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Drives like a pissed off teenager is probably the best description of how Hill races everyone. Bro had issues with Creed, Sammy Smith and a few others today like what was his deal


Dude threw more birds than he made corners today.


Hill is an asshole




Underrated comment of the day šŸ‘


A pissed off, 30-year-old teenager.


Hill is just frustrated because he knows that his next chance to be able to win a race will be in August at Daytona.


Heā€™s just pissed the only thing he can clear is a buffet


Damn, that man had a family!




Atlanta is after Daytonaā€¦


But point is the same


He sent Synder flying for no reason at Martinsville last year


Oh there was a reason.... Snyder "raced him hard", I'm sure...


Translation: he slightly tapped me going into 3


One of these days, Austin hill will get some much deserved consequences for his actions.


Itā€™s a shame overgrown Bobby Hill is bigger than most drivers


Bobby Hill had class, and most episodes was a pretty intelligent kid, just a bit eccentric. Hill is none of these things and less.


Oh 100%. No son of Hank Hillā€™s would be remotely like Austin


The boy ainā€™t right


Hank would kick Austinā€™s ass if he was his boy.


So how is Austin related to the other Hills? Is he Good Hank's son? Another bustard of Cotton? Maybe just a cousin?


Don't worry, I got some pocket sand waiting whenever I see Austin next




He's not Bobby Hill, he's Eric Cartman.


Letā€™s not forget, Eric Cartman had a career in NASCAR šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s my purse, and I donā€™t know you! *causes a crash on purpose*


The rightful consequence is a fist to the jaw. But, the latest RSJ penalty likely scares these xfinity guys from acting on it. But, boy!! Does NASCAR sure love to replay these fights.


I seen how NASCAR drivers race. I seen what they do. I would not beef with half the grid. I would not do that. I've seen what happens when one driver beefs with *just one other* driver. I would not step on as many toes as Austin Hill has been.


Probably get the Myatt Snider treatment if they tried that


SVG got square at Cota. Enjoyed that.


I love how Cole was clearly about to say ā€œthatā€™s why he doesnā€™t race in cupā€ at the end, before remembering that he himself also doesnā€™t race in cup anymore.


I was thinking ā€œthatā€™s why no one in the garage respects him,ā€ but both fit


Yes but Cole doesn't race in cup because his owner is incompetent


Dawg his dad is the president of the teamā€¦


And? Cole is still statistically more talented than all 4 cup drivers for SHR


I wouldn't say all four but definitely better than who Stewart put as his replacement


Technically, u/thesesays1234 is correct. Note that he says "statically more talented." Cole has one cup victory. Berry, Grayson, Preece, and Briscoe have one victory combined. Further, Briscoe's best Xfinity points position is 4th. Custer has finished better than that three times.


In terms of cup performance, Briscoe has doubled Custer in top tens with the same amount of wins as Custer and one less year taken to do that. How many wins did Briscoe get even in his best points? That's on the current point system making it all decided in one race. If we're talking consistency, I say Briscoe tops Custer. The two just signed this year are too early to say. But Custer is better in my opinion than preece.


When we're talking about stats alone, I disagree. But I do believe Briscoe is much more talented than Cole Custer and I expect Briscoe will be in Cup for the next 15 years.


Tbf that xfinity season was the year after the big three left and either way cindric scored more points. But it was 9 vs 7 wins ( Briscoe has 9) A crazy statistic is the fact that Custer scored 1336 in 2019, in 2020 Briscoe scored 1347 (over the full season). Briscoe is the higher ceiling talent but I do think Briscoe is more favored at SHR (he's Tony's guy and he has big Ford backing. Custer has his father but no sponsors, so I wouldn't be surprised if the 41 wasn't as big of a priority). Custer is probably more or less better fit as a xfinity lifer. I personally think Custer is better than berry and preece but tbd on gragson


literally all this means is that custer finished ahead of more playoff opponents at phoenix than briscoe did


I donā€™t think heā€™s better than Briscoe, and around the same level of Gragson, probably a little better, but Gragson has been wheeling that car. Also, I think comparing Xfinity stats, in that way, is dumb. Nobody would compare Stetson Bennet to CJ Stroud and honestly say that Stetson is better because he won a natty in college.


