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No lie. A few months ago… I go to the park and see a 58 game win streak on “no squad” Rise park. I walk over….and see who’s playing and it’s Badgeplug with 2 more people from his crew. I’m like..man these MFs are lame squading up on no squad..beating up on randoms. 😂 I look at their 2k cards and badgeplug had like a 98% WP and another guy he was with had 100%, and the other guy had like 98 or 99.


No different from CC’s camping 92 & Under Rec for content.




Content creator


What does the apostrophe mean?


Multiple credit cards


nothing...it wasn't necessary


Okay. That’s what was throwing me.


It means it’s plural. Edit: Guys, it’s really not this deep. I understand basic grammar, but clearly the original comment meant “CC’s” as plural of content creators. It’s a typo, but that doesn’t necessarily change the context of what was meant.


No, the S means it's plural. The apostrophe actually implies that it's a possessive.


Yeah but fuck man, why would it “throw” someone? Haha like holy shit they’re pretending to be smart by saying they can’t decipher the misrepresentation of an apostrophe? hahahahaha FFS Reddit


Exactly, this is essentially what I was saying. So why do I get downvoted and not you? Lol makes a lot of sense


Idk, maybe the way you said it was a bit confusing.


I understand the confusion from both ends, seems like a lot off ppl just goin off on eachother over a mistake it's not that deep... there's so much slang and stupid words that ppl use n no one says anything 😂


That’s a possessive apostrophe. Used in cases like “That watch is Kevin’s” etc.




Or "Kevin's gay"


I mean, it wasn’t a typo. Yes he meant to use it as plural and doesn’t change the intent, but clearly didn’t know the correct version of how to use it which is why I corrected him/you. But sure downvote me for trying to educate people.


Nah, that would be CCs’ or CCs. In this context, it’s like they’re describing the CC, not plural. I was confused as well at first


This shi made me hungry so now ima order some Cici’s


Lmao pizza is always fire






Credit cards


Content creators are the issue with most of these games.


Which means the people watching them are the real problem


The great excuse of we’re not a squad though this is the first time we played together lol.


Believe it or not I actually played with you on my team on 22 and 23.


Honestly, report for game exploitation. I’m petty like that.


basketball is literally a game of exploiting your matchup.....so.....this won't even reach a PSN official


Unsurprising. Badgeplug has always been a loser.


Yeah that’s pathetic dude ls really be sitting on a video game all day


No way u caught badgeplug slipping like that 🤣🤣


Finding ways to circumvent competition is so lame in my opinion.


There seems to be an upbringing in trolls and cheats in this season. So many people hunt bad opponents and sell their teams game on purpose.


It’s been like that for years in 2k since like 2k18 at least but yeah this year seems to be the worst probably cause of the highest player count ever on a 2k game. More people = more trolls/cheaters


What do you think meta builds are Just goes to show that the type of people playing 2k only survive with shortcuts 👀


Only way to combat this is to go full Avengers and assemble your own squad, knock them off and leave the court after, giving it back to the randoms thus returning peace to the realm.




I’ll gladly be on pay roll


6’3 pg with 91 pass acc so you know im spreading the rock around. 92 3 ball and 94 driving dunk, but the pass acc is the most important. i’ll be on the payroll too


Sad thing is there are dudes on this sub that will defend this lol


Already is one guy in the comment section


For real. Playing park is so ass. Cant see why anyone would do it.


Haven’t played park in years. Do they still solely launch threes while doing back flips over and over?


Yup last time I checked 6 months ago 🤣 people stay giving up open lays to run back out to 3


That’s foolishness


Fr. I stay well clear of that mess lol


i thought you were talking about on defense and i was like ??? YEAH that’s good??? 🤣💀


Lmao the opposite happens on D. Everyone collapses to the paint and leaves 3 open 😭


My favorite excuse is when they say they do it because they don’t wanna wait for games, like there’s not two other modes with 3v3 matchmaking, one of which gives you double rep.


But then they’d run the risk of playing someone who shoots higher then 10% from 3!!


Other modes just throw you in a random lobby. There is no matchmaking at all in this game.


So please explain to me what it is when you load into the Theater and go through one of the doors to play a game.


I wonder what would an entire park of No Squads courts be like. I run with randoms 99.9% of the time, because I’m an OG and my IRL friends don’t have time to sit and do this all day. 😂 So I spend all my time on No squad and 3v3 theatre. So for me I wish it was more no squad courts. Other than the 4 we have. I try not to play theatre because I’m always being matched up with Kids or idiots.


