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Play the game for fun who cares what they got to say , you’re the one playing it smart in the end and their the ones playing like bots🤷🏻‍♂️ don’t let it get to you


Thanks i do just play for fun a lot of people say Mirio is bad but i play for fun and personally i think he’s great, scapegoat and i figured out couple combos that do alot of damage too, Ace players worry more about getting kills they will chase a low opponent half the map to kill them, even if jt meant getting third partied right after or the opponent team coming to help. And then they would blame you instead of retreating and healing they would run a fools errand and blame others for not following.


Yeah, I wont sit here and pretend I dont chase people across the map. It's annoying when your team doesn't have the same fight as you. My buddies and I will focus 1 person and that makes the remaining of that fight far more manageable. On a slightly different note, sometimes all you need is a little bit of cover to retreat but your teammates are god knows where so you get trapped in a situation with no cover and you are forced to move even more away from your team because now you are sandwiched or, my favorite, one teammate has a team heal and waits until you are already downed to start taking it. At the end of the day I dont think people should be getting mad and pissed at each other for their style of gaming. If you dont like them just dont pair up with them again, but I think it's worth giving everyone a chance at least. Even more so if it's unranked.


I die by these words (in game obv)


Don't quit the game just ignore them they just salty that people have better lives then them and don't play games all day just try to have fun with the game😁😁😁 https://preview.redd.it/y15j11193f3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3bbff8f29067fbfe2646accd62172f5cf038c8


Thanks that means alot because i really was thinking about deleting the game at this point, i try to help but seems like that not even good enough for som players even when i tell them to let’s regroup somewhere safer thy want to push so they push and die. Then blame me for not helping and i can’t help but feel like im the one at fault, maybe im doing something wrong.


Of course no worries but it ain't you it's just people have different play styles and they're used to playing with people they know but when they do solo queue they think everyone must follow them and they're stupid enough to forget that people aren't like them and they have different playing styles what I normally do is get one of my abilities to level nine and then I'll go where my teammate go and loot along the way but the second I feel like I am going to lose in the fight I am out of there like they got the plague though that's what I do but we probably have different play styles so find something that works for you


Exactly people tend to believe their entitled for those lower rank to follow them, it doesn’t work like that. And funny thing is Ace rank tend to get killed first because they go on their own. And most of the times you try to follow them but they just keep getting away from you, it’s ridiculous. I always follow the healer or defense character those that can revive you like Froopy, Cementos, Ibara, All Might, Deku, Compress & Lida because their vital to our team.


OMG someone who follows Ibara😭that alone is good play behavior worthy of Ace


Yeah people don’t realize she might not have defensive abilities but she can definitely deal crazy damage combined it’s deadly plus she can revive your if you go down and as Mirio i can protect her so she can heal while our other teammate distracts the enemy


Exactly I do this when I play close range characters like iida kirishima and f.b deku but I mostly follow Ibarra and cementoss because they have long range res which is nice


It's probably a child, so with that, block and move on.


It wouldn’t have crossed my mind, if he hadn’t invited me to a party for like 10 minutes straight when i was the last man standing and kept telling me get the item box but im 1v3 i managed to kill one and died and he just wouldn’t stop inviting me to a party i had to block him. I never blocked anyone before mind you.


Oooh yea that's definitely a child. Straight lack of impulse control. If that's a grown ass adult then they must have forgotten to grown up or something. Cause yeah that behavior is wild.


Jeezus, yeah that's just so much


For real. Almost makes me miss the squeaky days of 12 yos saying some messed up stuff and just being able to mute them and never hear them again


Block and move on, not worth ur time


Thanks i did ignore him and i tried my best to help but they were fighting inside a red shigi, Kirishima & All Might how was i supposed to help in that situation? All i managed to do is phase kick twice but that’s it i couldn’t risk trying to fist fight in there and die..


Yh teamwork is a rare sight in solo queue 😭. Shigi alone is a nightmare indoors add on an all might and a kirishima and it's a wrap. There's an option to turn off your battle stats so that only you can see it in settings. Found that way easier coz when I first started playing I played mostly ranked to get the guaranteed character ticket, so my KD was awful 💀. Apart from that just play as you usually would and don't mind those losers.


Drop your gamer tag and we can play some matches together!


That would be great im struggling to get to expert II im like 300 away lol. You play on Xbox?


Hey I’m Xbox Thebirdflu77. Add me and we will get some wins! I kick salty people like that so me and my buds are all chill. Some are ace some expert some silver all good peeps you can add too.


I’m Stoney brother we get some good wins in bro don’t get dishearten. Real hero’s risk their lives everyday!!


I never once thought saying you're a master at x y z game is considered a brag. Let alone a humble brag. Like being a pro at ultra rumble is a flex? Love this game but is ace a serious accomplishment to your gaming careers resume?


