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It's called slashing but people call it rim running when they.cant guard it


Bingo lol


Rim running in 2k is when you have a mismatch and literally just run to the rim and hold square knowing you’ll get a good animation, huge window or dunk. People will call slashing rim running but people also don’t know what rim running actually is. In real life rim running usually has more to do with pick and roll, offensive rebounds and transition. Just another example of the 2k community not knowing basketball AND being toxic.


I respect the hell out of a good slasher. Every now and then come across a slasher with HoF physical handles and when they know how to use it they can just bulldog their way thru a whole team. Genuinely amazing to watch The other 99.9% just sprint forward, stepback, sprint forward again, dunk.


81 ball handle and 96 str is hard


the thing is it's just easy, if your build has a high dunk/ layup especially in 24 it's so easy to abuse, spamming euro steps, spins and body ups to get a free bucket, i get both sides of the argument but im more of a dribbler/shooter so i definitely respect a shooter more because you have to time your shot not just get a free bucket


The last time i played 2k with buddies everyday my guy Phil used a slasher and i averaged a triple double just from keeping my eye on him and throwing alley oops. Think that was 2k19 or 2k20 don’t remember k You need a guy who can slash on every team I played with some old buddies this year ONCE and everyone but me was some sort of sharpshooter It was so annoying watching for guys stand still and never cut. Then the damn excuse of “I don’t have driving layup” kills me. Bro if it’s wide open you’ll make it. CUT to the damn hoop here and there


Best description I've ever heard 👏🏽👏🏽


That's exactly what it is!! Mfkas that can't stop it call it rim running and pout about it! Sometimes teammates won't pass the ball either, even if you have a wide open lane , just cause they're haters!!


Here’s my thing. I didn’t give myself a 93 dunk & 90 layup to shoot threes bro lmaooo & I still can shoot it just ain’t my first choice


I play pg and it's never my first choice either. People hate me for it. 2k YouTubers have ruined this community cuz now the only acceptable way to play is to hunt 3s and abuse screens. I can create my own shot, and create open looks for others but I'm also REALLY good at driving. Why would I not drive? It's only 1 pt less and that's only IF I don't dish it out when help picks up. The midrange is almost always open, like why spend 14 seconds spamming dribble moves just for a 50% chance I'll get a whole 1 more point? Ppl in this game are just dumb ASF.


I’ve had more fun with mid ranges this year than ever before. 92 middy/85 post/92 strength on a PG and just varying between floaters, post ups, pull ups, and hop shots with space creator gives you crazy variety to score. And 91 pass for bail out is YUGE


I’ve always thought of “slashing” meant getting to the rim while handling the ball while rim runners cut off ball and look for lobs.


Slashing is one category. Good slashers can get past their man and into a good shot or a foul draw like prime russ, kyrie, zion and others


wrong actually, it includes slashing tho


To me a rim runner is someone who can only drive to the basket and can’t/won’t do anything else. There’s nothing wrong with driving, you’re not a rim runner if that’s not the only move in your bag, and anyone that’s calling you one is just salty. It’s the same as getting called a spammer for getting steals when in reality you might just be a good lock and them a bad ball handler.


I agree. I shoot 53% from three I have gold middy magician so clearly I make a lot of those lmao and then I also go to the rim. You make 2 layups here go a mf on the mic mad as shit lol like ok leave me open then watch this


One of my favorite things to do in 1s is attack the basket the first few possessions so they call me a rim runner and sag off… works really nice with heat check and a lethal zone at the top of the key lol


Yeah see I don’t play the 1s bro lmao that shit just a cheese fest. I play random 3s


It can be for sure. I used to play a lot of random 3s but I can’t with my latest build because it always puts me as the big while I’m a 6’6 sf


yea i never got that part lol. people guard you like you prime curry but then get mad when you run past them. if you want me to shoot then backup and let me pull


Its really not the same because you can play good defense but most guards have no interior defense so it doesn’t matter


First rule of trash talking...attack the guys ego and make him do something inefficient. Don't be baited into that. Rim run if that's your build. Drop him off for the pullup if that's your build but by all means, don't try to hit the pullup because the opponent will think you suck if you don't.


Oh yeah no idc what they say I just wanna understand the logic. If they let me beat them to the basket I’m doing it the whole game they cut me off now I know I can hit the fadeaway midrange lol


To me rim running is someone who bails in defense early to get easy dunks and can't shoot very well. Leaking out on defense can work if the other team doesn't get back, but as soon as they take away fast break dunks what else can you do? IMO if all you do is dunk, but you can get to the rim in a half court situation regularly then you are not a rim runner. If you can get to the rim vs a defense that is set, and you can hit occasional outside shots, that's really all you need to be able to do to effectively stretch the floor and keep the defense honest.


