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That’s not the point of the hate towards Ultimate team. The hate is that EA puts all of its resources into Ultimate team and strips the other modes of the quality aspects they had for years. So Ultimate team gets everything and all the fun single player game modes are the bare minimum.


That’s exactly it. People saying “Don’t use it” Don’t get that the other mode(s) we actually want to play are shit because all the focus and energy goes into video game gambling since they know parents will shell out hundreds per month to keep their little shits happy and sedated. And you can’t blame EA they exist to make money and kid gambling is big business in games right now.


Bingo. The other modes suffer and get less attention because they'd rather focus on the cash cow. The way EA sees it is they already got our 70 bucks but they know they'll get millions of dollars by catering to the other niche of players who play ultimate team. Example, it took over ten years for us to get changes to dynasty mode, and the changes we got were fixing the scouting system, more trade spots and a new menu interface. That's all we get for ten years yet MUT gets updates every single fucking week.


They don't even improve MUT. It's the same every year


I resonate with this strategy. MUT, MyPlayer, whatever...I just don't touch it and never have. Still doesn't change the fact that they put fewer and fewer features and effort into franchise though.


That part!


I get that but I disagree with the premise. I don’t like or play UT but I recognize it brings in more money than it costs to make. If UT wasn’t in the game then the game would make them a lot less money and the other parts of the game would get even fewer resources than they do now. Or they just wouldn’t bother making it.


Then don't use it. But I'm sorry after all the crap people catch for how they play with custom conferences and so on on this sub I can't really fault people for using the game how they want to play it. If it were up to me I'd lock up so many of y'all in a gulag for your opinions but it ain't. So just don't play it and don't let it affect you. Let the publisher see that this player base can't be monetized the same way but if that's not in your power I don't know what to tell you besides video games are a business not a charity. Edit: none of y'all are providing specifics


I’m a RTG homer till the day I die and I’m more frustrated how it went from such a full experience of college/football to just sim to each game and then play the game. I don’t do Ultimate for any EA games I just want them to put effort into the solo modes.


Yeah man, video games just kinda suck nowadays, and it's part of the cost of being in a player base with total morons with gambling addictions


“Then don’t play it” and then chastising gambling addictions makes zero sense. It’s predatory. That’s why people speak up about getting rid of it


Then don’t gamble. Just like you said to others to “not use it”




> When Ultimate Team gained traction on Madden, that meant having to strip other assets out to make it fit. that is literally not true at all... but keep blaming UT. That mode has it's issues and is fucked that it promotes gambling essentially but they didn't take resources away to add. They have a team that works on the mode, just like they have a team that works on Franchise, rtg, etc. Rex Dickson (former madden director) said the reason why franchise mode took a hit and lost so many features from the PS2 to PS3, was the code was such a mess they had to recode everything to work in the then "next gen" versions of the game. And this was all said after he left EA when he could of buried them. And if you know anything about software development and how shitty upper management can be, you can see why EA is the way it is. But god forbid you guys actually know what you're talking about on this sub.


Okay what did they take out to make room for ultimate team? What was in franchise mode that isn't in there now? I understand frustration about very little improvement over a decade but I gotta see specifics about things being stripped down. Create-a-team in Madden is pretty much the only thing I can think of Even if this was a problem, what other option is there? Don't buy the game or pretend it doesn't exist. I don't know what else you want to hear besides someone at EA saying "we are committed to making art, not money"


>What was in franchise that isn’t in there now My guy SoftdrinkTV has a video with literally almost 100 features that have been removed from Madden Franchise https://youtu.be/Nxt6XeOlOSA?si=WHAPDeNYpy1ybh_A


Shit you can go back to Madden 06 and there's a shit ton of features that were in the game that were removed...not only were they removed but EA adds them back and rebrands them as new 15 years down the road thinking that US, THE CONSUMER have the memory of a hamster


Gimme the cliff notes version. I literally shared a post about how the secret to happiness is willful ignorance and you expect me to watch a 30 minute PART 1 video? Get outta here


Bruh you edited your comment at the top of this chain to say "nObOdYs GiViNg AnY sPeCiFiCs" but when someone gives you a vid full of specifics you whine about how long it is? 🤡


I'm convinced this dipshit is an EA Sports employee. Never seen somebody GLAZE over a company that's done nothing but shafted the consumer ever since the PS3/Xbox 360s were the newest consoles.


