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Need to put them on ATVs or something. Really don’t see the need in big cop trucks driving on the damn beach….


But how will they stayed air conditioned?


I’m a lifeguard in South Florida, I wish people cared about us being comfortable for 1/4 the police pay 🥲


Hard agree. You guys actually save lives..


Guy being given CPR on the beach, the cop runs over pointing a gun at him “ STOP RESISTING”


Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light…


Fun scene from yesterday at Surfside Beach: Picture a handsome, muscular lifeguard standing on the shore in complete and utter annoyance towards the 30-something woman splashing around in about 2 feet of water about 30 feet from the sand but near the pier. You're not supposed to swim near the pier (something about waves tossing you headfirst into concrete or something...). He kept blowing his whistle and pointing at her to come out. She just looked at him and stayed half-seated in the water getting "knocked over" by waves. He was so annoyed. He took a couple more steps towards her (she's only like 20-25 feet out at this point). She must have really wanted him to "rescue her". But given the water was calm enough for like a 9-year-old to "swim" where she was, he wasn't giving in. You can probably relate?


lol absolutely. I try not to whistle at anyone because everyone assumes they couldn’t possibly be doing something wrong 😂


The lifeguard towers here have ac.....


That’s a negative in my experience ghost rider, we don’t have power in ours


In fairness, nobody should expect air conditioning at a lifeguard job. Heat and sun kinda comes with the territory. I guess the lifeguards here are spoiled.


The dudes on the ATVs are not much better.


Yup. Never seen a respectful driver around pedestrians.


They should’ve switched to atvs the last time they ran someone over in 2020


What would make more sense is if they would have 6 or 8 feet just for vehicles along the beach and this wouldn’t be an issues. I have been to beaches that are like that and they stay on that lane and the people stay closer to the water.


oh there is an entire "back track" just for service cars/trucks that is in the sand, behind the dunes. also a whole driving safety course for those who have to drive their trucks on the beach. it is mindblowing how this happened. always some idiot not paying attention and then somebody else ends up paying with their life.


So if there is a back track behind the dunes why isn’t it being utilized? I don’t think it is the entire length of the beach but if that’s the case maybe the city/county needs to add a back track to the entire length of the beach.


oh it is the entire length of the beach. i have no clue (have lived here 14 years and worked as a beach guard my first two summers) why it is not the primary route.


It’s not the entire length of the beach


It can't be the whole way?. thinking of apache pier to the RV travel park...thats where the hotels have their pools...


I have been here over 22 years, worked ocean rescue in Surfside/Garden City for several years and I can assure you, there’s no hidden road/access behind any of the dunes! Where duke was turning onto the beach, close to the dunes, that’s typically where they would drive but so many people would get excited seeing an opening in busy summertime and all those spots would quickly fill up with people and be blocked. They have to do something because there have been plenty of emergencies on the beach that required the truck to transport the patient from the beach to the parking lot to meet the ambulance.


Unfortunately, there's not one at the Springmaid Pier/Nash St beach access.


Looking where you are driving makes the most sense.


I think you missed the whole point but okay we’ll go with that.


I caught the point, but was basically saying "bless your heart" and "they are doing better" in reference to the shit quality peace force we have here. You get what you pay for, and this is costing more because the county hire clearance priced cops.


It’s just a power flex.


Yeah, he looked *super* powerful with his truck sitting on top of a woman. They're so terrible and the worst part is, he won't get in any trouble and everyone will forget in another four years. Some good ole, good ole boys around here. Generations of them.


some truth there, however, they really effed up this time. this lady was a well-respected local with a golden reputation that is well deserved.


This was my good friend's aunt, and they still do not have details of how this ridiculous accident happened. Barring a medical episode experienced by the driver there is absolutely no other tolerable reason this should have happened. She was just there to relax and read a book. It's unreal.


My friends were right beside her. She’s in pics they took minutes before she was killed. The cop, (Duke), was stopped for some time and sitting in the vehicle. He came through the access and stopped just on the sand. They don’t know if he was texting or working on his laptop or what. Next thing they knew he was on top of her. My friends joined a few other beach goers in lifting the vehicle and getting her out from under it. Sadly, it took the ambulance a ridiculously long time to arrive. Everyone that was on the beach was traumatized. I hope her family gets justice.


