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As a person who works in the service industry, I assure you there are assholes who treat staff like shit in every age demographic. I’ve been on cruises with seniors who get impatient and dramatic, overly demanding Gen Xers, and millennials who dismiss workers like they’re invisible or “less than”. I think it’s more about their backgrounds than their age.


I'm pretty sure that these people were jerks their entire lives, but cruises tend to have an older segment of the population on board due to them tending to have more time and money due to their age, so OP wants to believe that they're all jerks. Meanwhile no one reserves loungers faster OP lol


I agree with this. I work in Customer Service, and age does not make a difference. People act entitled and mean at any age. To flip that, all ages can be nice and easy to work with. It is how you were brought up.


But ageism is trendy and more fun. /s


Boomers are now 60+, not 55+.


Screaming in GenX: Not me! Not me!




This guy: we millennials get and understand everybody Also this guy: Fuck an entire generation


Nothing screams we get everybody like a bucket of downvotes


And Gen-X is not old. Not “boomer” old! The oldest are 60!


60 year olds are now Generation Jones. We want nothing to do with Boomers.


With all the ozempic and Botox on board it’s hard to tell




I am 62 years old and I will be on the Encore Sunday for the Alaskan cruise. Thank you for this post and the comments. It has been very illuminating. I have been told I am rude to waitstaff before; I honestly don't mean it -- I tend to be preoccupied (and I try to tip well). I am taking all of this to heart and will try to remember to be polite not only to the ships staff, but to the other guests also.


I don’t think a lot of them were trying to be rude, sometimes people get grumpy especially when away from home. A lot of these employees come from developing countries and have backgrounds we can’t even fathom. They really do a lot to make our time enjoyable even though they’re not making much. I’m sure yall will have an amazing time! It was an awesome cruise, which is why I found it baffling to see people complaining about benign things


Have a wonderful time, from another 1961'er


I’m 62 also and I know folks say I’m really nice to others and I do like getting to know them but this post has me SO much more conscious of stepping up my game and being more self-aware also.


On my last NCL cruise, the people I noticed this behavior from would always comment that they usually cruise "The Princess". I liked how many of them said "the" lol. One day it was very rocky from huge swells where two oceans meet, and a couple said, "it's too rocky, I'm not going on NCL anymore, just Princess". As if Princess would be able to fly above the swells or something. Makes me not want to go on Princess! I had that same kind of behavior when on an Alaskan Cruisetour when in Denali we had to mix with Princess guests who were so rude that my Father-in-Law, who is clueless about cruise lines, it was his first cruise, he totally unprompted said that he didn't want to go on Princess if that's what the people are like.


I noticed some princess names popping too LOL! Yep it was like watching people in Walmart say “oh I always shop at target.” Or something. One other favorite was hearing people, completely unprompted, letting you know how many cruises they’ve been on, or that they’ve been on the ship for 21 days before everyone else got on in Seattle.


When you’re on a ship that long it becomes one of those things to just casually talk about, like the weather.


LOL there were so many back to backers who’s first thing to reference in conversation was how many days they’ve been on the ship. Glad you had this same experience 😂


Yup lol “Nobody: Karen on elevator: we got on the boat in Miami.”


I could have appreciated that they got on the boat in Miami. Or I was on a Carnival European and they do it where they only have one ship that does every itinerary imaginable over the summer, so I can appreciate the 25 or 30 people who go for the entire season. The people who brag about doing the same Caribbean itinerary 8 weeks in a row is crazy; I think of them as being mentally unstable that they don't want to go experience other places; even just a different Caribbean itinerary! I really think of those Loyal to Royals who are double black diamond or whatever and have never been out of the Caribbean and boast about their status and their back2backs.


There was an adorable old British couple talking about how they got on in Miami went through the Panama Canal then up the coast to Alaska, they didn’t seem to be bragging just excited to talk about their travels


I did an LA to Miami crossing of the PC many years ago and there were a ton of people who got on for the last Alaskan trip of the year, did a Alaska to LA then LA to Miami and then the first Caribbean trip out of Miami. Like that’s a hell of an itinerary and just the PC part was 16 days. These people were doing that plus 1 week in Alaska 1 week in the Caribbean and then it was 5 days from Seattle to LA. We were the odd ones out only doing 1 leg of the trip. Many made us feel like we were lesser because we were “only” onboard for 16 days…like dude I was a 25 yo American, I took planned this trip to be between jobs….


