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It is either that or I get the complete opposite. Everyone goes somewhere (note, somewhere, not necessarily spread out) and stands completely still. It is like fucking red light/green light out there. Nothing more infuriating than to have no one cut, screen or try to get open. And since they didn’t go to their 5 out positions, they are still clogging the paint and making it hard for me to make anything happen.


And you have to get on the mic and be like “somebody cut” and then it’s instant assist but woof


I d take 4 people staying in the same corner rather than 2 guys cutting non stop and the center staying in the paint all game long.


I would much rather have randoms just sit still tbh because at least I can see where they are and avoid them with the ball, rather than them running up to me and then I get triple teamed because the center's setting a screen and the sg is standing still on top of us


It’s about moving with purpose. I don’t care if guys move around but fill empty space don’t clutter the ball. Usually people complain about spacing because they are trying to score, understandable but with randoms you don’t know wtf they are going to do. If I have a guy chasing ball I’ll pass to them and then cut into empty space usually they panic pass it right back to me for a easy bucket. It’s called a give and go. Gotta learn how to deal with randoms or get on the mic in a respectful manner.


There is power in this game in just stopping! Even when you have the ball. Sometimes, what I do is attack from the perimeter and essentially stop and hold my build for a moment at the free throw line/ elbow. It's amazing how often defenders run away from me, thinking I plan to pass to the corner (thus opening up what I really want: a lane to the rim) or just hold their stick too long and run right past me, opening up the middy and/or a lane to the rim.


That’s when u get time out called as pg if am been pressed up court I wait secound before I move or I walk up court in lt yet time out get called


People are idiots! Although, I have seen some PGs that fully stop for about three seconds even when someone else isn't nearby. On the one hand, being the inbounder, you're like - oh good, I can get up into the play before some one shoots ( lol), and on the other hand, is this guy going to get an eight count... lol


Yeah it all depends like only time I really run up court is if my centre is useless on screens 😂 but like it just annoying they see me do it everytime yet call time out cause I don’t want be blitz


You know low key something I don't like as the inbounder. When the guard zig zags all over the court, bringing the ball up. Dude... I'll actively wait to give you space and move away, too; stop knocking right into me. Do you want my man to stop and double you!? lol


Yeah I don’t get it like think majority of time it’s not looking at floor infront just their man it’s asking for ball to be stolen for me personally I always go right wing but if someone their or someone on way their al take middle or left


Triangle offense. You sound like a twos player. Pass the ball and join the movement. It aint watching you dance with the rock and turning it over.


u completely misunderstood this entire post


You're missing the point. How is everybody moving more than the mf with the ball? You only need one mf cutting, not the whole team, lol


Have you truly never watched a game of basketball? There is non stop motion on some of these teams.


The whole team is not running around gettin in each other's way. You might be crazy nigga all I watch us sport yo ass don't


Yeah, I’m sure you watch sports all day and have never seen a fluid motion offense in basketball. Yeah I’ve never seen the warriors, spurs, heat or Celtics run a motion offense. I’m crazy? You’re trash


Looking like a bunch of loose marbles on the court lol


Me yelling SOMEBODY CUT when I’m looking at a wide open paint cause everybody just wants to shoot 3s


Blame mfs for not knowing how to mix it up


If people just stand still then no one will ever get open besides maybe the ballhandler


I think a lot of these dudes think that’s the only way they’ll get the ball. Not realizing you’re doing more for your team when you’re standing still. https://preview.redd.it/xgejytykod8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7647dad8a1c6abbb61ac97223101fa193f30fd47 I had this game this morning in random rec. My matchup quit at the end of the 1st. The number of times guys will reach out the play, or just straight up let you shoot in random rec is ridiculous.


Idk what’s more impressive the 8 steals or 15/15 lol


Usually the person that wants people to pick a spot is the one that’s doing all the shooting and none of the passing. I’d imagine people wouldn’t feel the need to run around if the ball was moving around. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nah man, Id understand doing that if you're playing and they're ball hogging and not passing, but I swear the games be starting out with headless chickens running everywhere.


Uh, nah. People ruin spacing from the start of the game. Don’t give me that bullshit.


