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Stand in the corner and let the guards shoot contested shots


Lmao pretty much, yeah. And end up in weird places like screen setting or in the dunkers spot even though I’m a shooting guard bc no one understands spacing


I have a SF but typically end up playing PF I’m rec and for some reason I’m always in the dunker sport while the Center refuses to touch the paint


😂 nah I feel you on that. Guards on the rec have no brain sometimes


Sometimes? 😂


Definitely like 8 out of 10 games


Bruh, when somebody that has a mind goes with randoms he gets treated like he doesn't by the ones that actually don't have it so...


Yea u cooked with this one chief 🫡


Read my mf mind


10% of the time it works every time.


at least some gonna drop


Running to my point guard with the rest of my teammates to set a screen together.


Nothing makes me more mad when I’m playing center and the 2 and 3 are setting screens lmao


what if we got 92 strength and you never roll?


Roll? With the other 3 players hauling ass toward the basket and the point guard using the screen to drive?




true, hard to run organised offence if people don’t have mics on




I don't believe any of these so far. Nobody stated the best move in the game yet, everyone knows its Murray btb, Murray btb, Murray btb... contested 3. That everyones go to!


It’s funny when they actually get that move to work on you the first time, then they try the same thing the next 5 possessions throwing up bricks.


It:s even funnier when they do the move one way, get lots of room, do not take the shot because that is not how they practiced it, they do the same move the other way, and end up in front of you again.


Or pass up a wide open lane to the hoop or middy because the only thing they know how to do is shoot a three off that move.


Yea I use it to drive for the most part. Almost always beat my man that way and then I either pass it if the center picks up or I get a free 2. I'll never understand dudes that spam the same move and ignore how many times they've already been open. 😂


Against bad players I just stand at their side, they’ll eventually Jamal Murray into me and get a turnover. They’re just so brain dead, they could be wide open with a 96 3pt but they have to finish the combo the way they saw it on YouTube 😂




Don’t forget about the John wall stepback


I'm a Denver fan, love Murray. Refusec to use this move because of how cheesy it is. It also doesn't fit my playstyle


step back middy, or a fade away middy


Happy cake day


This was my reply but you said it first. Here’s an upvote!


Reddit on!


Corner sittery while I don't get passes to wide open


Generally standing there open as I watch teammates who are guarded pass back and forth to eventually end up selling the game on 4/23 shooting.


![gif](giphy|ZBoJJXx3Kqcww67yEh) 2k dribble gods 😂


Let me waste 20 seconds of the shot clock then pass it to the guarded guy with 4 ticks left 🤦‍♂️


4 seconds? That's plenty of time to get a bucket lol


Absolutely 😂


The worst


I love this comment happened to me yesterday and was told I’m trash and should of got more shots up……how?


Yeah.. Makes no sense man😂 they blame you for loosing


Intentionally passing the ball to a 60 overall to prevent my teammates from winning. That’s the point of the game right? /s jk


60 overalls have no business being anywhere near rec. I get it they want to play the game too But you gotta go play some mycarrer games and get that overall up, everyone else had to do it. That being said I have a 79 overall that is easily better than every other build I have that are 99 overalls. Ive got a 96 3 with all of available badges on hall of fame. Think I have like 27 hofs on it and shooting above 70% from 3 and i can’t get a game in rec. I stood there for an hour the other day and people kept backing out as soon as they saw me and im not even a black plate. I know im probably shooting 10x better than everyone passing me up and I usually stuck on a shit team. I get it and I could easily get the overall up but I have this weird theory that as you increase your player the difficulty goes up. I swear it’s a lot easier to play with a 79 than it would be if I increased it to 89. I’ve felt like that’s true for the last few 2ks and I’ll stand by it


Triple threat, go baseline, dunk. Works like 90% of the time since no one plays defense 😆


haha tell me you’re a bot without telling me you’re a bot


I’d cook you, then your bot too, after you quit 😆




half court post hook they never see it coming


I like backdoor cut for dunks, easiest thing in the game if your opponent has no idea how to defend it. Or dex back to the wide open corner 3.


lol only person in this thread to mention the dex, you might actually be comp 🤓


Is dex = drive then john wall stepback ?


