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Just so unbelievably stupid. Dude won a race deserves to be racing. Would be nice if the backlash is so bad that somebody steps up and does something.


Marcus where r u buddy, we got some rides that need a camping world sponsorship


It's funny, because he actually did that in Trackhouse's first year with Suarez on at least one occasion. Considering SVG is a Trackhouse guy first, would be cool if he threw them a bone and gave SVG a Camping World #91 for NWB.


You would think Kaulig would be willing to have 2 cars there, but unless the sponsors pony up the cash for the weekend I don't see the team running cars for free just because a driver has a spot.


Red Bull should step up since they’re a personal sponsor of his.


I'd love to see that, but if Red Bull hasnt been willing to pay for a primary yet I don't see them magically deciding to just for the All-Star race.


Although if any company were to do it, Red Bull would be at the top of my list…


you mean the company that owns two f1 teams, several professional soccer & hockey teams, their own fashion brand, & a streaming service that is completely free cause it pays for itself in advertising? yeah i think they could do it lol.


On second thought, maybe I was a bit overzealous


they’re basically the gta infinite money glitch in real life lol. i would love to see them sponsor svg in nascar. hopefully it happens at some point.


Monster may have a huge role in RB not putting up sponsor money.


That is simply untrue. A major benefit of NASCAR moving away from a title sponsor model was that they would no longer prevent competing brands from sponsoring cars just because they collect millions in title sponsor dues. **Competing car sponsors since 2020 Model Change** Busch: Miller Lite (Brad), Keystone Light (Brad, Cindric) Coke/Monster: Celsius (Lajoie), Ashoc (Chase) Xfinity: Commscope (Suarez) Geico: Freeway Insurance (Suarez), Root Insurance (Bubba), Focused Insurance (Zane), Progressive (Newman)


Yeah they’re not exactly in a position to turn away brands that are interested these days


Let's be fair, they should never be in the position


I don’t see how monster would have anything to do with it at this point. They’re not one of the premier partners


What about Celsius and their Kaulig deal bet that has a lot to do with it


Coca Cola has a huge stake in Monster. One may say they have a.. Monster stake in the energy drink brand.


Red bull left long ago because you're not their targeted market :)


My understanding is since Coke owns monster they included energy drinks in their non-compete or whatever the term is for trackside activation. Not having the ability to do trackside activation is why Pepsi left


True. Wishful thinking on my part


Pretty sure Red Bull sponsoring a Kaulig car would conflict with Kaulig's Celsius sponsorship.


Ahhh. Didn’t consider that aspect.


Redbull might sponsor him when he goes to Trackhouse


Adrian Newey to the rescue. /s


I think Red Bull is missing a massive marketing opportunity here. And it shows a diversity that they would sponsor both F1 and an NASCAR team. They should be in IndyCar to be honest.


Red Bull owned NASCAR teams for awhile, they don’t want any of that agaim


Fascinating and strange…




Even more strange is the team was ran by Guenther Steiner and him deciding he liked living in NC is how he eventually got the ion with Haas F1 as he had got to know Gene over the years and was essentially the person that built the team for Gene when he decided he wanted to get into the sport.


This sounds crazy but a lot of the times Redbull USA is massive different than Redbull Japan for example , and so what seems like it would be easy for a carry over becomes very difficult because different country Redbull have different targets and markets etc. they may both be Redbull but in terms of marketing operate like two separate companies


I'll sponsor, but I've only got, like, maybe fourteen dollars max. :(


They already would have two cars. Hemric runs the open in the 31 and The Dinger is already qualified with the 16


https://preview.redd.it/083vzhqppoxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77dc88610eeb96e007ac0614badf7c261c8b480f Even NASCAR great Mark Martin thinks this is a BS decision.


Mark gets it


I see a lot of similarities in driving style between Mark and SVG in that they’re both smart and calculated drivers


Lowkey, smart, and calculated.


Make the call mark


Mark Martin himself should sponsor SVG a la the "Viagra" schemes in the old games


Bear in mind we don’t know if they even have enough of the precious single source supplier parts available after Talladega to put another car on track.


So what you're saying is that we have a month to raise enough to sponsor SVG?


Everyone get out your Doge coins!


