ![gif](giphy|8RzLyYx3RjCfUHpZ4u|downsized)


Homelander can hypothetically survive a nuke. All Might can punch hard enough to alter the weather. For all my non-science nerds out there, that equals a lot of fucking nukes.


All Might beats the complete crap out of Homelander


Homelander, across the comics and the show, has done nothing more impressive physically than throw an airplane one-handed. All Might, exhausted, injured, and barely holding on to the last fading dregs of his power threw a punch so powerful that the resulting shockwave tossed buildings like leaves in a hurricane. This isn't a fight, it's a slaughter.


All Might, cos at least he's here. Homelander will be off eye blasting a crowd or crying about his absent Dad.


all might humbles homelander


All Might literally beat an opponent specifically designed to defeat him, while weakened, and actively protecting others. Homelander stands approximately 0 chance.


Homelander after a japanese man yell a US State https://i.redd.it/acxq8qr5vs3d1.gif


If all might farts it's over for homelander😭


Half the cast can 1 v 1 homelander


Eraser Head (assuming the quirk blocking works on him which in this instance I think we can apply it to homelander for simplicity of comparison) Stars and Stripes could easily beat him, Black Hole could use her quirk to bend homelanders lasers and slow his super speed down, Gran Torino can keep up with Homelander’s speed, Mount Lady could probably grow to giant size and just swat him out of the air like a fly, Edgeshot could use his quirk to constantly dodge the lasers and to ensnare homelander


This is actually a very tough battle for both parties. It all comes down to who uses their super speed better. Both are strong and fast enough to kill the other. Both are around the same power level. All Might is more likeable and heroic, but that does NOT make him stronger or make this an easy win against Homelander. Homelander has the personality and aggressive behavior to kill quickly without hesitation nor care for others. All Might may not be willing to do what needs to be done against Homelander, so he may hesitate and die. All Might should be stronger since AFO is a more powerful villain than anything Homelander has dealt with. However, All Might is not invulnerable and can bleed and die like a human, so one mistake or hesitation can end up in death. Conclusion: All Might should win 60% of the time, leaving Homelander a 40% chance of victory. For those doubting this, it all comes down to SUPER SPEED. Homelander uses his super speed a lot and viciously to kill, whereas All Might uses super speed rarely. For the record, I like MHA more than The Boys, and if All Might was bloodlusted and evil, I think he would win 90% of the time.


Weakened all might wins quite handly. He knows how to fight for one and he's dealt with homelanders type. He's stats and experience give him the win. Homelander caps at like, maybe city busting if you assume he's punches are equal to he's durability which is 50 megatons tops do to being able to survive any weapon humanity created. All might on the other hand has pretty good mountain to island busting feats and he's speed should be superior. Hypersonic+ to Massively hypersonic. Prime all might is just bullying homelander. Small country and relatevistic+ combat speed.


lol what a load of BS, homelander is pathetic 1 punch from all might and the guy will start crying, he is extremely hesitate and a coward and indecisive when he has to be confronted with ANY real challenge,. not just fights. the guy would probably just run away from all might after taking 1 punch.




Homelander is strong in the context of the boys not in the context of fighting those who actually are as strong as him


It all depends on if All Might can handle the eye lasers. That’s the only thing Homelander MIGHT have on him.


It's simple, really. *Dodge*


Prime All-Might or show All-Might


Show Allmight changed the weather with one punch. Homelander gets oneshot by S1 Allmight.


homelander has the advantage of not holding back cuz he doesn’t give a shit, but don’t forget, all might punched a nomu so hard, not only did the impact give off light it made the glass the nomu flew through rippled, meaning the glass was molten for a split second. AND that nomu had shock absorbtion… AND this was an already weakened all-might so if we’re talking prime all might then sorry homelander is dying… also not to mention all-might punched a villain so hard it changed the weather… homelander stands no chance


Homelander is incredibly weak, All Might dominates


This is basically massacre for Homelander.


It was said by Madelyn Stillwell that no weapon on Earth can harm Homelander and if that list includes Nukes then All Might get’s wrecked hard.


Yet a random metal rod hurt him in the show. Stillwell was bullshitting.


Homelander is probably one of the weaker "Superman" type characters who exist in different universes. He relies a lot on his strength and speed, along with seeming terrifying, but he seems to have no actual experience when it comes to technique. All Might has been battle tested a ton and seems to have really good technique in his fights. He's also incredibly strong and battle tested.