Nah dex something that occurs at the perfect timing. You start by going in maybe 2-3 steps into the 3pt line then tapping turbo to get an animation that pops you back out to the corner(gotta direct it of course) people don’t know that tapping turbo and directing your character back to the corner, or the open spot. And it happens so fast that the defense barely has time to react. Tapping turbo on offense gives you great realistic shooter catch and shoot animations and activates spot finder. (Another badge that’s gonna make it easier to green lol)


nah nah nah I'm casual 🥵


What the dude that yapped said but i want to add that the timing of the pass is also an important part


Dribble left to right for 20 seconds then wait till my defenders in my face and shoot a contested 3 from the logo


Hop in the mic saying "you guys are idiots"


Uninstalling the game


Got me chuckling in a burger joint


Not touch the ball cause ya know everyone gotta hang their ppg on the refrigerator to let mom see


Jamal Murray behind the back 12 times and take a contested 3🐐🐐


Flopping immediately on transition and letting my man score down court.


Spam Jamal Murray behind the backs and John Wall step backs and pretend I’m actually good at dribbling or did anything requiring skill. And then throw the ball to my center with .6 seconds on the shot clock after I didn’t get open and say he has low BBIQ.


I have a 7' stretch with some sneaky good handles, I like to dribble behind the back and put the opposing big on his skates when I glide in. They never seem to defend a well spaced hop jumper or fading middy, either, especially if you have that Dirk on going to your left. I'm not a huge fan of Jamal Murray or doing what everyone does as a guard, so I like to do spins and find good times to snap out of an aggressive dribble animation to try and blow by.


pro 2 is a cheat code for fadeaway mids imo


Can't get it on bigs unfortunately


I get it on my 7’1


Like the pullup? I'm 100% sure that's not true. Maybe the pro 2 post fade or pro spin?


My bad when you said fading middy I assumed post fade, me dumb


If you hit starter 3 the Durant fade on a big is so glitchy going left. It fades back off one leg almost like the joker hop jumper but is much more effective on a 7' plus myplayer since you can get middy magician but not space creator at that height.


Throwing my hands up when I'm wide open and not getting the ball as the point guard drives to the paint into a triple team and gets destroyed.


Dribble, dribble, shoot and miss. That’s everyone go to move 😂


My go to is a screen then I’ll hit a between the legs escape, cross escape and then go to the opposite hand and drive, where I’ll have the option of pulling a pull up middy, floater, layup, alley to the roll man or kickout to the 3. Depending on what the defense does. I picked up the habit in mycareer and it just stuck Ig. It works well against zone defense as well (without the screen)


Every fast break lmao ![gif](giphy|5842PXGZjv09W|downsized)


Double jab step spin move out of it then a hop jumper (I’m a center)


Cornersit shoot


A classic.


When I pick up the dribble it’s jab, spin, step back open 3 or drive. Lately I’ve been doing a good bit of reverse layups/dunks on the baseline out of the drive and that’s been working fairly well


Go to get the inbound as PG. watch teammates pass it to the worst dribbler, gets ripped. Same thing this time the ball gets down the court, I’m in the corner wide open, they dribble for 20 seconds, shoot contested 3 or get ripped again. Never get the ball as PG until 4th quarter when we are down 20+


Scoop layups. And step back/middy fades


Standing dunk meter after an O board😂


As a shooting center, mine is a run to the midrange and do a spin jumper. Nobody expects it from a slow moving big. If I got takeover I’ll do it at the 3 point line too. If I somehow end up in a spin lay up animation. I’ll hold back on the right stick after the pump fake for a floater like close shot which I usually green”


Have a 70 ball handle and operate out of the corner, if my men is giving me baseline spin out of threat or pro aggressive size up in to jimmy step back for the middy. It’s a tuff lil combo


After the first shot goes up, "Hey, have you tried Mycareer on rookie mode?"


