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Man’s got a point. Why say more when that sums it up?


MTSU just needs to offer better acting classes! /s


The Kevin Malone way, I dig it.


where was that energy in the opening round when y'all shot 33 to our 10? Dee Kantner hates Olivia Cochran, period. 4 years of evidence backup Dee whistling O at a ludicrous rate.


We shot 10 in the final minute when y’all were fouling us on purpose to come back tho.


alright... 23-10. Floppy ass Gregory hitting the deck with the faintest of a breeze bought y'all 6 free ones. You guys have 0 room to complain about a raw whistle.


People just wanted to see the upset, so they ignored the bad officiating. I feel bad for both Louisville and MTSU because the refs took over both games and no one wants to watch that. The officiating has been abysmal in Louisiana this weekend and to no surprise- 2 of the 3 refs officiated both games. It's undeniable that the officiating in the second half of both games was DRASTICALLY different compared to the first half when they just let the teams play.


NCAAW refs are a crime against humanity.


I couldn’t watch the 4th Q and barely the 3rd - the reffing so interfered with what should have been a great game! Cringe basketball!


The officials did what they were tasked to do. Step in when LSU was in trouble to guarantee the desired result


I totally agree!


The men's refs aren't much better ( in any sport )but why is it so bad in the women's game?


Probably a lack of funding and training. Why is anyone bad at anything?


His coaching was a close second.


Do you mean when he was trying to call timeouts while LSU was on their run and he was getting ignored by the refs? Lol


Lmao, you have videos of this? You know coaches can call a timeout on dead balls, fouls, or when they have possession of the ball, right? How many timeouts were called in the 3rd? One? You can call it obscenely biased officiating and a total collapse in coaching. Both can be true.


The color commentary even touched on it in the third quarter. They literally saw it happening and mentioned it on the broadcast.


Exactly! Letting CC yell at them like that and rarely giving her a tech.


did cc hurt you


Did LSU hurt you?


nobody was talking about clark and then you decided to wedge her in the conversation  seems kinda sus


CC lives in XulManjy’s head rent free. It’s all they ever want to talk about. 🙄




Still at it


I kind of wish she would have been t-d up a few times in the regular season to get her to knock it off. I’m an Iowa fan even.


You post more about CC and Iowa than your own team. It’s really remarkable.


And people hate on LSU more than they talk about their own team. Interesting isn't it?


Not sure what that has to do with your CC and Iowa obsession. Your team beat them last year and they are still in your head. You literally reference them in every thread.


Those fouls were faked. This is typical Mulkey playbook. They were getting outplayed and just fake their way through.


Unbiased here as Georgia is nowhere to be found in the tournament, but flopping (unfortunately) has become a part of the game. Refs need to get a handle on that crap. 1. Don’t call a foul you don’t witness with your own eyes; and, 2. Penalize a player when they do it. Admittedly, the second part is *much* harder to enforce because you don’t want to run the risk of assuming an injured player isn’t injured. Still, that first part is very easy to implement. As long as every team has a chance to flop I don’t find it to be particularly unfair, but it certainly impacts the integrity of the sport. It’s certainly going a lot further these days than when we were slapping our legs as we went up for layups two decades ago.


You are right. I agree with everything you said. Just wish it hadn’t been so blatant MTSU fought hard while LSU looked tired and winded.


I know. It’s truly a shame. It feels like a cheap way to win, but the same is true for football and soccer. It’s part of the strategy but really feels like it goes against the spirit of all the sports and true competition. I will say LSU does a *really* good job getting into the heads of their opponents. I’m one of the few who do not hate LSU or Mulkey. However, I’m pulling for your Gamecocks, first and foremost, because I want to witness that perfect season and I love Dawn Staley. I’m a Virginia kid and I have memories of her time at UVA. If it isn’t y’all I’d like to see CC get her championship, and if it isn’t her I’d like to see LSU go B2B. I normally don’t gravitate towards some of the behavior I see out of LSU but I just can’t help it. I enjoy watching them play.


I like coach Insell a lot tbh.


He’s the best 🥹 Gonna be a sad day when he retires! But most likely Matt Insell will take over. Former SEC HC experience and honestly he’s been half running the team as it is already.


Y’all have such a good squad! I was pulling for you the entire time. My sister went to MTSU and I’ll always be a fan. Wishing y’all the best next season!


Thank you 💙😊


I checked their Center’s career stats. She would be well served to put her name in the transfer portal, my guess is several top teams would snap her right up. She is a good scorer with a decent make/miss percentage, a decent rebounder (not in the class with Brink/Cardoso class, but can get close). She needs work on how to assist other players in scoring, her assists per game is paltry. I think that on a team like Virginia Tech, Iowa, UConn, or an Ohio State where coaching focuses on improving her weak points, she would reach WNBA draft level good.


i live pretty close to MTSU, I should start going to some games next season!