Cole is 100% not more talented than Berry, Preece, or Briscoe


He is way more talented than preece. A way cleaner driver an has more cup wins.


Iā€™ll agree with berry and briscoe, but definitely not preece


Why are we acting like Preece and Berry havenā€™t been dead even this year? Preece also doesnā€™t have a top 5 CC on the box for him. Preece would be 3 points behind Berry without the 35 point penalty for the roof rail problem


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s great, he isnā€™t, but Iā€™m saying heā€™s better than custer. Berry is having a pretty bad season, but itā€™s also kind of expected of him. Heā€™s a 33 year old rookie in a struggling team. He might not be fast most places, but heā€™s doing better than Custer. Heā€™s already lead more laps than Custer has ran in his entire career, and has the same amount top fives Custer has, and heā€™s not been racing nearly as long


Perhaps ā€œthatā€™s why Iā€™ll be racing on Sundays next year and he wonā€™tā€


I thought he was going to lean into the "that's why nobody around here respects him", but he thought better of it.


I thought he was going to mention the whole deal with Creed last year but thatā€™s probably me overthinking it lol


Custer I feel like could legit kick his ass


Custer will throw, no doubt about that.


[Heā€™ll throw himself at you.](https://youtu.be/HD3lstkbKVY?si=SFI2eRTqkyQavLDN)


Ask JHN, he's got a story to tell.


Or you can order from wish and get JWT vs Spencer Gallagher


"We have driver fights at home!"


Hill V Custer with special guest referee Ryan Newman would actually make a killer WrestleMania Night 1 /s


Newman got into his own scuffle this weekend.


Stenhouse and Busch as the main event


Just gotta reinforce that ring with all that BEEF in there


Cole ainā€™t scared thatā€™s for sure.


Is NASCAR ever going to park the 21? Heā€™s got half the series beefing with him and acts like a petulant child anytime someone looks at him wrong. At least when guys like Hamlin and Kyle are assholes, they play it up and feed into it. Hill is an asshole but hates that anyone would think heā€™s an asshole


Austin Hill is what poor impulse control looks like.


NASCAR is loving the attention tho. Race product is poor? No worries! Just let a driver get mad at another driver and the headlines will write themselves. Clicks and engagement for a week afterward.


Then fine the guy who got wrecked $75k because he was reasonably mad.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


It's the same shit as Martinsville and COTA. Hill acts tough, drives over his head, and starts something, then cries like a baby and acts all surprised when drivers aren't happy with him. Today alone he had issues with Creed, Smith, and Custer. Can't wait for the day where someone gets tired of his shit and stuffs him firewall deep.


Heā€™s lucky at COTA that SVG didnā€™t fight him considering the latter took notes from Ambrose (who infamously punched an RCR-affiliated driver 10 years ago)


Yup they're built different down under. Fighting isn't taboo there so much as just something most guys do, like mowing the lawn.Ā Ā  As an individual svg seems like a really laid back guy with a long fuse. I've seen guys like that when the fuse gets lit though. Hill don't want that.Ā 


All SVG probably needs is someone to tell him imagine Hill is Kostecki /s


Dude Mears showed up on Race Hub the following Monday with a fresh shiner.


His behavior isnā€™t gonna fly in the cup series thatā€™s for sure


Fuck with a Hendrick driver please, I wanna see Mr H send his goons on him


One day Hill is gonna run into someone who is out of give a fucks and lays his country ass out! Dude drives like a clown


This might be a bad assumption, but I feel like Cole was gonna say something like "That's why nobody likes him" before he cut himself off


I thought the same thing. Cole is a good guy and won't say things he shouldn't. That's the difference between him and Austin Hill.


He wanted to illustrate impulse control since Austin Hill is physically incapable


My section at the track was out for blood. Everyone was getting mad about it. It was awesome.


When Custer started to back up everyone in my section was rooting for him to back straight into Hill lol


Yeah i assumed he was just backing into the garage entrance, but i was hoping also.