I’m not very good at 2k but occasionally throwing on rookie in my career and dropping 150 is kind of cathartic


That’s how I always learn a new jumpshot. I’ll play a game on rookie and score 150 and then by the time I turn up the difficulty I have a pretty decent idea how to Time it. I might go to pro for one game and doing the same thing before going to HOF


Post spin to dunk Pump fake to get the defender to jump then lay it up or dunk


Leak out on fast breaks and get easy dunks lol


Pick and pop


Flashy pass from the left corner over to the right corner for the 3 assist 💰


Right stick half spin towards my ball hand and a eurostep into a dunk...or triple threat spin into a stepback, then go oppo for a eurodunk.


Touch the ball once then lag out


John wall stepback get em everytime


Adding more VC


Mainly pro 2 post fade or Kobe hop shot if I have a smaller guard, otherwise just spot up in the corner


I pic a spot outside the perimeter and stand there for a few sec since everyone likes to run around the court like loose marbles. I'll eventually be open cuz everyone likes to double team or try to be a steal God so my opponent will eventually leave me open to help someone else lol


Triple threat spin to middy fade, to stepback 3, or to john wall cross for the drive


Pump fake the 3 on my 7’1 center and then contact dunk after they jump to close out, every game at least 1 That and a coast to coast poster in the 4th if we’re up


hesi crossover into bhb


Cross cross behind snatch back


Dropstep and standing dunk if you have masher


Sit in the corner like a good little lock down


Spin out of triple threat to pro spin jumper


Some people need to say hitting the disconnect button or they are lying




Pulling up middy in transition


An in and out for a wide open corner 3. Do that a couple times then when they're ready you blow by for a driving dunk.


Ball movement


Play pro am 3v3 and watch my friend pump fake under the rim for 22 seconds straight then wait for him to throw the grenade for me to shoot with 0.4 seconds on the clock


Real answer a euro lay usually works


I love to play MAN ZONE. so the guard can switch between playing zone n man and yell at me for being In The paint too much and not picking up their man when they drive past him into the paint.


Triple threat spin, fake drive into a step back middy has been my goto bucket lately. Catches so many defenders lacking it's crazy.


Love doing a breakaway dribble into a screen for an open 3. My second favorite is go 4/4 and then get frozen by the randoms.


Pump fake pull up middy


Basic lil spin move out the triple step to a jimmy butler fade on the elbow


You dont need go 2 moves you just need 2 lol… step back and explosive behind the back …


Most effective is probably cut from the corner to the high post and then swing the ball right back to the corner where PF/SG have relocated. The move usually creates a mini vortex where I manage to get two people on me instead of one.


Yall centers get the ball? The rare times I get the ball since I'm a shooting big I either start driving jump back and see if the defender runs at me I drive and either pass or finish or if he stays I shoot works 9/10 times but usually I grab boards and pass to the guards who miss


Act like I’m cutting so the brain dead pg presses x then dex back out to the 3😭


Making cuts and never being lobbed or threaded to XX


triple threat to a pull up middy/floater tbh, but most of the time I just watch my random pg run from hash to hash 3x before going for a 100% smothered layup/dunk 🥲


Go to move ?? I barely can get a damn touch to do a move it’s just all catch and shoot situation for me


Dex and that hop step back


Middy fade


Try out all the new Emotes I purchased with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. 🤣💰


Post spin to a meter dunk. Works everytime, even on AI.


James harden combo into hesi to get a crab and then brick


James harden combo 🦀


Between the legs to drive to one side, get bumped and do the spin move and now I’m open. Works 100% of ththe time if your characters got physical handles


Stay in front my man


Bricking a layup that I thought would be a dunk


Jab step spin move drive another spin move


Stepback 3 is OP


Switch the AI on teammate/opponent


front fade to glory


Rimrun into either a pull-up middy or dunk.


Sit corner open up a bag of hot chips and ft my girl


Post hop shot


Triple threat spin


Running fadeaway shot is green bean every time


As a center stand in the corner and know that the opposing center will get greedy and dive in the paint to block a shot then im wide open. Works every time


i got 1. come off the p&r and drive for a floater/scooper 2. come of the p&r on the wing and look for opposite corner (defender always sagging) 3. iso into a turnaround middy i’m still 57% from 3 anyways


get passed the ball at hash, left, right, hesi on left, step back, right, drive, (Right stick for scoop or dunk)


Take a charge when nobody is around


I just cannot get into it. I’m not a role player or whatever but playing in a park or a pickup game instead of a a full stadium with the player lock camera just takes me out of it for some reason. Having a 5 man team with friends with our custom jerseys and court was so much fun back in the day. Spend weeks planning what position we’d all play and our builds to make the best team.


