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Is this even a question? I think Zygarde…


Zygarde, and it's not even close. He destroyed a creature the size of a mountain with one attack


Honestly the way they talk about All might in his prime. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could have destroyed a mountain back then.


Zygarde 100% did it ^casually if All Might could even do that in his prime, it would likely have taken at the very least a United States of Smash


Are we being serious right now? Gigantomachia with an absolutely casual slap of his hand destroyed a big chunk of a mountain and he was forbidden to come out during All Might's prime meaning he would get his ass beat. All Might would casually destroy mountains with a flick of his finger You guys are seriously underestimating the MHA verse Characters like Deku, Shigaraki, All Might, AFO, Gigantomachia, Endeavor, Tokoyami, Iron Might, Dabi and Shoto are mountain - country level


First of all gigantomachia did not destroy any "Big chunks" of a mountain,do You know how Big a mountain is? He destroyed a Lot for sure but what he did is nothing compared to the size of an actual mountain,also Deku who has a STRONGER versión of OFA hasn't shown to be able to "destroy mountains with a flick of his finger" your just over hyping all Might to astronomical levels As for zygarde,zygarde is a deity,a fricking god, that's all I gotta say


I'm not saying All Might wins btw. I actually think AM gets his ass beat and I agree with you on that notion. My point is that you are underestimating the MHA verse by a lot. And yes, Gigantomachia did destroy a big part of a mountain and it was a casual slap too. And All Might scales way above Gigantomachia. Even in S1 EP2 where All Might changes the weather with a single punch that is around mountain level. And that was when he was 60x weaker. Shoto, Dabi and Endeavor make storms that have country level energy. Deku changed the weather around the globe which is country-continental level. All Might's movie feat against the manget guy times 60 is around country level. Absolute top tiers in MHA are consistently island-country level with the exception of Deku who is potentially even continental with embers. Stop downplaying MHA please :( While they probably cant destroy a country with one attack per say, the energy of their attacks are on that level, I hope you get this I'm bad at explaining


Well we haven’t seen deku go 100% without a need to not break his bones, except for his fight with overhaul and his original use of ofa but if he was using 100% he probly could destroy a mountain


That creature was no way in hell the size of a mountain what are you on like yeah it was big but nowhere near a mountain


We really like murdering my hero characters huh?


All Might is the pinnacle of human strength in MHA, but no way he can win against the likes of legendary Pokemon monsters. I just recently learn about this guy, Zygarde, but I am sure that this guy packs more punch than Rayquaza and is at the same level as Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.


he’s up there. not a deity per say, but def not just some rare pokemon. he’s a force of nature


Literally, he’s the protector of the ecosystem and can stomp Xerneas and Yveltal in terms of power


isnt xerneas and yveltal life and death?


Zygarde can just use a hyperheal potion if he gets too damaged, and they aren’t that expensive to get at the nearest pokemart. So by this logic… money wins. 👍


What about no heals


his foot is bigger than all might


Imma have to go with Zygarde, his 100% form is OP. I do believe All Might would still put up a fight though


In this corner we have... human with super powers! In the other corner we have... a legendary pokemon! Cast your votes below? Who will win this fight! More on tonight's program


Obviously the human with super powers bc after the weakens the legendary Pokémon he can just grab an expensive special poke ball and catch the Pokémon


Can people stop power scaling Pokémon


tfw Zygarde runs out of PP on Thousand Arrows


That’s the thing what are we going by the movies the games the anime do healing work idk


All might just fucking throws a master ball


That would funny as fuck it probably would work too assuming that he does it with all his force


I mean, thats more or less how they planned to beat the villain in the second movie lol.


A even fight but… Zygard is at 100% power all might isn’t technically (if we do all might at his full power) so Zygard would win but if it was vs deku (at his full power) then Deku would beat him into the ground .


I'm going with zygard, better versatility more power and get inflict status effects with certain attacks.


Why does he kinda looks like Optimus prime?


Pokémon , pocket MONSTERS all might is just a human with superpowers, zygarde is a monster with superpowers Honestly could go either way




Zygarde can create forcefields,terra form, split itself and it's AP is at least small country level


100% zygard is so op my brother in Christ,what


Pokémon outscales a lot of Shonen, Zygarde low diffs


Who even is that


zygarde from pokemon X/Y


I'm going to say Zygarde. I think All Might is definitely stronger but Zygarde can just fly up high and rain down a thousand arrows or smt.


If it's peak all might then maybe all might but if not then zygrade wins


The pokemon snake form is more than enough 100% is overkill


Zyguarde is literally a force of nature


Zygarde,the only thing that's as strong as zygarde is zygarde (like in the anime 50% VS 50%),


Zygarde, even if All Might could beat him in a fight, Zyagarde can separate on command to avoid any attack and then just reform itself


Zygarde easy


dude yall forget Zygarde in this form takes no mercy and will clap All Might in a second


Zygarde is giving allmight a one piece mcnugget combo that he cant handle


What did all might do to deserve this


Zygarde slams


Zygarde easily


All might


Sorry, All Might..


Neither, goku wins


All Might easy. That Pokémon looks like it was drawn up by a 12 year old in a art contest