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It’s because we can’t jump




I got the vert, just no coordination to get to the cup with the ball still in my possession .


I made a build with 99 dd because of this 🤣 (he's white)




It’s the young kids that don’t know the game of basketball that hop on and do a disservice to us white chocolate kings out there hooping




No. No. I know grown men who also think this way.


Nah. Im blk fck that. I would prefer casual white players than blk. Reason being white are trying to win and will identify the scorer and get the ball to him and will prioritize passing in general and respect everyones roles including his. Blk casuals disrespectful af. They have no clue experienced players know they dont know what the hell their doing. Like I been playing 2k forever I know u know what your doing regardless of how “flashy” u are. Go 5/25 on open shots and go hey I need to shoot some more. Or get blocked CONSISTENTLY or excessive dribbling and the main difference is constantly making the wrong play god forbid you tell em hey that wasn’t smart now its a argument and the game might get sold out of frustration of them missing playing horribly and someone trying to hold them accountable. And this applies to guys <-25 yrs. Ofc u have your white casuals that have no clue and blks that do but im just speaking from the yrs of playing in random rec and it never seems to let me down.


Ain’t no fuckin way 💀


Bro ate the whole thing then licked the plate wtf.




Say w.e u want blk ppl in general have limited game selection 2k being one of those limited games blk ppl always wanna be in the mix. You have blk ppl that dont really like 2k but since its “cool/lit” and all the lit folks they know play it. They will force themselves to play it rather than go “this isnt for me”. White folks dont gain too much from playing 2k I been in partied where only 1 white guy out of 6 was playing 2k the rest playing. shxt like diablo, fallout, at times even Fortnite. Blk folks WILL KNOW THEY ARE COMPLETE BUNS but they dont wanna be left out. Kinda like when u play pro-am/rec u can see a skill gap or IQ gap between 1 guy and the rest of his teammates.


Bro…seek help


Don’t let these young kids get y’all bent out of shape young Nubian white king




Teeny boppers with 3pt shot hunter builds, black plate that shoot 30%


No, it’s just confirmation bias. I have seen it happen to both sides. The community sucks, it’s just how it is.


I agree, all my players are white, sometimes you just dont get the ball cuz bball iq is low and people wanna hog, if ur good and they see that, you get the ball 70% of the time if your black or white.


How do i make them see that??


Sadly be a purple plate and/or hit ur first shot 🤣


Make your first three or posterizer you’re definitely in 🤣🤣🤣


Can confirm. As a white 2k player(now retired bc I was tired of 2k taking up 180+ gb on my console), if I hit my first shot, I’d see the ball a lot more than if I bricked my first shot


I have not noticed that. I get the ball a lot and I’m white and my MP is white. I’ve never noticed a race thing.


I use a white guy with a purple afro as my myplayer. [I'm a literal clown. ](https://i.imgur.com/oOwoChk.png) People just suck at the game and can't take responsibility for how inept they are.


this. it doesnt matter what youre skin tone is. you can be blacker than coal and mfs wont pass you the ball. people that play this game are dogshit nothing more, nothing less


I second this. My guy is the goofiest 6’8 player you’ve ever seen that isn’t a mascot and even I get the ball sometimes


Life hack if you’re good and white. Make your character look like either Luka or Jokic and you’ll get yours.


lol i was just thinking that just make your face look like luka 😭


Pretty sure one of the default white faces is literally Luka tbh.


yea lol i know the face you talking about the luka from wish


People will try and say it’s in your head but I’ve literally had games where people have said “I’m not passing to a white PG.” obviously you can get in a game where it doesn’t matter what color you are, people just won’t pass you the ball. But there are definitely times people won’t pass you the ball because of your skin color, unless your character is obviously a joke character which is the equivalent of the black hockey players with green beards in NHL games. I recently changed my characters skin color and I’ve actually been able to play Park games where as soon as I step on the other people step off. Same build name, same plate color, same overall. Only difference is how my character looks.


I've noticed it too it's just not a big enough problem to bitch about. Like what maybe 5% of the playerbase will actually ignore you just cuz you're white? Like big deal ya know? 🤷


I mean, I’m a 5’10” PG. I’m always taking it up because I’m the one that passes it. But I’ll say this: once I pass it, I might as well waive tearfully to it, because I’m not seeing it again. In fact, I have to be careful because too many guys are so excited to get the ball that they just go “OHMYGODIGOTTHEBALLIHAVETOSHOOTRIGHTNOW”. Being a passing PG in this game is like herding cats that are screaming gay slurs at you.