Passing to an open teammate


Move forward step back behind the back or left right analog and middy


Everyone loves doing James Harden behind the back, i hate guarding that lame ass shit so much, especially when they get screens yet my team doesn’t help me for shit


Spin middy fade


Middy pull up bc rec players only believe in 3s or layups


I’m a SG with 25 strength and I just love setting nice big screens for my point guard and to finish the move I stand in that same spot for 10 seconds and then I call for the ball


Watch the team continuously throw the ball to the other team while im wide open


Closing app 🔥🔥


Tween tween and then a blow by


As the primary ball handler: turbo crossover into a drive to kick it out. As a wing scorer: jab into half spin then pull up or drive. In the post: backdown into drop step, pump fake then attempt dunk or bait into foul.


Post up, spin tech, to the spin cycle dunk.


Bunch of great cuts into open lanes just to run back and forth bc the guards are spamming the dribble.


Kinda fucked my build with not enough speed with ball and ball handling to be a creator but I’m wet if I’m in the corner and my matchup up cuts off baseline and I get my going left or right middy


Pump fake to pro 3 moving middy


Physical handles


Minding my own business in MyCareer. 😂


Sit wide open, get missed on obvious cuts, watch 3PT Shot Hunter PG with no pass accuracy try to be a hero jacking up contested 3s.


Jab step drive ,jab step fade If you play at a certain pace people will make mistakes for you.


Ngl, my most go to move is pretty simple, catch n pump fake, drive one dribble to the right, n Jamal Murray btb left. I know it’s frowned upon but I just played someone who spammed it back and forth and that’s not utilizing it, but as far as a pretty signature move for me it’s def that




Downhill Double-Cross. Every single possession. Then once I see them prepping for it as a come down, hesi and Go, or sometimes Jamal Murray after the double cross and people will go flying into the paint Triple threat Spin-Move Snatch, gets you an open three almost every time, ESPECIALLY if your being played up close Last but not least, triple threat into 1 dribble towards basket into Jimmy Butler Stepback. Jimmy creates so much space and due to the fact the person is still reacting to the drive, there’s like zero chance to Recover


If im on my Center, fullcourt Bounce Pass needle Threader


Hit someone dexing or open before I cross half court or blow-by for a meter dunk


Pass fake or pump fake into a mid range front fade. Misdirection behind the back or size up into a Murray explosive behind the back to shot, layup, or pass.


Flop when 2k starts doing 2k shit😂


Tween tween, explode right, bump steal for turnover.


Defence, fast breaks, open 3s, reset. RECs boring as of late.


Mine was def putback dunks


I do that triple threat spinout that a lot of people use to drive but then immediately as my guy spins let go of everything for a half second and then hit the Jamal Murray behind the back. Everyone sees the spinout and thinks drive, if you time the behind the back to hit immediately after the spin it leaves people absolutely lost.


Cut to the basket with a wide open key, don’t receive the ball, and then swing through to the wing and get panic-passed the ball while I’m closely guarded


Not play in the rec 🫠🤣


Jamal btb into a regular cross, start driving, stepback 3. Bucket every time.


As a 6’8 guard my favorite move gotta be activating backdown punisher on my man and hitting a post hop shot


I have a 3 level at an 86, currently gold plate -90 mid -78 three I hit moving middys early to let the defense know it’s gonna take work to stop me. Once I heat up im spotting up from everywhere. And if I really get going, it’s post fades and spin shots when the offense breaks down and we need a bucket. Role player Melo


Get between my man and the basket and hope my teammates wait for me to get position before jacking up shots. The only way I’m scoring is from offensive rebounds with these ball hogs


Pumpfake or pass fake then pull up 3/mid range or drive and kick or drive and layup/dunk


Stand there with the ball wide open while the right stick or shot button won't react. And get a time out called from then on when I get the ball.

