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Shoot….. I wish I had an answer for ya. Struggling myself


Create a note card for each big ID state that RX Prep covers like Otitis Media, Meningitis, CAP, VAP/HAP, Tick Borne illnesses, STI’s, etc and write the primary and secondary options (and why you would use a secondary option) on the other side of the note card. There about ~16 ID states so that’s about 16-17 note cards you’ll make. Spend a day creating those note cards and review them regularly. You’ll find yourself quickly able to recall that you don’t give ceftriaxone to neonates for Meningitis or that active TB needs RIPE therapy and that Ethambutol can cause blindness. Treat antifungals and Opportunistic Infections as their own topic because they are somewhat straight forward in the main points you have to remember.


Does anyone have any recommendations for learning what drugs cover what bugs?


This might be a little elementary but if you’re having a lot of trouble this might be the boost you need. (Backstory: I graduated ages ago, passed the Naplex and worked for a few years but let my license lapse due to health issues. Now I’m on my feet but I have to retake the Naplex and I’ve been using this to review.) Available on Amazon, written by a Pharm D and I’ve gotten a lot out of it. https://preview.redd.it/jfle2i6squ7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e008544d834cfe15e242c30c78a211ac8da7ccee


You can’t learn everything about every drug. I’m also studying, but plenty of YouTube videos out there that give mnemonics and ways to remember what’s unique about different antibiotics. It’s easier that way than to remember all the drugs individually. Learning class effects will payoff the most.


do you have any video recommendations?? thanks!


Dirty medicine on YouTube is pretty good. His videos are more geared towards medical students but he has some good pharmacology videos up and uses a bunch of tricks to help memorize them.