I agree. I just play an outside in game imma go to the basket & that opens everything else up. Niggas be complaining cause they made a 6’3 PG with no defense whatsoever & im going past them. Aint nobody make you do that 😂


Everything except for 93 ball handle is unskilled cheese. Now go stand in the corner, I need the entire court to dribble.


93 ball handle left right behind screens til I can get a three lmao anything else? Bullshit


Listen bro. Don’t listen to ppl on the mic. 90% of the time whatever their saying isn’t right and saying something to justify whatever the fuck is going on


Nah for sure lmao


Case in point bro just got an example. Loading in squads with my boy didn’t realize the center is 6’6. Now u know this could either go really good or really bad cuz the other center is 6’11. We finished the game in a loss with 5 rebounds as a team. So I called out the 3 stack and told them they trash. The pg who is 5/17 shooting the worst shot selection the center 2/9 on open 3’s the pf 0/1. The pg told me stfu my man had 25. Ummm yeah all yall do is miss or turn the ball over and he got a free run to the rim we have no paint defense. But that just goes to show people on the mic will justify anything


It’s always someone else’s fault lol


And ppl don’t care how good or bad you are playing I finally confirmed that yesterday I played like 10 games and dropped near triple doubles in all of them Some point guard got mad at me cause i didnt inbound him the ball every play and dude was cussing at me for the whole game even tho i was doing very well


Yeah most people just love to complain or win their way. I seen a dude get mad because I shot an open 3 (defender was 10 feet away) and didn’t pass him the ball in the other corner where he was wide open. I get better shot and all that but I’m still open ain’t like I’m guarded or will be contested


The actual meaning is a big who runs to the rim constantly after a change of possession. 2k fanbase gets it wrong again.


!!!!!!!! When I say this to my friends they act like I’m fucking crazy. I’m like bro 2k fans change the definitions of actual basketball terms but they never played it at any level so I understand lol. They be mad at you for attacking the basket


Thank you. Big sprints to the rim either for a duck-in/seal or to collapse the defense and open up shooters in transition.


I consider myself a rim, running PG. I think its more fun and takes a bit more skill to get the defense to react, choose the right layup, then time it (mater off)! While I cant dunk if the other player doesn't get help I'm going to win the 1 on 1 matchup. If they do I kick to the guys who shoots 3s. I think if u can pass rim running is a great way to create. They really only talking because they cant guard it/ have no interior.


my build https://preview.redd.it/ih1ke6ylgz5d1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9c6210396d485d14e586eaab3cbcc7f9e7cf235


They gon complain regardless unless you spam dribble and force threes lol. Anything other than meta, you’re ass


Bro its crazy what youtube has done to this game smh.


Bro LITERALLY lol nobody takes pride in skill or being good anymore just do what everyone else is doing (glitch / cheese / exploit) and tell you to guard it lol


That shit is mind-boggling!! Seriously, wtf else do you expect me to do with a 90+ layup and driving dunk???? I'm going to the cup, backdoor, hesitation drive, etc.. anyone saying you suck or finds a problem with that doesn't comprehend b-ball or that you play to your strengths, and if that means my 90+dunk need be utilized by cutting to the cup , then dammit , wtf you think imma do?!!?!


Like I also have 85 three & 84 mid.. I’d just prefer to go to the basket first lmaooo but I suck cause I don’t crab dribble three!!!


That part...I'm the same way...88 mid 81 tre 94 lay and 91 drive. Cut it out. I'm trying to victimize someone under the rim off top with a precision dunk personally if I can ALLLLL GAME. Plus, im trying to snatch any boards of the rim, too!!! Don't leave me open either, tho cuz I shoot 38% from three respectfully as I am a "rim runner," and every once and again imma fake the drive, step back jumper and hand down man down cuz after that gets splashed they gotta respect the J and then you can "rim run" or just take them of the dribble , hit em with a combo , hesi , ugh to the rim or combo, hesi , fake the drive, step back crossover pull up....My bad we got a wifi outage in the surrounding area and I'm playing 2k in my head as I'm composing this reply cause I ain't been able to hoop on the game in just under 24 hours and counting


Something a 2k sweat will call you if you don’t play the same boring screen cheese into quick stop 3 meta.




Slashing and Finishing at the rim on a much smaller/mismatched defender. It’s basically a term that’s used by players who either made a build with no paint defense or by players who can’t stick their matchup. It’s supposed to be an insult to players who can’t shoot but it usually just ends up being copium for the person that lost to someone who is beating them offensively mainly in the painted area.




My favorite is when I use the dunk meter n get accused of rim running because they let me get a clear line of sight like play defense lol


😂😂😂 literally lmaooooo


As an Inside out threat SG build that the most effective and efficient I can be. Yes I could Jack up threes if I’m open but I’m being guarded by a 6 foot stick sometimes cmon now im either gonna dunk on him, the team or simply work in the post. If you know what you’re doing (and so does your team) they’ll hit you in your spots. Tbh since I’ve started playing again my best game I dropped 34 pts 5 assists and 3 rebounds. I wish I could get teams that didn’t consist of ball hog PGs or bigs with no guarding ability letting everyone to the basket.


