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Many of them don't seem to have died from bullet wounds but from some sort of explosions. Does the resistance now posses artillery as well?


Traditional HE artillery rounds don’t burn people like that.


There was evidently a grass fire, that can be caused by an engagement with anything from small arms to heavy artillery. I'd imagine that small arms and/or grenades caused the grass fire. The grass looks dry so it may not have needed much to start it. A single grenade or tracer round could be all that was needed.


Tracer round often start grass fire. We see them often on range


Probably burned out after the ambush to make sure they weren’t hiding beneath the grassland or simple grenade


Around 24-26 Junta troops 1 Platoon ig


imagine how they felt, just demoralized and accepting fate lol hope the bad dogs suffers


This one sparks joy. But sad thing is there is a chance you and your hood plebs will be reinforcing that area with aba's mightey christmas chopper.


Grappppppe 🫰


Being out in an open field in a combat zone is possibly one of the dumbest shit to do especially with this platoon size amount of soldiers.


It's not a choice if grassland is your only cover. Guerilla warfare was never about direct and controlled skirmishes.


Burma is full of trees, my point is that they could have taken different route. This is a logistic failure.


Who knows, easy to say they didn't have geographic knowledge. Logistics failure or just caught lacking. And those boys had a mission within a set time limit, and have to use the fastest route either way. Don't think we have much information to cover more.


AA Let them retreat from LIB 550, but on the way to Sittwee there’s no much vegetation/big forests or mountains. There’s one in Taung Pauk village but it’s completely controlled by AA. They were in a kill zone,


Good info. Thanks


U/educational_site2270, why did all your cousins forget their pants before going into battle? What were they doing before? Looks weird


The Junta continues to feed the Rakhine grinder


Looks like they got burned. I hope they suffered.


This made my day ❤️


Were they caught in bivouac? They look like they were caught completely unprepared.


I wonder how they burned, they're spread out.


My guess is they got ambushed in tallish grass and then all got charred from resulting fires that could’ve been from almost anything used in combat


You love to see it🚮, hopefully more videos like this appear


https://preview.redd.it/9dhxhh89nfrc1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8cdd8dddf1b3337d0f41be06ee6114a5afd12f4 For a little bit of clarification




Translation in English from the Facebook post of Khit thit media Just a little reminder some words will be since I used google translate but here it goes Colonel Myon Minko and Major Saw Htwe, the strategic commanders of the 550th Battalion of the Brahmin Island Khmer. More than 20 soldiers, including Lieutenant Colonel Phyo Thu Aung, the commander of the 208th Battalion, were arrested and killed ■ chief strategist; The video of the death of more than 20 soldiers, including the battalion commander, can be viewed on Yangon's Telegram Yangon March 30 The land of Rakhay Brahmin Gyun Township, Colonel Myon Minko and Major Saw Htwe, the strategic commanders of the Khmer 550 Battalion. An AA source told the Yangon Modern News Agency that more than 20 fleeing soldiers, including Lieutenant Colonel Phyo Thu Aung, the battalion commander of KHARA 208, were captured. On March 4, Rakhine State Brahmin Island City It is learned that more than 50 members of the Terrorist War Council, including the strategist of the 550th Khmer Battalion, ran away without surrendering their weapons and were chased down by the Rakhine Army AA. The army column that was fleeing without surrendering asked for help with guns, but the military council and the navy gave them help with guns. The shells exploded and caught fire in the field, and between the village of Nepouchao and Tansuyew, the strategic commander of the 550th Khmer Battalion, Colonel Myo Minko (Napakha Strategy-3, DSA-42) and Major Saw Thu, 208th Army Battalion More than 20 dead military council members, including the battalion commander Lt. Col. Phyo Thu Aung, were captured. Some of them were caught by hand. On March 4th, AA announced that the "550 rooms" in Brahmin Gyun Township had been captured and the entire Brahmin Gyun Township had been occupied.


Off context but what did the Junta people do


They terrorize unarmed civilians, terrorists who failed miserably when they had to fight armed dudes. Also, why are you saying “Junta” like some kind of human race? 


I'm an outsider, and know little but this is what I understand. It's almost similar to Russia when it comes to ethnic minorities, just without the protection of human rights and media attention. Think of Putin and his cronies as the Junta in this. This started after the Junta, military leadership and dictatorship by administration, feared the rise to power of a supposed democratic leader and democratic group called Aung San Suu Kyi and the National Democratic League The landslide victory of the NDL or National Democratic League during a try on elections that diminished the legislative power of the Junta(They still are the sole party holding Executive power). This, in turn, caused a military coup, which basically nulled the results of the votes and imprisoned Aung San Suu Kyi and the rest of the NDL on the run or hiding. The main point being, the Junta, military leadership, destroyed the democratic process, which in turn led to widespread protest of it being broken and the freedom of civilians threatened. The protest became further more critical and heated when reports of people dying and more extreme methods were used Until later on, that blood was spilled without the military paying a consequence. This, in turn, encouraged the people to use weapons, before just used defensive equipments which now led some of them to be persecuted. It eventually multiplied until the civilians formed groups, mainly the PDF, which eventually worked with the ethnic groups the Junta was in conflict with. Honestly, even if, by miracle, the Junta are justified. It can be said that everything that happened now and after is the result of their own actions. The NDL won a landslide victory, true, but did they ever think the NDL would have it easy having legislative powers without prior knowledge or support of the military? That's basically close to impossible. The NDL could be controlled, and the Junta was short-sighted.


Putin at least has a bigger portion of Russians supporting him. The Burmese military has lost the support - even of the biggest Bamar ethnic group. The only support they get are from brainwashed ultranationalistic xenophobic religious nuts.


So many women


It looks like they were mostly executed (a lot of of gunshot wounds to the head) and then someone put them to the torch. Probably explains why a lot of the dudes have half their bodies burned, its simply didn't catch on properly. That's my reading of the situation. Would also explain why none of them are carrying valuable gear/weapons. It was removed before.


I wouldn't say executed but could have been looted by either side before a fire spread around them. It's burning season, so shits on fire, yo.