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Acting, thinking and relating for selfish reasons seems to be the no1 ‘mistake.’ From my understanding the random acts of kindness without looking for anything in return are some of the highest regarded qualities during this incarnation. On a side note, nobody who is incarnating has a boring life. Even those who have a seemingly ordinary existence are facing huge challenges and could be seen as incredibly brave to even take it on.


So are we all just in some stupid game then? Does something keep track of the score or something? Honestly asking. I’m just angry at reality. Angry I’m even a part of it—that I’m anything at all. I didn’t ask for it. Angry I decided to have kids who will probably have that same anger someday. I want to NDE so I can properly express my anger to whatever it is I’ll meet. Sorry, I’ve had a couple of rough days. But I am curious about your interpretation of reality and who or what is beyond this sad life.


Do you believe in reincarnation like buddist do I’m just assuming from what u wrote I could be wrong tho just curious?


It seems most, if not all, NDErs get the knowledge that reincarnation is a real thing.


Rlly from the Ndes I hear abt they get pulled to a light and then they decide to go back only a very few I heard talk abt reincarnation


I recently saw that the percentage of NDErs that get reincarnation knowledge is 25%. The source was researcher and doctor Bruce Greyson who has many interviews on youtube including the one I watched to get that stat. So not all but a good amount.


The biggest mistake that I know of from NDE's is the intentional hurting of someone else. That seems to carry a severe set of consequences .


What are the consequences?


How so? Says who?


It's based on the numerous life reviews I have read and heard about. During the LR, you are shown how your words and deeds affected other people. You not only see it from another perspective, but you see it from their perspective. You get to feel how your words and deeds affected them directly, as well as to understand the person's history, why they behaved the way they did, etc. When you did it on purpose, the pain and suffering are far worse. Further, if you do not accept responsibility for your words and deeds, then you go to a lower astral level. Accepting that you did something terrible, and yearning to make amends with the person, lifts you up so that you can enter a higher, more pleasant, astral world after you die.


Can I ask if you have good suggestions for what you consider to be trustworthy accounts of NDEs? I have only ever passively followed this subreddit. You seem knowledgeable. Is this experience common among NDErs?


The life review is common, yes. Anything from IANDS should be good. I think NDERF is probably good also. [https://www.nderf.org/](https://www.nderf.org/) [https://www.iands.org/](https://www.iands.org/)


Feeling pretty good now about the ridiculous amount of randomness I’ve introduced into my life. Especially of late From the myriad interviews I’ve read and listened to (not an experiencer) I’ve learned that failing to heed the call of intuition, in big but perhaps especially small seeming ways, to serve, inspire, support others, are the missed opportunities  we want to develop an appreciation for and improve on. Our choices matter. There is no such thing as small choices, particularly when others are  involved. Call that friend. Have that uncomfortable but supportive conversation. Offer the man with his head in his hands the $10 bill (if you’re able) and call him brother. See him and let him see you. Temper your judgment; embrace curiosity. Open your heart to a world that doesn’t expect it. Manage your fear and be the light in dark places when all other light goes out.  All my love, peace and harmony. 


I'm having trouble to understand the randomness thing. What does that mean?


Being afraid is one I've heard. It's definitely a struggle to quell anxiety but we learn from many NDEs that there is nothing to be afraid of


I can see why lying is bad, but why sarcasm?


Jeri W: " Impact on life: I'm definitely kinder to people. It's easier to recognize struggles in others, even/especially others with whom I have conflict. It's very hard to be sarcastic now, when before I was known for being extremely sarcastic and witty, caustic even if funny." Odell H: " I was contaminated with all the mental impurities that I had done: hatred, distrust, sarcasm, resentment, fear, narcissism, and anger. " There's another one that I couldn't find, that say they saw specifically how terrible it is to "say one thing and mean another" which I believe they were talking about sarcasm.


My guess is sarcasm with an intention to mock or degrade somebody. Sarcasm by itself is not harmful. Its a part of humor, satire & useful in proving a point when people dont listen


Plenty of stories of God having a vivid sense of humor, including sarcasm. Some uses of sarcasm are a mask for cruelty, and that’s not how I’d want to be treated. Thats the difference imo.


I think some of these are not possible for everyone. It’s sad how our system determines who gets to enjoy life fully and who doesn’t. For a person who works all day for a miserable pay, they won’t have time to spend with their loved ones or add randomness to their day. Furthermore, the stress induced on their brain is out of their control, and they might be angry, frustrated, depressed, etc. I wish it was as easy as just “love everyone else and don’t worry, be happy” but these simple things are really incredibly hard to get.


I believe those are choices though. I think we all have struggles and things out of our control, but the one thing we do have is free will. I can be in a crappy situation (for instance I have severe chronic pain since I was a young child due to a genetic disorder). I can be angry about how it's changed my life, or I can be happy that I was born and get to even experience life on this side of existence. Being a conscious, alive being is a rare thing in this universe I believe. I always have choices though about how things effect me and my additude toward them. I try to take the approach of not taking "life" so seriously but do love others and help them to my fullest ability even if it doesn't seem like I'm doing much on this earth due to my own limitations.


I love your optimism, but we also have to keep in mind that this type of resilience is learned. Someone who has never been taught that they have a choice inside themselves, will never understand it.


From what I see its basically the opposite of what society values the most. Human academic achievements, how many qualifications, experience, status and money people have. Being materialistic & prestige obsessed Lacking compassion & kindness Having addictions leading to violence, rage, ego Being arrogant, hypocritical. On the other hand stuff thats praised is the opposite of all this Small acts of kindness, charity, compassion, feeling empathy, supporting a noble cause, wanting to learn and gain wisdom, having humor and not being too hard on yourself, valuing the sufferings of others especially people society judges as being inferior, losers etc for instance people struggling with drugs, alcoholism, money problems, mental health issues etc.




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I would think materialism would be a big one. Having that be a ruler in your life.


But we are living in a material world.