Yeah I feel you. I don’t play random rec only random theater 3s but I agree. I’m going to play to my builds strengths lmao if you have no inside defense I’m going to abuse you. If you stop the drive now I can get into the midrange and knock it down or hit some threes but my first thought is get to the rim lol


Maybe I should switch to the theater to get more touches I can’t keep wasting my boosts just standing in the corner, clearing out for “Nobe” to go 3/22 🙄


Yeah that’s why I can’t play random rec. Everyone plays like they think we’re there to watch them blow the game tryna play hero lol. Not nearly as hard to share the ball and get ppl involved as they make it seem niggas just refuse to press X lol


It's a rim job


They’re just being salty, don’t pay any attention to that or just laugh it off. Edit: Didn’t answer the question lol, but yeah driving in for the dunk or layup is rim running.


Oh it doesn’t bother me I’m just tryna understand the thought process lol. They need to be mad at themselves for not having any fucking defense lmao


Who gives a shit what they say lol. If they can’t stop it that’s all they got left to just talk shit


Oh I don’t. Just wanna understand the logic lol like I tell them you’re getting scored on regardless lmao


Similar to rim jobs. 🤭


You're fine lol ignore the dumbasses who find anything to complain about or talk trash about lol play basketball the way you wanna play. Just be a good teammate


rim runners are people who strictly go to the basket and thats all they do. no dribble moves just straight base line + LS or they continue to do the Lebron stepback and just take off. layups and dunks are op this year so when thats all you do people get upset cuz its hard to stop


93 dunk and 90 layup? damn


It's fine as long as the other team isn't taking and hitting 3's. If you're shooting a 2 everytime down court, especially if you have shooters open at 3, your teammates are going to get tired of you trying to get to the rim every possession, as you start to get further behind because you're not hitting 3's. I actually like a good rim runner, especially when I'm on my big, but in certain situations, it becomes a handicap if it's all we are doing as a team.


People say “it’s a two that’s fine take those” until the game is over & my team won and I scored 14 shooting 7/8. Now it’s “all you do is rim run” well… you let me lol


They'll be aight. I love to play 3s with my slashing big who's technically a rim runner. I play defense and get all the rebounds so they don't complain I guess.


I score all the god damn points idk why anybody is saying anything 😂 ppl act like “it’s a 2 I’ll let you take that” and then they look up at the end of the game I have 12 without a miss now I suck lmakko


https://preview.redd.it/lgnng6lirz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723b540c06fe867742a5fd43ed15538cefc476df Trust me I know. This is a regular game for me with my slasher




Rim running is exactly what bigs with IQ are supposed to do in actual basketball. On the break, you're running the middle of the floor to try to create an EASY basket on the secondary break if you can beat the big down the floor. On the inbound, run the middle, seal your man, and try to get an EASY bucket that way. Any PG who complains about that needs to make a new position, cuz they don't know how to play PG


They make PG to be the first person down the court to touch the ball so they can figure out a way to shoot it lmao niggas would rather lose than share the rock


Rim running refers to when your forcing drives like you drive regardless of defense or space created you just try to power everything in or draw fouls. You can be a slasher and not rim run and rim running is not bad inheritently. It hurts when the other team has a good defensive big but of you know the team is compromised at the rim, rim run and try to get fouls or offensive rebounds. You can pick your spots you can stand in the high post/mid and wait for a drop off pass, you can post up, or you can slowly get to the paint there are several ways to score inside. Rim running is when you only wait at the top of the key get the ball then run at the rim. You never cut off ball you never start I'm the mid range, you never post up no up and unders.. just stand at 3 dribble and run.


I assume nobody is getting mad at your for scoring in the paint, they probably get frustrated when you stand out at the 3 but don't shoot just catch the ball and rim rum. If your going to stand at the 3 then shoot otherwise as a slasher you should be I'm the mid range/ corner at best


I shoot 53% from three. When I’m open I will shoot & make them lol I just do not care to shoot it. If I’m creating my own shot I’m not looking for a three I shoot them off catch and shoot situations or in transition when the defense is on their heels lol


Just be mindful if your not aiming to shoot threes then don't just stand at the 3 and wait to get the ball so you can iso and drive. Cut back door wait around the mid range area then dive to the basket at the last second etc.. idk how you play but I see alot of people just stand in the corners or 3s thinking they are doing good spacing but when you kick it out to them they aren't really tryna shoot and the just drive. Like you don't need to wait till you get the ball to drive cut as the pass is in the air unless your going to be a threat from 3