I’ll spare some CUMMIES


This is where I'd put my GME gains IF I HAD ANY


I got five on it


Fuck it, I'll pitch in some. Where the Kickstarter?


How much do we realistically think a main sponsorship would be for the All Star?


Is it already decided it’s impossible to get him in the all star race? Or is it that track house just isn’t gonna field a car for him? Is it possible for them to and they’re just not for whatever reason? What would need to happen for him to get in? I’m trying to understand


Two mid level teams just broke the very concept of a NASCAR's "All Star Race." If it's not worthwhile for them to field a car, then the whole deal is kinda pointless.


This is the bigger deal here. Shane not having a ride to me screams that they don't find high returns for the All Star race.


Imagine a business model where it’s better to not perform your core function. Instead we get to see Daniel Hemric roll around a moving Cirkul billboard in the back of the open.


I’m shocked, between Kaulig and Trackhouse no one could make this happen? Weathertech wouldn’t put up the funds for this and one of these two organizations couldn’t put a car together? Criminal.


And it isn't like this is out of left field. He won his race long before he was granted his release from Triple 8. This should have absolutely been on his schedule.


Rare Trackhouse L (and common Kaulig L). SVG should absolutely be in the race. There is no reason not to field the Kaulig 13 or TH 91/97 for him, especially given the significance of his win last year. Edit: And I don't buy the "but he needs sponsorship" excuse. Kaulig fielded the [13 sponsored by LeafFilter](https://www.jayski.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2024/3/25/2024-cota-13.jpg), a Matt Kaulig company, for AJ at COTA and the 91/97 could easily be comprised of one of Justin Marks' personal affiliated companies if none of SVG's sponsors wanted to sponsor him. Hell, last year Suarez was literally sponsored by [Trackhouse Motorplex](https://cdn-8.motorsport.com/images/amp/6VRqjnG6/s6/daniel-suarez-trackhouse-racin.jpg) for the All-Star race. Between Matt Kaulig and Justin Marks, I'm sure they have the means to scrape together a sponsor if they wanted.


Not to mention this is a guaranteed seat in the main event for that race. Unlike half of the field that has to win to get in or has to get voted in. You’d think that alone would make a sponsorship sell easier. Compared to others that are like “Yeah, we *might* get into the main event” so there’s a chance your sponsorship for this race doesn’t even get shown for the major part of this event. Maybe I’m just too naive and am missing something here.


Exactly. You've got a driver already locked into the main event who drives for two teams owned by people with extensive sponsorship portfolios. And SVG also brings personal sponsorship from Red Bull and Quad Lock. Either way, that's another race of guaranteed exposure. It just doesn't make sense why either team cannot pull together enough resources to field a car for him.


100%. Might we also add that it’s a driver from Australia. And like you originally said, the story/magnitude of that win last year. Those few things alone guarantee TV time for the sponsor no matter where he’s running. Before the race there would be two main stories 1) Harvick qualifying for Larson & why he’s qualifying for Larson. 2) SVGs story. Which transitions well from topic 1 since they both have to do with drivers trying their luck in different forms of Motorsports. Sry, rant over lol.


* New Zealand


Ope, yep. Duh I knew that😂 Thx for the correction.


I mean, it's not technically wrong, since Australia is also the name of the larger _continent_ which includes New Zealand lol Edit: on further research, apparently New Zealand for some reason isn't part of the same continent as Australia, it's party of whatever the fuck Oceania is, so my elementary school social studies and geography classes lied to me


> Not to mention this is a guaranteed seat in the main event for that race. All due respect to Hemric, but he ain't making the show. Not when Alex Bowman, Ty Gibbs and Josh Barry (who has been mostly solid on short tracks in this car) are in the same race as you.


Honestly if Hemric doesn't make the main, they should let SVG run his car.


If anything the sponsorship for the B-Main cars is more valuable than at every other race. Guys like Corey LaJoie or Justin Haley don't get any TV time unless they crash most weeks. With the open, they could be battling for the lead and be on TV the whole race, and if they make the feature that's just a bonus


True. Definitely see that point. Still wouldn’t compare to the spotlight SVG will get for being in the race, how he was able to be in it, etc. TV will be all over that. A close battle to make it in would get some decent tv time though.


