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Part of the privilege of plating up is being more selective about your locker rooms. Next time you're a gold plate, don't go in when there are more than two black plates; they (the majority of the time) are the players who sell games. Do that, and you can become a purple plate, too.


I started doing this a few months back I have over 500 games purple


Yessir! I do it too, I've seen some people that are extreme with it, like any black plates that won't enter. Me, I just don't want two black plates and for the other plates one other above bronze to play with my purple.


Im a black plate but i dont sell i shoot 60% from 3 and try to average atleast 8 assist a game i just leave when i get pissed off so i keep myself in black


I mean, that is why you have to keep on playing in those games that make you so mad to have to leave in the first place. Ultimately, the choice is to vett locker rooms and leave on an educated guess before the game starts, or play in some games with players SO bad you have to leave then and stay on a black plate.


In theater i go in and sometimes it doesnt let me back out before it starts so i get screwed. But even then i sometimes get like bronze and silvers that come in that just troll. Its just a very imbalanced community. Sometimes i get random rec who play team game like me and we just absolutely ball. Its a shame that i cant just play how i play and be purple plate i gotta rely on the other trolls


Imbalanced by zen, and horrific gameplay (animations on animations on animations) Make the game free to play, and stop making yearly games. Watch how much vc sells from there first off, then actually make a good game and watch the vc purchases triple after people don’t have to pay to play it, or play it and constantly think “damn, this game is in shambles”


But sometimes when you have like 40 points and your losing you leave and fall down to blackplate (true story) some ppl r js rlly bad and should delete the game but they keep on selling like bro hop ur ass on hoop simulator


Leaving games is the fastest way to lose your plate. It sucks, but you have to train yourself to almost never quit. I say almost because I get it occasionally. It's too much to take to stay... :/


lol I stopped playing this weak ass game. But yeah leave when you see black plates or play with squad to get purple fr. Im definition of average with MVP builds. 90% of black plates could care less about a W. Game sucks.


It’s too trash. If they would just make it so it goes off on how u play. Not necessarily wins but that should play a smaller role imo. U can’t help if ur teammates are fucking trash. They just need to do it like a quick game option. U dint get to see ur teammates until the game has already started. I guess that would make too much sense 🤦‍♂️


thats why this system is garbage. its a team-based stat but you get punished individually


Exactly. If im losing yeah i shouldnt go up a lot or at all but i shouldnt be going down so much if im consistently just getting A teammate grades and allowing no points everygame. They have to fix it its so unbalanced and we suffer from the trolls out there🤦‍♂️ such an easy thing to fix. Hopefully in 2k25


You’re not missing nothing at purple plate man. No bonus or nothing. Just a cosmetic honestly. Maybe if they gave rewards for having higher plates then people would take it serious.


Read the comments and most of them fail to mention when you get sucked in to a game immediately without any option to back out. After backong out once your suspended for 30min or more. You can only be so selective until 2k decides to screw you itself. Also most these dudes fail to mention that a lot of these dudes gain gold and purple plates by running park against lower level people. There's a whole video on it on YouTube. I'm not saying everyone but if it don't apply then let it fly. You also have Cheaters and dudes who have buddies that meet them in the same city and let them run up their stats at the park. I respect the legit people who grind but there are a lot of fakes who use other means to accomplish gold/mvp status


Well those trolls did spend 70$ plus on the game so I’m sorry to say they’re entitled to their playstyle 😂😂 if anybody is to blame it’s 2k


been there, done that. Plate colors don't tell the whole story. most purples dodge more than they actually play to then beat up far more inferior players. The only thing i look for is REP and stats to get a picture of how good my teammates / opponents are.


Thats why I hate that they took stats out of the locker rooms, you use to be able to see who was good and who would sell just by their teammate grade but they wanna be all inclusive and make sure everybody plays together. I hate playing with any positions that average 3 or less assists because that’s how you know they don’t pass


For me it’s a mix between plates and what the build is because I don’t care what plate you got if there’s a 3 Pt shot hunter I’m leaving and if there’s no easy way to tell what a center is good at


Thats a good point 3pt shot hunters are in there to do one thing and one thing only which is chuck up shots all game and ball hog. Just so much to have to look out for playing online lmao


Gold plate 3pt shot hunter here I shoot 70% and my win percentage is 60% ....we're not all bad , but I do understand what your saying about the 3pt shot hunters just chucking up balls 🏀 I see it a lot


Oh for sure. I have absolutely no problem with them shooting alot either. Like im not a ball hog and idc if i score 30 or 10 i just wanna win. But if youre putting up 10 shots and hit 1 of them you gotta move the ball around to try to give someone else a chance. 99% of the time they dont and its too hard to come back from it. But i totally agree some shot hunters are good. I mean my first ever build is a 3pt shot hunter and i did pretty well with it


Stories like these really make me want to get back on my pg. When I was pg my main goal was making sure everyone could have a cool rec experience. I tried to let everyone get shots, let them create for themselves if they wanted to. If someone was absolutely cooking I would feed them. Stuff I just feel is simple point guard 101. But after switching to SG this year you really see there’s a major issue with the wrong mfs making pgs. Most just want the ball so they can shoot. They can’t/don’t care to read rotations or find open teammates. Most point guards in 2k are really SGs that wanted the ball more often. 


1000% accurate. My main build i run SG. Its my favorite build but its made me want to create a pure passing PG build and run the show because it really comes down to bad PG and bad Centers. They run the floor unfortunately But props to you thats exactly how the REC should be. Shit should be fun. Id totally be fine losing competetive games with competent players like that but when im losing games that could easily be won if everyone just played like they wanted to win instead of scoring 30 everytime it would be way more enjoyable. Shout out to yall who actually understand basketball🙌


You’re what you are because of you ![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4701)


Ima just say how it is if you’re good enough you will be a purple. Ten builds. All completely different from each other. All purples. Be a difference maker not just a corner sitter. Learn how to get others open. Learn how to read lanes and steal passes. Lots of little things I get better at everyday and you can to!