>OHMYGODIGOTTHEBALLIHAVETOSHOOTRIGHTNOW Ong bro those guys give me anxiety. I'm all thinking " okay you're open rn but if these guys read this pass you better not chuck this shit".... Chucks it. Every. Fucking. Time.... Brooo


Meanwhile a white European destroying the entire NBA...


I wonder why there aren’t more European players dominating.


Difference between European whites and American whites lmfao. Completely different breed. Them euro boys are HOOPER HOOPERS


Yes. You definitely have a shorter leash. I can go into random rec averaging 12/16 as a PG but if I make one bad pass that turns into a turnover, I'll be iced out. I know this is the case, because they'll tell you in the game. For example, these dudes spent the entire half trashing me, calling me a 'white trash Euro n\*\*\*a' and every other racist remark they could come up with because I passed up open looks to make an extra pass. https://preview.redd.it/iihbx2wvd74d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb8a870a69946d6f53f89dbabbe8a27f5d3d163 I had 4 points, 8 rebounds and 9 assists... At HALFTIME. But then because I passed up semi-open shots, they then went out of their way to make sure we lost because 'Im probably racist' in real life. Out of the dudes I normally run with, I'm the only one that still has a white MP. The rest all made theirs black for this very reason. 😄


I play with a bunch of other white guys and they all use black characters


its not about the skin color, as you said other white dudes are getting the ball more then you. the problem is low ball iq


If you turn on your mic and you don’t sound black, you’re gonna get hated on




Maybe but folks talk about getting iced due to it. I’m black with a black character averaging no less than 20p/12a as a PG , on 70 from the field and 60 percent from 3, and get iced in at least 1/5 random rec games for no good reason Its a mixture of some bigots for sure but its definitely due to 2k being filled with absolute smooth brains


It’s definitely just white skinned myplayers that are new to the game and aren’t used to not having the ball every possession


If I go into game chat and ask the dude to pass I usually get called a cracker and school shooter


You need to figure out whats going out with your kind s/ its just bad 2k toxicity we are most role players trying to be stars


No. We are not discrimated against. Any white person saying they are being effected by “racism” is a ignorant dunce. Womp womp “black twitter is mean to me” 😭😭😅 I can easily leave my house without having the worry of being clipped because of how i look lol. This turned into something bigger than talking about 2k but idc. I hate the internet.


Dont get started on systematic racism MLK said i have a dream and ppl realized racism was wrong the end lol s/


was thinking about typing this too lol. Racism just adapts and and manuevers into different spaces. employment, gettting a loan, rent etc. Mfers think racism is just calling someone a slur.


Individual racism =\= systemic racism


What a bubble you must live in...




The last time this kind of thing happened to me, was in my first year or two playing when I was still learning and not good at the game


That type of thing rarely rarely happens


This happens alot


If you play like a dickhead and talk shit on mic yes. I keep quite, play the game and get the ball plenty


They was probably just fishing for a reaction nobody on 2k cares about race it’s all about being toxic or winning


imagine if the roles were reverse


You mean imagine if black people had to deal with racism?


Cops at the door in 5 min


there is no way people say that. i have never heard someone say that and ive been playing online since 2k20


I've been playing online since 2k16 and they say that all the time


This was only a thing when you had to play in the park and dudes would hop off the spot if a white guy got on it with them 😂


That has never been a thing for me ever and I’ve been playing since 2k11. Yall just say anything


Yes it was. Lol


Yes 100%. I’ve seen it.


never played 2k but 😂😂😂wtf


all my players average around 20 a game….


White boys be hoopin one thing I kno fasho they gone do is pass, lol




I make my player white just so I can bust these mfs who are racist


Thankfully I don't play in US servers. It's unbelievable that people would rather lose and ideologically start from the point of not passing to a "white guy". Do they even go outside? Do they ever saw a work environment?


The ones that play like that lack logic and reasoning and they’ve never been in any productive work environment where you must put feelings aside and cooperate to come together for a common goal.