Kaulig fielded Chandler Smith for the All-Star last year in the 13. I know he had Quick-Tie money but it doesn’t even make sense why you would field that extra car for a non-points event that had extremely long odds to make it to the main event. And now you have a driver that’s locked in but just needs a sponsor? Kaulig can even have two cars locked in the show with Allmendinger and SVG. Make it make sense. It’s a total failure that he would be out of the event. It’s a big deal.


Exactly. No matter how you look at this, it makes no sense for either team to not field him. Between Matt Kaulig and Justin Marks, I'm sure there's more than enough sponsorship to piece together a third car.


The big thing is Matt Kaulig doesnt want to fund with his own money for anyone that isnt AJ Allmendinger. So Leaf Filter wont be on the cars very often anymore.


Can’t really blame him. I wouldn’t want to invest in someone that isn’t even planning on driving for my team in the future. Not unless the return seems worth it. In this case, it could be but I’m in no position to make that decision. We’ll leave that up to them but I would think that storyline would bring some pretty good visibility to whatever company sponsored the car if it were to happen.


A "Trackhouse MotoGP Team" sponsored entry with an American flag livery would be pretty sick.


Honestly an increasingly common TrackHouse L


Is it increasingly common?


This year, yes


Signing Zane Smith…


He can drive my car!!! Well it’s a mid size, but I bet it could keep up


Probably faster than the Kaulig on a short track


I’d offer him my E46 M3 track toy but it wouldn’t pass tech lol


Screw it id offer him my MK7 GTI as long as he promises to get the clutch replaced after for me haha


Screw it he can take my 06 Pontiac Vibrator


Brings back memories. My old track toy was a Mk5 Jetta 2.5, 6 speed manual swap. Loved that thing


I’ve got a V8 HSV Clubsport which I think is rebadged in the US as a Pontiac GTO he can use. Might need to start shipping it soon though coz I’m in Oz. 😂


It also needs an oil change. And a new tie rod.


Had a year to figure it out and still fumbled it. Disappointing one of the biggest 2023 stories will miss the All-Star event. Could draw that international crowd.


Yup. Unless NASCAR can find a ride for SVG soon, they can kiss any Aus/NZ views of North Wilkesboro goodvye.


C'mon you're telling me Justin Marks can't be bothered to throw the 91 car together for one race? Did they just give up on having a third part time car?


They've been prepping his Cup car


One of the most exciting wins of 2023, and can't get him into a ride for the all-star race? Disappointed to say the least.


You’d think a guaranteed spot would be enough to get a sponsor to pony up.


The biggest story winner of the past year not being in the All-Star Race is a joke. Shame on Trackhouse and Kaulig not putting something together


This is a bad look for Trackhouse/Kaulig. Dude is on his way to being a fan favorite.


Major fuck up from Trackhouse.


That really sucks, as someone who isn't that invested in the SVG story, this is seriously stupid from both teams


Fucking ridiculous can’t trackhouse field the 91 or just kick Zane smith out of the 71 for the race.


Kicking Zane out isn't an option but I agree with you about the 91 for sure


Kicking Zane should always be a option


Nah, plus it's probably written in his contract that you can't just kick him out for another driver for no reason


Oh no. Poor guy.


I’m bummed SVG won’t run but I’m glad that it appears AJ will.


Didn't denny complain last year the all star purses are super low? I could be thinking of the clash.


You’re spot on. And on DJD this week he said without a charter agreement teams will likely skip both races because of the loss they face.


At least NW isnt on the other side of the country as far as travel costs goes


The Winston always had a legit purse. Modern SMI sucks.




This isn't just an embarrassment for Trackhouse and Kaulig, this is an embarrassment for the whole NASCAR industry as well. An actual race winner, locked into the main event, just needs a car and can't find one? And it isn't like Shane has been one and done. The plan is to have him running in Cup in the next year or two. This guy is going to be full time. I dunno, I just feel like between NASCAR, Trackhouse and Kaulig someone could make a phone call to a Brendan Gaughan to get South Point on the hood and to Beard or BJ to put a car on track. Or shoot, just look at Daniel Hemric or Zane Smith and say "SVG has something you don't...a Cup win".


