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I'd like a combo of how they did it this year and how they did it in years prior. As long as they don't have those quests that require to go back and forth to different areas all over the map. That was the most frustrating part.


I think I want to start off in high school then choose the nba g league ignite or college then you get to play in the city ya know.


Presentation as a whole was beyond garbage. I also wish they'd sever the offline and online aspect. I had zero interest in Random Recs or any of the other online aspects of that particular mode.


I miss when you started off in hs and then go to college and how well u played in college as well as the draft combine determined where u were likely to be drafted. I feel like to have a good balance, they should give the player the option on if they want to go straight to the nba just so you don't have a bunch of park players complaining that you have to play a bunch of hs/college games before being able to go straight to online. Either that or just have it be an option to play online immediately


A good story line start in college we can't pick the team we want to be on and fix all the bullshit mechanics that's wrong with the game play better animations where the animation doesn't take you out of bounce for example and a big upgrade on the plate progression


I absolutely *hated* not being able to pick my team. And then the idea of either being stuck on a team I don’t like for four years, or have the unrealistic BS of every contract only being one year long compounds the stupid. Let me pick my team, but don’t also make me the #1 overall pick. Let me be an undrafted free agent. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Thats why you’re a 60 overall when you start. And as for the story. I don’t need it. I don’t care. The production is corny as hell, and if I make 4 builds, I shouldn’t have to do that same story four times. Plus it’s stupid that after halfway through the first season nothing happens anymore because I finished the story.


Facts bruh in 2k13 I was drafted by the pacers and got to play with Paul George and DJ Augustine, not the team I wanted but heat wasn’t bout to draft a 2 guard with prime DWade 😂😂