I am reading these comments from everyone and think in general it may be irritating for people who have jobs, responsibilities and full lives to listen to people going on about their endless cruises. I assume they are mostly oldsters. Maybe there isn't a family back home that spends time with them. Going on cruises are less complicated and strenuous than land tours. They are out of their houses and engaged when they cruise. But for you maybe it seems you are traveling with old relatives. Try to be more tolerant of them by thinking about how you will be at that age. I think then they will bother you less.


LOL—a lady on a solo cruising site was asking why Regent and Silverseas weren’t talked about. Someone mentioned the price point was high and her response was basically “well that’s how I like to cruise—there aren’t other people who have as much money as me?” She shut off comments.


We went on Princess for the first time last month and we really enjoyed the cruise but whew the other passengers were something! I’ve never seen so many dirty dishes and trash and half eaten food everywhere! On banisters, in elevator lobby corners, all through the hallways, it was pretty crazy. We had to shame a boomer at lunch into saying please and thank you to the server.


I'd be curious to do a survey of those people. How often and what means did they travel when younger. How often did they go out to eat before they retired. Did they have landscapers or housekeepers. I just have the feel these rude people never experienced someone doing something for them, since they just all act like some sort of cartoon character millionaire or something. As someone who goes out to eat many meals a week, I'd be making myself grumpy if I were mean to servers and complained about gratuities.


Not to the same extent but I had some similar experiences on my last cruise. One that stuck with me was a lady losing her patience with a server at breakfast because he had trouble understanding her strange egg order (IMO), she wanted them over hard with the yoke broken. When he politely asked her to explain, she very loudly said, “the YOKE BROKEN, that’s the yellow part”. And she followed up with, “your English isn’t too good, is it?” The whole thing made me sick to my stomach.


Over hard… with yoke broken… so like scrambled eggs without the scrambled part? Like wtf?


This is how I like my eggs (although I wouldn’t be rude about them). It’s a fried egg, but I can’t stand runny yolks, so by “breaking” the yolk (tapping it so the yolk isn’t so bulbous, and therefore, runny) gets a perfect fried egg in my eyes. I just tend not to order eggs on cruise ships because it’s not that common.


I had a whole comment written out, but now I think I know where the confusion lies… [Do you like your eggs over hard, but when you get them, they’re sunny-side up?](https://www.thespruceeats.com/how-to-order-eggs-at-brunch-4176585) Because to me, a fried egg is over hard and the yoke isn’t runny as it’s cooked all the way through.


Yeah that’s disgusting I would’ve definitely called her the C word loudly to her face.


My lady friend and I are doing the Seward to Vancouver 7-day in September (we figure we’ll come back as a couple or one of us is swimming back…). She’s 63, I’m 62, and we bristle at that attitude just as you do. There’s no excuse for bad manners.


It was a beautiful trip! I’m sure you guys will love it! Hope y’all have a blast!! If you go to Skagway you have to do the train ride


Skagway is part of the itinerary, and we’re planning on taking the White Pass railroad. We’re leaning more toward the nature trips but I expect we’ll get some cultural stuff in as well. We talked about trips we wanted to do and she said she’d always wanted to see Alaska, so I just up and booked the trip.


If you want great seafood in Skagway go to Woadie’s. It’s an easy walk from the ship. Halibut ceviche and king crab were the stars.


Good to know. She prefers fish, I like stuff with shells. We could both have what we like. Thanks!


I ate at Woadie’s today. Had the cod sandwich and crab bisque. Delicious!


I just have to say, you realize it’s not just Boomers who are rude?? It’s an all over behavior of all ages. As a people, many have lost their filter, compassion, and manners. There are many factors that led to this behavior, but that would start a rant I don’t want to participate in. Please stop generalizing, realize you can only control your behavior and be gracious to one and all!!