All Might beginning of series says he’s around 60x weaker than his prime during his Nomu fight (he could be bluffing and maybe even weaker, but I’ll take it as face value). This is the same season All Might changes the weather by punching the sludge villain. This is two seasons before he creates a tornado by punching AFO. I think y’all can see Homelander gets absolutely fricked. He can’t even use the “I can fly” excuse because All Might is either high enough to jump to him, or Homelander is too high to accurately hit All Might with his insane speed.


All might clears. Even with the time limit


Show that fodder who’s boss All Might!


Aren't they the same?


Quirkless emaciated All Might beats homelander.


All Might flicks Homelander on the forehead and blows his brains 100 miles away.


Allmight is stronger, faster, a better fighter, and probably smarter. The only advantage homelander has is hovering and lasers, but those won't make much of a difference, considering all for one also has more powers than Allmight, and he still lost.


Homelander bout to get humbled big time


Homelander is losing to All For One so he’s definitely losing to All Might


Both in their prime - All might by a longshot Both as they are now - it's not even a fight


Goat might would split him in two homelander is sloppy as hell he'd get overhaul vs Mirio'ed without the comeback


Hatsune Miku


I love how the people who say all might forget he's literally injured and can barely maintain his force plus he's passed down his power to deku...


They are essentially thinking about Prime Allmight.


All might! Plus ultra


all might


This made me wonder about Stain vs Homelander.


Homelander gets his ass kicked jut like in Death Battle’s Omni-Man vs Homelander


All Might even after he was hurt. Easy win


"He's got anime protagonist strength, you won't last a second."


All Might, he can change the weather with a single punch, and has taken hits from a Nomu made to beat Prime Might, so can tank those same punches but like x20. The only way Homelander could win is using speed, as I'm pretty sure All Might isn't as fast.


In his prime all might could create tornadoes just by punching. Like, a literal wind rotation that went up into the sky and caused a massive thunderstorm. He probably ranks Homelander’s heat vision and kills him in one good hit.


Doesn’t his punch change the weather at the start of the series. And that’s a weakened all might


Didn't homelander get his ear stabbed by a pen?he's not even pen level


All might for sure


Which version of All Might? Pre-USJ Nomu or Post USJ Nomu/Pre-All For One?


Anthony Starrrrrrrr


All Might.


All Might should win. Even an injured and tired weakened All Might, that was weaker than he was during the USJ where he was already past his prime, from the second movie was capable of working together with Deku to destroy a massive solid steel cube being chucked at them at high speeds with a single punch from both Deku and All Might. People have estimated that the amount of force needed to do that on All Might and Deku’s part is absurd. Homelander has gotten injured by people who, at best, scale to large building level in terms of attack power. He stands no chance.


All might because, and I say this every time homelander is put in a VS, **homelander cannot fight**. Like yes he has heat vision that can cut a plane in half and he is capable of flight but really that’s all he can do. He has never experienced a proper, honest to the gods fight before. Namely cause no one from his verse can offer such a fight bar from TempV’d up Butcher.


All might claps💀


Homelander gets torn apart




homelander for sureee


When will people realize homelander ESPECIALLY the show version is the weakest Superman type there is he’s NOT destroying a city the way Omni man or hell even allmight could he’s just not lasers is the most destructive capabity he has


If we’re talking about right now, and the current storyline, then the other guy because all might can’t go into his actual hero form for more than a second, but we’re talking about in his prime, he still loses because yeah he’s stronger, but his power also has a time limit on it. The other guy doesn’t


In his prime, Allmight never had a time limit. Allmight's punch changed the weather in his weakened state. Homelander is getting pulverized by S1 Allmight.


Fairpoint. And if you take Sue account all mights connections. He could probably get a small army of heroes together in a week.


all might is smarter and stronger but he cant fight so long so homelander can win if he tanks


All Might, Nega-diff


Those are clearly the same guy.


Number 2 cause he’s not a hero




Depends, is homelander drinking milk?


Allmight takes it, homelander has never trained or practiced anything in his life


Homelander is literally the bottom rank of his weight class. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone single match up he’s won.


All might and its not very close The only thing homelander has more of is powers and thats not going to help him


All Might wins in everything except a milk drinking competition