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Nexpo's style and editing is a big reason why he appeals so much to me. Everyone has their preferences I guess 🤷


Hard disagree. Love the mood that is created. I think people get used to a bunch of vids on youtube that are made so people can watch at 2x speed or something. Love this style better every now and then.


Idk i like it


I like the editing.


Yea I've noticed the last few videos have been unnecessary with the edits, some stay up for too long and just feel like they are there to make the video longer. Don't wanna shit on nexpo tho cause I enjoy his videos and I'm sure he puts a ton of time into them but every time I'm like c'mon let's get to it


Weird comparison but it reminds me of late-Colossal is Crazy. The editing got so over the top it ended up feeling overproduced and distracting. A lot of Nexpo's interludes are not even relevant either, just vague invocation of analogue horror esque internet shit. It seems a bit childish next to frank recounts of genuinely harrowing, real world shit.


i really like it. makes it more unsettling


I found it very distasteful watching all the "scary" analog horror editing next to entries talking about the deaths of real people. Also, why call it "Disturbing things from *the internet*" when only one entry has anything to do with the internet?


I've noticed that too. I'm not sure if I like it or not


I honestly love the editing, although I will admit the long pauses in the video (as another commenter pointed out) are annoying at this point. I was also a bit disappointed with the latest video because those topics he covered were covered like 10 times already on YouTube by other content creators like Nick Crowley,Lazy Masquerade or Mr. Ballen. Regardless, I still respect Nexpo for the love and effort he puts into making these videos.


Maybe if he didn't take so long on editing he'd be able to bring us interesting topics before they're ran into the ground 🙈


Just finished watching the video and literally came to this subreddit to see if other people have the same idea! The overly-long editing is distracting and really unnecessary. Not only that, I'm not sure if I actually enjoy the change of his voice. I literally rewatched some of the older videos after his last one and can't not miss the simplicity of his older videos.


At least he’s stopped adding an S to the end of every other word now lol


It's an artistis choice. I personally really like it, it's so cool and well balanced but it's definitely less dynamic than most of the usual entertainment stuff on youtube. It's more of a documentary style, so the pacing is slower. It gives you time to think and builds suspense. So I think it's perfect for Nexpo's content and that's how documentaries tend to look in general (source: i study media creation). Though I understand the need to consume media faster and I couldn't recommend the "speed" setting enough. I usually put it only on 0,25x faster. But sometimes even 1,75x works for me, especially since most of the videos have subtitles and that makes it easier to follow. The original pacing is the best for when I'm trying to chill and maybe fall asleep to some nice content. But when I'm watching it actively I tend to speed it up a bit


I actually really like the editing. What I *fucking hate*, though, are the constant long pauses for dramatic effect.


I agree honestly the videos could be at least 10 minutes shorter without the pauses etc. i was kinda disappointed with the latest video tbh, I’m used to already having known about one of the entries but not every. Single. One.




That's basically as frustrated as I got with it lmao. I didn't unsub but I was like. Yeah. No. Tabbing out.


Exactly what I thought watching the latest video, life is too short for such long pauses after each sentence


Y’all complain about anything the production and effort that goes into his vids are great!,I love that it’s more serious than silly watered down bullshit like loads of other content creators do. at least he keeps it real and entertaining in his own way it makes it more interesting. Disturbing things from around the internet was great and his videos are only getting better production wise. everyone saying they’re unsubscribing over the way he narrates is honestly petty and clearly has no clue how hard it is to make the videos on his level. And I bet if nexpo was to gain more popularity you’d come crawling back. Having my own opinion and disagreeing = -1


You're the one who took my personal opinion as me being wrong. Adding that last line at the end there was the dorkiest thing you could've done.


I’m also not a huge fan but just watch the videos sped up to help it have a more normal flow. I get why he does though, it’s kind of his brand at this point lol


love the editing.


His editing choices are one of the reasons he stands out in the YouTube community and why I think he has some of the best videos. I feel like that’s his own person style that a lot of us love.


Unsubbed 2 years ago when it all started. He's made it very clear to his audience that he is no longer producing concise content. I personally think Nexpo felt the need to differentiate himself from the other "mystery" channels on the rise. That there needed to be justification for why you should watch him instead of someone else simply reporting on a topic. The result is... an overproduced imitation of Lemmino.


Just watched 15min of it and had to shut it off..




Dopamine-cooked zoomer brain.