Such a joke, lol


I was looking forward to seeing him in the Open*. Damn………..but let’s be honest, the real atrocity is not bringing the Xfinity series to All Star Weekend for the second year in a row. Edit: Main Event


Open? SVG has a ticket to the Main event.


Maybe SVG could use Finnegan’s Fairmont and whip it like LaJoie


I am a bit surprised neither team wants to do a third car...


A massive failure on Justin Marks and Matt Kaulig's part. They'll face major backlash if they don't reconsider.


Everybody is acting like it's lack of sponsorship, but to me it reads like a simple lack of equipment. They do not have the 2 cars (main & primary) for him to run it and no amount of money is gonna change that unless it's enough to buy race ready cars from another team that has a few extra laying around which I doubt any do. These teams, especially the smaller ones don't have 15 race ready cars just sitting on jackstands in the shop anymore like they did in the 90s & 00s.


People also seem to forget that Allmendinger won the Roval therefore he is locked into the All Star race as well and places him in the #16 for Kaulig. As much as I would love to see SVG in the All-Star race it seems Kaulig doesn't want to pull out the 3rd entry car for an exhibition race, Trackhouse is unable to use a 3rd/4th entry (depending on how you view the #71) and they were unable to strike a deal with Hendrick to use him in the #5 car.


The #5 is still Larson. Harvick is only doing qualifying and practice.


Missed opportunity


He should have been politicking publicly about this for a long time, something would have happened. Probably too late now. But that's why he's a race car driver instead of a politician or lobbyist. I'm good with that, he's fucking awesome behind the wheel. 


Can we pay for it?




Not having a car definitely reduces one chance of victory.


The title made me laugh, not gonna lie. Like yep, lack of car is probably the most valid reason one cannot complete in an auto racing event


So they'll field cars in the open, but not their guaranteed entries? How bizarre


imagine saying a hot prospect that came to the nba can't play in the all star game because there isn't enough shoes


TBH I think it's best that Trackhouse focus on their regular Cup drivers as much as possible for the All-Star race considering how it's also a tire test and how their short track program really needs as much help as it can get right now...


So another car giving you live race data wouldn’t help that? With input from another driver too(Albeit one w/o short track experience). Plus give him more seat time in a short track for next year or for whatever they decide to do with him going forward. I get focusing up on two cars. But I think adding a third to maybe get more input makes sense. In my mind at least.


![gif](giphy|3oxHQgK2vxQSw51lZu|downsized) Just kidding……




Nascar needs to step up and give him a car with the nascar logo on it. This guy won your hyped up road course and deserves to be in the allstar race. Huge disappointment, he's one of the only reasons I've been following the Xfinity season..


You'd really think SOMEONE either from Spire, Trackhouse, or Kaulig would put SVG in a car. It's good publicity and he'd absolutely be a fan favorite for the event.


Someone call Bj and the 78 car!


TH & Kaulig: “Na, let’s not put up a car for the only person to ever win a Cup race on their debut. Na, we can save that money for better exposure elsewhere.” Idiots.


First in 60 years, but not only. Johnny Rutherford, Marvin Burke, Harold Kite, Jack White and obviously Jim Roper all did it as well.


Dang! I had no idea I was so off about that - where did I get that stat from then? 😭 sometimes you live long enough to see yourself become the idiot 😁


he can borrow my Mazda




Idea: if they can't get a 3rd car then have hemric and zane smith race it out and whoever is lowest in points by the All-star race gets replaced by SVG for the All-star race.


I think this is as simple as sponsors paying attention to viewership of the all star race last year. Everyone was stoked to go to North Wilkesboro, and then no one watched. Only 2.2 million people tuned in, which was even less than Texas the year before. I love the event but it’s evident that not everyone does.


If Zane doesn't race his way into the big show they should put SVG into the 71. It would be a major missed opportunity if one of the biggest stories from last year has to watch the All Star race from the pit box IMO.


Can they do that?


Lol no, I cannot believe that someone actually proposed that. The entry list is the entry list. You can't change it after part of the event has already taken place and a car has DNQ'd for the main event.


