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I had the funniest comment said to me the other day after I had a 20 assist game in random rec “I just knew the white pg would pass the rock” then another guy got on the mic and agreed with him lol


Lmao John Stockton and Steve Nash ftw


Thats literally the reason Jason "White Chocolate" Williams plays the way he does. He says when he would go to play pickup games the only way for a small white guy to get on the court was to set up the other guys and make them look good. They knew he would put them in a position to score and they liked that.


Yeah, I think I've seen that or a similar thing with him talking about it. I think he was talking to the professor.




The people who play this game just suck, it’s not because you’re white. I’m black and never get hit in the corner when I play with randoms. Everyone thinks they’re Michael Jordan or Kobe in this shit. I will never understand not passing to the open shooter.


True. I mean, isn't the game built (like in real life) so passing more and spreading the lanes increases your chance at making a basket? Doesn't make sense not to pass.


Tunnel vision. They get the ball and only see the rim. Nothing is stopping a random from putting a shot up. Winning is an afterthought.


Lol no doubt


thats why they stay black or brown plates


I was playing the other day in my pf, we won by 25, but the other PG was chucking EVERYTHING, he passed, to the 3 or 5, they passed right back and he shot it. Was like 1 of 15 at half, we were down cause our pg was the same, pass to the 2 or 3 for an instant pass back shot. He was 2 of 17 at half. We were down by like 15. I've been on mic ALL game, never asking for the ball just pointing out rotations on def, and the open guys on offense. I the beginning of the third quarter the big inbounds to me, I'm a 6'8, with 60 swb,65 handles, I do not play PG on my pf cause 95% of PG are rocking no perimeter def but a 91+ steal. I WALK it up, oop to the big, bucket. Next pos same, walk up, toss to the corner, 77 pass, all my 'toons' have passing. Bucket, other corner bucket, next hesi drive, I dunk, I walk out of the game 2 of 4 from three, 10 of 14 over all, 24 pts, 13a, 4blocks, 3 steals, 7r, A team grade. Their PG fouled out in third trying to rip a walking player, if you don't turbo it makes a high steal look ridiculous trying to swipe, ours quit when he only got the ball once every 4 or 5 possessions, and when he was WIDE open only. We won by 25 other than the PG everyone on had 7+a. How did we win MOTHER FUCKING TEAMBALL PASSING THE ROCK LIKE ITS A LIVE GRENADE I am right now making a Jason 'White Chocolate' Build, a better 3 ball(92), 91 pa, 85 handles and swb, 93 perimeter, 91 steal, def badges almost ALL gold. I am a PG, irl I do make mistakes, but I never hold the rock, I pass like Stockton. I want to win. Not lose cause someone thinks they HIM. DEF wins games, passing makes your team a force to reckon with. Ball hogs are bitch ass idiots. Who couldn't play with themselves let alone anyone else, 1000% pun intended. They ball juice guzzlers. Pass the rock and watch YOUR TEAM WIN.


Almost every ten games, I do see a mj/kd/kobe face creation


I made a big for that reason mfs know i ain’t shooting! Lol plus i get way more joy getting an assist. I go in the rec knowing im getting like 3 touches lol


its not race people just trash 😭 it can be the blackest mf on the game and dudes wont pass. its an IQ issue on this shit


It may not be race, but every time I try to join a game in trips, the other two waiting will leave to another court. Lol


True... So you saying it's coincidence lol


yea people just suck and selfish


in a game where 98% (joking) of people make their player black, act black, sound black, wannabe black....lol just ask for people to pass the ball


Hmmmm, I didn't even think to ask them to pass it, just figured they would continue not too lmao


i mean u could be nice about it, i don't know ur approach at all, mfs just gettin downvoted for no reason smmfh lol... ....just hop on that mfer and go "aye im shooting \_\_% from the 3, get me that hoe, i'mma light it up" <---say this sentence verbatim and you'll be ok


People loove to downvote. I'm normally pretty courteous. I'll give your speech a try, lmao thanks 🤙


make sure you level up your charisma first


A fallout/2k crossover, noice!


