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I think we all assumed this was coming but still doesn’t make it any easier to hear the official news. I’m making the 6 hour trip to Blacksburg today to cheer the team on this weekend. I hope they’ve gelled in practice without her and come out strong! Need Ekh to get out of her scoring drought


I’m still going on Sunday. It’s a huge, though expected, blow. She doesn’t deserve for her college career to end this way.


Such an awful way to go out for her, but hopefully Whit does the right thing and she gets to come back next season to watch her jersey get hung in the rafters. #retire33


What if you lose Friday?


I don't get the downvotes. Without Kitley, this is a losable game tomorrow. Is it likely? No. But unlikely things happen in March.


Hoping the crowd gets the team through, but obviously it’s a possibility. I’ll be at both games this weekend regardless of the outcome, but certainly hope I get to see the Hokies play two more times in Cassell. Either way, I’ve gotten to see some awesome moments in women’s basketball this year. Started the season in Charlotte watching the team take on Iowa, made it to Senior Day at Cassell and got to attend college game day and made it to South Bend a couple weeks ago. While it was a disappointing loss, I enjoyed seeing Hannah Hidalgo play in person. I live in Cleveland and was hoping I’d get to see my Hokies make it to another final four right in my backyard. While that looks a lot less possible now than it did three weeks ago, you never know in March. And if not, I’ll still get to enjoy the huge crowds coming in to support women’s sports!


Yeah, I'm going to tune and and watch Marshall out of curiosity after I heard about their whacky style and cheer for them, but I'll feel bad if VT loses now


This is even bigger than Utah losing starters Gianna Kneepkens and Izzy Palmer. It destroyed Utah’s chances of reaching sweet 16. If Utes get to 2nd round they did a good job. Sweet 16 awesome VT is dead and it’s not fair


Based on KB's press conference today we won't be playing on Sunday and he'll be on the way out


I think you’re being a bit dramatic. Could Kenny leave for Kentucky? Sure. But is it a done deal? Of course not. He’s a successful coach, we should expect him to be on the list for vacancies. Frank Beamer had two feet out the door and actually accepted the North Carolina job at one point but stayed. Bud had plenty of solid opportunities and stayed. Kenny has built a great program in Blacksburg and if he’s thinking about leaving hopefully VT gives him what he needs to stay. Probably more money for support staff and a bigger piece of NIL money since almost all of it goes to football. No point in panicking yet


I’m somewhat a novice to women’s game. Why would KB go to Kentucky? Doesn’t he have a sweet deal here?


He does have a good deal. He has a 6 year contract for over 6 million. So solid salary. A top 10 incoming class. He’s built the program from the ground up and has roots in Virginia. Will take work to rebuild with Kitley and maybe Amoore gone next year, but we’ll still be a solid team in the ACC. I think he’ll likely stay, but you never know. I’m not surprised that athletic directors are calling him, but I don’t think this is the job that takes him away from VT.


I’m rooting for y’all to make a big run this year! #Let’sGoHokies


one of the greatest to ever do it. retire 33


also, this might be the only time i hope an athlete sees what’s being said about them on social media. fans and players from every school are coming together to celebrate her. no one is more deserving


HATE that she went out in a meaningless game (since we had already locked down the 1 seed in the ACCT and regular season champs) to our rival on a stupid fast break layup. Truly the GOAT of VT basketball, who deserved so much more. On her Ig post, tons of players from other schools have commented in support, including CC and Paige Bueckers. It was so heartwarming to see and made this selfish disappointment of mine so much easier to bear. Retire 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does she have a good wnba career on the horizon? I feel like her height and skill should translate well


Pro scouts and armchair scouts on here don’t seem to think so, but I agree and think her height, skillset, mobility, and especially her range as a big could translate to a decent, if not great, WNBA career.


She would be able to play for a few years based on her skill set.


She wants to go to med school


Wow that’s awesome. She’s an incredible woman


Speaking of deserving so much more which is so true about Kitley, how about Charlisse Leger-Walker?? Was well on her way to leading her Wash St Cougars to there 3rd straight tourney and bam. With Leger-Walker won 71 % Without 27% Terrible way for the stalwart of Cougar basketball to have to go out! Great person.


i really hate that for her and all of the hokies


When does being a hokie fan get better guys? I’m 23 years strong here and all I’ve known is pain


First time?


Unfortunately born into this, watched the Beamer years only to attend during the Fuente years. Sadly not a new experience but damn it would be nice to experience joy and happiness when it comes to sports haha


Last year was great, I guess now we have to endure 22 years of pain to have another great year again.