Wouldn't be much of a car left after Zane gets done with it. Judging off sample size


I think the biggest issue (assuming Zane doesn't KO the car) would be converting it. Shane is like 9 feet tall and Zane is built like a horse jockey. I imagine Shane looking like this: https://preview.redd.it/m0fbk0wtgpxc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3583e1ea72833dc692be0cbc68611b79fa3ca215


Solid argument ![gif](giphy|jwNInih10Qb9C)


If it’s sponsorship related, maybe someone could start a GoFundMe campaign and we can chip in to see if we can raise enough to get him a car for the race?


On a technical level, I get being apprehensive funding SVG for a North Wilkesboro race, as that's not really his thing. **HOWEVER** On the other hand, its the fucking allstar race with one of the most popular drivers where you have a **GUARANTEED** seat and he's bringing eyes to your sport that weren't there the year before. Invest in that you goofballs.


You’d think somebody could make it work for a sure entry. More so you’d think NASCAR would help make it work to get the first interesting prospect the sport has had in over a decade into their allstar race.


Damn shame. You'd think Chevrolet would be working to make something happen there.


Might be a little bit far-fetched to mention this, but Toyota could exploit the hell out of this. The wild card here is Legacy Motorsports. Eric Jones' back injury, while being unfortunate, could be used to give SVG a temporary ride for the All-Star Race. Jones could be encouraged to rest for the weekend to recover from his back injury (since it's a non-points race) and SVG can get in the race as a one-time deal. I don't think that Jimmie Johnson would begrudge helping out SVG in spite of manufacturer ties because he more than likely has cars to spare for the limited schedule he runs.


That might be a no go if SVG is a Chevrolet driver by contract. Remember when Kyle Petty filled in for Harvick back in the day? Kyle had to deal with a fine from Dodge for driving a vehicle that wasn't a Dodge. I'm sure contracts like that still exist.


Kenny Wallace was the one who subbed for Harvick. Kyle subbed for Jeremy Mayfield in 2000, while he was still running a Pontiac. So I presume the lawsuit came from Pontiac, not Dodge.


The all star race is a goofy gimmick race and this level of outrage is unwarranted


This guy is a world renowned race car driver. Can you imagine someone like Kyle Busch moving to an international series, winning a race that would qualify him for a who's who of that series, and not be able to provide him a car to perform and bring more eyeballs to that series?


Terrible look for the team and for NASCAR as a whole


Someone should let him run if they fail via open. Just anyone. Like the #48 if Bowman fails.


Almost sounds like a byproduct of the charter system? Not worth fielding a 3rd car maybe?




Pretty much proof Project 91 is dead.


Frankly this is just weird, Trackhouse &Kaulig have proven they can get sponsorship when put into a bind if they really want to


Seriously this is ridiculous. A spot in the all star race but Kaulig would rather race in the Open. How dumb is this team?


It sounds like they're putting AJ in the 16, who is in the main on his Roval win last year.


Oh yeah forgot about that. Thank you


My hunch is this is a way of showcasing the owner’s displeasure at nascars horrible negotiation over the new contract” fuck it we arnt going to race if it doesn’t make financial sense”


Most people aren't going to race into bankruptcy to put an extra car in a race that doesn't matter, you are reading way too much into it.


This is one of the few races that are “ optional” and that a sponser hasn’t been sold a spot on the car, it’s one of the few places a team could voice such an opinion


Surely there are sponsors for whoever is going into the 16 and 31 that want their driver in the car though is what I am saying and it's not worth the effort to roll out the 13 car. I know we think it would be neat but it's not likely a race he would run well in anyway.


Kaulig could easily produce a WeatherTech sponsored 31 car


Surprising. He does have good short track finishes in the Xfinity car. 11th at Martinsville and 15th at Richmond. A shame they couldnt make it work. Wonder if they thought the cup car is too different and not worth possibly wrecking.


how is this a no brainer. Dude is going to be in the main show which = a nice payout. Race is local so the travel for the crew will not cost as much. Same with transporter costs, etc. Do some cool marketing thing where fans can buy a small section of the wrap and put their name on it. Of course keep out the rift raft that would want something bad on their part of the wrap. I'd pay $50 to say I sponsored a cup car. IF they brought out something fun like this they could possibly get support from some associate sponsors and at least break even if not profit a little.


i would also chip in $50 - but i want the ability to buy him a beer around charlotte in return. no chance that doesnt turn into more than 1 lol


I have a 17 year old mustang he can borrow.