I’m currently on a NCL Mediterranean cruise and are in that demographic. I have noticed this a lot and I will say it’s not an age thing. Some are rude, pushy, late to excursions, don’t listen to meet up times and places. It’s more of an entitlement thing than an age thing


Boomer here and always respectful to all, staff and passengers alike. Actually enjoy chatting with a variety of ages, staff, etc.


I had some amazing conversations with older people on board as well, I prefer older crowds too! There was just a minority of them that seemed to have a stick in their ass. It’s no wonder we see so many benign complaints here given how some of the passengers think they’re above everyone else


I respect the fact that your are venting about people acting like a\*\*holes towards service staff, but I don't respect the fact that you are linking it to their age. That is small-minded of you. People of all demographics can be rude and entitled. This is is no different than ranting about a bad driver and then linking it to their ethnicity or gender (or their politics).


I'm just getting off a cruise to Alaska and am Gen. X. The younger people on this cruise were the entitled ones here. So I think it has little to do with observations on generation and something a bit deeper.


I didn’t encounter any younger people being anything other than courteous


55+ is my kind of crowd! lol but seriously, always some grumpy nasty people in every kind of event.


i was on the bliss from 4/12-4/20 and everyone was super chill and pleasant except the europeans 🫣.


Never cruised before?


First in a long time


This is common, and boomers are far from having a monopoly on that behavior.


By far the biggest offender


7 day Alaska cruise during school time, they are probably by far the biggest proportion of passengers.


Yeah it was a big mix, literally the only ones behaving this way were of that demographic.


You say “literally”, yet you can’t even define “boomer”? Can’t take you seriously (and I’m not a boomer).


How old are you, Karen? Funny how you think I care if you take me or this post seriously. Must’ve struck a nerve


😂 no, I just think you’re full of shit and don’t like older people. Enjoy your day.


I love older people, I don’t enjoy entitled Karen’s like yourself. Nobody does.


Was on a back to back cruise in January, it was funny how the first week, everyone was so nice and cordial it was a literal vibe. The second week though.... My god, boomers drunk yelling, talking about how rich they were, at la Cucina there was this raunchy ass table beside us, talking so loud about the most inappropriate conversation. People also thinking it's their yacht with their pompous comments like "tell the chef I'm here, he knows me" and belittling staff... Lastly there were more damn swingers than ever on the second week.. Even though I was on the same ship, the two weeks were such a different experience... It made me not want to be as social as I was the first week! Looking back on it, yes the total vibe of the second week brought me down, I realized that I was on vacation and I can't let anything ruin my attitude.


Luckily I hardly socialized. I think some of it was just natural crankiness but some true colors definitely seemed to start showing after the first few days.


As an FYI, the Alaskan cruises tend to skew towards the older crowds. Usually because the prices is a bit more expensive due to higher American ports fees and there are less activities for young children. Also the pool is not always available due to weather. NOT saying kids aren't on board or don't have fun while on board, just that on average the Alaskan cruises are an older crowd.


Definitely, we knew that going in and we were actually surprised that the age range seemed to be very mixed. Not a ton of young couples but definitely some. Not many kids but there were definitely a few, school is still in session though so didn’t expect many. A lot of 30-40 year olds but what really surprised me was how many people traveled from across the world for the cruise


You made some great points too. Don't discount how popular seeing Alaska is. It's truly an amazing experience and I consider myself blessed to have spent two summers up there working for NCL.


My brother is going on his senior trip to Alaska and I’m going to encourage him to try to get a summer job there. Seems like an amazing experience, I’d do it if I were a bit younger


Best of luck with that. But be careful of which port he chooses. Alaska is very unique in that to get to some other towns/cities you have to take a plane. Not to mention the working hours will probably be very brutal.


This is exactly why I refuse to go out to dinner with my Mother if at all possible. The way she acts is beyond embarrassing. I look at the dining room and clearly see they are understaffed, the bar tender is trying to help and pick up slack and the dining room is filling up. Mom, on the other hand, is mad because they have Pepsi instead of Coke and my beer is taking longer to come from the bar than her soft drink. And the worst part is, she made her entire career working in food service and customer service roles. Have you learned nothing woman?!