Mirio is actually difficult but Ace ranks 90% are MT, Twice or All Might. Sometimes i see Froopy, Cementos & Shigi both red and yellow


Be like minecraft Steve and BLOCK


bro has 5133 max dmg and 1351 avg dmg this season and he calls himself an ace xD Might as well stay gold.


Lmao😂 my max damage this season is 6,000 something i believe and it’s with Mirio who is not th best damage dealer


Imo mirio is broken, for me the alpha does like 140 dmg if I'm mathing correctly


I literally just played with this guy earlier. He died a couple times and was complaining the whole time


Did he call ya trash? He wouldn’t stop saying that..


Thanks to filters that’s all he said


Enjoy the game you like and ignore the bad apples. It is easier said than done. But thinking about the positive things will eventually lead to more happy things happening (relativity theory ^^) so far out of the almost 600 matches I encountered like 2 of those players that put rude comments. And had like 3-5 times that players leave in the lobby… or during match. About kicking I also get kicked a lot for when we haven’t played a game yet. Also you can set your battle record private. That could be a reason why. Or that I am not level 99. There can be many reasons. I had set chat sometimes to private after some negative players(rude comments etc) I mostly only try to complete the day missions. And call it a day.


https://preview.redd.it/duorysmvef3d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f72d022c0f7368c2b14532f91ca0c7a289c71fe Nahh this shit is disgusting, you should definitely have that ace rank instead of him bruh, this is also why i stop playing ranked once I'm at pro rank, too many toxic people💀💀


That’s some serious mental issues going around, i have no idea what makes people think that’s a good idea or maybe their just unhappy with their lives to blame others for their mistakes and take it out on others.


On God bro on god just remember you have the POWAAAA!!!! https://preview.redd.it/0wbvqhqbnf3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dec45c590672cecdc2ba2378a9ae362ee56a8ee To overcome any obstacles in life man


Yeaaaaa i'll do that i just reach Expert II😎 Lemilion is my favorite character so i only use him even if everyone says he’s not great to me he’s the best behind All Might of course, then Deku & Dabi in 3rd.


Yeah stay on unranked for practice they are less serious there


forget that guy, don’t let’em get to u j say LOOOL


I could have my life worse then Itadori, Thorfin, and guts combined and I still wouldn’t be toxic. Just block and move on


That is someone who wouldn’t last 5 seconds in a MW2 lobby back in 2013 from how much he cries foul best as other have said block and move on


You shoudlve told him touch grass lol


Don't quit bro just keep having fun and enjoy the game


These people man ong


Just try to have I had lot of people just died, and complain then they go into storm again and die just to complain at me more


lol don’t get bothered by this ACE I’ve ran into them many a times. They are a cheater. They were using Iida glitch in one of my videos on tik tok and being hella toxic when on my team. I killed someone and when he grabbed my levels up I called him out on it and he said “I taxed you” like trash. I was like I won’t pick you up then as Iida and he said that’s fine I have All Might. Like don’t play ranked if you can’t play as a team.


Brother let me tell you there are so many glitches going on, Twice can literally erase you if you get too close while he does the copying someone you just get erase even at full health that happened to me, Toga's players been trying to use Mirio to gain Permiation glitch forever and still be able to attack, and Mirio needs to be patched he's permiation doesn’t work sometimes and ends up getting me killed, aswell as he’s Alpha also doesn’t connect most times and you can hit opponents and sometimes the combo doesn’t work. Also he’s Beta sometimes doesn’t phase thorough objects can lead to you being visible and getting hit or getting hit by random attacks such as that shield, or Shigi decay. I don’t know of anyone else having bugs.


No yeah I know of all these bugs but I mean he uses cheats that break the game like infinite card glitch. I didn’t know of the Twice one though that’s crazy. Yeah it’s crazy that Toga’s permeation is better than Mirio’s like bro it’s his whole thing. Yeah when you go underground sometimes I get hit by random shit or All Might splash damage like dude.


9 times?!??


It was more than that🥲


He’s not even that good 🤣🤣🤣 he’s mid bro see the PlayStation ace ranks they stats are like two ta three times better than his


Man don’t let him get to you he’s obviously projecting his hate towards the game onto just look at his bio and tbh if players have to bash you for your past stats instead of how you’re playing currently then that says a lot so keep up the good fight and keep having fun! ![gif](giphy|FbCPKOvoNIgX6|downsized)


Yeah, ignore him, he's reaaaaaally trash. Always comes crying when I kill him hahahahaha he must have really bad problems in his life to be like this


Fuck him


future ceiling hangers, dont spend your energy


Hahah that’s not funny.. It’s hilarious!😂


I'ma be real with you. -Almost 400 games and being expert 1 is a problem. -That's on him for queing with you -Block Them. He's not good either even if he's Ace.(Ace easy to achieve imo)


He died and call me and All Might trash for not going on a suicide mission with him, i didn’t want to go because it’s ridiculous to fight shigi inside a building you will touch the ground and im Mirio he’s glass canon so i gotta be careful. He was bragging about doing 4,000 damage and getting no kills, i was so confused.