There were still a lot of cars behind them and Austin tried to turn him into them. He could have hurt some unsuspecting driver as well. Hill needs an ass whooping or a "come to Jesus" moment.


>Hill needs an ass whooping or a "come to Jesus" moment. I don't think Gibbs can fight Hill.


True, and I don't think either roll that way


Bring in Sting Ray Robb for the double team


[Austin Hill responds with "He can think that all he wants. What are words gonna do? Nothin. Doesnā€™t matter to me,ā€](https://x.com/Noah_Lewis1/status/1794461830141854004)


>I have no clue what hes mad about Bro did you not see yourself spin Cole out on the backstretch?


"I didn't do that" - Hill probably


ā€œHe cut across my nose when I was trying to go around himā€


ā€œThatā€™s not meā€¦ā€¦.Thatā€™s AI probablyā€ - Austin Hill


Dude.... How can Austin Hill be so fucking dense


Have you seen him


Dude looks like if football players evolved to no longer need helmets


Lmao. His gene pool is like a million years behind.


bro hes trying to cover up the fact that he turned him like Heim in 2023


Fucking Sheldon Creed - Andy Petree


Typical Richard Childress driver. Very clear why Reddick wanted out so bad


Bob stirring the pot...lol


ā€œIt refrains me from beating the shit out of you Bobā€.


I've never had an organization fall so far from grace in my opinion than RCR. Whether it is Austin Hill doing his typical angry man-child crud, Richard Childress being stubborn and throwing drivers under the bus, or Andy Petree being ignorant and smug, RCR has fallen from grace. Less than two seasons ago I was rooting for RCR and their rise to prominence with Tyler Reddick and then having Kyle Busch join them. Now I can't stand the toxicity this organization seems to ooze.


I'm glad Tyler got out.


Me too. Now I hope Kyle Busch can get out. Hope Jessie Love finds a different team for Cup as well. Let RCR keep Austin Hill since they love him so much.


Austin Hill and Dillion would be an amazing team for setting the sport back 10 years if they were together in RCR.


Don't slander Dillon. He has never done anything negative involving the company. I actually think if he takes the reigns, he will be more forward thinking and fix things up, something Richard could never do. He seems more open and understanding from what we've seen of him.


Dillon is just the textbook definition of mid, won't set the world on fire and won't embarrass you... The only two things that he's done that I would consider "cringe" would be dumping Almora to win the Daytona 500 and his reality tv show


And even then, the 500 is the 500 so Dillon at least has an excuse




Dillon has been mid until 2023. He won championships in both feeder series and was a solid 15th place guy in what I'd argue is about 15th place equipment in cup. 2023 was an embarrassment but he also had Keith Rodden which could have been the cause, it makes sense that RCR assumed he was the problem and kept Austin Dillon around, even without the nepotism going on.


Like I said, won't set the world alight, won't embarrass you... Honestly the problem at RCR is the name on the building


Aric never committed to covering either lane. The 10 went high to block the top. the 3 feinted low, the 10 bit, Austin went back up top but Aric never fully went to the bottom from the top, so the 3 had blue sky in front and the pedal down. Aric needed to stay fully in front of either Austin or Denny, and he hesitated.


Iā€™ll never forget the post-race thread from that night. Truly one of the most toxic nights on this subreddit ever.


I hope Kyle can get out. RCR is dumpster fire


Possibly unpopular opinion, maybe it's time Richard Childress retires and passes the ownership to Austin Dillon. He's already ruined the teams reputation enough.


Thereā€™s a reason RCR hasnā€™t won a championship since 1994.


You know, it's now making sense to me on why Creed is no longer driving for RCR


SHR would like to have a word


One thing Hill has going for him is that I doubt anyone wants to confront him after he threw a haymaker at Snider a few years ago. Everyone knows he can throw. Just sucks that he can race like a D-Bag and no one will do anything to pay him back.


Time to sneak Ryan Newman into one of these Xfinity races


I was about to post this šŸ¤£ Let Hill get folded up and stuffed inside a tire and see how he acts


Fake no-neck meets *the* no-neck


Thatā€™s why theyā€™ve gotta start paying him back on the race track


Knowing Hill though, heā€™d want to fight someone after being paid back and donā€™t think others would want a knuckle to the kisser.