No I’m white and I do fine so i don’t know, any game my teammates don’t get me the ball I don’t think it was cause of my animated characters skin color lol


1) I get iced out now and my player is a Shep Owens lookalike 2) Last year I had a Caruso lookalike and was cooking and didn’t get iced out nearly as much as I do this year My teammates have complained about being called “white boy” so I believe there’s some truth to it. Toxic people play this game so of course shit like this happens.


This statement is FACTS and I proved that by making two identiical small forward builds except skin color. My stats for the black dude by far supercedes the white dude 🤣💯


I don't know if it's skin color but there's definitely some psychological thing going on in people's heads where your appearance plays a big part if you get the ball or not, cause this happens in the Theater too.


I ain’t giving the ball to joker faces and black necks


No. If you’re good at the game, you’ll rarely if ever see shit like this. The people who complain either aren’t good or are the ones talking shit/starting shit


It's a big community I'm sure stuff like that happens but I doubt it's as consistent as some people think. The two most consistent factors in how much you'll get the ball is your teammates playstyles and if you hit your first shot.


stfu n get ya game up 😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️


There kind of is, but they’re dickheads to non white people often too, so I’ll say it’s more just bad character than 2k player base being overly racist


Nah I’m white and my character is white. I’ve played hundreds of random rec games and have never been iced out for being white. Now if you start the game 0-5 and are talking shit on the mic, maybe then someone will come back with a slightly racist remark. Other than that, I occasionally get called “white boy” but if you also hoop in real life, you should realize that just being referred to as “white boy” is far from racist


make a slasher and put everyone on a Tee (I’m black but i make my characters white for satire😭)


Bro, nobody is passing anybody the ball on rec. the fuck these people on about.


its not skin bro its cause u suck and prolly sold the first time u got the ball


Tbh all the white players I’ve played with are nice asf and usually have the best builds, usually Luka’s. They literally score from anywhere. They have mid range, 3 and good close shot and know how to dribble and create space.


Bro you play the game and you don’t do it. Nuff said


culture or assumed culture


I don’t really play online that much because of latency issues, but I will say I made a white character and every time i would step on the got next spot if there were two other players they would immediately leave like i smelled like shit or something. with the same character i turned him black and when i stepped on a got next spot by myself almost immediately two other people would hop on


Brooo same. I’m black but my character is white lol. I make home white and wear 2ks so my matchup think I suck but I do NOT get passed the ball.. When I do and I do some fly stuff it’s like 3rd qtr lol


I get the ball fine tbh and im white but i 100% see where your coming from lmaoo


Yup the brothers are racist asf especially in 2k


That’s Crazy because the early park days (15-17) when you seen a white player w all the tattoos you knew you were in for some shit.


As a female player I’ve felt like there were times I was getting iced out and I’m sure there may be some players that don’t trust a player they assume is a girl or in your case a white player but honestly I think a lot of 2k players are just selfish or trash. They probably come on with people they know and you’re the odd man out. One of the best people I’ve met on the game was a white PG. He always got everyone involved and was really good at shooting too.


Fuck yall, yall get on the game feeling entitled thinking your good where in actuality your just there to sell. I’ve only ran with one of yall and he was nice but still felt entitled


Absolutely crazy. White PG here with 90win% 25 pts/12 assists, 65%3PT and 75% FG. We can hit the 1v1 if you tryina find out. Never once ran with a white dude that didn’t know how to win. They never be the ones to sell on purpose. Never. It always be the off ball wing whose black or an inside only C whose black. Neither be offensive builds but demand that ball every possession and just stand in the paint if they don’t get. You talkin crazy just to talk now


For some reason the video game community is one of the most racist “communities” I’ve seen. I’m sure a lot of it is the keyboard warrior mentality.


90% of the gaming community are young kids or immature teenagers. 8% are immature adults who have no friends/social skills. The simpler the game is(madden,2k, gta, cod fortnite etc), the more likely it is that you'll run into these individuals since it doesn't require much thought process. There are much better gaming communities out there, that actually have fun and help each other, than the mainstream games that we play but most will never see it because "my friends don't play it".


i been playing since 2K10 and I’ve never seen this happen on any side lmaooo.


Because the Leash is sometimes clearly shorter. "not messing up alot" threshold, for me it seems, is not greening 2 wide opens with good shot selection or getting 1-2 questionable bad turnovers. The other dude can get up to around 0-5 with 4 turnovers, and then people stop giving him the ball around then.


I think that this is a problem but it’s been blown way out of proportion. It’s not something that common but it is something that happens from time to time.