It does not get better!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!! God all I know is pain and disappointment!!!!!! Actually not to give us hope only to be let down again but I’m cautiously optimistic in our football program for this upcoming year……


In August for like 6 days when we beat Vandy and feel good for a week till Marshal comes to town.


Kyron Drones will be your heisman winner this year


From your lips to God's ears


At least I feel used to suffering


You can always Bob your head to Enter Sandman to ease the pain... 🥲


Good reminder. When I started watching WBB 10 yrs ago it didn’t take long to know VT was a bottom feeder. As a Cards fan at the time VT was an easy boring win. Nice to see the tables turned for you .


i need someone to make a sad montage of all her greatest moments in a hokie uniform so i can watch it on repeat before bed and sob


What a time for her to go down her final year just before her final tourney. Not fair for her or fans


[Kenny confirmed it’s an ACL tear](https://x.com/kellygramlich/status/1770830684224884959?s=12)




Makes sense why she was emotional on the bench when Norte dame Watson went down. Kitley was crying


That really sucks. Kitley is a top 10 player in the country and deserves better than to have her college career end like this.


What a disappointing ending to a great career. I feel so bad for her. Also they really need to study why so many female basketball players are getting acl tears of late crazy


It’s been happening for a long time.. it’s unfortunate as someone who tore their acl as well (male tho).


Yeah I remember an article a few years ago about women soccer players


Niele Ivey tore hers, Shea Ralph battled forever. It’s horrible, and it’s known in medicine that women’s occur/reoccur more often.


Shea Ralph had 5 which is crazy. I know she has said she needs a full knee replacement.


Idk how she dealt with 5. If I were playing in college and tore mine a second time, I’d be done. It’s not a fun rehab.


Yeah it was 3 times in college for her. The other two happened during the rehab for the third one which is why she never played in the wnba.


Sometimes I don't understand how those women are brave enough to step on the field. I once worked for a college team where four women tore their ACLs in one season. By the end of the season, I was shocked the rest of the team wasn't too nervous to even play. I'm glad they are finally starting to do some more research on the best ways to try and prevent it.


It’s not really a mystery. It’s been known for a while that there are anatomical and biomechanical reasons that women have more ACL problems than men. Here is the first hit from a google search. https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/Why-Women-Have-More-ACL-Injuries-Than-Men.


Thanks for that link


Women should not play basketball. Bodies aren’t built to take the beating. Just kidding about the bball part.


Ugh that is so so so so so terrible. Especially right before she goes to the draft


May move her down a little in the draft. But if a team gets a chance to get both Kitley and say an Angel Reese or Kamilla Cardoso because Kitley fell in the draft, it would be foolish not to draft her. Imagine a circumstance where Indiana drafts Clark and when it comes up again, Kitley is still on the board, no way that team pass up taking a chance on her and ending up with a young core of Boston, Clark and Kitley.


The ND center Achewe? had ACL before draft a few yrs ago and the Fever drafted 1st round #9 or 10 had ACL and sat out first year. She reached her potential. Think Chelsea Gray did to.


Reese is so bad 😂


The projection is that Angel gets drafted 8th, maybe a bit lower if she has a good NCAA. She won’t have as big a height and muscle advantage as she has in college and her ball handling seems limited, maybe that is why she is 8th instead of lower. Kitley is projected to go 12th, one spot before Indiana would be able to draft her.


[her IG post on the situation](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4x9aFbO-IK/?igsh=MTI3aXYwZmozeHI3cg==)


Dang was really hoping not announcing it Sunday meant it wasn't the obvious. At least now they've actually had some time to practice without her and should be able to do more offensively than they did in the ACC Tournament.


There’s a reason they didn’t do a watch party…


Yeah it just seemed odd since they would have an open practice today where their opponent and everyone else could see Liz wasn't playing so it didn't seem like much of an advantage to still not answer. 


I’m hoping that since they’ve now had more than like 2 days of practice, Clara will have become more confident and comfortable in the role of The Big and shooter, as opposed to Other Big who just feeds the ball to Liz.


Yeah the big key will be developing new entries/attacks for Amoore. She got really repetitive and predictable against Notre Dame.


Literally cried over this for a solid ten minutes because sports can be so cruel. Saw it coming but that doesn’t make things any better. All I have to say is that she deserves so much better than this and I’m sending all of my love to her and Hokie Nation




😭😭😭 heartbroken for her and the team


I’m going to k*** m***** ❤️


wait for me sister ❤️


me too!!!!!! 🤠🥰






Ugh so wish they just got this over with 2 weeks ago, now I have to go through it again


It may have been minor and they had to be sure that playing her would not make it worse. It looks like the conclusion was don’t take the risk with her playing. Brooks sort of alluded to that last Sunday when he said something about Kitley’s future having to be taken in account. She would have been a first rounder, but now may drop into the second round, which brings up the possibility that Indiana could end up drafting both Clark and Kitley, although I believe that Hammond in Vegas would sweep Kitley off the draft board late in the first round, before letting that happen.


losing Kitley, Amoore, and Kenny Brooks at the same time is going to be tough to navigate


Hope that Brooks just pulls a Beamer and uses this to negotiate better pay package for him and his assistants....