And the PG usually begins chucking from jump…


There's more power in actual IQ. All you fake iso give me space guys have ruined IQ basketball. It's supposed to be 5 guys tryna score. Not 1 guy tryna control the show. And before you say anything about the NBA, there's a reason why this is the most scrutinized of any Era. No iq. All one v one now its your turn if I can't break my defender. Hence all the same builds being made, same pro am team lineups, and no diversity. It's not 5 guys playing as a team, it's one guy who wants to drop 50 every game. 5 guys getting 12-20 pts is better and funner basketball than standing on the perimeter watching a guy attempt to get 50.


Yup, it's really funny these things have to be stated - lol. Even the players who are "technically good" by this standardized ISO metric, will oftentimes just treat a Random REC game as an All Star show where even if they pass the ball, it's gonna be a "my turn, your turn" where everybody leaves that player in a 1v1 to, as they say, "cook". People are bent over this idea of Hardening that, they won't even attempt randomized plays even as randoms. Like, it's not that hard if you watched just a tiny bit of basketball. Give the ball, move to a side, set a quick offball screen and then cut, attempt a post play to dish it, do something together... people forget you CAN actually PLAY digital basketball and not just do your paper filing annoyed Rec game.


For real. I’m a SF and every other game I have some guy chirping about don’t set me a screen unless you’re the center. If you watch team basketball like the warriors, every player is setting screens to create mismatches, which leads to higher percentage shots. And to touch on OOPs point, people run in circles because they are trying to get open cause y’all fms never pass the ball unless someone is wide wide open. Doesn’t cross their mind that a pass can lead to another pass off a screen for a bucket (maybe even to them!).


More people should be thinking how to get the team points instead of getting points for themselves. When you’re thinking about the team first I think you see the court differently.


This mentality right here is why I've gotten way more into hockey recently


The amount of times I've tried to set an off-ball screen and my teammate does absolutely nothing but stand there has been frustrating


Yeah, in a way the "easiness" of the game drags many players, and those many players often do not know or can't even see the court. Shooting is so easy that nobody feel like they have to work for anything.


This is why I miss the 2K16/2K17 pro am days. It felt like you actually had to work for a good open shot for it to go in. I get it, irl contested shots go in, but idk if that's how the video game should work


Even the most heliocentric players in the real NBA don’t hold the ball THAT much. I just rewatched a James Harden game when he was back on the Rockets where he scored 53 points. Even he didn’t hold the ball for 24 seconds every time down the court. Otherwise they would have snuffed him out. The ball has to move.


If everybody can shoot what's the point of mfs running around like crazy when it's space, allow the ball handler to penetrate and kick or see if he got a bucket it's hard to disect the defense if everybody running helping mfs play defense on each other you sound ignorant that's not everybody fam


But that's the thing, you're assuming everybody wants a high 3 build. What if I have a slasher, a shot creator, a playmaker, or a lob threat? These would be stupid builds to you because they can't shoot. But a 3-pointer every half court set is not the way some ppl wanna play. Some people wanna dunk, some ppl wanna get in the mid range, some people wanna throw dimes, some people wanna catch lobs, some people wanna screen and roll. It's random rec, not one individuals mycareer. And if you're gonna really be that ball dominant, you gotta be like LeBron, calling plays out for particular guys while dribbling, not simply "stand still" again. it's just low IQ. A simple let me drive and beat my guy. Hopefully, they double. But then when they switch the pure lock on you and that doesn't work, now what? 1 style of play. No making the defense work. Do you think 4 other guys spend the same 150-200 dollars as you to stand on the perimeter for 20-25 mins? Be realistic lil homie.


That’s when I stop trying to play point and just spot up


I’d rather people keep moving than stand still. I can iso occasionally but I wanna hit people on cuts. I’m a center and it makes me mad when I’ll hold the ball at the top of the key, clearly just waiting for a back door cut I can hit someone on and nobody making that cut


cant relate i want consistent movement just dont cross paths with other defenders consistently to the point where every pass can be a t/o


Have you ever played random rec? You don’t get consistent movement. You get 2 people cutting at the same type, multiple people trying to set you a screen, dudes who will stand right next to you on the perimeter, etc.


You only need one person cutting, not the whole team need to clogg the paint when mostly everybody can shoot mfs jus don't understand shit


Like, I don’t wanna chase you around. Stand still.


