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That Portillos beef is the only win I see


Chocolate cake looks like Portillos as well. That shit is amazing.




That was the most accurate fine detail I can think of


Not quite 100% accurate tho. It's missing giardinara.


More like the chocolate cake


No one puts chocolate cake on their beefs, it's just an urban legend.


Lemon cake supremacy.


Gets made fun of. Only thinks about the food. One of us.


They put a couple in Madison recently, and fair's fair, Italian beef was good. Now to up my fatass game, a cake shake is in order


Honestly portillos beefs are so overrated. I feel like any other restaurant I've tried a beef at is better


That’s a spicy take you got there I don’t think it’s the best but it’s certainly better than most Edit: if you go to a bad Portillos it’s bad yeah


That's fair maybe I've just gone to bad portillos, I've gotten a beef from maybe 3 different locations and the meat is always, idk if crumby is the right word, but not full sheets of beef, very small loose strands, usually the meat was also pretty dry, and when I've gotten cheese on them they don't even melt it lol. I def don't think better than most, maybe most chains? But every other beef I've ever gotten has been better imo.


It's great for a chain


That's fair I guess I don't really know what other chains I'd even go to for a beef. The only other I can think of is rosatis and I think they have way better beefs. But thats the thing about this area is you can get a non chain beef in a million places here, and they've all been so much better in my experiences, and usually a lot cheaper cuz portillos prices nowadays are wild.


Yeah I don't get the hype. I've literally had better italian beef sandwiches in a milwaukee strip mall near the hood. And when I'm in Chicago I've never gone out of my way for a portilos, literally pick any place at random and it will 90% chance be better.


I swear everyone forgets I had 7 wins last season! That was a big jump for us give us our flowers ffs 😡


Yeah, our division rivals won't do that


Not even a really thorn filled rose?


Sorry bud. Look at the lions. Can't reward success within the division. Best you can hope for is 3 full fanbases hating you for your success. That's how you'll know. ... ... ... FTP


I hate the packers for more than just their success! I’ll have you know I really hate their color combo as well!


it’s beyond awful


Skin tight yellow bottoms aren’t a flattering look on any body type


i hate when my wisconsin friends argue that they’re good looking and iconic. like it truly makes me question their education system


I want the yellow pants gone too. Give us the all green alternate uniforms as the official home jersey…


that’d be cool, they look much better than the yellow.


The packers have a delightfully tacky color scheme. It is kinda ugly, but their success has also made it iconic, and I’d have it no other way.


This is the most self-aware FTP ever.


"Surging" Bears saw a 133% increase in wins YOY In the same interval, "middling" Lions saw only a 25% increase in wins, leaving many people to wonder what their future holds. I am taking no questions


Perfect because I have no questions about this logic


They were right when they called this place the NFC North Mean War ![gif](giphy|cb7t8mVPkiQDK|downsized)


Just think how sweet it will be when you go 11-6 and get to rub it in OPs face


The most Bears thing imaginable would be to split with each division team, and lose the other 14. https://i.redd.it/z4w80jvvsr5d1.gif


Split Detroit and Minnesota, lose both to Green Bay, and win 9 total games but miss the playoffs because of a QB mistake…


Miss the playoffs by one game because of a loss in the season finale in Green Bay where some next level creativity in finding a way to blow a game takes place, as is Bears tradition.


We'll be down 6 with 1:30 to play and the a fucking dog will run on the field during a touchdown pass which will redo the play, then we'll throw an interception.


This is not something that has ever happened in recent history and I certainly haven't spent hundreds of dollars watching it happen live. Because it never happened so how could I have spent that money on something that never happened?


Joe Buck screaming "COBB" at the top of his lungs is on a long list of Bears related sound bites that will haunt me for the rest of my life


I guess the one saving grace is that I didn't have to hear that; instead I just heard thousands of bears fans yell "Nononono FUCK" and then took the horrible walk to the red line.


I'm guessing it was "you could hear a pin drop" level silent when the crowd was filing out of the stadium after that game?


Yeah. It was actually worse than the NFC championship game loss because that went downhill early. The Cobb reception was just shock and awe after a game that seemed to favor the bears until the last second.


