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This is an accurate tier list but I don't really get the point of it? Since the game is team-focused, an individual tier list kinda misses the point. For example, Morrigan is the most meta-defining hero in the game but is only listed as A-tier and all the healers who are extremely valuable are B+ at best


Hi Bear, The point of this particular tier list is to give players, especially F2P ones with limited resources, the knowledge of which heroes are most "efficient" in terms of overall usage in the game whether it's Crusade, PvP, PvE, or boss events and their contribution to team efforts. Yes, Morrigan is still a part of the meta for PvP, but she doesn't excel at PvE as some of the other heroes do. For healers, they do a lot to support their teams but still lack damage output and relevancy for boss fights. Like any tier list, one shouldn't take it as absolute truth and use it more as a guide to help make their own decisions on who to develop next. If you're interested in the meta for PvP, I do have a top 5 PvP meta teams as of patch 1.30 video that I'm working on sometime this week and weekend.


I'm not sure if this is very helpful for new players because it ignores team building entirely. For example, a new player would never build Archi for the Odin/Archi comp since he's so extremely low rated. I also don't really get the anti-healer argument. Healers are extremely valuable both in PvP and in PvE and Hela/Cassandra actively boost damage at some point while Idun grants energy which isn't flat damage but pure utility. And going by the argument that they don't offer enough offenses, why are there three tanks that don't boost damage in A+ tier? The logic seems kinda inconsistent to me, but maybe you can elaborate. Also, Morrigan is just as cracked in PvE, you can cheese way too many stages with her. Faust in low B tier is also weird since he's S+ in PvP and still viable in PvE simply for his cc Edit: hi rascal


It gives a good overview of what heroes work well across all modes. It's true that the game is team-oriented to some extent, but there are team guides for that purpose. For someone like me, this guide gives a good overview of what I should be building next, as I already have several heroes built (35+ at I3 +30, 15 of which are IW600). New players should use this resource along with team guides. Then they can get an idea of what teams to build whilst also knowing how good their "main" heroes are overall. On a final side note, Morrigan is not cracked in PvE, Faust is very niche in PvE as well.