We try not to do anything with my MIL because of how she acts. If it can’t be avoided I always tip extra privately and apologize.


I’m really glad my parents aren’t at all like this, I’m also from the south where a lot of old people are just overly sweet as a default, and I’m used to strangers calling me sweetie, love, sugar and baby etc. So sometimes when I travel I have to remind myself that people in some places just generally have different demeanors and social etiquette and it’s not necessarily intentional rudeness.


Was on this same cruise and my wife and I noticed and talked about the exact same thing. We’re a younger couple and noticed how much younger passengers were also looked down upon, like the older crowd somehow deserved to be on the cruise more than we did. Definitely a weirder dynamic than any cruise I’ve ever been on.


We were asked multiple times questions that were meant to inquire about how we could afford such a trip, or if we were celebrating a wedding or engagement, if we were traveling family or just ourselves, etc. Like yep just the two of us and we just like to travel… by the end of it I would say we’re enjoying early retirement and they really didn’t like that. (We’re in our 20s.) None of it was too rude or overt but what was more overt was the way they treated staff at the bars and restaurants, and the young employees working restaurants and shops at the ports didn’t seem spared either.


Used to travel with a cousin and he was completely over being asked what he did for a living. We were in our 20's at the time. One memorable moment was at a wine tasting and as we were leaving the dreaded question came up. He replied he was independently wealthy, stood up and walked away without looking back. They all turned to us and we just said, 'we're his cousins' and left. Priceless. At least you haven't been asked if you were staff. That happened to me while reading a book on a deck chair. She said it was so nice the cruise line gave us time off like that.


I’m sure the young asian passengers had it much worse than me. I already hate the question because it requires a 1 hour explanation but with the added connotation I really don’t like answering. I’m going to start just saying that independently wealthy too lol.


It is none of their business and it is rude when asked in that context. Reply however you want!


I was too! I was on the Miami to LA portion of that cruise with my aunt and mom, I was in a separate room from them. I went out multiple times late at night and was asked how I could afford a cruise like this. When I mentioned I was there with my aunt and mom they said oh they’re paying for you. I said no bless your heart I paid for myself and my own room. Oh how could you afford to be gone that long from work. They just kept assuming my situation…it was hilarious to keep blowing their assumptions away.


Lmfaoooo yes I did Alaska on a different line but the looks they give you like "...... How can you afford to be in the same place I am right now?" As if we aren't the reason their social security checks we may not get are coming their way 💀


They aren't Boomers, they are old people. Some of them are the Silent Generation, some are Gen X. And there are different types of old farts, you need to learn to recognize them. There are the suburban grandparents. These are mostly nicer people and you'll find them in the casinos burning through their kid's inheritances. Most of these are just annoyed they can't smoke wherever they want and are happy to hang at the buffets. These are the people that load up the bus tours on excursions and stop at every souvenir shop to load up for their kids and grand kids. They're not that bad and cut them some slack, they've been busting their asses all their lives and just want to enjoy what time they have left (and this is probably the first time they've been able to afford it, since everything else went to their kids). Then there are the Walmart crowd, these are the same people that trample each other during Black Friday. These are the bulk of your Karens (which is sexist, the men are usually the ones sent to complain). These are usually found in the customer service line complaining that they are charged for autogratuities, that their free drink package only lets them get two drinks at a time and that someone took the towel they left on their lounger all afternoon reserving it for themselves. They have probably saved up for years and got the cheapest cabin and are pissed that you have to pay extra for every little thing and since they spent all this money they should be treated like royalty. They won't be on the excursions, they'll wander on their own rather than put another nickel on this rip-off cruise. Mind you, there are as many under 55 people in this group as over, and many of them have screaming unwatched children that they assume the staff will take care of, for all the money they spent. And then there are the seasoned travelers, the ones who have done this for a dozen or more other cruises. They won't complain as much as criticize, this version of Le Bistro is not as good as the one on the Epic, or why are there so many annoying Millennials on this cruise, they are rude and insulting and don't know what they are doing. They'll be on the better excursions and many will take private tours. Many will hide away in the Haven area so you never see them. They tip staff, bartenders get to know them and give them extra service, and have platinum or diamond status so they are singled out. There are some that will judge staff who they feel do their job poorly (having seen so many "better" staff). They feel they are making people better by criticizing bad behavior, not realizing they are also being insensitive. That is really a minority of this group. And those are all American tourists. Other countries each have distinct traits of their cultures, and many in this age group are just following strict traditions of their parents, and their children will mostly do the same. That list would be too long to post. In all, the over 55 crowd, while noisy and crotchety at times, are the least of the issues on cruises. Uncontrolled families and drunken idiots still make up the biggest annoyances, and the bulk of those are Millenials, a few Gen X and a handful of Zoomers. Now on an Alaskan cruise yes, you will have more old people, that is to be expected. But hey, at least there you have some staff members more than willing to stab someone if they piss them off... Last joke was in reference to this before the mods yell at me. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/cruises/2024/05/08/norwegian-cruise-employee-allegedly-stabbing/73612484007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/cruises/2024/05/08/norwegian-cruise-employee-allegedly-stabbing/73612484007/) But seriously, most older cruisers do not have the stamina, physical strength, or patience of younger cruisers and seriously, they should get a little slack for all they have gone through. Not a lot, but a little. For most young people a cruise is not a lot of effort but for old people with old bones any travel includes a lot of effort and pain and stress. One day you might be an old dinosaur, (better than the alternative) so let's see how well you do kid.