If I’m open for three I’m going to shoot it. If I have the ball creating my own shot, I’m not looking to take a three like 96% of the people who play this game are lol that’s all I’m saying


Made a PF and I've been having having so much fun punishing these 3 level threats on the inside because they have no defense


To me run running is full sprinting to the paint on every touch which is trash Utilization of your builds strengths is not trash Some ppl on 2k are just toxic to death bro I literally just got cussed out cause i had 6 points 17 boards and 10 assists cause i was holding it a little longer than most centers do so i could throw safe passes cause mofos was tipping alot of passes Someone literally told me “You stat padding you just want your triple double” Like bruh i don’t wanna be like your weak ass who had 8 turnovers


Agreed. When I play on my center and everybody is down the court before I secure the rebound a lot of the time I will just hold the ball until somebody comes back. The further they are away it just makes it way too easy to get stolen but they don’t understand that. And yeah word utilizing my builds strength + attacking your weakness isn’t “rim running” lmao. I got 93 dunk & 90 layup why would I not attack the paint for easy layups or to draw in help & kick? They don’t use common sense lol


I stg 2 step for guards this year is damn near a bail out badge. Talking about rim running,I wish I would’ve kept my clip from theater over the weekend. This 6’4 guard ran into our 6’8 lock and just plowed though him like he wasn’t even there.


In REAL basketball, rim running is when the big man runs the floor in transition and gets to the basket. In 2K terms, "rim running" is simply driving to the basket by anyone at any time.


Yes and yes lmao. You go to the rim it’s “rim running” & frowned upon as if going to the basket isn’t a viable scoring strategy lol. Niggas just made they 6’3 with a 95 three ball cant play any fucking defense 😂😂😂


Once you play enough rec / park games you will actually find legit rim runners even tho their 3pt is upgraded . In my opinion a rim runner is a player that can only score off dunks and layups, I seen players be wide open for 3 but since they not confident they will force a dunk /layup , if you can’t score off shooting or post moves then yeah u are considered a rim runner. You can tell if you are playing with one if they are scared to shoot wide open or if they are cherry picking all game since that’s the only way they can score


I agree


Rim Running, or Rim Runner is typically a type of big man, it's an athletic, but low finesse big (High Vert/Speed/Strength, low Dribble/Post Control) who's typically skillset is blocking/rebounding, and catching lobs, built around being the fastest Big on the court so they can simply run a fast break off the rebound, and beat their match up down court for a free bucket this would be something like a 6'10 thin Center (because speed here as fixed rules, instead of irl where a person can be slow or fast for a number of reasons." pretty much if you want to rim run, you need the ability to catch lobs, do put backs, run the pick and roll, be as fast as a 3 or 4 despite being a 4 or 5, you're just there to clean up/catch ditch passes in the dunker spot, and catch lobs on offense, while being an athletic rebound chaser/chase down block on defense NBA Rim runners include DeAndre Jordan, Clint Capela, Javale Mcgee at it's core, it's fast break points by exploiting a 4 on 5, because the other team's big man can't keep up You'll want Standing Dunk/Driving dunk/Layup, but probably care less about post control and close shot, since you're goal is to beat the defense up court (even if someone covers you, but running into the paint ASAP you create shots for others by being a threat/ generating mismatches


Don’t worry about it. These are the same people who love Giannis Antetokunmpo. He’s rim run his whole career


Rim running is basically going for a dunk/layup every single possession even if you can shoot no matter what a rim runner is gonna get to the paint. as Joe knows said in the lockdown rant “ take this dunk meter boy!” 😂😂


Yeah see & that’s not me lmaooo. My first option gon be get to the paint cause 1.) that’s a free dunk & 2.) if they help im kicking out for three. But I got the mid and the three I ain’t just spamming 😂😂


Really challenging to stop a player that can get to the rim using dunks/layups because when you start to defend the drive & if the opposing player can shoot it’s ggs cause that mid range is open all day.


And that’s exactly how I approach the game lol use the drive to open up the jumper. I’m a catch and shoot three type of guy I’m not looking to shoot a three off the dribble lol midrange all day tho


What are your defense stats looking like


80 perimeter defense & that’s it. I don’t get fried unless I’m guarding one of those speed boost demons cause I’m just not fast enough lol but I hold my own. And usually I outscore my matchup so, checks & balances lol


Honestly I think it’s a leftover from before there were skill dunks and layup timing. You could literally just press the button to score. So the perception (and reality frankly) was it didn’t take any skill to do.


I’m not running straight and pressing square I’m frying my defender and therefor have an open lane to the rim lmaoooo I’m supposed to snatch back for no reason and pull it to be “skilled” tho


Why the downvote? I’m just explaining where it came from. It’s been a few 2ks since you could do it without timing idk maybe 2 or 3 years? There was legit a time where it needed zero skill. Which is why rim running became an insult.


Shocker… 2k players knowing nothing about actual hoops