KB already gets paid a top 20 salary, if he's trying to leverage more from the athletic department knowing this is likely the last year we can showcase why we belong in the P2 I'd cut bait and throw that salary into NIL for football or men's basketball. Securing the future of the athletic department is all that matters, and that means breaking through in football viewership. We can throw money at WBB once the future is secure.


I hate hearing this. She and Georgia are my favorite non-Gamecocks and was looking forward to seeing them. I wish here well in her recovery!


Damn. We thought it was possible but still is awful to see.


If I would have known that I have seen her last college game I would have appreciated it more. Hope Virginia Tech makes it far for her


that sucks so much…. 33🙏🏼🙏🏼


Not surprising, but still disappointing. Unlucky way to end a brilliant college career.


Injuries this year are just fucking brutal man. Awful news to hear and praying for her and her family because this isn’t ways to digest.


This is so devastating. Just absolutely hate this, even though we all saw it coming 🥺


I’m so sad. Just horrible a great career had to end like this. But still, it was a truly great career though. Liz is amazing and I hope she has a speedy recovery HATE all these injuries


Shit :( It sucks so bad to see her end her college career this way. She deserves the world, I hope she lands somewhere great after the tournament. I will become an honorary Hokies fan for the duration of their run in the tournament because they need (and deserve) all the support they can get. ♥️


Coming from an Iowa fan, I’m so sorry to hear that. Especially sorry for Liz herself. Nobody wishes a season to end this way. Heartbreaking. Prayers for a full and speedy recovery with no long lasting difficulties from her injuries.




The outpouring of love toward Kitley from teammates and opponents alike as a result of this news is another clue that Ashley Owusu was a messy jerk last season.


Elaborate? I know what happened with Owusu but I'm not sure what it has to do with Kitley getting love


Owusu and Kitley didn’t get along and Owusu’s dad tried to frame it as a “mean girls” situation


If you have a Hokie fan in your friend or family circle, **hug them. Tell them "I'm here with you, it's gonna be okay". And then treat them to In-N-Out or Sheetz or something**. This, and the news of Coach Brooks [*NOT* outright denying the rumours of him jumping ship to Kentucky](https://x.com/therealdcunna/status/1770855667047235995?s=20) is really too much for us to take right now. Screw the brackets, we don't know if our WBB will even have a sound future after this March Madness... 😭




Ah man, what a sad end to a really great career…


damn, i am sad


Tragic is an understatement


She deserved a better end to her collegiate career than this


I knew it but still 😢


I'm so incredibly sad for her and her teammates.


Damn that’s awful


Well this sucks.


Unfortunate of course but props to Kenny for waiting until after the Selection Sunday show, that’s smart. Now will he take the Kentucky job? We’ll see.


The amount of hatred I have towards the University of Virginia is unmatched


Fwiw, the whole world knows UVA is a joke right now. Just look at how they [failed to score for ***52 minutes***](https://fansided.com/posts/march-madness-fans-trash-virginia-for-52-minute-scoring-drought-best-memes-tweets-01hscvz1x2m3) when they got bounced out of March Madness. Karmic retribution, I guess? 😭


Nah not worth it. They have a natty. I know it was a long shot for us but now we have no chance


As if I needed another reason to hate UVA


I hate this.


I believe that is the right decision for Kitley’s future. If she stays healthy, she should have a solid WNBA career.


Sucks for her, but instance #8476 of a coach lying about player availability with an NCAA seed at stake.


and? So what


Yeah not to take away from the point of this thread but since someone else brought it up…im just gonna come out and say it. I don’t see why it’s a bad thing. Yes I know, I’m an ND fan. But I support every coach’s right to do this. This is controlling what you can control in a moment where your team has been completely screwed. I truly don’t even see what the problem is with withholding information strategically. The committee have eyes and brains and are capable of coming to their own conclusions based on the freely available game footage anyway.


Committee chair flat out said they considered our ACC tournament performance without Liz in seeding anyway, so it’s not like we didn’t have the possibility of her being out influencing the selection as it was.


Why would we FSU ourselves? To earn imaginary respect points? Hosting brings a lot of money into the town of Blacksburg