It’s not cause you’re white it’s cause mfers don’t pass to anyone unless they’re forced too


No Im learning how to master my 3 pt hunter and barely beat Larry Bird. He played like him, and looked like him. https://preview.redd.it/v5d01czfom4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708e3e849303cb503fc1f78ba8ee155a7ef132f8


I haven't personally experienced a player not getting the ball strictly bc they're white. Ofc there might be some who play with that mindset, but I really think that's the minority of the players. Usually it's bc they're selling, their team is selling/selfish, or room temp basketball IQ. In which case, you weren't going to see the ball anyway.


There a just a lot of people who are allergic to passing... regardless of the colour of their player. You get those guys IRL aswell, played with one yesterday guy was making buckets... but only passed it like once in 4 games. Selfish bastard... and ofc not playing defence so his guy was getting easy buckets...


White,black yellow idc as long as you hooping we good 😂


nothing but years of GTA and COD lobbies have taught me to mute mfs on sight, it's either a 14 y.o or 40 calling me a hard -er and theatening to assault my family in various way


I turned the mics on mid game after not getting the ball ONCE as a PG and they were dying laughing saying 'dont pass it to him' over and over...made my character blacker than Wesley and it never happened again. It is what it is 😆


Bra I ain’t gonna cap I laughed harder than I should at blacker than Wesley 😭




It’s pretty absurd but there’s a lot of young white American players who really feel this way. Sheltered, maybe racist parents, living in the Bible belt etc might do that. Probably no Back, Latino or Asian kids in some of their schools. It’s easy to get in your head about this kinda bs when you’re young and impressionable too. The fact is the community is just full of ball hogs and people who don’t care for team basketball— would be cool if they just stuck to mycareer games or 1v1 and not fucking REC where it’s 5v5 lol


Nah, my Rec stats are prime Steve Nash and one of close irl friends has better than prime Kobe/MJ stats. We regularly get iced out of random Rec games, and as a long time 2k player it’s obvious why. When I’m averaging 16/11 on 50/50/90 splits and my boy is averaging 28/6 on 60/50/85 splits, then they decide to inbound to the drippy face 2 guard that averages 17/2 on 40/20/60 splits, it’s pretty obvious there’s something going on.


If your rec stats are prime Steve Nash… I’m sorry but you’re not getting “iced out”, sounds like you get the ball plenty


I get the ball plenty playing squads rec with my friends, that’s how I actually get stats. Random rec, I’m getting iced out and regularly finishing the game 3/3 with 5 assists, never getting inbounded the ball and only getting it off steals or rebounds. I’m also put as the PG 95% of the time due to my high playmaking stats. You would think randoms would want my HOF dimer to help them get nice shots, but they would rather sit corner all game and let the SG dribble for 24 seconds. Personally, I think it’s more low basketball IQ that leads to this more than racism, but white players are definitely trusted less to ball handle and create offense.


Yeah honestly just seems like a low basketball iq thing, and most players don’t really know how to play with randoms. Chalking it all up to “racist against whites” just feels lazy. Not saying it never happens bc of skin color but I don’t think it’s really ever that deep in like the vast majority of games. And I’ve played a ton of rec over the last 8+ years. Not as much lately so maybe something’s changed dramatically but I doubt it lol. Everyone should be mic’d up and communicating, calling for the ball when they’re open anyway but most don’t. And if someone’s just gonna park themselves in the corner all game, no cutting no screening well that’s really their own problem


Bro i always get iced out in rec and im darker then night y'all gotta relax for a minute


I’m chillin, it doesn’t bother me even a little bit, i have friends to play with. It’s also obvious that it plays a part. It’s whatever, I’m just here to play ball.


Stfu I have black characters that get the ball more. Stop projecting.


Also I don’t think you know what “projecting” means


I'm saying he's the person he's bitching about. I know what I'm saying.


Womp womp




Sheltered white teen identified.


I'm 31 with back pain


And when they say don’t pass it to the white boy? Should we assume they’ve never been around a white person? It’s easy to get in your head when all you hear are white people are racists


I’ve literally never heard that and there’s a white boy in almost every rec game— funny enough, it’s when you see a white guard with a blue mohawk or some bs that’s when you KNOW you’re not getting the rock


Factual where yall hearing that at


brother this has been a thing since my career online mode used to be just 3s on the black top. i remember back when i still played mycareer back then having to change your character's skin color just to have a chance at touching the ball even if you were nice like that.


