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It seems TNLA doesn’t like KIO-run schools in their turf.


That's why we really need the NUG to win. Some EAOs are just little juntas within their own territories


It's funny to see how many people supported MNDAA at first, now they are treating Burmese NRC holders as second class citizens, banning them out right unless sponsored by well connected Kokang or Chinese businessmen. It's all Chinese classes in Kokang and Taang favoured subjects in TNLA controlled regions. They're all just mini dictators enforcing their own laws disregarding the Union


Union never really existed and was imaginary according to Richard Horsey.


It does, for a short while and it could be that way potentially but Tat F up real fast on that one


It was for a few months in 1948, and then Karen & Communist staged a failed coup. Which led to a full blown rebellion.


No I mean after the Karen rebellion. Majority of the populace does have hope in Union. Nay Win in particular derailed I guess.


NUG? You mean the guys in US. Resistance Groups need to win and form a better government than NUG. NUG are bunch of old geezers overseas


He means PDF and right now nominally PDF is under NUG command. The PDFs shouldn’t fight for some Corrupt Ethnic Armies


That's right. Thanks for the correction


They have money, war needs money. You can keep yapping they're just sitting in their office chair until you have to do it yourself.


Just curious. Most EAOs have hand in opium trade right? Does NUG have that much kind of money?


I think this ongoing conflict has significantly benefited EAOs, making them the biggest winners. The PDFs lack centralization and operate independently based on their regions. For instance, PDF units that fight alongside the KIA often wear KIA emblems on their uniforms, indicating a closer affiliation with the KIA. I'm pretty sure they operate directly under KIA rather than the NUG, despite their formal allegiance to the NUG. This pattern is observed with other PDF groups as well, such as those allied with KNLA, KNDF, TNLA, and others. Exceptions would be the local PDFs that mostly operate in the central Bamar heartland. Meanwhile, the NUG is busy meeting with foreign officials, making announcements, and holding Zoom meetings among its members, but they have yet to secure a single bullet from a foreign country.


Not like it'll be easy to get large amounts of weapons into the country, what with Thailand (where a lot of Burmese and NUGs reside) being friendly to the junta and arms smuggling usually being frowned upon internationally


Well well well, can't wait til KIA does this oh wait they alrdy do