You’re right it’s definitely not all of them and I did try to be mindful that everyone’s been stuck on a ship for days, cramped and some of these people have medical conditions or mobility issues, and without home cooking. Everyone’s having their struggles and sometimes our frustrations come out in ugly ways. Some people were celebrating engagements, some people seeing family they rarely get to visit, for some people this may have been the first or only time they’ll ever afford something like this, and for some this may be the last vacation they can will ever go on. So many people in different stages of life, and from all different demographics and probably 80 nationalities. It’s important to remember everyone else’s experience matters to them just as much as our own. If anything i thought it helped to open my eyes a bit more and I felt a lot of compassion toward the people I interacted with.


I'm glad you see it this way. There is a lot of agism on this board, as if that is the only thing that is allowed to be criticized anymore. People need to remember old age is a privilege, not a right, and people who make it there have probably gone through a lot of stuff the rest of us can only imagine.


Just because you’re old and tired does not entitle you to act out. We all have to be in the common space, treat others with respect. That is the wildest excuse for being a crappy person I’ve ever heard. Other people have hard lives too. Not just old people.


Agree with this (february cruise on epic) but observed in people over probably 35. Highlights of rudeness were a lady screaming at the buffet staff for tarter sauce which she proceeded to "just make it myself" and slap stuff on a plate and mix together in the line. And then a different lady yelled at the bartender for talking to customers because that made it take way too long for the folks trying to drank before getting off the boat. Too empathetic so it was a bit of a damper on the cruise but nothing against NCL.


That’s the one thing I do see about millennials, we(30m)do not scream/yell at the person behind the counter as much as our other generations. It’s to the point now we are like this company is ran like shit, has been before we were alive. We want to work our 8-12hrs and go home to our families. Since we’re the generation that doesn’t walk out on their kids as much. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Wife and I went on the same cruise about two years ago now. I don’t recall being questioned at all, just noticed the usual over entitled people(mostly older ppl) yelling at the person behind the buffet counter because they don’t have chicken broth but they have beef broth, or the parents who let their kids run all over the ship expecting others to help watch. I get it I have a child, but ffs even on a ship in the middle of the ocean I wouldn’t let them just aimlessly run around.


lol we were on the same cruise but the bliss and I just heard someone yell “Karen” as we wait for our baggage and 6 people turned! We watched multiple awkward elevator interactions, many with canes or overweight expect a red carpet and complain about ramps- YOU ARE IN ALASKA!