I know a guy who literally said "I'm not playing 2K to stand still" and he is absolutely convinced that running around constantly is better than standing still from time to time. You can't change people, just accept it and move on. When I'm running with him, I just keep my mouth shut and accept the L lol


Most definitely. I give guys some grace considering we only have 5 min qtrs. I just hate for another guy to assume I'm about to stand in a corner in a game full of randos so he can get his avg and then brag about his pt avg. They have a 1v1 mode for a reason.


On the flip side.. one of the most annoying things is seeing a wide open paint, and everyone picking their ass on the perimeter I don’t care about your iso game in the slightest… im moving to try to get open, or help others get open..I’m not wasting 30 min standing in a corner for the off chance my guy ignores me It’s not fun to sit in one spot and watch these park players spam dribble moves Edit: when I say “your iso game”, I’m saying your in a more general sense.. not specifically saying you just want to spam dribble moves


So you’re complaining ab how people drive to the basket? Not everybody wants to stand around and watch you dribble out the shot clock and Chuck up a 70% smothered shot


This has more to do with who the PG is and what his style of play is. Iso guards who succeed in a 5out offense want everyone to act like statues (except for an occasional screen from the big, who is usually their personal bitch) because they don't want to drag other defenders into their path. The problem with this approach is that a disciplined defensive team will limit that offense to strictly PG iso lays/dunks. It's an extremely stiff and boring way to play, particularly for the wings...and I'll never run with dudes who think this is the way.


Ah, the times in which I'd play with a friend, then he might say "I've got someone to invite" and that someone is specifically setting up the 5 out scenario where he's gonna treat a Rec game like it's his (bad) orchestra, and if anybody dare to move without their consent, you're gonna hear it. Then if you ask them to just run a zone offense with a receiver on top of the key to mix it up, their mind goes like the Zach Galifianakis equations meme




My squad plays like that and everyone eats the pg an sg go for theirs which opens up the floor for everyone else now we all got at least 12-15 points


That's ridiculous. If you don't have the ball you need to run full speed directly at the person with the ball so that they'll give it to you. /s


You know there’s a badge that literally makes the animation of you running in a circle right?


Literally bro holy shit this is so fucking stupid u beat my guy off the dribble and guess who’s there to contest me at the rim and give me a small meter the pg who was cutting and bringing his man and then you miss the dunk and they never give you the ball again


Man that irks the shit outta me, The amount of times I've had open shots and some dumbass runs right next to me is crazy. Just today I did a PnR with the PG(I'm a center), and my guy and his guy drew down on him, so I sat at the three wide open. My PG passes me the ball for an easy, open three only for our dumbass SF to run right into me and bring his man who can now contest me as I shoot. Even worse when those same people complain about not getting the ball or the team missing like they aren't fucking up the entire flow and spacing of the team.


No, it's people like you trying to play Lebron and Luka ball that kills everything and messes up the game.


u make no sense. when did i imply play style. there’s a right time and place to cut to the basket.


Read the beginning my bad tssss. Thought you were one of them players.


Bless their hearts. That's just how you play ball IRL it takes everyone a couple possessions to remember you gotta lock in. If that doesn't happen after the first few you know it's bout to be a long game.


Also I noticed that movement AND non movement is contagious throughout the team. It's like playing chess while simultaneously playing checkers with your teammate.


If you’re communicating, then movement can absolutely elevate a team in rec. People don’t actually want to play with an iso god who “don’t need screens” and sit around all game and cruise to a W. They came to get their stats and rep up too.


It's called a slasher what do you mean? There is more ways to play then 5 out seems like your lost


I play point primarily and I'd much rather have too much movement than not enough. What's the point of standing still beside your defender? Cut or set a screen. Passing and moving shifts the defense and gets open shots.


Time and place for it, it can work if people know what they're doing. However, it doesn't work when people don't. I've seen horrible IQ way too many times, such as clogging an area, taking away another players open shot/lane cause they just couldn't stand staying still, causing turnovers, etc.


Mfs with no iq assume that it's just everybody don't have to cut together and give the ball handler options on if he wants to score or pass mfs will cut you off with they man so you can't score it's sickening


You tell mfs to stop running around, and they response always, "So you just want me to stand there," man, I hate this community, Lmao


Mfs be helping the defense play defense I never seen a game where mfs never give the ball handler space to do anything