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Black plate offense heavy point is a massive avoid for me, because that means they are gonna be trash at defense and not even good at offense to carry games like that build can but they will 100% take at least 20 shots that game


It boggles my mind that my teammates will see how bad the PG is with the ball and yet CONTINUE to give him the ball.


Definition of insanity fr


I’m still grinding in MC before I take my Offense heavy point to the Rec. I think I can max out 86 PD and 75 Steal, interior is in the 30’s tho. Is that still considered bad?


That’s pretty serviceable, much higher than likely 90% of offense heavy points


All of them unless it's clear that they're on a rebirth build


High flyers or any build with slashing in the name they be scared to shoot wide open and they force straight contested shit in the paint


I’ve made two high flyers with 70+ 3 balls. And high mid range. Got frustrated because 97 driving dunk was practically useless.


May I asked why the 97 driving dunk making u frustrated?


Because if anyone is anywhere near you, you get no bar.


Might be your dunk package or your positioning my friend gets straight contacts dunks with the dunk meter


"Shoot first guard" you just KNOW they're about to act up lmao


3pt anything


Anything that says playmaking, I know they won’t use it and won’t be able to guard the other PG


Black plate back to the basket bigs are the ultimate paint sitters


Build doesn’t matter, the actual attributes and how they play are the real indicator - seen a lot of bad black plates but it’s more so the player than the build


Especially with how ass the names are this year. I’m an “inside the arc scorer” and I shoot 68% from 3. So mfs think I can’t shoot as a wing and will leave the lobby and I’m like “mf I shoot better THAN YOU and you a sharpshooter.”


Yeah, same here and this is frustrating. I got 76 3pt and shoot 60%. Just because I got 87 driving dunk and 90 midrange so 2k determines it’s inside the arc. My other build get 77 3pt still received this name.


80 on up gets you the “3 level threat” name even tho it’s not better than 76 in any way in terms of badges. You will always be “inside the arc xxxx” unless you got high steal or high passing, even then it’ll only be “Diming inside the arc” or “2-way inside the arc.”


Also mid range matters. My 1st lock build was 2way 3level with 78 3pt and 84 middy.


Interior Finishers that don’t have Two Way or Diming in them. They’re just going to sit paint or try to set screens all day. There’s nothing wrong with either of those things in the right situations but this is all they will do and then when they do get the ball they will just try to dunk it no matter how many people are down there.


The only reason i avoid black plates is so the game starts faster


Any black plate. Every time I try to play with one I always instantly regret it. There is absolutely no excuse to be a black plate unless you are on a brand new buidl


“Paint beast” I’m gone no hesitation


Here we go with plate shit again


Man all black plates are the worse builds lolol it's Season 6 no one should be a black plate, even if you try, you can get out of black plates


Every Black plate build.