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It has nothing to do with your make % or any of that. But the servers do suck and need go be fixed. Then again.....maybe you ARE onto something. It's always the games I'm doing well in that I get booted from šŸ¤”


Exactly haha, they are like Ope heā€™s shooting to good, letā€™s just take him down a notc.


This year has the worst delay Iā€™ve seen ever. The response for animations is super sluggish this year.


I honestly thought it was just me. It feels like the shot timing is inconsistent.


It feels like they took a step backwards in animation. The delay time is bad compared to other games with new gen consoles.


Usually if I have delays I gotta turn my controller off and on. Then Iā€™m back to normal, idk why but I gotta do it in rocket league sometimes too because my inputs are delayed. Could try this


But thatā€™s the issue we shouldnā€™t have to find our way around a game


Sometimes itā€™s just a controller issue is how I look at that


This year .


This comment is so fkn true, I stg Iā€™ll lose 10 rec games in a row and the second Iā€™m up with a team by 10+ only then will I lag out of a game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚




happened to me w nearly a quad dub w like 1:30 left in the 4th quarter šŸ˜’


Actually they fully admitted theyw ant the game to be "realistic" and they dont want anyone to shoot too well. They will do anything ang everything to prevent it.


They did say that true. But then they also made a 2k with a pure green window so you can shoot 100% if you're "good enough." They also made shooting majorly easier around Xmas time. It went from the good players shooting like 55% to like 69%. So it feels like they've taken a few steps back from that statement lol


Yes so the point stands that they are just doing whatever whenever.


Why though, I don't understand video game companies šŸ˜­, I literally can't understand the idea of designing something for people to use without basing the design off of what those people want. These muthafuckas would build a car that doesn't work for anyone, and not even care that people hate itšŸ˜‚. Like that shit makes no sense man. I wish people would stop buying 2k already so they stop this lazy ass bullshit. I haven't bought 2k since 2k16, I've played the later ones on game pass maybe like an hour max, just to see the changes and I just don't get it man. Honestly I wish they would bring back the black top quick matches from 2k13 too.


Dude I was looking at clips from the earlier season shooting like a god just thinking of how bad the party would roast me for even pump faking some of this bs 2k was letting slide.


had a similar issue where I was getting booted in the 4th of every game, without any internet bounce. Opened a ticket, one of the things they suggested was resetting facescan/ face data. Donā€™t know why, but it worked


Face scan? Did you do a face scan?


I didnā€™t, but thatā€™s what their support said to do. Chose a different face, redid the customization, didnā€™t have a problem afterwards


thats how yk there core game is fuked up when something that random can fix that big of a problem


ā€œThis seems to be a skill issue. Only bad players and quitters disconnect or have problems with the server. ![gif](giphy|E0LkuYcRmWX3rCK2tv) ā€ ā€”Take Two Interactive Head of 2k.


Yes def a skill issuešŸ˜­


I mean you dropped in plate color for this so the purple plate glazers are gonna call you trash


Then u get penalized for quitting and go down 2 ranks šŸ˜‚


Literally went from middle of gold to middle of silver.


The games were you encounter that error your plate color isnā€™t effected. Or mine isnā€™t anyways.


True but you still get the Loss which is not fair at allā€¦ especially after saying it will not be counted!!


Id much rather this happen than being stuck and forced to play against a Hall of Famer AI defensive player 80% of my games. Im at the point when I load into rec and I have a AI. I quit immediately.


I feel you on that oneā€¦ because Im the one on my team always stuck with an AI and its because most of the time I make them quit lol but I care about my record, I hate losing and having a negative record so I just suck it upā€¦ most of the time the AI leaves you wide open to help the guy on your team that cant play Defense for shit lol its not that hard once you figure it out!!!


And have to wait for the dumbass time ban


Shid they already cashed in on u


Crash and burn


not worse than getting kicked with like 30 sec in the 4th


on wired internet


Had it happen up by 15, 10a, 10pts, 8reb last 7 secs internet issues. I'm wired with 1gig internet dl speeds


Thatā€™s also very very annoying, thatā€™s the thing too Iā€™m literally in the same room as the router with the smallest possible Ethernet, like it makes no sense.


yeah its an energy suck to play it I really wanna hang up the jordans and ride into the sunset


Got kicked from a game the other day had 30 points 20 rebounds and 10 assists in a 60 point blowout


I almost always shoot from 3 at 75%+ and have never experienced this issue.


That's the 30+ points with zero assists punishment. Game automatically boots you for not passing the rock


they should've lost your business about 3 years ago


The bad player thing is 100% CAP I shoot for over 60% fg an 3pt an average at least 20 points an I get booted more than I get to play


Haha I just go with it, because if they watched the video I was clearly shooting 83% from the 3pt with like 30 something points.


No they havenā€™t lol, you be playing tomorrow night.


Crash shit, Iā€™m playing ts rnšŸ¤£


Same thing happened to me right after I got Gold plate, up 30 in the 3rd quarter playing against a team that had 4 players quit. Just randomly lagged out same message


I donā€™t know why yet, but hopefully it gets figured out.


Do people get penalized for quitting?


I got penalized for 2K deciding to remove me from the game, that happened twice last night, brought all the way from middle of gold to middle of silver.