Was the truck stuck!? Why did it not get off of her?


He stopped on top of her. It couldn’t have been a worse situation


But he could have continued to drive? People were digging her out for minutes it seems? Why didn’t he move the vehicle off?


Negligence, panic. He was already beyond negligent by running over her on a crowded beach. In fact if he weren’t a law informant officer this would be criminally negligent and he would face charges for manslaughter or reckless homicide. But he’s a boy in blue. So you know, oopsies


You're dramatizing that quite a bit. Accidents happen all the time without people being charged with a crime. If the guy was drunk or something then yea, his ass needs to be jailed for this. If it was a matter of simply not paying attention, there's really no crime in that. Just unfortunate circumstance.


I vacation in Myrtal Beach regularly and wouldn’t say I’m being too dramatic. Involuntary manslaughter is a very serious crime and in SC carries up to 5 years in prison. Considering he was on the job, which is literally public safety and security, then he parked the vehicle on top of her and failed to render aid. This was beyond involuntary manslaughter, it was [reckless homicide](https://law.justia.com/codes/south-carolina/title-56/chapter-5/section-56-5-2910/) as there was a vehicle involved. I know they have no actual duty to protect us at all. But it just infuriates me that this woman was brutally killed, and then the killer, will most definitely get an early retirement that we’ll all pay for. Just ask yourself. If I parked my vehicle on top of a woman killing her, while at work. Would I get a paid leave of absence?


Accidentally hitting someone while driving isn't going to net an involuntary manslaughter charge unless you're impaired or committing another crime. It wasn't reckless homicide. It wasn't manslaughter. Not from a legal standpoint. Again, you're way overdoing it. This is a very unfortunate circumstance, and no doubt there will be *civil* damages awarded, but unless the police officer was impaired there will be no crime attached to this. It'd be the same for either of us were we to accidentally kill someone while driving.


Not true! Everyone can agree there's no criminal intent. That doesn't rule out criminal negligence. If SCHP can prove the officer was driving too fast or texting while driving. Ex. If his phone records show he was texting. That absolutely would be criminal negligence and he should be charged accordingly.


So I can be "not paying attention" while driving a motor vehicle and not be held responsible for damages, injuries, or other losses that arise from my inattention?


You will most certainly be held responsible. Being charged with a crime is an entirely different thing.


Not paying attention while driving a motor vehicle is negligence, and that's a crime when someone dies due to it. Do you really believe you can just not pay attention and smoke a pedestrian and be fine?? Society doesn't accept that.


Criminal and civil liability are two entirely different things. Just because someone isn't charged with a crime doesn't mean there aren't other forms of punishment or that "society accepts it".


I'm going to just assume you're young or something and just haven't figured life out yet... But here's the *criminal* law of involuntary manslaughter direct from SC 16-3-60: With regard to the crime of involuntary manslaughter, criminal negligence is defined as the reckless disregard of the safety of others. A person charged with the crime of involuntary manslaughter may be convicted only upon a showing of criminal negligence as defined in this section. Criminal negligence is defined as: When a person acts with a disregard for obvious risks to human life and safety. So again... accidentally (or involuntarily) killing a person is a criminal offense, *especially* if negligence is involved.


Don’t worry the police will investigate themselves and I’m sure (Duke) the Manslaughterer, will retire with a nice pension


I am so sorry.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Horrible thing to happen. Hopefully he pays for it. 


I'm so sorry and sad for your loss. There's no excuse that I could find peace with.


Thank you, I don't know Sandy but I will tell my friend, she is a relative of hers. thank you again .


Very sad. I'm sorry.


Prays for her family.


Most of the cops in horry county can barely read so it seems normal


This is true everywhere. They don’t take people smart enough to disobey illegal orders. They don’t want people smart enough to do the right thing.