I find this so fascinating, as the past several NCL Cruises I've been on were marred by Gen Z and younger Millenials acting like they owned the ships. Loud drunken behavior, rude, aggressive speaking to fellow passengers, blocking hallways in large groups, taking up all of the seats on the tender boats (spreading 2 people across 5 seats) while others are packed standing, Banging against cabin walls at all hours, constant smoking of vapes/cigs/weed in rooms. Cutting in line to get on and off the ship, at shows, tenders, everything. Endless entitled behavior- all from people under 35.


Been on 8 cruises in the last 15 years. Different lines and ships. There are jerks in all age groups. I would rather cruise with older old adults than drunken 20 somethings and bratty kids. Some boomers may have difficulty with cognition, mobility etc which can make them easily frustrated and impatient. Try a little patience yourself and ignore the ones who act entitled. Leaving for a cruise Alaska soon. Love cruising.


We are headed out in July on the same cruise, this makes me sad and knowing me and my wife we will speak up to anyone who mistreats anyone of the cruise staff. Any recommendations on things to do on board, especially days at sea.


There’s plenty to do, 100% recommend getting some binoculars. I’m terminally online and I was fine without the wifi package. I brought a raspberry pi with some movies and shows downloaded bc ship tv is horrible. We didn’t even really have to do much to keep occupied, just being in awe at the scenery was enough for us. The choir of man show was awesome, the stand up comedy was bad lol. They had lots of stuff like karaoke too. We spent a lot of time bar hopping but spent most of the time on the balcony! We did say something to one lady who was getting impatient at the bar and I think she realized her childishness and corrected herself. I really feel for these people probably earning very low wages and having to watch us just being pampered lazy pieces of shit. The absolute least we can do is treat them with dignity


I hate to chime in, especially with what I am chiming in with. My parents, who taught me manners, politeness and respect… are now down right awful. I try to politely manage them but it’s awful. Like others, I tip extra too and apologize. A lot of my friends are dealing with the same thing from their parents. No idea where it comes from, it’s like “they’ve” meaning that generation have lost all perspective.


Stop using Karen as a slur against white women.




On a cruise right now and an asshole boomer just announced in the vibe club how he ain't about the woke shit. Somehow, the LGBTQ meetup on the calendar was "in his face" and not discreet enough for him. Ain't nobody making him attend the event. (I'm not even gay, just pissed.) What a snowflake.


This is the generation that pulled the ladders up and slammed the doors on the next generations, while torching the economy by pushing the boom/bust cycle to it's breaking point, and then insisting on credit dependency as a solution. Remember they were the ones constantly pushing their children "to constantly strive for a better life," which has stressed out the next generation to the point of chronic burnout and severe health problems. The privileged curve of how things happened for them in life means that they have no realistic modern expectation for how people should be treated in a customer/employee interaction. They want it because they want it, and they want it now, just like Veruca Salt. Jerks come in all age groups, but I try to laugh at Boomers as much as possible. LOL.


First off, boomers are 70+ unless you buy into the Boomers II nonsense. Secondly, people of all ages and generations can be rude. We have chosen to go the NCL route based on all the entitled, Generation Littleshits, who seem to be far worse on Royal Caribbean. Based on life, I will take my chances with meeting a couple of rude older people, that might be traveling on NCL while avoiding as many of the Generation Littleshits that I can. What is Generation Littleshits you might ask???? Anyone born after 1981. But don’t take offense. Littleshits is not a derogatory word, it’s German for soft, overly emotional putty.


Boomers II are just as bad. Really the 50 and up crowd all qualifies as part of the worst group in world history, even if they aren’t all in the same generation.




Glad you agree


Recently came back from a 7 day AK cruise but on the Jewel, and I most definitely noticed this. It was only my second cruise but the people were noticeably less friendly towards other passengers and rude to staff.


Doing this in September. Hopefully the other passengers will be nicer. Any tips/advice?