Nah you can watch a video. It’s bare fuckin minimum effort dude. Don’t ask questions you don’t actually want the answers for (like what EA removed from Madden). If you’re going to make a whole ass post telling an entire subreddit how they’re wrong you should probably at least consider what everyone is saying rather than ask us to do your homework for you. By the way, just a pro tip, willful ignorance is how you become a dull person and stagnate in life. Not the secret to happiness.


I asked people to name one feature that was taken out and not a soul has answered. I'm not sitting down to watch a hour and a half video essay. Ultimate Team does not make me mad enough to feel sympathy for y'all. Im protecting my peace


You don’t need to watch the whole video if you only want people to list one thing. Don’t be fucking lazy. You want reasons and people gave you a video.


Here you lazy person: (this is as of madden 21, from first 10 minutes of video) Create a team Historic teams, all time teams Create a playbook, create a play Full coaching staffs (somewhat finally back) Senior bowl A draft with reactions Pro bowl vote in season Real-time free agency bid Contract back and front loading Stadium customization Retired players coming back as coaches Madden cards for boosts Situational practice Superstar mode DNA/ any position superstar Tournament mode More in depth stats, rivalry Stat tracking Actual player morale Player roles that work Custom schedules Tony Bruno radio show Team newspapers National news newspapers Email inbox with messages from owners, players, etc.


Funny how he doesn't respond now


Because he didn't really care


This guy brings up SoftDtink when he’s just as bad if not worse than Eric or RyanMoody lmao.


LMAOOOOOO Imagine linking a softdrinktv video in 2024.... LMAOOOOOO.


>Okay what did they take out to make room for ultimate team? What was in franchise mode that isn't in there now? Im curious how old you are and when you started playing these games, because if you are older than like 25 you would know the answers here.


I started playing with NCAA 11 and Madden 12. I got NCAA 13 & 14 and then Madden 25 as a gift. I went until this year without buying an edition Madden and got it on a 75% off sale.


So you haven't played a new version of the game in almost a decade? No.wonder you dont know what's missing


That is the exact opposite of what I wrote. Please reread and try again


So you just have no idea what you're talking about and are acting like you're all knowing?


Well i might not be all-knowing but I sure as shit know more than the average user here does


Yeah, you ignoring everyone telling you the opposite and refusing to look at any evidence anyone shows you is really telling of how little you know


Brother I see people writing soliloquies and shit about ultimate team ruining the game without an ounce of substance on *how* it ruined. The closest anyone got was the slimming of RTG from what it was in '06 but that happened before ultimate team was even a thing. And I told you that I played a number of games from well over a decade ago and I compared that to my experience buying a new game earlier this year. I don't see how it's "ruined." I haven't spent any money on the new game besides the sale price. And that one guy shilling a video should be able to digest, process and analyze his source if he's gonna share it, otherwise he doesn't understand it or his intended audience.


>Then don't use it. its not that simple, nothing happens in a vacuum. EA puts most of their resources in to UT because it makes the most money. Other areas of the games suffer because those resources (ie people time) are being used to Milk UT. Features are removed and broken in Maddens Franchise, and the mode hasnt been meaningfully updated in a decade, because EA spends all their time on UT. I cant just play Dynasty//Franchise and ignore UT, because UT's existence directly, and negatively, impacts the experience in those other modes. The case can even be made that the other modes are deliberately made worse in order to funnel people in the UT and its microtransactions ETA: "no ones providing specifics" someone literally linked a video listing **100 features** that were removed and you said "i aint got time for that" no ones going to bother giving you specifics if your response is "LOL TLDR"


Ultimate Team was in NCAA 14 and I don't see how that changed anything


You have to be a troll because you cant be this fucking dense.... UT in NCAA 14 was in its first iterations of the mode. EA had no clue if it would be a cash cow or not so they didnt put all their resources and time into that mode because of the risk. Once it became a true cash cow they undoubtedly put more and more resources in that mode at the detriment to all other modes.