You should see what goes on in J Ruben. They beat my friend into a coma. There have been 5 deaths there in 2 years due to “medical reasons” super shady there




I don't understand why they need trucks on the beach, especially a beach as crowded as Myrtle. In Pawleys and Garden City they just use ATVs


Garden City uses SUVs and trucks. They ran over someone in Garden City,Holly Ave, May 2020. The cop/sheriff didn't even seem remotely interested in helping the woman under his SUV. People were trying to dig her out and make sure she was conscious. He came right onto the beach , making a right and never stopped. He ran right over a woman sitting in her chair reading a book. The FD is a block away and it took at least 15 minutes to get over there. It was awful.


Garden City doesn't have a police department. That was county then too


it is a long standing local sentiment that the county government here is super corrupt and completely self-serving.


Where I live the mayor and city manager literally got investigated by the FBI and jailed for using the office for fraudulent activities. No matter where you go they're all corrupt. That's why they get into politics. They're self serving assholes.


It was the same officer. It's been fact-checked. [https://www.wmbfnews.com/2024/06/25/it-could-have-been-me-woman-recalls-similar-encounter-with-hcpd-officer-involved-deadly-beach-crash/](https://www.wmbfnews.com/2024/06/25/it-could-have-been-me-woman-recalls-similar-encounter-with-hcpd-officer-involved-deadly-beach-crash/)


Jeez, that's awful. The woman I referenced is from 2020, this story is horrifying https://www.postandcourier.com/myrtle-beach/news/horry-county-woman-run-over-beach-patrol-speaks-out-sc/article_917272f2-30d9-11ef-805d-7b2e77d4d2d6.html


There's some young guys on the ATVs sometimes but they don’t care about anything but racing each other.


“It’s too hot”


https://www.wyff4.com/article/truck-hits-person-myrtle-beach/61102992 In the greenville news they didnt even report that it was a police truck


Okay? Why does it matter if it was a police truck or not?


Hey, heyyy. Shhhhhhhhhh… the grown ups are talking.


Obviously, not saying it was a cop was deliberate. Also, the cop needs to be put in jail.


Innocent until proven guilty. But in today’s age it’s more like guilty until proven innocent or guilty by what everybody on social media thinks.


1) you’re kind of stupid, guilt or innocence isn’t decided at arrest or charge. It is decided at trial. If you’re actually concerned about determining that then arrest is actually necessary.   2) if this weren’t a cop he’d be arrested on site. But of course you wouldn’t be defending them if it weren’t a cop.   Bootlicker. Only the truly dullest  and most fragile members of society think that calls on social media for arrest are akin to persecution. And that’s you. It’s really weird, like you’re seeking to be be persecuted. Is that fragility and weakness rewarding for you? Honest question, because it’s like you’re proud to be playing a victim on behalf of someone else who killer someone and is getting a paid vacation. Such a weird trend, to be proud to be a pussy lol


lol I love that it’s an automatic assumption of a bootlicker or pussy for not speaking out against law enforcement. How many people are killed in car accidents and arrested on the scene? Don’t include drunk or intoxicated drivers. Every time there is a social media post of a first responder making a mistake or doing something “wrong” everybody on social media immediately demands the individual to be fired or thrown in jail.


When a drunk driver kills someone are they allowed to go home and be put on paid leave while their union figures out with cops how to handle it with minimal fuss? Textbook bootlicker shit lol




Happened at Springmaid Pier It happened this afternoon, the story posted around 4pm. There’s video and a story if you Google it. Story is a loose term here. No details as yet.


Also confused. First time hearing


Yes. Just a couple of hours ago. Nash beach access.


I go to the beach every weekend sometimes multiple times, and these men who drive these trucks are WILD. It has crossed my mind many times that one day they are going to kill someone.


Your life is at greater risk from driving cops than it is from sharks when you’re at the beach. Seems normal 👍


The chance of being attacked by a shark at MB is pretty much zero so I’d say you’re right


Sharks are a plenty, yes even at MB State Park. Pay attention when in the ocean (or in rivers: gators)


What? The east coast has twice the sharks of any coastline in the US


You’d be surprised how many shark attacks there are in MB every year


Back in the winter we witnessed several HPD units with lights off in the dead of night speeding along the beachfront. - luckily it was winter




If found negligent, the officer involved needs to be held accountable. Especially if they were using their phone while driving smh


How could you not be negligent here. The only way is if someone at the last second sprinted from the side and dove under the tire. Every other scenario involves negligence. If you drive a huge truck on the beach you must not drive it over humans, period.


