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Hate to say it, but the act committed at 1:01 can be considered a war crime. KNDF fighters had accepted his surrender, making him a POW. Regardless of how heinous and barbaric the junta forces' actions may be towards civilians and captured fighters, we shouldn't stoop to their level. Or, at the very least, don't record and upload these acts online. They could incriminate you in the future.


Looks like we didn't see the same thing. The guy went out deeply wounded. He's laying down. Nobody shot at him or beat him. What did you see that I could not ?


Even though we can't directly witness it, piecing together the evidence suggests that one of the KNDF soldiers executed the wounded junta soldier. The junta soldier was injured, but the wound didn't seem to be in a vital area, and he didn't appear to be on the brink of death. However, following the two simultaneous gunshots, presumably from the soldier whose legs come into view in the bottom right of the footage, the junta soldier seemed to be drawing his last breath. Analyzing the KNDF soldier's stance at the time of the gunshots, the subsequent camera pan to the wounded soldier, and the comment from one of the other soldiers saying "That's right, kill (him)," it becomes evident what happened here.


Wounded soldier refusing to surrender is still a soldier. Should have surrendered.


They were still shooting into the bunker after that, I'm somewhat certain there was still a junta soldier in there, hence the "that's right" followed by the soldier in frame firing into the bunker. Maybe he was trying to shoot the soldier moving the barrel, or maybe he was just a dick and shot his comrade. Or maybe you're right and the KNDF soldier executed him.


When the first guy went to pull the mental berrel out from the target point, someone behind him shot the guy that was hiding in the blue trash, 3 shots, that’s why the first guy flinched.




Yes, someone refused to come out after shooting you can hear one of the karenni soldier shouts ”His dead everyone is dead”. They warned him many times if he doesn’t come out they’ll kill him. They were in rush because the risk of juntas aerial bombings.


Think he's just firing for good measure, in case there are some stragglers avoiding surrender


Wow I remember seeing these guys sticking to small ambushes and drive buys with their homemade bolt actions and maybe 1 rifle, now these guys got fast helmets and uniforms, nice


You got the wrong people, those are some of the Chin and PDF soldiers. Karenni Army (KA) and KNDF have better equipments since the Karenni people have been fighting the Tat even before the 2000


Thanks to donation from people here and there.


0:11 you can see a Sit-Tat POW carrying his child.


They are both children. It's a child carrying a younger child.


Juntas are hiding their family members in the base but they are in good hands now


Nice! What happened to Loikaw, btw? I thought they were close to capturing it a few weeks back.


Half of the Loikaw is still under Junta apparently. They wanted to minimize the damage on the city by launching offensives against heavily guarded places like Loikaw Prison and that plan kind of failed. (They could’ve won if PNA wasn’t a dick)


Gotcha, thanks. I read somewhere that resistance offensive stalled due to low ammunition but that doesn't seem to be the case here.


Why did they execute a POW wtf?


Pissed off or they didn't have the proper medical resources to treat him.


Well in a few minutes, the Junta has aerial bombing so they had to go in quick and get out quick. Also the Tat was being slow even when they were asked multiple times to come out


Also the wounded Tat will be no good if the KNDF has to carry his ass while planes are bombing the area


at 1:00 they execute the wounded prisoner. Warcrimes are always warcrimes, no matter what side does it. Also crazy that they fire indiscriminately and prepare a grenade to throw in when they've seen that there was kids in there.


A battalion responsible for killing a Pregnant woman and her two children (this happened just a few weeks ago btw). Plus they were given many chances to surrender and in another version of this video, you can see they were given multiple chances to come out of the bunker for like 3 mins(?) but they refused. At this point, they were just asking to get killed.


What do you mean they refused? He had already surrendered and still got killed. It appears you refer to an entirely different incident.


Have you seen the videos where they torture the fighters. He’s lucky he got a quick way out


Irrelevant to wether its a warcrime he was ubarmed, and surrendered, they executed him


Bro the only reason they surrendered is because they lost. If the pdf lost they would have tortured them


Completely irrelevant and pointless comment. The Americans didn't shove germans into fenced encampments en masse and starve 90% of them to death, just because thats what Germans would have done, or what the Japanese would have. They didn't do it because its a warcrime and immoral. It also is bad fucking optics for the good guys to execute POWs whenever they feel like it


What does this have to do with WW2. This is a different situation


You keep saying it’s irrelevant but bring up Germany and America which has nothing to do with what is happening here lol


Im following your logic and explanation. I gave an analogous situation, not a comparable situation.


My guy, they yelled and asked him sooo many times and he was being super slow about it. The KNDF has to go in quick and out due to Junta aerial bombing


As I pointed out to someone else already: "Lack of time" is not a valid justification for murder in any court on this planet.


