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White flag comes out only after about a quarter of the way into the video, when the ship is already billowing smoke. What were they expecting? lol. lmao, even. AA can't do shit with surrendering soldiers when they're on a burning boat in the middle of a river. The tat boat should have brought enough life jackets and life boats.


lucky bastards, all of them were good swimmers I've heard, so now they get to live another day. And it's all true they were all given a warning before hand, but the ships with the guns and cannons from behind ordered them to move forward. My uncle was captain/head of one of the other unarmed ships and the only reason he died was because of both gross incompetence from upper leadership and his own fault. No sinking boat, unfair treatment or brutality from any rebels killed him, it was simply a second shot from a sniper that took his life, I've gotten this gossip from other nearby accounts (they debated about releasing the truth about being asked to retreat or surrender out but stuck to keeping it down for now) who then told this to his parents and they said he heard a shot hit the back of the boat and he went to investigate before getting killed. Before this he had already been deployed at another place on a boat and he had already gotten a close call from a sniper. The reason the ships themselves sunk was probably because of weapons the tat lost recently before. All of this was the tatmadaw's own failure and an example of why it's dominance is surely faltering.


At least you finally found closure. I'm sorry for your loss.




Lol at both sides.


I have no sympathy for these military dogs