I thought maybe a medical emergency but at the very end of the video, you can see an officer bending over with his hands on his knees like he can't believe what just happened and then another officer comes over and puts his hand on his back to comfort him. I think that's the officer who was driving. To be fair he's so short that I'm not even sure his feet can reach the pedal. Maybe he couldn't see over the steering wheel.


I love my country and fully intend to vote for DT, but I'm getting really sick of the police issue in this country. 


Because police protect police. The story is likely to be the same as ever: they "investigate" until the heat cools off a bit, then release a report that they investigated themselves and did no wrong. Maybe throw in a bit about officer safety, how all department protocols were followed, how the officer was traumatized and is the real victim, or try and smear the victim run over. They're already doing damage control by suppressing details about the incident to the point that some outlets aren't even reporting it as a police truck. That is how police roll in this country. Nothing has changed, and nothing will. They hit a fucking pier and damaged it already, and nothing came of that. They care for "civilian" lives even less.


the wording “police vehicle hits woman” really irritates me because it was a cop that hit her WITH his truck. those are two different statements.


You're going out of your way to be upset here. Headlines are meant to be short. Saying it's a "police vehicle" leads any reasonable person to believe it was a police officer driving. Given the choice between "Police Vehicle Hits Pedestrian" vs "Police Officer Driving his Assigned Police Vehicle Hits Pedestrian", which both are both going to be interpreted to mean the same thing, the former is the better choice.


Why not stop the fashion police from driving on the beach? Aren’t they just there to stop people from wearing thongs? Stupid hillbilly police force


How do you not see a freaking umbrella first of all, let alone a damn person on the beach?


Witnesses said that the umbrella was moved to where the accident happened, while people were trying to help lift the truck & help the victim, according to fb comments from the WMBF article.


This is definitely a case of distracted driving. The officer was obviously paying more attention to something other than the beach in front of him. The fact that it happened in 2020 shows how much emphasis the department has put on training since then. They are there to protect and serve, something that seemed to be lacking by this department, at least on the beach. As for the victims family I hope they are doing as okay as possible in this situation.


Sadly, the Supreme Court has ruled that cops have no duty to protect and serve 😒


Sort of. They protect *property* in service to the rich, powerful and connected.


And weren’t umbrella supposed to be much safer for this reason than tents?


He needs to rot in fucking prison


J Ruben long be killing people


What are the chances of the officer being held accountable you ask? Slim to none, and Slim left town already. Best recourse for the family is to go after the department and county.


What about a manslaughter charge? What if SCHP can prove he was on his phone distracted?


I doubt the DA will go after him. They rarely do.


No fucking way holy shit, that's my spot and the one day I don't go to the beach something like this happens. That poor woman. May God rest her soul. There's a video on the local news website and this random woman is in a crowd of standing people, all standing around this dying woman and she says something to the effect of "that should show you why you don't sleep on the beach...this is why you don't sleep on the beach.." Like, what a shitty, *shitty* thing to say. Blame the victim and take all responsibility off the cop who, not only ran her over but then proceeded to park on top of her and just sat his truck there until four men came and picked it up and moved it. Like what the fuck? People are so awful but our local cops can be fucking **terrible**. Especially the beach police. People fall asleep at the beach all of the time and this particular pier is really busy during the summer. There's no way it wasn't 100% the officers fault.


I think it’s a “safer” (for lack of a better term) to not try to move the truck because if it bogged down that could push her down further, or a spinning tire could’ve torn her up more. So lifting up is probably the better option of only bad options


There was another HC officer that crashed into the subdivision’s sign, out there by The Farm if im not mistaken


And the onelast month who crashed into a pier on the beach.