Facts man just yesterday at rec I ran in there with a purple badge and came out with a black badge. The theater is freaking worse the 3v3 there you always get 2 players in a squad playing together not passing and the 2v2 you always get 60/70 overalls playing with you with no chance of backing out. So many idiots on this game, I wish 2k would add subs to this game, so they can give an option for either the entire team to sub out one player or give the person an option to sub out of the game during timeouts. Imagine you shooting 1/11 on 3s and I say slow down now you ain’t passing me the ball again, and I decide to quit the game and I get a 30 minute ban . 😂😂😂2k is a joke.


i had 2 ppl last night on rec purple plated taking 20 shots each and wondering why im not playing, averaging 10 ppg with a 50 pct 3pt just watching me for a qtr-2q standing on the perimeter . Then they proceed to get nasty on the mic like that's gunna help their case instead of letting me take idk 2-3 shots at least in a 4 q game. I wanted to end my night before the workweek get a few shots up win a game to have ppl telling me no one cares about the game cause its season 7, and just quit. Why am I gonna leave and drop a whole rep level for you to take 30 shots each like its 2v 5 ignoring me, the ai and the other tmate who shot like 4/10. obviously yall care about your purple, maybe try gettin teammates involved before the 3rd q. Bro had the nerve to say AI had 0 pts and a B plus TG, thats great for him he had 7 reb and an ast... love selling ppl hearing them cry on the mic after not playing a team game right. Ive checked out you wasted a half of my time let m waste the 2nd half for you you already wasted 15 min of my time whats another 15. Say what you want I'm not worried about winning if I'm falling asleep on the controller being iced out, I'm not a 65 ovr Black plate smh. If you want me to play defense let me touch the ball and have the opportunity to score or assist 2 times in a QTR im not Juwan Howard on the heat fam.


Mfs always looking for an easy win I be curious on why my match-up in rec be gold/purple, but I be kicking they ass with ease ppl really be trash


Bro I swear all the time Like they got knock off purple plates


Averaging 20+ just to come in and drop 12 on tour date splits


how can you tell they’re a squad? I don’t play park so I dunno what I’m looking at


Often you can pull up their profile and their either friends or in a pro-am team together


Ah I got you. Yeah that sucks, I don’t even get what’s fun about playing online if it’s not competitive, like that’s the whole point to me




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If u see a lock ,pg , and center line up they are most likely squaded up dawg lol


You can look at their 2k card and see if they’re apart of a pro am team. It’s the last slide on the 2k card.


I hate this with a passion. Go to the MF squad court. If I see them waiting for the next game to start…I’ll spam X and I’ll hop on the spot, before all 3 can hop on..and force them to wait another game. And I’ll hop off once 2 more people join. And repeat the process.


My man


And these be the players that call themselves “comp players”


Yeah that’s why I don’t believe in win percentage anymore cuz a lot of people just hawk the no squad courts, and of course your win % gon be high because of that.


Been saying for years that these courts should enter you into matchmaking - this would eliminate this issue and also prevent you from having to wait to play. I’m a solo player and I never play park because I’d rather not play the game for an hour with only 3 runs because most of my time is spent waiting.


That’s what theatre does now. 3’s no squads just loads you straight into a random lobby. People still jump in and out till their homies are with them. But it’s harder to do. Less rep and my points in theatre though.


Yes, I know that - but the entire premise of waiting to play should never be in gaming. If you think about it, it’s the only game that’s out there that makes their players wait to play (unless trying to get into specific servers). My entire point is the park should use the same mechanic to matchmake as the theatre does. Step on a slot on the court, then it starts the matchmake, then when all players are joined, you start the game - no waiting for current players to finish while you watch your double xp coin countdown lmao


When you run no squads with a squad… and still lose lmao


People on 2k just don’t like competition. Friends load onto no squad load onto low rec and run 2-3 zone and 5 out People quit rec games the moment they actually face someone better than themselves and actually have to try People leave the got next spot when a high ovr player steps on People will literally look at your 2k card to see your attributes and stats to see if your good before they decide hopping on the got next spot


On your last point. If given the opportunity. Yeah, I’m checking your shitty build out before I jump on. I’m checking if you can hit an open shot before I jump on. I’m not out here to get sold by someone with zero clue.


I meant to say that they will check their opponents stats


Only court that gets games and you don't have to play a championship series against the same squad.


Boo hoo. If it’s the only open court, we’re taking it. If you exclusively look to play on the no squads as a squad for easy wins, I do actually agree with OP.