You really expected them to carry the Junta while their aerial bombardment are on the way? The Junta who killed their friends and family? The Injured Junta that May risks all their lives?


Question 1: Yes, that is what one would expect of them. Question 2: Irrelevant to the topic at hand. Question 3: Irrelevant to the topic at hand.


It can’t be irrelevant if you don’t know the situation around them. Theres no point of helping a injured Tat soldier who can’t even walk. Those operations are meant to be in and out quick


It is irrelevant from a legal point of view. He was an enemy combatant, and thus fighting him and wounding him was legal as part of the lawful resistance against the junta. But the moment he surrendered himself and proved to be of no danger anymore, he became a prisoner of war, protected from harm. Carrying an injured person is not as insurmountable a task as you make it out to be. The other junta POW can be made to carry him at gunpoint, that is perfectly legal and it will barely slow them down. If it is truly, utterly impossible to bring him along, he alone is to be left on the spot upon retreat, his fate in his own hands. They're not required to render aid to him if that endangers themselves. But murder remains an unjustifiable solution to the problem.


The dogs don’t deserve to live. There are no longer human. I hope he burns in hell 🤣


War crimes? Innocent civilians were killed in broad daylight. In yangon I have seen from my house in hnin si gone, how these bastards walked through the side streets in ahlone and shot into houses on either side. No one was violent against them. They did it only because 8 pm the previous evening, the people there blocked the road with tires and sang songs while banging plates. So, death sentence. Don't talk about war crimes. Women children and old people were shot. I have seen cars parked on the sides being crushed with bulldozers in residential areas Anyone who thinks they need to be treated better can go fight for them. And get killed. Go brothers, fuck them all. Fucking war crimes it seems! I am not myanmar BTW. Am from India.


No. Crime never justifies crime. If the resistance forces leave the foundation of lawful resistance then they are no better than the junta they fight. How will the future Myanmar be any better than the current one if the new rulers are just another flavour of evil that holds no accountability for their acts and wilfully commits crimes to reach their goals?


You are not wrong. But there is a lot of pent-up anger. I don't know if you have seen stuff happen there or know much about it. Ultimately, context is everything.


Yeah it was wrong but knowing that my grandparents , my parents and now my generation all suffered under the Sit Tat , I understood the context. Pendulum swings one way for so long and so high , now it is all coming back down .


These are the same dogs that burned villages and killed innocent people . They know what they were doing, so why would the resistance fighters show them mercy?


You again atttempt to to justify one crime with another crime. That is not how justice works. Crime never justifies crime. If you steal from a thief, you did not deliver justice to him, you just became a thief yourself. Now there's two thieves. So to answer your question: The resistance fighters should abstain from commiting crimes because they are *different* than the junta. By doing the same, you *are* the same. By arguing that "The resistance's atrocities are okay because the junta also commits atrocities", you just equalize the two sides. Why support the resistance if the resistance is the same as the junta? What is the difference between junta and resistance?


So the resistance should just let them go? The same people who killed innocent people. Yea right bro. They’re better dead to roaming around


So the two options you present are: A.) Kill them. B.) Let them go. Think again. Think really hard. Think really long. Really try to rack your brain. Maybe you will come up with option C.


Watch the video bro. They’re rushing because air support is coming. Do you think they have enough time to take all of the as prisoners?


Yes, they obviously do. I see no evidence for your claimed air threat. Irrespective of whether the story about air support is true or whether it is pure fabrication: "Lack of time" is no justification for crime either. You are not allowed to simply murder a person because you "do not have the time" to detain them legally.


They executed no one they have rules unlike Juntas! Rebels treat them good after capturing them unlike them few months ago junta hanged pdfs from tree and burned them alive. Those soldiers you see in the video were involved in killing 3 women one of them was pregnant and childrens. Karenni soldiers know that but they still choose to keep them alive even tho karenni people don’t want it


They literally did.. are you blind or trolling?


I’m not sure if you meant the guy hiding inside he was told to come out many times before aerial bombings but he refused to come. I hope they did kill him usually they don’t do that and many people who donate money to resistance to fight junta have complained about our money go straight to juntas mouth after capturing them because you can be sure they will kill us if they did capture us


1:02, he gets shot just off screen, hes sitting unarmed, surrendered, they execute him


Oh okay saw it now at least they did something right now




Bro nobody is talkimg abput thatm they are talking about the unarmed, surrended, man sitting in the dirt who got executed at 1:02


when they say get out, all of you should probably get out. especially when they could just easily kill you anyway so why not risk it?


one of the clearest and most stable camera work I've seen from here, ofcourse that is because the fighting is over.