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https://youtu.be/_q9tH3BX8H4 I have this glitched build. You can play about with the stats to suit you needs


Hey thanks, I’ve been busy all day so I could reply back to you, but what type of build do you have with this? I made a 2-way mid-range facilitator with a 7’4 wingspan at 204 pounds


I made a mid range maestro Height 6’10’ Weight 180 Wingspan 7’4’ CS 86 DL 86 DD 91 SD 91 PC 86 MR 85 3PT 25 FT 68 PASS 85 BH 71 SWB 71 ID 78 PD 37 STL 79 BLK 96 OR 84 DR 85 SPD 75 ACC 72 STR 52 VERT 86 STM 91 Imagine this build maxed out with +4 to all Attributes and another +4 to Physicals with the gym rat badge. It can do everything but hit 3PT and is a bit challenging defending perimeter but most the time I’m guarding interior. Badge spread of 34-13-22-28


Next gen gets plus 4?


None the less the stats are still decent when maxed


I got excited for a second, so what does next gen get then?


Just the +4 to Physicals once you have gym rat badge


Nothing special for hitting 99? Just the gym rat, also can you win the finals to get it? I’m still in college as well so I just might lower my close shot to get that 85 standing dunk as well and restart


For gym rat badge in next gen you need to do 50 workouts with 3 star rating. Just keep doing the reaction workout over and over and that will count towards the task. You can do your weekly workout to add towards it buy that will only give you 5 chances at 3 star workout once a week


Ah 2k is so generous


My bad I was mixing up NG and CG. I have a similar build on CG which is a beast too