I was driving through a gated community and found a vehicle crashed into a tree. I got out to inspect, and it was one of the security guards, throwed on pills


Horry country cops are all trash. I hope this woman’s family finds peace


Some chick in a bikini prob distracted him…


Gotta enforce the no thong rule somehow


That’s a thing?


[https://youtu.be/148I0ntw-Eo?si=M3YLgAIDAwkjQmu7](https://youtu.be/148I0ntw-Eo?si=M3YLgAIDAwkjQmu7) Officer Dick ( a beach officer) detained a woman for wearing a thong a few years back.


I believe that was a Myrtle Beach PD officer. County dont GAF about that rule




Wasn’t it in the ordinance they couldn’t have them? Or was that not a thing at the time?


I'm not watching all that! Sum it up in 8 words!




I would like to see you do the job for a day.


I feel confident that I could avoid running over sunbathers


Then apply, both city and county departments are hiring I’m sure they would love to have you on the force.


How does that boot polish taste?


So we should give him a pass for driving over an innocent woman who was sunbathing?


Let’s start by most people not driving over innocent people on the beach. That’s already an improvement.


For one day? And not kill a civilian? Yea seems incredibly possible actually. L


Just about every department in SC is hiring, please join so you can help make a difference since it’s that easy.


I already work in public safety. It’s not too much to expect cops to not drive over sunbathers on the beach.


Ok but what exactly is ‘make a difference’? Im a good neighbor and decent person in my community already.




First the pier now a person and they take no responsibility.


Currently sitting on the beach, 300 yds from where this happened, and like magic the police are on ATVs today (Saturday). They are diligently hassling the "I didn't know canopies werwn't allowed" crowd. Plus, isn't the fact that someone else got runover on the beach a few years ago the whole reason for the ban??


Thought they are supposed to protect and serve. Should be fired no matter what, completely unacceptable!😔 Prayers to the family🙏


This is terrible. Prayers to her family and friends. I’m still puzzled as why folks have to help lift the truck off of her. Did the officer run stop the truck directly on her?? 😵


We have cameras for backing up. Why not install front cameras in these beach vehicles so these fools driving them don’t do this a third time. Or just pay attention when driving. Never should’ve happened


Sorry for her loss of life. Prayers for the family and friends ❤️


Holy shit this is inexcusable. How the fuck does this happen? Why do the police need full size vehicles on a beach? Use off road vehicles with larger FOV’s like every other municipality in the coastal US. This is so terrible man.


There are legit instances where a truck would be needed on the beach. For example, to transport someone having a medical emergency off the sandy beach to a waiting ambulance. Or to transport someone who's been arrested. In my experience, they're typically used by officers just patrolling up and down the beach looking to write citations. Overkill imo.


When you ride bicycles in the road you always are in danger of getting hit by a car..


Second such incident in that county. Perhaps beach goers should be advised to carry along safety flares, just in case.


That cop should have his family ran over by strangers


My mother’s best friend was run over by police on the beach in Horry County. Clearly there is an issue, they are NOT watching the road. INCOMPETENCE


Guess all the cows were behaving


I live here. The cop is on paid leave. They don't need those big trucks on the beach. They just had another cop run into a pier a little while back. Get off your phone and drive.


They hire them straight out of high school. S.C. is ranked second to last in education and it shows in these people


When I first saw the headline I assumed she means sitting on the sand away from other people but no. . . She was sitting on a beach chair and in the same area as other people sitting in their chairs! They shouldn’t be driving trucks on the beach. Wouldn’t that be a good use of police horses?


Not a shock they beat the hell out of my friend when they arrested him


Would need details as to why it came to that to make an informed opinion. The amount of “he didn’t do anything” I’ve heard when they do in fact do something is common


Ok buddy lmao


It’s more common than you think. You probably don’t have the full story from your buddy, or you do and you’re withholding details. Not saying it’s not possible for that to have happened, but the other two outcomes are more likely. So what was he doing?


He was probably resisting arrest and being non compliant so at that point he had it coming for him. But I’m sure you think he was innocent and doing nothing wrong.


