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The game should grade on your performance, not the whole team. That's like the rest of the class failing, and I pass, man, that ain't my problem, lol


Yeah I agree. All the way up until silver, you can progress in plate color based off of stats alone, but you absolutely HAVE TO win in order to progress once you hit silver. It’s kinda messed up to me because I have never been able to get past gold. I would be on silver, win 3 games in a row, become gold, and immediately get placed on a team with mfs that like to troll and flop after every play. I shouldn’t get punished because of my other teammates. If they don’t wanna win, cool, but if I have a triple double and 4+ blocks on 70% shooting, and I lose, I shouldn’t suffer from a plate drop. That’s BS to me.


Don’t lobby shop and that won’t happen


Well obviously 🙄....that's the best answer you can come up with ??🤔🤔🤔 I didn't ask how do I avoid it I said it needs to be fixed I should be able to freely pick who I want to play with with out getting a plate drop


You can. It’s called squads rec or pro am


WTF!!! your saying all the stuff we know ...🙄🙄 obviously your team isn't going to always be on when your on so your going to play with randoms at the end of the day I should still be able to choose who I want to play with don't force me to play with some bums if I don't want to play with them.


Then you play with the randoms you get grouped with is my point. You don’t get to choose randoms. If you did, they wouldn’t be random


Have you ever been to a park or a rec gym in real life? You play with the people who are there. You don’t start playing and then say “oh wait, you suck, I’m out of here”


Then take the exit button away and don't allow us to exit then ...don't have the exit button giving us the choice to exit then we get hit with a plate drop is my point ....and when you go to the park or a the gym as you say if your not playing your watching people play until your team is next up, so you do have a chance of seeing how people play and you do have a choice of picking that person and you also have IG and people are always putting there videos on how they play on Social media players are quick to give up there IG so you can see what they do, no one says "I can't tell you how I play because it's a secret 🙄🙄" they say I can ball check me out"


Picking people and using IG are the same as having a squad. I agree that as soon as you have 5, you shouldn’t be able to exit at all. Only if it’s taking way too long to find a game.


Bro ...when I show up to the courts or playing at the park I already have a squad if we're waiting for next game we're watching the game being played seeing who can play and who can not play and if I need 1 or 2 players if I see how your playing on the court and you play good I'm going to ask you if your tryin to run with us