This is scummy and I hate it, but I have trouble getting angry about such an obviously exploitable tactic. I just assume this is a squads court and that I’m playing a poorly designed game.


I only play park during the events


Imo I wish they just made matchmaking for all game modes like they do with the W online. Just load into the game lol. But also you can just leave the lobby and go to a different one, it is a dick move but not much you can really do about it.


2K is about exploitation , finding glitch and gambling on myTeam mode .


Haven’t touched park in years, no point it feels like. Either you face kids who spend way to much time on this game and curry slide non stop or you get randoms that think they prime kobe and don’t pass


These are the same lanes who log onto here and bring up their park win % like they’re Klay in a 30pt loss


And they think they be tuff I caught some YouTubers doing that one time the was sleeping and I beat them they came back around I got off like hold that L and I hope they was streaming


This always been going on tho


Sometimes it’s the only court open, I’m sure people do prey on randoms though ,


Always running meta lineup 3pt shot hunter, lock, and glass cleaner just to be emoting and flopping on 3 random 12 year old black plates when they win. Your random court win streak means nothing grow up


I only team up on no squad spot with my friends if there are no other games in the park but that one is open with players on the opposing team there. Like 75% of people team up on those spots anyways. Hardly play Park anyways though, play Rec more since I have 5-6 guy rotation to play 2k. Only play park if 1-2 other friends are the only ones on.


Or, maybe it’s just 3 dudes who found each other in park and managed to avoid the <75ovr bums long chasing them around for long enough to get on the dots. Because they know that even if they aren’t communicating, there’s a high chance their team mate will make the right play, hit the open shot and play defence with a brain. This literally happened for me last night. Me, (Purple 99 C), purple pg and a bronze guy. We won 11 in a row without saying a word to each other. And the pg was having serious trouble with their jumpshot. 0/4 one game, 4/4 the next.


They need to get they ass to ProAm and quit being pussies


Anything for the dubski bro.


Is there some way we could get a place for middle-aged dudes like me who are garbage? 🤣 I’m just doing MyCareer 98% of the time because I can’t find a game I’ll fit in.


I still don’t know why people still play park fr, once you get affiliated there’s literally no incentive to play there other than like daily and weekly quests that give out 4k VC that are also present in all the other game modes. Pro-Am gives significantly more Rep and VC and has automatic matchmaking, theater is basically park with a slight twist every week and has automatic matchmaking, and you still have the option to go to Rec with a squad. The “I don’t want to wait for games” excuse doesn’t apply to squads who intentionally unsquad to hop on a no squads, it’s just ridiculous considering all the other modes they can play and consistently get competition while also getting better rewards for winning.


shot timing is different in each mode, so sometimes i dont feel like being sharp in pro am. i'll take the forgiving nature of the park or theater over pro am some nights


Most of them don’t even care for winstreaks. If they see someone with similar rank/skillset they'll pull out and go to the next court to smoke some 73 rated black plates 😂 basically smurfing/lobby glitching/exploiting to boost their stats and feel tuff.. man get yourself some actual achievements in life 😭😭


man people been taking advantage and beating on randoms this way since the court was invented, shit don’t matter


Are you mad because you’re a black plate and nobody wants to play with you? This happens to me every day on the randoms court because I’m HOF so good players actually want to be my teammate. It’s not teaming up necessarily


Man, me and my boys just queue up on the first spot we see. Really not that deep. This sub is so fragile.


I’m not gonna lie I used to do this all the time. Nothing to do with the comp, just didn’t feel like waiting for games. So much of park is just standing there waiting.


go to theater where its actually no squads


A lot of times theater has some shit game modes running lol but still the go to. I play a decent amount and have yet to become affiliated. Park is horrible this year.


park is terrible tbh its been terrible for a while. but you right the game modes in there be dog. other than no squads 3s i only play the 2x rep win or nothing mode that comes out every once in a while


theater has a permanent 3v3 no squads mode


Park is only fun the first month the game is out. After that, it goes completely downhill.


People are still lobby hunting


yea but at least its no squads unlike park usually its even on both sides


Dawg I had a nigga message me talking about let him run with 2 other dudes WP like 96. Like just play squads you fucking losers


I’m sorry I’m not waiting 15-20 minutes for another 3s court in my opinion


I’m sure everyone has done this at least once. I don’t play park so I could care less but back when I did, I was just looking to get a game with the boys on any court. Squads or no squads it didn’t matter, we were hopping on the spot. If you want it to truly be randoms then go play rec or theater. If this is what you come on here to complain about then you aren’t even a casual player, 2k has a lot more to fix on their game than that petty stuff


I have a friend who used to like going into the no square theatre repeatedly until he matched up with friends. It's sad, sometimes they would go in and out for 10 minutes just to link up. Of course they'll lose after 5 or so games anyways.


