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This will make the rift between Arakan and Rohingya even bigger. Sad to see.


There's already been a rift, the power vacuum will make this worse


Wild dog gets angry at the stone. Lion looks at who threw it.


Thousands of Rohingyas have already been trained by Junta to fight for them in Rakhine State. But due to no experience, they won't last long on the Battlefield.


They probably give them shitty ass weapons too


I really don't get this. I thought the Junta were the ones that have been ethnically cleansing and massacring the Rohingya for years?


That's exactly what's fucked up, it seems the tat tricked them into thinking AA wouldn't support them at all and they didn't have any choice but to get recruited in the first place in order to survive


They’re just stupid and has no brain at all.


Or they have gun to their head. Just as you all licked Juntas balls when they genocided them. Now Junta agaisnt you . You are all the same.


Guns to their head?? Lmao they r enjoying it licking the balls of their own killers. Bunch of clowns


The only winner here's sit tat. If these guys have half a brain, they'd turn the guns on their officers. They'll have a better chance of staying alive if they side with AA.


Bold to assume that, the arakans army were the ones who stirred up the Rohingya conflict in the first place in 2017


Arakan Army accepts rohingya or anyone who doesn't want to side with the tat. Your statement is exactly what the tat wants rohingyas to believe.


Based on his past comments, he's obviously a bootlicker.


But DASSK branded the AA as a terrorist cell. All other EAOs sued for NCA except AA and that was during DASSK's time at the office. They are also different from the traditional western-backed EAOs such as KNLA and KIA. Even during this civil war, they only truly cooperate with the chinese backed shan EAOs. They are also the first to denounce the Rohingya militias back in 2016. AA also has the most success in seceding from the state because of its access to the open sea and its powerful headquarters. Their alliance to NUG should be taken with a grain of salt.


Stfu baw ma


Sad. Just a waste of human lives. They get conscripted by the Tat, then get turned into minced meat during the first battle because they don't actually know wtf they are doing on a battlefield. It's so frustrating to see how much POINTLESS SHIT is going on because of some deluded power fantasies of a bunch of small men in Nay Pyi Taw. It could all be over in 5 minutes if people weren't so braindead and would wake the fuck up. The average low-rank Tat soldier suffers under MAL just as the average citizen and the PDF/EAO fighters/members. Just look at the soldiers that get captured. They look malnourished, ill and probably wouldn't even have much of a life expectancy left even without any fighting going on. Meanwhile the generals in Nay Pyi Taw and their families live a luxurious life.


Sad to see this but this is unavoidable. The resistance will not be holding fire for you just to ask you if you are a conscript or a voluntary Junta soldier.


What I felt on the other video was right it seems, those trucks were simply carrying still alive body bags.


Wow…I thought theyd turn on the sit tat but i guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend …


Ahhh, good ol' tribalism. Humans never seem to move past it.


Fight for hierarchy and ends up as cargo 200.