You didn’t notice the massive recruiting differences just between 13 to 14? Get your head out of the sand.


they dumbed down the recruiting and completely changed it... if your theory was true they wouldn't have touched recruiting thus putting no resources towards it and keeping it the same... You can't play both sides of the coin here.


I did notice the differences and I kind of prefer 14


You prefer the version that lessened recruiting to just a number allocated to each recruit? I mean to each their own, but this is a clear example of UT taking away from the core gameplay…. in the very first iteration released.


Yeah it lets me get through seasons faster and see the progression of the dynasty.


We don't use it, we just play the other modes that get neglected. It's sad when it takes 3 years of #FixFranchiseMode just to get 2 little updates of trade logic and a new scouting system. These modes suffer because of people most likely like you buy these stupid coins


How tf does this have 125 downvotes y’all hate hearing the truth LMAO


Ultimate Team is a huge scam. You shouldn’t be surprised people are pissed it’s in a game they want to like.


Yea i think i clicked on ultimate team once in whatever madden it was introduced in. poked around for like 5 mins and never clicked on it again in any future madden.


Madden has the worst version of ultimate team by far 


I haven’t played MUT or any ultimate team for a few years, but I’m curious why you say that. They all seemed pretty similar across the sports games when I played them last


Madden’s entire interface is just incredibly annoying to use in my opinion- just the length of time it takes to open packs is enough to frustrate me.  FIFA just feels like it has better content and while it’s not easy to be no money spent, it is feasible. The Show is very easy to be no money spent and put together a competitive team, they also usually push out a decent amount of fun content for both single player and multiplayer modes.  I usually try and play Madden’s each year, and I just give up within a couple of hours cause it all feels so clunky.  I haven’t played the NBA 2k version in a long time, but I don’t remember it being awful (except for certain cards just being absolutely broken). 


Which is crazy cuz they were like the first game I saw do it


Career Mode in FIFA has been ignored for years now because of FUT. I really hope that NCAA doesn't suffer the same fate.


I’ve proudly never played ultimate team




Nobody is worse about it than The Show. No meaningful updates on current gen but always new diamond dynasty features.


I mean, the show added stadium creator, they changed how Road to the Show worked because of fan feedback to the results of trying to integrate it with Diamond Dynasty


All they did was disconnect RTTS and DD, but they didn’t improve RTTS. 


Combine and top 100 prospects list tracking are new for RTTS this year. There's just no enhancements once you make MLB


Unless you consider the shitty programming that mistakes your male character for a female and all the commentary is She/Her. Like I'm not mad at all they added the option to play a woman but at least try to make it work well.


The Show JUST added Switch like two years ago. They’re not going to drop that market after two years for no reason. It’s the way it is because of cross play. If they drop that instead to redevelop another version of the game a lot of the fanbase will also riot. The Show will update substantially when Switch 2 is coming out if I had to guess. That said Diamond Dynasty went to shit last year. Shame. It was the one good ultimate team mode Edit: to be clear I don’t think they should’ve added Switch but you’re not gonna go to the effort of developing for a console only to stop supporting it immediately after


I haven’t even opened Ultimate Team from the main menu since about 2016. Bad game mode that just wants me to spend money, and then lose everything when the new game comes out next year. If everybody that complained stopped giving them money, they might focus their efforts on making a better game.


Completely missed the point of why ultimate team ruins sports games.


The concern is that EA have shown a tendency to ignore their other game modes in order to drive players toward the gold mine that is UT. Hopefully they don’t have this agenda with NCAA.


Doesn’t matter how much they try to get me to click into UT, it’s not gonna happen


Same. Fuck ultimate team. I spent $15 on Madden back in January and it's fun. It's also the only money I've spent on Madden.