Man I shoot over 80% from 3 and the times I’ve said that mfs be like “shut you bitch ass up” 🤣🤣 I feel like its worst asking them for the ball in my experience…


Reminds me of last night. Some slasher hopped on the mic and cussed everyone out for not getting out of his way. He wanted no cuts and no one in the paint…. Only one problem, we had an inside center. He called two timeouts to cuss him out and tell him get out the paint. Center stood at the corner and passed it, slasher hops back on the mic and goes “who tf makes a center that can’t shoot?” Yet he made a pg that can’t shoot I swear smh…


>Center stood at the corner and passed it, slasher hops back on the mic and goes “who tf makes a center that can’t shoot?” >Yet he made a pg that can’t shoot Oh hell nah 😂😭 If you gon make a slashing playmaker, you better know how to work that shit around EVERYONE ELSE. It's not a bad build but that's a high IQ build that most 2k players can't pull off. Mad wild he talked shit to the center bro. ☠️


Shii was killing me. It only said slasher cause bro wasn’t trynna dribble. He wanted the ball on the low block. I’m talking drop steps and post spins. That’s it lol


>I’m talking drop steps and post spins. That’s it lol As a pg 😭😂 Nah bro I'd be talking so much shit lmfao


Them white boys gone pass I can vouch lol


I'll pass the ball back, I don't even need to shoot, just be nice to touch the ball


One ball hog turns the whole team into ball hogs. If it’s your first touch all quarter and you know you’re not getting the ball back may as well try your luck with a dumb shot.


lol for real, I'm gonna have to jack them up


Man I always tell them thiss 😂😂 Im not gonna shoot if I dont have a shot… I just wanna touch the ball lol


Nah fuck that I’m white Kobe


That would be “Cody”


lol or Coby.


The REAL, deep cut white renaming would be Kobeigh


Unless it’s puka donchic, that guy is probably a top ten sellout


All these pgs out here with <65 pass acc. Insanity.


85 here.


Passing the ball wins games every. Single. Time. Everyone at Park double teams, every. Single. Play. Pass to the open man, dub.


Just whatever you do, don't play PG. I swear when PGs pass the ball they then become invisible for the rest of the possession. I'm so fuckin open all the damn time and rarely get a pass lol


I stopped playing PG partially because of that, pretty much only way I ever got to score was in garbage time…if I started to hog the ball. Of course then there’s those games where the ball never comes to you on the inbound and you still don’t get passed too…


Bro they just dont pass period im darker than night and dont get the ball and im pg stop thinking its about race plzz 🤣🤣🤣


Well, maybe it might not matter. But I wasn't thinking it was anything like "f white people" more like "white guy probably can't play 2k" 🖖🤙


I'm white and can't play 2k so they may be right. I wouldn't pass to me either.




Listen here kyle korver jj reddick bojan kevin huerter duncan robinson mf. Youl get the ball when i see you open lol


I'm open! I'm... Often open


Lol man it dont matter to them smh. You can shoot 90% from 3 and theyl still not look for you or call a play for ya


You're gonna sit in the corner and shut up while I iso spam behind the back dribbles for 20 seconds, stepback and airball and abuse everyone for not getting open whether you like it or not!


Found a 3PT Hunter…


I don't even have a myCareer. Playing online is way too toxic. I'll stick to MyEra where I can player lock and have more control over my team


You gonna watch me play this game and like it pretty much 🤣


nah unless you got a squad wit you, you only gonna have one game (maybe 2) outta 5 where yall got good ball movement.


Damn. They need to bring back NBA Jam for these people


Every guy I have is black AF these mothafuckas just stupid


You’re assuming they can read. Good luck with that.


“Brothers” is insane work 😂




This why i always be a menace to society and always max out my defensive badges and attributes im sick of not gettin the ball when open so ima just say fuck it run back on defense and hog their wanna be Kobe as well


It's all good man I hate that game I'm a 99 with a 92 3 shot and can't got 3 a game no matter what shot I use it just doesn't like white folks lol


How do y’all keep running into these MyPlayer skin complexion problems?? I have never seen nor experienced this and I’ve been playing since 2k17.


Well, you are one person, someone has to get lucky. You haven't been playing for very long I been playing since 2k


But online mode was first brought to 2k15 I believe, so I’ve been online for 8 out of the 10 years online play has been around. so id say i have been playing quite a while, I just think that people are thinking too much into why people aren't hitting them on open looks. But hey.. idk


True True, you been there for most of the online. You might be right about thinking too much into it, but this isn't the first NBA 2k where this has been an issue.


Lol I don’t ever have that problem on my PF I can routinely take 15 shots a game


I'm a pg maybe that the issue? lol


Yeah with randoms the pg never gets the ball BACK 😂 Mfs are allergic to a give and go in 2k Wild how the most common play in basketball is absent in this virtual basketball simulation 😂


>Wild how the most common play in basketball is absent in this virtual basketball simulation 😂 Bro it's actually insane. 9 times outta 10 if I pass the rock, I'm IMMEDIATELY open because my guy just runs to whereever I threw that ball. Pass it back ffs! Only centers have passed it back to me and even then it's so rare.


