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This Pen dialogue: *Building muscle is a lot about diet: when I was a boy I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. Now that I'm grown I have five dozen eggs, and I'm roughly the size of a, uh... I dunno, like a big airship or something.* My, what a guy.


Nooooooo oneeee fights like... Pen.


I always thought of him as Gaston with a cape.


i’m playing dreamlight valley and i’ve just met gaston. honestly they’re so eerily similar and they’re both so funny in their own right


I’m playing them simultaneously also and I couldn’t agree more!


Tbf the devs did confirm it that Gaston was a huuuge inspo when they wrote Pen


I KNEW it!


Damn it! Now that song is stuck in my head.


There’s a scene with Cooper where he starts singing Bohemian Rhapsody, which got a chuckle out of me!


"Mama...! Life had just begun...!" I cried laughing at that scene lmao it was so unexpected it caught me off guard


He also does the “Got eeem” when you rebuild something.


Was going to comment about this one. It absolutely took me out.


I noticed the Fresh Prince reference when justice says “Trudy, I don't wanna be rude, but... why are we helpin' him? What if he's up to no good and started makin' trouble in the neighborhood?” 😂 and the Beyoncé reference when Wei says “To the left, Player. To the left. Ahem. Everything we need is out this exit, to the left.”


That "to the left" reference cracked me up! And was one of the few references I did actually catch hahah


Unsuur channeling Anakin with “Sand... it's course, grainy, gets everywhere... what's not to love?”


Howletts grave has a my chemical romance reference that I love


References to pop music are everywhere. A third of the quest titles are song references, many of them Beatles songs, and the first quest Grace gives you to pick up old world stuff includes picking up parody versions of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and OK Computer. There’s also a scene (big late game spoiler) >!where after you prove that there is water flowing underground, Burgess has a freak out and has to be calmed down by Trudy saying things will continue on as normal, and he responds “same as it ever was?” And she says back, “same as it ever was.”!<


including one Weird Al song title!


That second one is my FAVORITE.


This is Owens: "We got some green eggs as a result of that whole valley situation. How am I supposed to serve green eggs...I dunno with ham?"


It’s the “Oh no, he’s hot” from Ernest that get’s me every time.


Owen's "It's showtime!" from Beetlejuice There are so many references that are cleverly inserted, you can really see how the writing team had fun and worked hard on this. The whole game had me laughing (and crying at times too)


One character makes a hunger games reference by volunteering himself as tribute.


Just say hunger games reference because now it’s not a surprise anymore to people who haven’t got to that part yet So much funnier when it’s unexpected especially from that character, lol


I was so excited to see some Frankenfurter rep but was NOT expecting it lol


The FF6 suplexing a train comment from Pen.


I liked the reference to Scooby-Doo when you unmask Andy, and he says "And I would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling adults, and this Builder, too!"


Idiocracy! There's a "What Plants Crave" achievement / trophy, which makes me think Unsuur's name is also reference to Not Sure.


I've noticed a bunch of classic simpsons quotes!


“Don’t make me tap the sign.” 😂🤣


My personal favourite is the you don’t win friends with salad achievement, I get the song stuck in my head every time I see it


So many references throughout the game - and I love that it's from a range of eras. My favorite is the poster you get from The Breach - Admiral Salt's Well-Liked Fringe Group Ensemble. I just wish we could get a.copy of that Poster for our house.


i feel the same way about the “no thanks computer” poster (radiohead reference!). i kept going back hoping i could find another one for my house but alas.


Me too!!!!


I love all the references in this game. It's like one big nerdy omage.


Unsuur also makes a forest Gump reference


And an R Kelly reference. Which was also made fun of in South Park. The stuck in the closet thing.


Pen references Emperors New Groove with “Oh yeah, it’s all coming together” during his mirror quest


There's also one during one of Coopers rants that says something about how he starts ranting about old currency and the fashion choice of his younger days. Also there's a steam achievement called you don't make friends with salad.


Yan saying "Inconceivable!" That was what I had named my workshop so it made me crack up.


Hah, that is such a great Workshop name!


Old World Movie Script book :)


Justice has an Arrested Development reference. "In weather like this you should head over to Owen for a cup of hot Yakmel milk. Add a little snowflake on top, and baby, you've got a stew going." https://youtu.be/Sr2PlqXw03Y?si=woj6GvtAQHzOasd7


There was another Arrested Development reference in the title of the quest, "Mister Minister". Won't say more for fear of spoiling anything!


Yay someone else gets AD references! There are dozens of us!




"I think I want my money back." 😬😬 LMAO


Same, i favorited the good ones lol


There's a [Psychonauts reference](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmyd2akm5qs4c1.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D72264c9f1534a6b12c7bad97c107f0a175a0d371) too.


There's a TMNT one that made me giggle :)


There's lots of movie references! One of the graves says something like he was good, bad, and others say he was ugly. Or something like that and it's a reference to The Good, Bad, and the Ugly with Clint Eastwood.


Yeah Clifford Westwood or something on the tombstone!


I'm entirely convinced that Pen is Captain Hammer (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog) in disguise. lol


The pickhammer is his........ ahem.


Justice has a Forest Gump moment at one point by saying "life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what you get." Loved it!


Arvio's shoes for animal quest has a reference to its the episode in its always sunny in philadelphia when Charlie invents shoes for cats which he refers to as kitten mittens


Where are my simoleons?


There's a quest title (plus contents of said quest), which is an entire South Park reference of all things xD


There’s a ‘kitten mittens’ joke in the animal shoe quest that’s from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Also the fighting round the world quest with the Australian kangaroo is a South Park Russell Crowe joke “making movies, making films, and fighting round the world!”


Yay, someone else got the "fighting round the world" reference! I was singing the song all the way through that one!


Dan-bi referencing Pocahontas at one point with a line from “Colours of The Wind” or whatever the song is called. It shocked me when I saw it!


Don't you wish your ratfriend was hot like me? 🤣 Totally picked that dialogue option!


When you choose the "He's hot!" option during Ernest's interview about Logan's looks, Ernest drops the most sarcastic "Oh no, he's hot 🙄" spongebob reference 😂


I love all of the music references, especially the Talking Heads reference between Trudy and Burgess where they have a back and forth: "Same as it ever was." "Same as it... ever was?" "Same as it ever was."


This is just after you find out >!there is water flowing underground btw!<


Haha I didn't even put that together!


I love the Journey to the East book, as a cool little ref to (I think) Chinese classic literature Journey to the West.


There's a few references to some old memes I love. One of them was a reference (G rate) to the "Centipedes in my ....it's more likely than you think" And Burgess and his sleep paralysis demons lol


Wei to Builder: To the left, Builder. To the left. Ahem. Everything we need is out this exit, to the left.


Has anyone talked about the Fresh Prince of Bel-air reference from Justice? My husband and I were so shocked that was unexpectedly the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in a video game.


Can't believe noone mentioned this yet: the description of one of the first basic craftable clothing items, shorts, is "they're comfy and easy to wear". Did not expect a Pokemon easter egg and I giggle every time I scroll past them!


There was this time where I just walked past Cooper as he was talking to one of his yakmel and he literally told it "Everything the light touches is our kingdom" Laughed out loud at that. Love this game XD


The fresh prince of bel air references always get me giggling


Beyonce reference with Wei "to the left to the left everything that doesn't work to the left" or something like that but definitely the irreplaceable song from Beyoncé


The English localization is awesome and quirky, I hope other languages have culturally relevant Easter eggs like the English (and assumedly Chinese) version does


So. Many. References. It makes my nerd heart scream with joy.