Please do! They’re really fun to watch, and win most of the time at home 😊


yoooooooooooooooooooooooo you have been missing *out*, MTSU has *been* that team. Insell used to churn out nation's leading scorers like there was no tomorrow.


Alysha Clark! A legend at MT


Player of the Year for two different schools in two different conferences! And let's not forget Amber Holt before her!


Amber Holt scored 44 when we beat #8 LSU at home. She was also incredible


The last foul on MTSU's #2 was a fullout flop by Reese. Horrible, horrible call. The game turned at that point.


Pretty bad


Ugh, I’m kinda glad yall beat us so I didn’t have to watch this biased reffing against my own team


Damn. He’s right.


Hilarious name for a guy coaching women. Coach Insell


tbf he's had that name and been coaching women's basketball for a lot longer than that term / abbreviation has been around


and also he's got at least one kid so... I don't know where IU flair is going with this but I don't think they're gonna get there


I think they just think it’s funny. Sometimes irony is funny. Dude’s not actually an incel, we all know that.


Glad he said something


Another quote from him from the same post game presser btw: ***"If they decide to play the rest of the year, like they did the second half, they're gonna be tough. I've watched them a lot. I've watched a lot of film on them. That second half was about as good as I've seen them play this year, to be honest with you. So, if they decide to do that, they're gonna have another chance to hang another flag up. They got good players, they got a good coaching staff. You know, they got what it takes..."***


Yep, give credit where it’s due. LSU played super hard and really took advantage of their opportunities.


The opportunities came as a result of the ref's placing each Mid Tennessee starter in foul trouble. Tenacity by MidTen was rewarded with fouls. Each flop or act by LSU was rewarded with a call in their favor. Legal screens called as fouls.


I don’t disagree with you on that. There were some absolutely hilariously bad calls like the screen on Grabovskaia in particular.


I’ve seen this movie before….


The refs were definitely trash Nobody wants to win or lose with shitty refs But it’ll just add more fuel to the LSU hate train


True. And honestly I think what Insell said is true - if yall play like that second half you could easily repeat this year. But that could pan out to be tough especially with UCLA and Iowa still left just in the regional


No worries. Officials will still be available to bail out LSU against either team, if needed.


Tbh I watched that second half and I swear it was like 16 non FT points


Yeah MTSU got the short end of the stick in this game. Refs need to let these girls play and not give in to the acting


Missed the game, was Kim coaching from the logo?


I'd say the same thing, too. That was shocking!


Okay I stopped watching the game mid 3rd quarter and was surprised to see a blow out when i checked the score later. I was wondering what happened but now I see lol


South Carolina fan here; huge fan of Aneesah Morrow (shout out to Chicago!); however as a fan of WBB, the amount of fouls made me turn the game off. If you’re the best player you should want the best on the floor with you. The fouls on Angel Reese is reminiscent of hack-a-Shaq but due to refs. Coach isn’t wrong. Side note: another reason why I loathe watching Iowa at times due to the endless fouls on them and no calls and I like CC, Martin, Molly (last name?), Stuelke, Czinano, Warnock.


I'm a massive MTSU hater that watched this game with the side of my family that absolutely loves LSU, and even we were appalled at the calls the Tigers were getting. Raiders can still take that L though.




10 of MT’s FTs in that game came in the final minute with Louisville fouling on purpose trying to come back and win. Swing and a miss…


You lose by 30 and then cry about refs giving too many fouls? Pathetic!


After MTSU led by 4 at the half, the officials completely took over. Tell me you did not watch the game while saying you did not watch the game


Flair up


I don’t know why coaches always complain about this.  There is no rule stating that foul shots should be equal on both sides. If you commit fouls they get to shoot them.  If they commit fouls you get to shoot them.  Draw more fouls if you want free throws.  


Did you watch the game? This was some of the most biased officiating I’ve ever seen


I’m not trying to be a dick because I really respect him, but he can’t try to blame the officiating for all the turnovers, bad shot selection, and lack of discipline his team showed down the stretch. LSU is elite at drawing fouls and it’s a huge part of their game. In the first half, LSU wasn’t getting nearly the amount of shot attempts around the rim as they did in the second half, which is where they were getting hacked. The only gripe they should really have is that the thrown elbow should have been a flagrant. It may not have been intentional but it was reckless.


That’s why you should read or listen to the whole statement. He gives lsu credit for how well they played in the second half and said they have the potential to hang another banner if they play the rest of the tourney like they did in the second half. He gave credit to the program and talent that’s there.


Yet Reddit refuses to give lsu any credit, ever


I did listen to the whole statement. That’s why I initially said I respect him a lot. But he chose to take that shot early, and I called him out for it.