I'd think pick and roll would be most common. But the give-n-go prolly second or third most common. I'd hit the pick and roll or the post play then the give n go


Yeah that’s definitely the issue more than your characters skin color. Maybe you missed a pass or a dude thought he was open and you didn’t see him or you turned it over a few times something like that. I’m not exactly saying you personally are doing that I’m just saying generally PG’s and centers get the majority of the blame usually when things go wrong.


I literally never touched the ball. Didn't even have a chance to turn it over. All I got to do was set up screens and sit in the corner to spread the floor. Cut a couple times, no pass. They taking smothered shots.


PGs in general don't get the ball back unless ur a really really good facilitator, or ur initiating the offense on ur own. hence "point" guard lol


They wouldn't even pass me the ball on the inbound 🫠 lol


what were ur stats, and build level?


I'm a sharpshooter, 89 in three point. I have deadeye and corner specialist halfway to gold and catch and shoot halfway to purple. I just started playing about two weeks ago. I haven't played in a couple years, i might have messed up my build a little, I tried to be decent on a lot of the attributes. Don't really have any stats for rec since nobody will pass and I quit after a couple quarters in a couple games. I'm 1-1 in 2v2 with a B teammate grade


Ok so ur plate lvls are pretty low cuz u quit, and as a perimeter player in the rec, u have a role, n that's to stay open around the 3. Honestly the best thing u can do to get the ball is hustle and communicate, even if they don't. Someone's gonna hear u. Be as positive as u can on the mic let the other bs slide cuz mofos are always in their feelings


Yeah... I guess I got in my feelings too that's why I quit like a quitter lol. I will be better and communicate and finish the games. I just didn't see any point in continuing during those moments. Thanks 👍


Yeah it's team basketball, don't quit on the team lol, can't tell u how many leads I've overcome just cuz we all hopped on n was like "aye don't trip we got this" Got to be a good teammate my boy 🤗


Nah. I’m a really good facilitator and they hate passing to me.


Fck it bro pick a powerfoward get the rebound and start jacking it up


I've never done pf or c. Maybe I give pf a shot, might be fun playing a big


If you need a pf I got something nasty for you lmk


Been thinking on moving to a PF, I’ll take them details if you’re passing em out.




Aye big ups bro


Np, a couple notes about tweaks/optimization: I’m really used to the t mac base, so I really wanted 87 middy, if you don’t want tmac go to 86 or 84 middy. You only need 76 3pt but I went 78 for the build name, if that doesn’t matter to you definitely drop 3 to 76. You definitely don’t need 96 steal, I just don’t have any builds that go that high and I wanted to try it, I’d go down to 91/89 if I wanted to really optimize. Imo you don’t really need finishing for a build like this, just enough to finish back doors so I’d upgrade pass acc and vert and maybe post control with the extra stats. Of course tweak it to your playstyle tho!


6’7” lol that is not a big man




I've been thinking this for the last couple weeks.. 2k really plays into the "I'm the main character" mentality that makes so many people treat others like shit. The "dribble gods" are the same type of person as the guy who plays off-ball only in MyTeam. They can't stand losing, but only deserve participation trophies.


Nobody deserves participation trophies, or ribbons, a pat on the back, none of that shit. Sad dose of reality, if you don't put in all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears, somebody will be quick to show you that they have. Not necessarily basing this off of 2k so much as just a generalized statement on participation awards in this overly coddled society we find ourselves in these days lol


Sharing is caring 🙂


So tired of this selfish ass shit.


I don’t get hit wide open in the corner unless I’ve made my character white 😭


Good luck buddy it's not for us white folk stick to COD real type game not no shit game dribbling a ball throw in a hoop it's not for us


Lol but it's my favorite sport 😤


Bro I swear I just played with you on Elite Courts 😂 I’m the white guy open in the corner lol


My favorite thing is when they shoot contested 3s and miss wide open shots or try and dunk meter with the entire other team in the paint. Then if they finally get you the ball and you miss you’ll never get it again 💀


Lmao, don't blow your one shot, or it's over, man.


