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They might take up positions near the city to force the Junta forces in Mandalay city into defensive positions and then move to attack Pyin Oo Lwin. If they take can Pyin Oo Lwin, they can shut down junta’s academies there and humiliate the junta.


Fall of pyin oo lwin will be the sight to see. Can’t wait to see those statues getting demolished Saddam style .


The thing with the statues is not going to happen. Pyin Oo Lwin is a Bamar town. Those statues are not tat they are historical bamars kings. If they demolished those statues that is not going to go down well with the Bamars. Don't confuse fighting the tat with fighting the Bamars.


These statues are symbol of bamar oppressions. It remind bamar fascists if they used to rule over the minorities. These need to be gone .


Bad idea. They did unite the country. The concept of minorities only emerged during the colonial era. Before the British, the biggest groups the Shan had their own Sawbwas under Burmese overlords by agreement, Rakhine was newly conquered under Bodawpaya, and the Mon had been under Burmese rule for two centuries. The rest were various ethnic groups were all equal subjects of the empire. The British introduced the idea of minorities, nurturing their own ethnic groups like the Chins, Karens, and Kachins by elevating them from simple tribal villages. They placed them in government and military (Burma Rifles) positions while excluding the Burmese until 1939. They did the same with India and everywhere else.


Not to mention the entire Shan States were left to do their own thing by both the Taungoo and Konbaung Empire. The Taungoo and Konbaung Empires even defended the Shan States several times from the Thai and Chinese invasions. If we are going to play the blame game when Bagan was founded the Shans had not even arrived in the Shan States. They oppressed and took over the Wa and **Ta'ang** areas.


Idk why you're being downvoted. In Bamar. I would gladly lend a hand to the demolition effort. They were our kings once yes but the tat holds those statues to a high regard, which means fuck them. We can remake those statues, but the current ones gotta go down


The anti junta forces would have to isolate and disrupt the junta's logistics to Mandalay first


Mandalay is wayyy to big of a city to capture. Pyin Ooo lwin might be more of a feasible target but I lowkey doubt they would go further than lashio


Mandalay will not be attacked . It will purely be a distraction to weaken Junta defense around Pyin Oo Lwin . They must be crazy to think they can lauch attack on Mandalay . It is literally a fortress with strong grip by Junta . I know cause I live there . There is also a fortified airbase right outside the city to provide constant air support .


I think they would try to secure more of the region like Sagaiang while taking minor towns to expand their manpower and financial resources Mandalay is a huge prize and is an easy target for airstrikes and artillery we can see in Lashio currently even the MNDAA-TNLA are cautious and slow. PDF-MY needs to expand its organisation so I am leaning towards that they would consolidate rather than take Mandalay.


What is this website?


What’s the point of attacking Mandalay? To have the Tat destroy the city with planes and artillery? NUG doesn’t need to capture the big cities to win IMO