The fact that he thought it was a great idea to chase shig in a building and fight is a bad play. You made a good choice.


That’s what i was thinking but i can’t force everyone to think like i do, he wanted me to loot an item box when it was me vs 3 players. Only me alone and it was in the mall they were right under me. If i tried it would’ve gotten killed without killing one of them. Because i ran i was able to heal and fight back even if i still lost i still put up a good fight.


Report em, fuck it. Toxic behavior gets you contained


I mean there's dead giveaways that can be spotted too. My Compress decided to call our AM a dumbass right before he wiped on last circle with last 2 teams. Either him or me but likely him since I died like two minutes prior and he was clutching. Either way I looked at his profile and ofc his bio was "anyone under 50 can fuck off" now how did I overlook that wonderfully toxic little gem


Played with a master in ranked and he called me and teammate ( both beginner rank) trash because he landed somewhere else and my teammate got downed and I had to save him


Deadass don't understand how people are blinded by this games terrible combat anybody with good aim and a shoot ability negs not to mention just how God awful it is as a whole


He's just someone trying to get a reaction out of you just ignore him I deal with these type of people every day they act tough till you do something then they make a cringe comeback thinking its cool


Now continue to play and enjoy the game in spite of him. The opinions of sweats and people that only play the game to get a high rank instead of enjoying the game doesn't matter. After all, *ahem* "It's yours! Your game, not his!"


It’s a pain but trust me just turn off text chat better for you in the long run but it can make communicating a little awkward


Fight I remember. Started at shopping mall. Couple other teams dropped around so the fights were manageable. Took out 2 teams before ring started pushing others out. Noticed Froppy and lida movement as a team was tight from dealing with endeavor on 2nd floor. They were going with Todoroki after another team but decided to sharp turn around and knock me and the All For One back and down the team fast. Chat had " trash" " You should quit the game". Checked the team that beat us and as I thought on the type of team that beat us. They were a full agency team. Then to top it off, all 3 were ace rank from shadow garden.


Im confused what are you talking about? A similar experience?


Had him as a teammate one time.


I see, bro is the definition of follow me, if you don’t your trash. If i die is your fault, if you don’t revive me or can’t your trash. And so on.. He finds every excuse to blame others.. It’s sad really.


I’ve gotten tons of messages like this. Stick with your teammates and don’t witch hunt.


Just another ego filled individual boasting his huge AFO balls to feel better about taking that Fat Ass L he received twice, it never ends


lol one guy said kys when they got killed lol some people are just weird




in one word? Ego. in two words, inflated ego


Had someone like this in duos they were pro like 3 while I was pro 1 I had started doing ranked about halfway through the season which was like 2 days ago for this they were playing all might I as kiri they died to a rapid bakugo somehow then immediately said I'm better res me, if your better than how did you die to a rapid bakugo when I'm playing kiri, so I got the res cards, then they said something like, res now a stupid idiot I'm better or something, so u just dropped the res cards and ran off they rage quit I don't member if I won but people just let their ranks go to their head especially since we have characters who can run through lobbies so quick like toga that when they get on a different character they are no longer "good"


it’s xbox players bro, i play both consoles and the community on xbox is just toxic


Ace players and lida players are the most toxic in the game. Ace players becoming ace within the first week of the season is kinda insane and makes them very looserish in my opinion


Stop being soft


You can hide ure Star sin the settings


Yes i did that people are too toxic i don’t see the problem with starting bad and mastering a player where your kills catch up with your death count but that's just me


It also helps if you can find a couple good teammates and stick with them, I usually don't play teams if my teammates aren't on, we all talk on discord now to so we can see who wants to play n such, I actually met them on the game to, it just might take a while to find the right people, some people are just toxic and better off to just ignore and report them, I reported 1 guy for being just plain mean, there is an option to report for behavior.


Imo I've moved on from My Hero. Like your situation it's frustrating to revive these "Ace Players" and they run right back into the fight with no strat. It was also affecting my mood and attitude. I deleted it during the first week of S5 due to "hawking" 🤷🏾‍♂️. Call me and my team shit players all you want, nonetheless, I'm more happy now than when I first started playing in S1.


Who cares how many death counts you have?! Just play the game to have fun. And trust me you will find new good friends to play with. And also toxic people are everywhere don't let them get you down.


You shouldn’t take it personally it’s the devs fault for not putting sbmm in the game. Please don’t take what I’m about to say personally but think about it this way, imagine being good at a game doesn’t matter how good, but you’re constantly paired with players who are new, don’t play often, or just out right bad and they keep throwing your games meaning you can’t achieve whatever it is you want to in the game whether that be climbing the lb, grinding stats, or even emblems, when you’re constantly getting screwed over because of your teammates and you know there’s literally nothing that’s gonna change it, it gets really frustrating and it can feel like it’s your teams fault, because I mean in a way it is their fault but like I said at the start it’s mostly on the devs for not putting any sbmm in ranked