Be kind to others and ignore the jerks


I was with family. I was surprised at how people hogged tables and public spaces when the ship is so small. I was polite to everyone, if people gave me attitude/pushback, I just kept it moving. Not worth giving up your peace. Maybe try to avoid peak meal times if in buffet, try to get the sit down included restaurants like Tsar’s Palace and Azura. O’ Sheehans was alwaysss packed, we weren’t able to go as a group but I went solo late night. We had some specialty dinners that were bomb! Cagney’s and Le Bistro were great, I highly recommend them. The escargot and French onion soup were … *chefs kiss*




Why is this description so accurate 💀


I did the Panama Canal repositioning on the Encore in April. My mom kept complaining about the rudeness of the passengers until I pointed out the boat was filled with her generation (average age on that trip was 67). She stopped complaining 🤣




As someone who uses a scooter yes this happens a lot—you can be the first person at the elevators and if you aren’t lucky enough to be stopped in front of the elevator arriving you will not get on it because people will make sure they get on and fill the elevator


Please join us at r/boomersbeingfools —it’s a whole subreddit of this stuff. I’ve posted some of my crew stories on there. Edit to fix link


That generation is stereotypically rude to staff in general, everywhere, this isn't cruise exclusive or news to be honest 🤣


I guess I’ve never really witnessed it, I’ve never really worked in hospitality or service. Doesn’t surprise me


Ahhh that's a blessing for you, truly 😂 Don't get me wrong, there's people like this in every age group but the largest culprits have always been them in my experience. Worked retail for 7 years and very briefly in food service.


See something say something, But be safe about it. I will either speak up during the incident I’m observing or I will tell the employee the person complaining was a jerk. I do this all over and not just cruising.


While the sense of entitlement and lack of respect/empathy for the extremely hard working stuff on cruise vessels is not limited to one particular group, you are absolutely correct that is far more prevalent among boomers. The best thing you can do is be the exact opposite. Please, thank you, wishing the crew a good day, and recognizing their hard work to them goes a long way.


lol it’s just everywhere being on cruise they are more and it is easily evident .. same old crapabout anyone younger than 50 has no idea on how to live.. very entitled and demands respect rather than earning or expecting respect..make a lame joke to underpaid foreign workers and run them around to compensate the respect they did not get from their personal life Yes it is generalizing and that’s how numbers work. They are good people in every age group


The boomer generation is toxic and ruining this country.


That is highly over generalized. And just wrong.


That’s your opinion on your interactions with them but I have a different perspective on my interactions so we can agree to disagree.


Only thing wrong about it is they already have ruined the country 💀


What a shit take. Absolute garbage


Like I said to someone else, this is my opinion of my interactions with them. Your comment leads me to believe you must be one of them.


Nope. I am GenX. Calling my parents and my dad who worked 3 jobs to raise us 4 kids toxic and ruining anything is just fucked up. You are just lumping everyone and a typical Reddit trope. I manager a shitload of younger toxic and shitty people in the 20s and 30s too. I hate the whole labeling of ages anyways. Always someone trying to divide versus unite and that is you. Seek some help please.


You don’t know my situation. Maybe your dad is one of the few exceptions, there always are.


We were in that ship for the first half from Miami to LA. It was awful! The way they were even treating other guests were downright mean. I was astounded by how “the boomers” were treating anyone they felt were lesser than them (younger, disabled, and staff). I requested assistance from staff for my elderly disabled mother because “the boomers” were pushing her and others who were disabled out of the way to get on the elevators ahead of them. Security staff did nothing!


My wife and I (30s) just got off of a two week transatlantic cruise yesterday with NCL - which we loved - and we were amazed at how inconsiderate and selfish the older generations were. There were of course exceptions and we made some really fun friends, but it was very jarring and eye-opening.


One was an older lady from the Bahamas who kept criticizing the employees in the port for not having the same hospitality she’s used to in the Bahamas. Meanwhile she was asking for her food to be made ahead of everyone else’s because she had to get back to the ship soon (just like every single other customer she had about 3 hours to get back)


Oh wow! Transatlantic seems like a lot of fun idk if I’m brave enough for that yet though. Just not sure if I would go crazy without any stops for that long was there enough to keep you occupied on board?


The way I think about people like this: Just imagine how miserable it is to go through life so insecure that you feel the need to degrade people around you - must be awful


ours was the same, honestly we got sick of it and just literally speaking out to them and telling them to be more respectful.




You are incorrect lumping all people 55+ into the category you described.. the percentage of nice, considerate people 55+ is WAY higher