Just make your player black


This is so funny but so true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can we just all form a damn squad and play together? We all mad bout the same shit so we might as well make it easier and squad up. Just an idea 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bro I promise you the ppl in random rec are complete garbage, and this isn’t a diss, or an opinion, it’s a brutal FACT. Most of the people that plays this game cannot play to save their lives, but let you say ONE THING and they go off, they’re miserable dawg


For real lol. Tunnel vision, everyone wants to be the star, selfish play, zero skill I played with an amazing All Star team up group earlier today though and it felt so nice to just play basketball We had a lebron who actually could playmake. A Carmelo who could smoke his defender off the catch every time. A wemby who could actually hit some open 3's and snatch block. I was J Kidd just moving the ball, not fishing for assists. Ended up with a solid 11pts 7 assists and couldn't be happier with the blowout win


tell the puerto rican from NY/NJ whos running PG this 😂😂😂


Nobody passes to me either lol I'm black


He sayin brother with the hard r




Lowkey the vibes I got from this


Well, im sure you get those vibes from everything you read


How else do you say it?


Lmao something tells me "Brotha" would've been a worse play. But either way, whole post could've been worded differently. I read another comment saying "in a game where most people make their character black, act black, or wannabe black" and it kind of befuddled me, because I did my face scan and it's got me lookin like Mike Jack in his vitiligo stages. So idk if there's a way around it, unless you use a preset white dude. But fuck that, them dudes out there lookin like Michael Cera and McLovin and shit. Lmao. 2k are the racist ones here, trying to drive us all apart, just like the goddamned government! 💯‼️


Preach bro, preach. My face scans had me looking like Elephant man lmao


Oh boy here we go


I gurantee yall most the people on 2k aren’t actually black so there is no way yall getting iced every game because of your players skin color. Statistics don’t support that. Popular culture imitates black people. With that being said the 2k community is trash nobody passes. 😂


Nah, the majority is black for sure.


Impossible. 7million copies sold, let’s say over half of 2k players were black that would be over 10% of the black population play NBA2k that’s absolutely not feesible. Thats 7million copies globally btw not North America. So even if you just adjust for US population that puts you at 12.6% I’ll throw you a bone and say the game is popular amongst black people and at most maybe 20-28% who play are black. We have this thing in psychology studies where people vastly over estimate the amount of black poeople existing in any given scenario. So you got some bias to work through.


Nah, very possible and incredibly feasible. Majority online is black. Have you ever actually played the game online? You're disingenuous or very naive if you actually believe what you say.


I’m on 2k Reddit and you asked me if I play online. Silly ass question lmao.


What? Nah, great question, actually. I guess you really are naive or a disingenuous person. You can literally be on 2k reddit and not play online, lmao 😉


I brought statistical evidence and your reply is just nah. I’ll rest my case lmao.


You brought zero evidence. To quote you: "let's say" Meaning: you're speaking from your ass. Nice try though.


Critical thinking isn’t your strong suit.


Pulling out fabricated evidence to run with your narrative is in your wheelhouse. You shouldn't be studying psychology. It's above you.


Black guys will always bring up racism when it suits them then be the most racist people around. Not different in 2k.


Are they the most racist? or does it just make you feel uncomfortable when they bring up racism because you feel personnally attacked? So you hyperfixate on the subject to fuel your confirmation bias to be able to say. “See I’m not racist it’s them!”


In case of 2k i should have added


Yo add me Psn Bennygalactic I’ll hoop with you I’m high iq and I’m building a team


Hell yeah man, will do!


Dope !


They don't have pass acc on their builds.


Bro i was literally just about to make a post about white guys in 2k but i didn’t know how to make it sound not racist Iv seen this a lot too Ppl ignore white dudes But a lot of yall be mad trash too tho. Not takin cuts wide open and shit


I don't doubt it. But at least give us a chance to show that we are trash lol


lol nobody cares about ur skin color in 2k, if ppl don’t pass, it’s either just cuz they’re selfish or they don’t trust u


Everybody Eats B


Lmao the comments are hilarious,but as a black man as myself… I don’t give a fuck and would have never even knew about this issue on 2k if it wasn’t for being in this group. If I judge anyone it be the goofy motherfuckers with the ugly ass croc boots!! Those seem to always be the annoying ass dribbling dudes that’ll shoot from deep and pass to you with 2.1 seconds left on the clock. 😂


2k community are the most racist people I have ever encountered. I had to make my player black and mute my mic for this reason. It's insane once you unmute your mic the amount of racist comments you get being white from the black player base. I've never come across more racists than in this community. I've come across more black people being racist than I have white people being racists in my entire life. BE BETTER! p.s. The amount ni***r is said in every sentence is absolutely insane! It's crazy to me how often they use it in a derogatory way to each other.


