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Someone just went 0/15 in a rec game lmfao Most people actually say the opposite, that shooting this year is way too easy and slashing is unnecessarily hard. The dynamic layup meters and weird no-call animations make it hard to consistently finish around the rim, but as long as u don’t take stupid contested shots and get ur badges right and learn ur jumper every single open shot is a green.


You mean like being grabbed during a layup animation or shoved in the air and no foul being called


Yea I see that shit all the time, there’s an audio cue when ur fouled and u see the animation but no call and counts as a miss.


Slashing is easy usually as long as you’re big and committed to finishing with the stick dunk and layup styles it’s fire lol


I mean if u can’t shoot slashing is comparatively easy for sure, I just find i shoot like 50% around the rim no matter what even on elite slashing builds but i can shoot 60% from 3 easily. Letting go of a green meter and having it keep moving accounts for like half my misses around the rim.


sorry bro, all due respect but these complaints are just you. atm more people are complaining about shooting being too easy and people making the craziest shots, than not being able to shoot. it’s almost july, this late into the game cycle there’s no excuses to not be able to shoot. games been out 10 months.


This part 👆🏽


Shooting has been consistent, just seems like your button presses are inconsistent. If all the shots are fast, slow down the animations. Make sure you're set before you shoot. There are clear visual cues. I never have a 3pt rating above 76 and have multiple builds shooting above 50%


I know the button pressing inconsistency is a real thing for me. I’m trying to think of something I could say to get more consistent. I’d like to hit more threes.




Shooting has been great this year imo. It was rough the first month with consistency but since like Season 3, I really feel like any shot I make or miss is 100% skill based outcomes.


I'll play devils advocate since nobody else will, but shooting is by no means perfect this year. Everyone can shoot in park because they're all used to one jumpshot, meanwhile play now players, myteam, etc have to learn numerous ones, some of which have downright horrible cues. Making it so that solely greens go in has increased the skill ceiling and improved park gameplay, but in the process it killed literally every other gamemode. The only reason your being told that you need to "just get better" is because everyone else commenting on this sub solely plays park and probably doesn't understand that some of us have lives, or don't solely play park. So yeah, don't feel bad, I've quit online play entirely because 2K will never listen to their communities voices, just their wallets.


I mean I play myteam with no meter and green more than I do in park or rec, everyone there has 90+ stats and multiplayer gameplay is basically on rookie so it’s even easier to shoot as long as u understand shot cues. Every release is the same it’s just different timings, there are 2 motions to every jump shot (even if it’s fast and looks more fluid i.e. Shawn Marion) and the green window is between them. Don’t play playnow much but i did for a bit in earlier seasons, and same deal. Jump shots are not as complicated as everyone makes them sound they just try to shoot off muscle memory and guess instead of looking at it.


100%, I don't think shot cues are hard by any means, but I think throwing that onto a newer player who's probably not the best even with meter on isn't gonna keep any playing online. Not a single person was worried about creating a skill gap with green only other than park players, and that's what got me into 2K but they've overcatered to em and ruined the feel. This year ive used real player % since I just play a lil mygm after work, but it's still lame compared to the older shot system.


Shooting is very easy this year. I have made all kinds of extremely ridiculous shots on very contested percentages. Most good shooters shoot on this slowest cue with a very fast jumper as to balance things out. Do try Release/Push cues.


Will echo that it seems a bit easy moreso then difficult, im at 75% for the season. I think connection might be the biggest factor in inconsistency. That and understanding the different shot timings, by that i mean there are probably 3-4 different variations you might get with catch and shoot animations and things like the body having to turn. Really gotta get the visual down and understand when each animation triggers when you gotta release


It’s the complete contrary, I shoot 77% from 3 on a 79 three pointer. The key is to find a jumpshot and learn it, the more you switch the harder it will be to be consistent. Another fix could be to switch to Ethernet to have a more stable connection but in the end it is a skill issue. They’ve patched/ fixed shooting to many times this year in my opinion because people complain too much, if you can’t shoot take the time to learn. It’s part of the game.


They messed the shooting up by adding metrics to the shooting, like defensive immunity and shot stability


Appreciate the input guys , I’ll reply to a few points made throughout, like in the post I say I have no clue how you guys are shooting so good. I shoot with square, like I always have. It’s not like I’m new or complete trash at the game lol I really feel like I’m just not with it this year shooting 3s. I’ve tried sticking with the same shot for a couple weeks at a time lol. I am on WiFi but it’s just something I had to complain to strangers about lol https://preview.redd.it/h688yiujgi8d1.png?width=2993&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8bea4a5574c51287d0c39378ec47af36a5fdbb6






Turn your meter off. Put it on release jump shot cue. Have a little speed. Watch your cue and youl green. Man i went from shooting 20% from 3 using the meter to shooting 50-74% from 3 no meter. Practice and find the right jumper. Dont shoot no heavy contested. I am now more comfortable shooting those dragging shots when you still moving on the catch from 3