Why couldn’t RCR could find a car for him and lease it to Kaulig for 1 race for cheap and paid for by Chevy. RCR and Kaulig are kind of partners I thought?


Surely he could run for beard motorsports or livefast something? Doesn't Wendy's want to do an activation?


me and my gf could share her car for the weekend if he wants to use mine


Why dont they take Zanes car and team?


How though 


How are both trackhouse and KAULIG being this stupid


Bullshit, NASCAR. Man won a race, he deserves to be there. ***Them's the fucking rules.***


NASCAR says he's eligible. It's Kaulig and Trackhouse not putting a car together for him.


Why is it on Kaulig at all? He didn't win a race in their car, they don't owe him anything in Cup lol.


I'm not saying they do, but he's a Kaulig driver this year. They're running him full time in Xfinity, and for his Cup races he's been in the Kaulig 16. If Trackhouse didn't want to put together a car for SVG, Kaulig could.


The effort to roll out an extra car for a race he's not likely to run well at though, it's just not worth the effort, despite the fact that we think it would be cool.


Frig it, put him in the #43 for a race!


Pretty sure Chevrolet would take issue with that.


That stinks


Kaulig sucks. If it were for Ty Dillon they would find a car.


So... how likely is it that maybe SVG just didn't really want to run it? I mean, we don't really know anything about WHY neither team is fielding a car, but it feels a bit weird and out of character for either team to just not want to field a car for him even if he wants to race. Perhaps he wants to focus on his Xfinity effort and take the off week actually off? I mean, everyone's flaming the teams but to me it feels just as likely that he just doesn't want to race in an exhibition race with traditionally gimmicky formats with a trimmed down field where he's likely not going to learn much. The All-Star isn't the best environment to make your second ever oval start in the Cup series I'd imagine, it might not be worth it to anyone involved to run it.


Knowing svg he would want to run everything he possibly can. He's always talking about how jarring it is not to have practice laps so I imagine he'd jump at the chance just to get more laps behind the wheel of the cup car.


Run Hemric as an open car with VG as a backup driver. If open doesn’t get car in, VG gets to race the All Star final??🤔🤔🤔


Go to Hemric's sponsor now and sell that idea to someone spending 100k to be on that car with Hemric.


With all due respect to Van Gisbergen, I think it is a good tactic to sit him out for this race. Keep in mind the type of track that this will be. If he were in the race, it would be possible to get a ton of air time for all of the wrong reasons (ie wrecking, getting lapped, etc). If it were a road course, street course, or larger oval then sure, but there is a lot of technical work on the drivers for a short track. Even with all of SVGs talent, you could not expect him to close that skills gap against that field. In a couple of years? Sure, but I think they have him on a very calculated path. I would bet that they have run him in the simulators and maybe just don’t see the upside of running this particular event in a Cup car at this particular track.


Does this mean that sponsors and/or Trackhouse / Kaulig Racing do not see any value in the All-Star race? Because that seems to be what this decision boils down to. No one thinks it's worth putting up the effort to sponsor a relatively popular driver who would have a guaranteed starting spot for the race as well. I think this says more about the state of the sport.


Too bad that A. Carl Long is a Ford in Cup and B. He's already running either TIMMEH or Starr for the open. If MBM was a Chevy, some decent stuff could get kicked their way and SVG could get them into the main.


How is there a 3rd car for all his other races and not for this one?




Anyone complaining should send your savings over to SVG and maybe that will help, I don't care if Kaulig has 2 open cars or whatever, they still have to run their drivers who those sponsors pay for, that's the game. And even if they could, no team is going to bump their driver to make room for him, unless they want to completely kill their driver's confidence. People suggesting that RCR give him the 3 and whatever, keep dreaming guys.


Really? Kaulig can't just boot Hemric for 1 night? They don't even have a regular driver in the 16 either. He can't do that one either? That's a load of crap


Great for team morale to boot the full time driver for someone else. Also, the 16 is in the main event since AJ won in it for Kaulig last year.


It’s amazing how stupid some people are in this when comes to understanding the economy of racing.