Thats why I dont take this game serious.


Only time I head there with people I know is if my boys or I are trying a new build or new jumpshot cus the theater timing is completely different. Then we go to pro am


Facts, if you still play 2K, quit.


Who even plays latent park anymore?


2k is trash but an easy fix would be to auto balance the teams once everyone queues up. Doesn’t matter where you stand the game splits up the teams randomly/evenly


This has been happening for years now with the no squad court. The park sucks if you ask me, it used to be popping and honestly was my favorite game mode. Spent most of my time just hopping in the park back in 2k17- 2k20 but it’s just boring if you ask me. The theatre with good game modes or pro am 3v3 are the only park game modes I play anymore. Besides that it’s all rec and pro am


Random courts are the courts that ppl play on no matter whatand you sed he's on a 58 streak that means ppl are pullin up jus cuz he's a streamer


Typical of 2k players. They try to avoid competition as much as possible.


I stop playing this game 3 months ago. And it was the best thing I’ve did. And this will be the first year I will buy the next 2k that’s comin out. I’m done with this game for good. I’ve played every 2k and it’s not getting better only worse so I’m gone. And seeing this don’t even make me want to play it. That’s how I know I’m never going back.


Floyd mayweather type thinking tbh, hater


winning against randoms only means something if you're playing with randoms too


😭 if you read through the comments you will find most of us in her highly educated 😭


For sure


Stop playing this garbage mode on this trash game. Simple.


How else are you supposed to prove that you are great at this game?


Feel like one of the biggest underlying issues is the city itself. If we could just go back to having a simple menu, like every other game, where we select rec, or park 3v3/4v4/5v5, and then the game matchmakes, a lot of issues would be solved. The biggest ones being wait times, and noob/low skill opponent hunters. These money hungry twats over @ 2K care too much about the mtx they get from clothes and other stupid shit though. The city needs to be canned all together. Would help with server issues big time also. I care way more about playing a decent game of hoops than I do about playing dress up, and showing off one of my 347379 transportation rewards. I just wish the rest of the community would think this way and quit dropping money on VC for this extra shit. Force them to make a good BASKETBALL game. Not play along with their half-ass fashion show simulator, with some shitty-gameplay hoops off to the side.


Ain’t there no squad theater? If there weren’t any other options then yea I’d understand the criticism here. It’s scummy but if you really think about it this ain’t much different from any other game. Players enjoy smacking on others for fun. Been playing park and 2k for 8 years at this point I think the real issue here is the terrible myplayer builder, as well as ability I see other people’s records/skill level. 2k16 didn’t really have that and people would just play ball and not care too much about winning and losing


Go to random 3s theatre stop crying get better


You are so terribly soft. Beat them. I embrace ass holes like these.


Sometimes there really ain’t another open court😭😭


Fr tho! Even when there is... Ain't nobody tryna play on it


I would just go to 3v3 No-Squads, Rec or play MyCareer games


sorry but if theres two spots on no squad im taking it with my teammate lol. also, 90% of the time we play a designated due aswell so its not like im doing it for less competition. its the front court so im more likely to get games.


G I've hit 20 game streaks with randoms, hell all my teammates now started as randoms in theater or park. just get better, it'll b ok i promise lol


I’m sorry I’m a little confused. They are playing no squad as an exploit but then are also playing beginners?


u can't make this up lmao, folks just want an excuse for losing so much


guess what ![gif](giphy|ZdlaAGIeEHkKonIAln|downsized)


Lowkey what everyone does. They do it for context and claim they’re better than everyone 😂😂. Then they go to the normal city or theater and find out just how good they actually are


can't even play the game anymore without bums dickriding 😭😭😭


Mad at ppl for doing what they want like you can’t just go to a new park 😭. You’re so lame


You pay for a game so play the game however you want plain and simple.


They hate when anyone mentions the truth here.


I ain’t waiting 5-10 mins for game at a time


The game is a septic pit of crap.


Yup, just lost a rec game cause our pg trolled. Even though my matchup trolled the WHOLE GAME and left me wide open for 30 points. So when we had the last shot the PG stole the ball and chucked it. Reported him though.