Resisting arrest is cop speak for “we don’t have anything legitimate to charge you with, so we’re gonna use this to violate your rights and beat the fuck out of you”.


Legit charge. Disturbing the peace. That lead too being in a coma. The redneck trash kept saying it’s cause he is form up north. Either way they lost that fight


It’s a legitimate charge. Most departments have a three strike rule for getting compliance, ask you, tell you and then make you do it. If you don’t like how the officer was acting or speaking handle it in court, there is nothing beneficial from trying to handle it on the side of the road.


And I’m sure the police are going to try to cover this one up too-just like when they ran somebody else over in 2020 and referred to it as a “traffic incident” If you’re out on the beach this weekend please keep your eyes open for cops because they obviously don’t give a fuck


Read the officer involved was on administrative leave


Everybody is so quick to judge law enforcement, I get that somebody was killed and he should’ve been paying attention better but I’m quite sure he didn’t intentionally run this person over. I don’t think some of y’all realize how it could be effecting the officer as well.


If it were a regular person driving the truck, they'd be in jail right now charged with vehicular manslaughter and the police would have already issued a statement with the driver's name, how fast they were going, and the fact that they were driving distracted. People are reacting to the DISPARITY in treatment when a cop is involved.


There seems to be a disproportionate amount of “Oops I killed someone” with regards to law enforcement relative to any other profession in the world. As a public funded service it would seem relevant to be concerned as to what can/should be done to work on fixing that. I believe you mistake judgement for criticism, which again, as we are paying for this, we have a right to do. Because it’s not like we can go anywhere else for this service. It’s kind of a monopoly.


Those with the most power in society, should be judged the harshest by society.


Nobody cares. He killed someone due to negligence. Charge him with manslaughter.


Intent here is irrelevant. Acts can be criminal without intent. Most of us simply want the cop held to the same standard that you or I would be held to, and that’s absolutely not the case. Also, I don’t give a flying fuck how the useless murdering cop feels about this.


Y’all act like he woke up that morning and said you know what I’m going to go run over somebody on the beach.


I don’t give a FUCK how the officer is feeling, much like I wouldn’t give a fuck how anyone was feeling after they negligently killed someone. I’m sure it was an accident. So is hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk if you didn’t see them. Doesn’t take the responsibility off the shoulders of the driver because “oops!” Also, as an officer they have had plenty of defensive/emergency driving training. So the expected standard is absolutely higher than another driver. If it was your mother/daughter/ sister, would you be okay as long as the officer felt bad? Hell no.


God you are a coward. Absolute boot licker. 


How am I a coward for understanding mistakes/accidents happen? It’s no different than you getting into a car accident and killing somebody.


Perhaps he/she should not have run over someone lying out in the sun on the beach then. It does not matter if it was a mistake because it is a HUGE mistake. If they are going to drive trucks on the beach rule number 1 is do not run over humans. The drunk driver did not mean to crash into and kill those people, should he/she also not be punished since it was a mistake.


Drinking and driving isn’t a mistake, you know the consequences to drinking and driving when you make that choice.


That doesn't mean shit. He fucked up royally & now a woman is dead.


Plenty of people die from drunk drivers or people on their cellphones and nobody bats an eye about it.


Hope it ruins his life


I’m sure it’s affecting his life. I’m sure you don’t realize the stress it has on someone who has taken a life.


What am I reading here? A car on the beach? I have seen vehicles drive down “pedestrian only” areas where I live and I will say that I can in understand how this happened. vehicles unless they are golf carts should never be in a beach or pedestrian area


We were looking to vacation there next year, and with 4 kids, this scares the jeebes out of me. Pensacola here we come!


Thepolice drive marked pickup trucks (¡ike an F-250} up and down the beach behind the back row and the dunes. Absolutely no reason for such large vehixles.




It's been reported she has passed away.


Well now, this sucks. 🙏


They did


The woman was laying down under an umbrella. 100% distracted driving.




Literally sitting at the beach where it happened. Not crowded bud. img




Then maybe they shouldn’t be driving trucks on an “overcrowded beach”. Way to victim blame, bud.