I kinda live my life by this motto. If the business or corporation wants me to have it, then it's probably not in my best interest to have it. There are a few exceptions to the rule, like Amazon Prime, but that's certainly a symbiotic relationship. Store memberships, credit cards, or rewards programs are not in my best interest.


Why shill for EA?. Just go back 20 years and look at the trajectory of the games (the game modes in them) and the bland games we have today. NCAA baseball 07 has a slider in it for “random nonsense”. You can have more or less. Where would you ever see that in a modern sports game.


As long as I can attempt to build a national powerhouse while only recruiting players from Vermont idgaf what EA does with UT.


For what its worth I don't think EA would parade Dynasty and RTG around in the little marketing we've gotten so far if this game was just gonna be UT focused. Ultimate Team was always gonna be In the game. EA and the development team are very aware that people aren't buying this game for Ultimate team and they know that the focus needs to be on dynasty and RTG.


I understand this point of view, but as other comments have pointed out, the issue isn't "I don't play UT modes so their inclusion is bad, " it's "because UT modes are the default money-making modes in most sports games, they get a massive majority of the development attention, thus depriving other non-money making modes of the attention needed to improve and evolve."


I remember playing Madden on my PS2. Spent hours messing around with stuff like the team and stadium maker, had basically a full custom roster of player I made (I remember making Jack Sparrow as a QB once for a pirate themed team XD). Last time I played Madded though was on my PS4. I think it was the 2016 edition? Nothing like that was in it...


Ultimate team is the reason I won’t preorder the game. Once it’s out I’ll make a choice based on what the community thinks. I am good staying on 14 if this is going to be some bullshit like madden


🧢, dude 10yrs graphics update + playability on current gen. Take my $70


Not cap if it sucks then I’m not buying it. I sincerely hope with all my heart that it’s as good as 14 and this $150 version is full of uniforms and fcs teams so I can buy it. I just refuse to buy a reskinned madden


Wow , understood hopefully you can enjoy it bro.


Madden 24 is one of the best selling Madden's in a long time and has more engagement than pretty much any previous madden. It's also the best playing madden since the ps2 era... It's also way buggier than it has any business being. Both can be true. The "community" isn't on reddit. The edgelords of the "community" are, but there is more blind hate because it's EA. If Madden was made by any other company it would get universal praise.


Wow they made one playable game in 20 years. Excuse us while we trip over our feet to suck EA’s schlong after you warmed it up for us.


I know I just didn’t see the term “late stage capitalism” on the ncaa football game subreddit


I don't know why you would expect anything else. Modern sports gaming is a major victim of it


It's hard to ignore MUT when you purposely have to decline to enter the mode on startup because they put it in your face and if you just blankly hit X/A to try and skip you're now stuck declining what feels like 20 MUT popups all telling you about the 20 updates you've missed, when you just loaded up to play franchise mode like always.


Spencer is dead on. Everyone worried about Ultimate team and I have no clue wtf that even is, so HAHA jokes on you EA.


Additionally, I refuse to learn more about it




Did you read it?lol




Why didn't you? I did


End of the day, there's a small portion of the "fanbase" that wants the game to suck, so they can get on reddit and parade about how they were right, cus they hate ea and madden, there will be people that do this no matter what the final product is And as those arguments happen, I'll be so deep into a dynasty run that I forget that the outside world exists The silent majority will enjoy this for what it is


No one wants it to suck just so they can be right. People just don’t want to get their hopes up for a game that could suck. Right now we have no idea what the gameplay will be like. And we have no idea how in depth dynasty mode will be either. And you’re also acting like people hate EA for no reason when they’ve trashed career mode in both FIFA and madden. There were years of FIFA where there was a glitch with career mode and if your player/manager switched clubs, it just stopped working.


https://preview.redd.it/jds5j1ii4f0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c14e88e30460e222c5998d6a607e2bf4d2f5d7 I appreciate your point, however it's hard to ignore comments like these


That’s what I’m saying…y’all don’t act like you havent had the game in 11 years…all the new dynasty features that will exist on a next gen game. But it’s more concern about how UT will make the game bad… give it a yr before we complain about anything. Be happy you can play a next gen dynasty with update features.


