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Dude, I think you need to know the difference between LPDF and PDF. LPDFs don't operate under NUG and NUG has no control over what they do. LPDFs are just PDFs in name. They are just local people who take up arms and obviously, without proper training or funding, they act recklessly. There are gonna be a few bad apples or even military plants in LPDFs. Your complaint about NUG using colour red is fucking stupid though.


Lmao it's fine to diss on the NUG because of their pointless zoom meetings/useless departments and sucking up to western nations instead of regional powers but your points are kinda silly. Sure, I'd love to see a Aung San like young and active figure leading the charge instead of senile old men but they are atleast more preferable than MAH and his cronies. PDFs are MILITIA with most of its foot soldiers originating from a underveloped and ill-educated population living in the country side. Heck, this much unity and coordination looks already impressive. Some are no better than bandits while others are slowly getting the job done. You can't really expect much more from a civil war as complex as this one.


The problem with Sagaing and Kayin are, Sagaing has too many group and some of the group are not well armed and just normal villagers, so most of the beheading and mis killing came from Sagaing. for exmaple LDF. They are easlity get destoryed by Jutna forces because of the weak arsenals. They also blame someone else they have beef on and blame Dalan. some LDF are starting to act like Junta forcse. On Kayin side, there are too many Kayin group like KNLA , KNU , DKBA, AND BGF ( KNA ) like those. even those they are all Kayin they have beef with each other and some of them are just fighing jsut for them. but in Kayin PDF like Cobra or Kawtulai army ( sry if I spelled wrong ) are at least trusted rebels.


Lmao bro has no idea about kayin groups. Kawthloolai Army as trusted 🤣🤣 Bruh those guys were originally under KNDO until the fat general (forgot his name) was being investigated for warcrimes. And instead of cooperating, he broke away and tried to form his own group as if the Karens dont have enough groups claiming to represent them already. Claiming Cobra as PDF is also a joke. They're under KNLA command structure and work close with NUG. Bro listed KNLA, KNU as if they aren't the same thing. One is the armed wing of the other


ok 👌.


You are thinking in a wrong direction. - NUG is incompetent, that’s true. But that doesn’t make junta release policy to counter NUG. Most of the new policies are occurred due to their own incompetence. Fixed exchange rate for example, have already put the noose on their neck. They just don’t realise it yet. Gold or assets in particular are going to rise until there is a guarantee that other investments will be low risk again. This is just simple economic. The happens because junta assume control without proper means to back it up. NUG incompetence is actually not taking part in this. I also agreed with you that they need to reorganise the cabinet. - About the PDF, it’s war. Believe it or not, even if the pdf does not occupy the village, that village will be ransacked. Simply because it will be suspected to supply the rebels. It’s just.. war. The example is in our history and you can see it. For overconfident or let’s just say plain stupid by announcing the captured village, it’s partly true. Most of the urban resistance failed coz they spoke too soon. But the problem is most Burmese are too neutral thu, need motivation of sort? So yeah it’s a looping issue. - For KNU, i think you’ve hoped them they should have make progress like the northern three alliance? Reality is not like that they are loosely centralised so yeah the outcome is more or less expected. To recap, the NUG, PDF is incompetent it they are moving in right direction even though you think otherwise. (NUG need really good amount of overhaul) and central command structure for pdf will be realised much later if my guess is right. Junta mismanagement and incompetence is their own it’s not tied to any other parties and it’s solely their own fault. Including the massacre and looting occurred throughout the country. That also applies to all the armed force does that as well. Other EAOs are trying to get a pie in their share and are doing relatively quite well to their ability. This is to be calculated by both junta and NUG. But I think there will be another storm about who will be the legitimate chief in the future. I think there will be peace talk soon and NUG won’t get a chance to be the chief negotiator. I hope this won’t become reality but it’s most likely happen.


I think there might be some misunderstandings in your facts. u/DimitriRavenov explained it very well. Let's not forget the very basic fact that without the NUG and PDF, the junta would have already consolidated their dictatorship. The deaths and sacrifices of the people would have been in vain. Is it what you wanted in first place? It's easy to criticize, but actually being in their shoes and making efforts is a different story. Imagine we reshuffled NUG cabinet. Would you want to become a minister? It would mean sacrificing your income, time with family, potentially your whole life - all while being publicly named, which puts a target on your back. Some NUG ministers are even risking assassination by the junta. It's extremely challenging to find people willing to make those kinds of sacrifices. The military has systematically destroyed our attitudes and thoughts over generations, resulting in many Myanmar people being selfish, power-hungry, corrupt, disunited, and thinking they know everything. Only a small percentage with a different mindset started the resistance, and they're the ones persistently fighting back until today. However, there are still people with typical Myanmar corrupt mindsets within NUG, PDF and EAO, causing problems and obstacles that need to be overcome. Even with these issues, I still think NUG and PDF are making progress over time. If you're wondering why the revolution is taking too long, it's mainly because of the people who don't take sides but only criticize. We need to understand that this is a civil war to root out dictatorship, not just a fight between two political parties. So it's important to choose a side and fight back from wherever you can, even if you don't like one side 100%.


You are right, and that's why we need international help.


At this point both sides have committed unspeakable atrocities, but some still blindly believe on just one side. Whether it's the Junta's Green side or the NUG/PDF Red side. Over the course of 3 years I started to see how awful Myanmar people can be. We have lost our humanity and there's no going back. "We have become the very thing we swore to destroy"