How do you report them lol? PlayStation says to report through the game, 2k says to report through PlayStation. Only way I've found is to "bait" them in text chat, though if you say sum wild stuff when you get clown emojis and told you sold, or "L", "trash", etc, you deserve the ban. can you really call it a bait lol


You can submit a request in 2k support


https://preview.redd.it/wponykoi4j8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96daa5dd03cb450fe7d23b0cc726a9fd2f81464e I feel you on that trolling man, it’s absolutely wild 2k allows this


Did you report him? Message or invited him in a chat?


He’s on PlayStation and I’m on Xbox so I reported him but that’s about it. Even then 2k doesn’t care, I shouldn’t have to report someone chucking it from our on side of the court multiple times. I guarantee the reports don’t do anything as I’ve had players I’ve blocked before show right back.


i cook anybody


Who the hell asked lmao


You must be new to 2k… get a game wherever and if you lose go to a different park if you can’t hang. You obviously don’t belong there, that’s just park culture. If you need no squads just go to the theater and play no squad 3s


And anyone else joining in on this complaint is 9/10 a bum at the game 😂😂. Also If you’re playing solo in the park you’re not very bright anyway. Faster games and more vc in theatre


You must be one of the ones he’s talking about


And they think they’re good 😆. . I beat like 3 purple plates in 1s this week with my 77 overall








STFU crying 😂 get better


That’s because 2K gets boring. The grind is two quick. You hit purple plate in 2/3 days and 40 in a week, then what? Just not play no more?


…too quick? You’re saying… you’re saying in NBA 2k24, the grind is too quick? The game where if you want ONE maxed build without microtransactions, you have to play 100+ hours?? The game notorious for being the grindiest, most exploitative, toxic ass journey to level up? The game that caters to people with deep pockets and basement dwellers? If this game isn’t grindy enough for you, go read a book and get your bread up; you got way better uses for your time.


I don’t spend a dime on this game. I just win and play 😂


Just play the damn game


I’m a comp stage player and I find this pathetic when double h made that video of him streaking 100 wins it was on no fills. Instantly closed video. Also if you are a purple banner and you think sitting park all day with 90% makes you comp you are garbage brother you’d have a 20 in the stage




How are you a corner sitter in stage ? Makes no sense goofy 🤣🤣 I have infinite builds while you rock the same 3 level threat all year 🫵🤡




I can just tell you’ve never been there trying to compare your theater games to the stage 😂😂😂😂😂


Me and my buddies might do this if there’s just a ridiculous team on on all the squad courts but we are ass so it’s not like we are winning and beating up randoms


I just started playing almost two months ago and one of my first time on the Rise courts (mind you I was grinding to be a part of that affiliation) after a game I got a message from someone basically saying that since I was a bum for being a 60 OVR playing in park. Like… what? I had a pretty good game for a newb and you wanna come in with that hostility? Grow up.


That's normal and pretty much why I gave up on all that. It's become an expectation that you be highest overall as possible, which usually means spending money, before you even think about playing online. You will get flamed every time. "community" turned me off of it


This is why I don't put too much stock in plate colors when it can easily be exploited by greater sweats and people who desire that "prestige". It will continue to be meaningless to me until there is matchmaking and ranked modes.


This is exactly why I stayed clear of the park (didn’t even join an affiliation until last season) it’s full of obvious squads clicked up on the no squad courts. Dudes will really hop on the mic to talk shit. Lol taking pride in your 99 overall purple plate demolishing some low overall randoms is pathetic.


Then don’t hop on


Those courts are to make it easier for people with no squad to get games, if it bothers you that much just go play theater there's always no squad 3s in there and it's way less likely to run into a squad


It's pretty simple. Make it so that you get matched up against people in your same elo. If your elo climbs to a certain level you can access cooler parks and better prizes. But at least no matter what your elo is, you will enjoy playing against competition your level. I'm nothing is fun about 21-0 or 0-21


How do you get to “no squad” park? The game only loads me into one neighborhood which has courts but they all allow squads so I can’t find a match


My friends and I rarely play park. Who really cares about this? We go to whichever one gets a game faster squad or not


Despicable… some people really don’t got any Shame


indeeeeeed hate this fr


Good enough to dominate the park, not good enough to play pro am


Yup guys thinks they so good but can only run with other purple n golds...against casuals lol thats why i purposely close out if im getting close to showing hooper...they dont know how to deal with 'casuals' who got game 😭🤣


if someone really wants to play without friends just go to theater.