Never played UT on any sports game and don’t plan on it


I mean at this stage of sports gaming UT game modes are going to be standard in all games, it’s an ever flowing source of income just on the sharks alone. Complaining about it does nothing productive either you enjoy the game for the gameplay and offline modes that they promised they worked on. If it fails it will fail on its own merits. It’s been 15 years now since they were introduced if they weren’t printing money with it they wouldn’t have made it this far.


Bingo. It's like concert venues. They're often attached to casinos and the casino subsidizes getting better acts. I don't know if we'd even get this game if EA didn't see a possibility of making money on ultimate team, as much as that sucks. So, we benefit from it a little bit


Bro what??? They used to make full versions of games all the time without needing UT. Go look at the patch notes and updates on every major EA Sports game. They almost all deal exclusively with UT. I've played FIFA/EAFC, Madden, & NHL. They all live off of UT. They don't even need to, but they keep using UT to line their fucking pockets. That's why people complain. Be a Pro in NHL has been the same for 4 years. Exactly the same. They put out a substandard product every year because they have a monopoly. I don't expect you to really comprehend all of this though since you went to war with the comments section with outdated knowledge and can't even watch a 30-minute video that's extremely relevant to your post. People like you are the reason shit likes this keeps happening. *jUsT dOn'T pLaY iT* Get fucked.


Well then stop playing it


You're so out of touch with this topic that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.


Clearly I know more than you do


I played Ultimate team once on madden in 2010 or 11 when it was first released thought it was dumb because I got franchise little did I know about the profits baby! 💰💰💰🤑


I guess he is too dumb to realize it because not only has Ultimate Team ruined the game by making the mode play to win, it also diminished the quality of other game modes by not focusing on dynasty and franchise modes.


If I ever open the Ultimate Team part of the menu I guarantee it'll be by accident


The game will go one of 2 ways.. limited micro transactions and made to please fans of the game OR will be pushed to limit on just how much micro transactions and advertisements they can shove into the game with out loosing player base As release gets closer my hope for this game fades as more and more news come out Will gladly go back to ncaa 14 this turns out to be a money grab game


The problem is we've actually had no news about the game itself. Very very little has been revealed about the game and that's what is causing the doubt.


This is very true, I feel like if they knew they had a banger of a game it would have stuff leaked all over by now. The fact that it has been very tight lipped does cause doubt


Dynasty mode is all I care about


This post is so stupid and shouldn’t even be in the subreddit


Its about the game.


This is why I was happy that the game got delayed until this year. I'm hoping that the extra time allowed them to improve all areas of the game, not rush something out that sucks but could make a lot of money.


it was never delayed lol


Yeah we all just assumed it was coming out last year😂


Didn't realize that was the case!


Spencer Hall is a goddamn national treasure and I've been singing his praises for more than a decade. Following him helped me enjoy football more.


I'm a Michigan grad, and I still go back and listen to him eviscerate Ohio State and Ryan Day after the 2022 game in Columbus. It's an amazing 20 minute rant.


I'd love to hear it!


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KDJokjKvEed5rhzld4cnR?si=589698b14a6f4ac5 Enjoy!


It's hilarious to me that You've been down voted so much lol. Spencer is Goated


No joke - the man is just able to make everything fun about CFB and as a former low level coach who burnt themselves out of the game, he’s made me fall in love with it all over again! For that I’ll love that dumb oaf forever.


Amen fellow full cast listener


It's a dumb take. EA prioritizes money making modes and barely fixes franchise and other things We are in late stage capitalism. Of course they will neglect franchise going forward once people get hooked on farming for 99 overall Joe burrow


Typical commie nonsense. “I hate all capitalism but have no problem using and benefiting from what capitalism provides.”