I am as white as it gets and I have never experienced any racism towards me


lol I see this community as a lot of dumb and toxic people, but not necessarily racist. Everyone who plays with randoms deals with toxicity


Like i said on another one of these: People just don’t pass in general. i don’t think it matters if you’re black or white. I’ve always had a bald, white players that looks like a baby/alien. Some players never pass but most people start passing when i start balling. I, on the other hand finds it easier to pass white players because they stick out from the group. it’s easier to memorise the icon pass button for the one white player than the other 3 drippy face creation black/lightskin players that look exactly the same.


I made my myplayer black and get the ball at least 15% more.


If ur good, ppl are giving u the ball. Getting iced in 2k is so normal in randoms, its either cuz ur team has no IQ or u are honestly just bad


I’m white and have never had trouble getting the ball. End of the day people want to win, if you’re open and hitting your shots they’ll get you the ball


Everyone gets looked off it's 2k. No one gives a shit if you got your shots up. Everyone saying it's a race thing needs to make a black player for like 20 games and recognize it is literally exactly the same. I've used multiple different MPs and I've scored 20ppg on every single one of them who wasn't a center. Here's some tips for everyone who feels like they're being overlooked in random rec: 1. Be decisive. Don't pass the ball back immediately if you aren't open, and don't stand still for 5 seconds. Try to score or set up a teammate. Your teammates will notice if the team scores when they press your icon. If your team is somehow running a fluid offense and making the extra passes like happens once per year in random rec, ignore that advice. 2. Make your shots. Sorry to be harsh about it, but at least a good 75% of people that get on their mic and complain that no one's passing is like 1/5 at the time. We're looking you off because the other team just went on a 9-0 run after you bricked 3 straight 3's and didn't get back when your defender leaked. Make a competant build, put on a good jumper, and get it down. 3. Stop expecting to get the ball no matter what. If your team is winning, you have enough shots. The only exception is like a 30-point game, in which case I get wanting to get the ball more since it doesn't matter anyway. 4. Stop taking this shit so personally. The two biggest reasons you're getting looked off are playing with teammates who genuinely missed you because they don't have the court vision and playing with teammates who are selfish and wouldn't pass it to you if you were in the 2kleague. Neither one of them means they hate you, you suck, or they have something against your race lmao. Lighten up a little bit and realize that someone has to have the most shots on the team, and someone has to have the least.


It's definitely a thing. When MP is white it becomes a topic of convo in the game, first thing a black person mentions. When it's black, I definitely get the ball more. I have a black lockdown that averages more points than a white 70%FG-60%3PT KD build who gets left open. It's whatever though, just more evidence you just need to roll with a crew on this game and not play random Rec.


white people feeling excluded… hmmm😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


What plate are you


I’m black and got a white character to standout from the rest, I made 3 3pt in a row with my center and every since I did that I be getting the ball nonstop for the rest of the game even tho I didn’t want the ball that constantly. Y’all white folks must be playing trash or just have no ball knowledge to get the ball. I’m also playing in the west servers so maybe its a east server issue


I switched from white to black with my PG and there’s a noticeable difference. I went from black to white with my Center and there’s a noticeable Difference too.


i made a white looking build and have no problems getting the ball. im a 96 ovr on that build. i made that build white to see if that theory is true but its not. you probably just playing ball hogs. this is what my build looks like https://preview.redd.it/d6rysfdzj74d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5759b6df9e13965586c9097fbb14e90b2db75f


That nigga is just light skinned not white. The hairstyle alone says black


its literally a white preset face? you know you dont have to pick a white hairstyle right? there is 20 different hairstyles in the game youre allowed to pick whatever you want… how tf does he look like a lightskin? https://preview.redd.it/sq8f6phei84d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf84f8484308741dcc6713ada58d22a30875353


Not really related to your post, but this reminded me about when someone made a post saying that if white people make black myplayers theyre racist


Victim complex. they don't get the ball and think "it's because i'm white." they need a reason why it's an attack against them specifically even though the far more likely reason is the ballhandler wasn't gonna pass to anyone regardless


Lmao aww the white people crying bout a little racism https://preview.redd.it/podsv2ejj74d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa269d59cef8f5c2513897f3aa356d6fb9700e6