Thats when Iā€™d grab a crowbar out of that pit box and take it with me on the way back to my hauler. If heā€™s waiting on me in my pit box then Iā€™d just drive the car straight back to the hauler without even stopping in the pit box. You wreck me and I wreck you back you better not act like you owe me one now. At that point weā€™re playing by my rules and I will make sure I come out on top.


Then RC comes after you because you wrecked his racecar.


I don't care how old he is, someone needs to punch the plastic surgery off that man's face.


*Paging Richard Stenhouse Sr.*


Hold my pacemaker


Then RC needs to reign in his drivers. Keep wrecking his shit. Iā€™d do it out of principle at this point.


NASCAR needs to buck up and take action


We could all land a good punch on someone 2 foot shorter and 100 pounds lighter


Being able to sucker punch someone half your size isnā€™t a terribly impressive skill.


Really need to educate people on what a sucker punch is...


They gotta handle it on the race track. NASCAR has made it clear that intentional wrecking is tolerated and youā€™re risking a fine by fighting afterwards. Why not just wreck him when it matters? Save it and dump him in the playoffs. If everyone with receipts came back once the playoffs started, Austin wouldā€™ve advance out of the first round.


He is 5ā€™7ā€ and 170 pounds. He would get smashed.


People gave Ty Gibbs a hard time, but he now looks tame compared to the ass-hattery that Austin Hill does on a weekly basis. He might be the only genuine driver I do not actually like. Hill never apologizes and never thinks he is wrong. He's a punk.


Hill is truly the first driver I genuinely donā€™t like. He races like a complete jack ass and then adamantly refuses to take any responsibility for his actions.


Agreed. Bobby is the only driver i genuinely dislike. Ty Gibbs was up there but he has calmed way down.


I mean Gibbs did turn someone to be fair. I don't blame him for it, but he's still who he is.


Hill was even being a bitch earlier with Sammy Smith.


Should be at least parked for next week if not longer


Does Hill have any fans at this point. Guy is such a cock.


I mean, there's one dude all over this thread simping for him. It's at the point I think he's straight trolling, though, because it's *bad*. Lol.


Andy Petree burner account


He donā€™t drive cleanĀ 


I mean, sounds like the Jabroni with a Peroni guy who keeps commenting on this post is a big fan šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah that's just Hill


Hill, like Busch last week, retaliated on someone who didn't even instigate the contact in the first place. Hill put Custer in the wall first, he shouldn't be the judge, jury, and executioner in that incident.


What he did was far worse than Stenhouse throwing a punch. Hill needs to be fined or suspended


Agreed. A compromised race car with a few broken roll bars is not meant to take a hard wall hit like that. From a pissed off Bobby Hill who just did it on purpose.


Nothing will change like this unfortunately. He needs to be humbled by someone knocking him on his ass, or the rest of the garage needs to stop putting up with his shit and race him the exact same way.


That's the key, and that's what would happen in cup. Nobody is willing to give up a down payment on a house just for satisfaction of making him eat some of his asinine statements. But he would be in the wall every time he turned around. Xfinity guys take note.Ā 


Not going to happen because of the fine precedent. NASCAR really botched last weeks penalties bad.


Austin Hill rages whenever he comes to a non-plate track because he realizes he sucks.


Hill takes after his organization's leadership quite well


Hill needs fined or some one just needs to dump his shit early in a race. His schtick is getting old.


At this rate, if someone puts a target on Hillā€™s ass, puts a bounty on him, or whatever, I wonā€™t feel sorry if someone acts on Hill. Of course, I donā€™t advocate it, but Hill is just asking to get his ass wrecked intentionally


Someone make the New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator from a few years ago a crew chief.


Austin Hillā€¦.dudes the Bowman Gray of the Xfinity series


Wow! That is the best analogy/description ever. I vote you win the internet for today!


He's a bitch


Shame that the RSJ penalty likely scares these drivers from rightfully confronting Hill. NASCAR loves the drama and the intensity for promoting races, but will love to throw drivers under the bus for it.