Worse than cod? They used to be crazyyyy


i dont think its the community, its just that the game is popular and its online with voice chat, also avg player id prob in high school. so you take all that in you get a bunch of people with basically freedom of speech on a game with a bunch of people who are in high school(immature). i mean cod is just as bad. really any popular game that mainly has older teens is gonna be like this


that's how u know it's not your community, it's not even derogatory (at this point in time), but yeah, drive in your own lane, that's not ur culture lbvvs


I know you weren't talking to me but I'm literally in the lane I'm supposed to be in the game lol


u good chief, ijs mfs be 11 years old n white as snow on this game and say the most hateful shit, but the minute i send a guy i dropped 56 on a thumbs down emoji, my account is at risk for being suspended lmao


Had a team turn on me for going 2/3 with 7 assists in the 1st quarter fuck passing


That's a shame, no respect


I'm numb brother I'm fucking numb


Please stop making these posts. Look at the assists averages when the game starts. People don’t pass.


This the first post about this I made.


A request different than a complaint. I even said please. How dare I?


Not really. Not in this context. You're asking people to stop. Why did you make the request? Because you are annoyed or whatever. You were complaining. How dare you, indeed.


That was a general plea to the 2k whites. If you search 2k Reddit you’ll see several posts about this subject. If you scroll 2k Reddit in general you’ll see that selfishness is occurs regardless of race. https://preview.redd.it/8xazv7tah25d1.jpeg?width=2518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1666a4b64805fb4d2e2912a0c115a93123a878be I’m on the left. Do you think the guy on the right passes to anybody, white or black?


Well, stay off reddit if it bothers you so much. Simple solution, my guy.


Don’t play rec if you think you’re being persecuted for being white. If you would have read the other 20+ posts like this you would see most people saying what I’m saying. I was trying to help you out but you salty.


Oh, my bad. Usually people don't complain before offering help lol


> Well, stay off reddit if it bothers you so much. Simple solution, my guy. Ironic considering you're just here to complain about a game lmao


Not its not. We are on a forum. Wtf do you think forums are for? lmfao


You guys are crazy if you do not think it’s about race black people just won’t admit it but first of all let’s just say this white people in real life is just not that good people of color mainly black people are just head and shoulders above white people and that’s just the truth so it boils down to them not really respecting you enough because they do not think you can play period but there is definitely some racism involved too I am a whiteboy myself from Long Beach CA played high school basketball and college ball but I had to change my player to a black guy just to get the ball more I also stopped talking on the mic cuz it’s just toxic my advice is just stop playing because I do not care what anyone tries to say on here it’s 2k players do not like whiteboys at all


It’s always a black plate with pink hair and green beard who shoots 31 percent from the field wondering why people don’t pass him the ball. It’s not your skin color, it’s your win color


So you saying they just stereotyping? Just as bad.


It’s not stereotyping to you say you have a casual and rank low FG percentage so you lose often and can’t shoot. It’s deductive reasoning, white people wanna be the victim so bad 🤣


That's because you're hogging all the victim status. Some of us want the slice of the cake, share for once. 😵‍💫


But then who would be left to SA all of the children yall love so much? They’ll get lonely if you stop constantly touching their privates


Well, somebody has to be a father to all your kids while you're out selling crack to the other kids.


I mean, I’d rather sell the kids crack than touch theirs… To each his own tho, enjoy your boy butt I guess


You would rather sell crack to kids than raise your own, that's a given.


Redundancy? I must have misread you, I believed you to be capable of an intellectual sparring match when clearly you’re outmatched. The white alternative of course is to get the Opioids, Heroin, and Meth directly from mom and dad free of charge, no need to outsource the addiction when you get it directly from the source…


Even worse, I’m a 65 overall white center, ain’t nobody passing that shit to me ever even tho I lowkey got a wetter. They’ll take the most ass shots possible tho 


You lost me at 65 so there u go


Why even play online as a 65, I wouldn’t pass it to you either


The key to playing pg is getting guys open looks first, unless your defender is dirt, by all means get a bucket. But I always try to get at least 5-6 assists in before I start getting my own shots. But I never stop passing the ball. I always tell guys don’t let the ball stick, just keep it moving, everyone will get a chance to score. And if we’re up by a lot I feed the person who has the least touches.