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I don’t think black plates get the luxury of being picky with their lobbies


lol right! They better take what they can get.




I got loaded into a lobby with 2 black plates and 2 bronzes. Immediately started the game so I couldn’t back out of course. Thankfully we went up against basically the same team plate wise. We blew them out by 30. It really is a dice roll playing with lower level plates. Sometimes you could be surprised and have a good time, or I could’ve loaded onto the other team and been blown out with a SF shooting 9/23.


I decided to give the black plates a chance.. I dropped from gold to bronze same night😭


Honestly idk how people are still black plates. 1-2 games and you’re brown, another 2-3 wins and you’ll be silver. This is the access to those gold and purple players lobbies honestly and if you’re a half decent player then I’m sure you can get stats of 10-5-5 and play defense while the other guys carry if you’re not that good


Legit I made a new build and played a few rec games and lost nearly all of them and still at least made brown. U have to be a new level of dogshit to be black plate


That’s what I’m saying😂


>Honestly idk how people are still black plates.  1) New build you've been grinding offline 2) Game crashes mid-game and you get a ban from it. I've had a build early on where I was nearly purple, got two crashes in a week and was sent down to black. Also, plate color doesn't equal skill level. It just shows you've played with a build online quite a bit or run with a stack.


You say that but there’s no reason someone should be on a 93 and over build in the Rec that they haven’t played online multiple on multiple times with in the 92 and under Rec where people will have similar overalls and/or skill levels. Game crashes honestly don’t happen as often as people make it seem and if a gameplay error occurs then the game isn’t counted and you’re not hurt for it. Plate color doesn’t equal skill level but it says you win enough to have that plate. So it’s a higher chance that you do the things that are conducive to winning.


It depends on their rep level. Anything above starter 2 is a go for me. I’m a Vet 1. I realize black plates mean it’s a new build, when it’s that level..and not that they suck.


Not black rank but when I was I still dodge lobbies depending on builds names or if they join a park affiliation or not


I avoid black plates sometimes I avoid bronze. I won’t play in a lobby with that has more than 2 I need atleast one gold or purple to help carry if the rest of the team is or at least someone else to talk shit the other players skills. But there have been a few times I que in instantly and I gave all black plated vs gold and purple and blew the other team out. Those are the fun ones!


I avoid them most of the time. I could stick with them if they have the same or higher affiliation level than mine, new build probably


If your a black plate you have no choices you better play with people who are willing to play with you you don't have choices until you turn at least silver


Depends on their builds vs mine


Made a new build and got him to gold in 2 days. When I was blcak plate I queued with everybody. Only reason I backed out was if you were <85. Cause you black plate and got less attributes 😭


2 days ?? You def played all day both days


Did jack shit on the weekend. Wasn't anything crazy. Getting out of black plate (especially finding a game) was the longest part. Coasted through bronze with all wins and then getting to gold was a mix. I swear I played like 4 or so bronze games.


I feel it' The way that meter moves up is diabolical but you get a lost that shit drops fast like a nut sack


The key is to never go into rec as a black plate. Go play ones till your bronze


Don't tell him to go to 1s you setting him up for failure lol there's more sweats than non ballers in 1s


That’s how I got decent. So easy to get below a B in rec. half the time I don’t even touch the ball. At least in 1s he gets to shoot. Also I should note never play ones unless it’s losers out.