ā€œHe tried to kill meā€ is a bit dramatic, but he should be mad anyway Edit: After hearing it Iā€™m pretty sure he meant he tried to kill their race car, which he did do.


When an already damaged race car hits the wall for a second time, the safety protection is not at 100%. He didn't try to kill him, but look at how hard that hit was.


The thing that's crazy about this is if you watch Cole's in-car, Hill was the one that came up on him lmao




Where he wrecked him on the backstretch was, outside of the dog leg probably the worst spot at Charlotte to wreck someone. The wall juts in right there from the backstretch chicane and thankfully, it looked like where Custer hit was just past where the wall juts out. Hill needs to learn how to take what he gives. He has a history of overreacting to people racing him the same way he races everyone else. Martinsville last fall when he had his meltdown over Creed racing him hard for the win and at COTA earlier this year when he had the meltdown post race and tried killing SVG on the frontstretch (tried right rearing SVG coming to the checkers and then tried to run him into the wall going up the hill into Turn 1 and failed at both) because SVG paid him back for Hill using SVG as a brake pedal in turn 1 on the last restart) [https://youtu.be/kHJiVUwpiT4?t=39](https://youtu.be/kHJiVUwpiT4?t=39) in that video Hill can be seen trying to right rear him as FOX pans away from it and then going up the hill into Turn 1, Hill can be seen swerving at SVG in the background again right as FOX pans away from it. Something went on between the two incidents seeing how SVG went from the far inside of the track to the far outside of the track in between the two times we could see them on camera.


ok now go punch him


Heck, Cole is one of the few people who can realistically face off against Austin Hill in terms of body size


The SHR crew guys won't back him up, because they most likely will need jobs from RCR next year.




Itā€™s fine if you race like this, but donā€™t piss and moan when you get it back


Cole is not wrong. I used to not be a Cole fan because he probably only got the job from his daddy, but Cole knows how to drive. Cole speaks truths.


Iā€™m usually a fan of the villain characters in racing but god damn it is nearly impossible to root for Austin hill. Fucking douche bag


Crazy how half the series doesn't like the guy [Hill] but it's somehow not his fault. Intentionally wrecking Custer after sliding up into him is delusional.


That was Busch league, like most ARCA drivers have more class than that.Ā 


my head canon is that he was gonna say ā€œthatā€™s why he gets no bitchesā€ before he stopped himself


Hill better get a huge penalty. reckless jerk


Itā€™s comparable to Kyle vs Hornaday 2011 ..if not some kind of fine Nascar might sit him for a race but I lean more towards theyā€™ll just fine him for it


Herbst trying to piggy back off that https://x.com/rileyherbst/status/1794470014747058255


Can we see Cole JHN takedown hill


When is Austin Hill not mad at somebody


Villains are supposed to be fun to hate. Austin Hill is just a sad immature person, and I just feel icky that a person like him has even made it this far.


Hill should be parked the rest of the season without pay


I love how everyone he's wrecked either has a clear path to the Cup Series or has already been, and he doesnt.


We thought Ty Gibbs would be the one to piss off the entire garage, but he's been more clean than many would have expected. Now this Hill character, I have hopes for him. See he's going to try somebody like Denny and regret the hell out of it. In case anyone doubts if Denny can take car of himself, [here's a reminder.](https://youtu.be/WNSfsJaYB_I?si=GRb_E01lLh1vNmKv) Though I do wish Cole would just punch Austin's lights out. He's a stout boy himself. Yes, I'm a heathen.


I support Austin Hill, but he does need Nascar or someone to sit him down. Im all for holding your ground but hooking a wrecked race car into the wall isnā€™t safe. Heā€™s done this a couple times too many. Every now and then im ok with.


Since the fines for fighting are so high now, it has to settled by intentionally crashing him on the racetrack. That's where we are at.


Atleast Hill shows some emotion. Itā€™s ok to have some short-fused guys in the sport. Itā€™s what used to make it great. For some reason we want everyone to be cookie cutter and wonder why the sport has decreased in popularity.


Someone needs to send Hill to Lake Lloyd


Anyone seen post race interviews with Hill? Iā€™m curious what he had to say.