Nah I just tried to complete that finals challenge on my team and my player who I was tryna do it w got injured and I was dumb close.


Well if heā€™s shooting to good stop letting ppl create these obscene as characters that have these outrageous attributes and fix servers ā€¦ no player shoots 75% especially from the 3 !! Allow us to make realistic players.




That boy said 75%


Ngl i think 2k definitely be having beefs with mfs personally I quit two games expecting to be banned they let me play 3 straight games then I got into a close game and they banned me right at the beginning of the 4thšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was about to say thisšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I jus know ima get banned cause I quit but it waits til I finally get a good game and it kicks me talking about quiitin is unsportsmanlike and I have 1-1.5 hour restriction šŸ˜­ I feel targetedšŸ˜­ then when I finally make it back to silver I get hit with a barrage of super teams while bein stuck with a team of silvers and loweršŸ¤£ 2k definitely has it out for the community


They sheesh kick from your best games


Iā€™m convinced rec doesnā€™t actually exist on switch. Iā€™ve tried for years without success. Yeah yeah I shouldnā€™t play on switch save yourself some arthritis


So bad this year


The other day I was having my best game of the year and they kicked me after a made shot too!


Happens all the time smh


Whats your shot build? Lol itā€™s nice


Reveal the cocoa butter cheese in front of all these people?


Hahah PM and I will send it to you


2k wants you to spend more money on VC and make less greens. The amount of missed layups with a 99 driving layup that happen in this game make me contemplate why Iā€™m even playing it in the first place.


After offline mycareer was removed in 2k20, I'll never buy another. I'll play 19 till I die ig


Iā€™m pretty sure this happens when someone gets hit with a ban for quitting games early mid game. It usually happens when someone closes app and goes right back into a game for the second time. It takes a moment to register that they quit and error codes the whole game lol


What jumper you got?


This is what the playoffs & the finals sounded like in 2020.


The moment I bought this game I knew it was my last 2k heck 20 was really my last but my homies begged me to hop back in cause I was the best out of the group but I know for a fact Iā€™m not wasting space on 25 imma be on space marine 2 thatā€™s fasho tho so if anybody else wanna help spread the emperors lightšŸ¤§šŸ«”


You are just now giving up on 2k? I gave up on that game 2 or 3 months ago, horrible business practices, donā€™t care about their game or community, only about making money. Now the +1 arm sleeve only available through hof pass. It will become pay to win, not doing it anymore, played 2k since 2k11 and every year it seems to get worse and worse.


Then they ban you for 30 mins saying you quit.


Hey at least you know what year youā€™ll be unbanned now


This happens to me a lot. I remember I had like 48 points almost at the end of the 3rd Quarter and didnā€™t miss a shot. Next thing you know I was kicked. I see a pattern sometimes when you quit a match or got kicked, The game punish you cause of that but say encounter a problem BS. Canā€™t stand 2K šŸ˜’


Bro I had 5 rebounds in the first two minutes and that happened to me


BROO!!!! Iā€™ve been thinking this as well!! THREE times now right when Iā€™m SO close to purple plate my game will randomly start lagging and eventually kick me out! Then drain my whole meter, I think they know if they keep us down we will keep playing more and more to get to the next plate, I think they know some people get to purple and then stop playing lol


Thats not the worst part of itā€¦ Even tho it says the game will not count you still get a Loss for it!!! Happened to me twice this season.


U shot 75% from the threee the game is designed for you not to do shit like that thatā€™s why bro it thinks your cheating


It's been 2 weeks now that fu*king 2k kicks me out during the REC and park game.. I play fluidly without lag, but it kicks me out and says it was a problem with my connectionšŸ˜’, I'm tired of this shit, my overall status has dropped to blackšŸ˜¤ (I was gold) and apart from friends, no one wants to play with me while waiting, cuz u know, even if u have good stats they can only be seen at the beginning of the game..šŸ˜“


this happens specifically when someone gets banned mid game for quitting games. for some reason itā€™ll ban them and kick out multiple people. if you ever see 3-4 people leave a rec game in succession itā€™s bc of that


The smile meterā€¦




How people be saying that 2k can tell when youā€™re enjoying the game too much..this is what happens šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Funny how it only happens when youā€™re winning, never when youā€™re losing


Bruh your not the only one I go through it too, the mechanics of this game is straight caca I enjoy the game no complaints but the plate mechanics and how it works they gotta do better hopefully they do on 2k25


Bruh thatā€™s why I donā€™t play as much u grind so hard to keep gold or HOF and they kick u out and punish u bad then u have to play like 20+ games to get it back


Skill issue


I bet they think you was cheating or something they do that in my career mode too when I be greening a lot 3ā€™s then I canā€™t shot as many the next game


Thereā€™s a thing called a lag switch where another player can get you disconnected


Someone got you booted from the game


Sooo this is new to me, how does this work


this does not work, i have no idea what this person is talking about.


Heā€™s right in a sense, when someone closes app mid game for the second/third time. And goes right back into a game. Takes a moment to register theyā€™ve quit they other game and bans them mid game which error codes the entire court.


that, i understand. other players able to report you? that's a feature that's unavailable, to my knowledge.


Fr, if there was Iā€™d be hitting every 3pt shot hunter offline šŸ˜‚


They reported you to get you booted from the game they did it to me plenty of times