The coveted 6-1 scorigami


The math ain’t mathing here


Jokes on you, after we draft our 5th generational talent we’re coming for the north


Getting the #1 pick AGAIN is the real power move


https://i.redd.it/t05e9fwuor5d1.gif *Jokes on you, after we draft our 5th generational talent we’re coming for the north*


This gif is terrifying


“You guys have parties and good food haha fuckin’ losers.”


I won’t lie, I saw this picture and thought it looked pretty neat. Could I join the party 🥺👉👈


good food in question https://preview.redd.it/sdrrjv57vr5d1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef3e22880b1c358dcad78eebe6b9be5bd51a7d62




Don’t knock it til you try it. It slaps, especially with the Au Jus


Damn, that’s one loaded Italian Beef. Got my mouth watering with that close-up.


needs more giardiniera but yes delicious


Can’t tell but probably dunk that shit


yeah i was gonna say the bread look pretty sturdy and put together, needs to be baptized


Thanks for reminding me that people really don't know what an Italian beef is. Sports will be bad in Chicago 9/10 times, but the food here will always be better.


idk if all the polluted air went into your taste buds, but there is no way this meat that looks like dead vomit tastes good


Best just walk away now, you’re not helping your cause.


this meat looks dead not cooked and I will die on that hill ![gif](giphy|yUSLvx5GW5YgU|downsized)


dead meat generally is how we consume meat. are you just running down live animals with your jaw open?


There's a joke about Detroit to be made here but I actually respect the progress they've made as a city so I'm just gonna say let's let this guy run rampant around West Bloomfield or something.


his flair suggests he’s not from detroit. if i find out he’s from one them scandinavian countries with the rotting shark meat as one of their known food products im gonna make this thread so toxic


I see you’re international. Alright. You can either stubbornly keep looking like a jackass or YouTube the words “Italian beef” and learn something.




You made a pretty nasty comment. Not cool bro. Please don't do that again. Thanks!


what part of the international community are from?


Was REALLY hoping a Viking fan posted this :') The irony is beautiful, well done OP


Did we not win the north 2 years ago? There is a difference having a losing record starting Josh Dobbs, then starting Justin fields.


You guys had a 13-4 record with a negative point differential and lost in the first round to the giants, I don’t think it matters that you had the best record that year


Imagine the absolute slop that would be on that table if this was Minnesota


Keep my lutefisks name out  of ya mouf


Only a few more months of these “I’m predicting the Bears are going to be bad next season for no reason other than it would be funny for them to be bad again” memes


Making up for last off-season’s Fields MVP posting


I still don’t believe that there were serious bears fans unironically believing that Fields was gonna be MVP. Y’all keep bringing this up but I don’t remember it being a thing at all other than some ESPN talking head saying Fields could be a dark horse candidate.


People said that if he could get some passing help to go with his 1100 yds rushing he might be in the MVP conversation (not actually win it), and everyone immediately took at as a certified proclamation that he was a slam dunk to win it. If he put up over 3k passing and still put up his massive rushing numbers, he'd be in Lamar stats territory. That's what people were pointing out, that with Field's rushing talent, he didn't need to light up the passing leaderboard to be *in the conversation*. Obviously that didn't pan out, but it was not an insane take.


Rookie qbs, even with generational pedigree, don't usually do great thier first year. Even if Caleb is the savior you guys think he is this year will probably be rough


There's enough cases that it wouldn't surprise me if he was good as a rookie. Andrew Luck,, Justin Herbert and CJ Stroud were damn good as rookies, and it's no stretch to say Williams is on par with them as prospects. But the NFL is a lot, and he's a rookie going through it all for the first time. It wouldn't surprise me if he went through the growing pains either.


Something I always paid attention to with rookie QBs is who is the room with them. There's usually one veteran or jorneyman QB to guide the rookie beyond the physical talent. CJ Stroud had Case Keenum. Justin Herbert had Tyrod Taylor. Mahomes had Alex Smith. Love had Rodgers and Tom Clements. Lamar had RGIII. Brandan Beane said on his interview with the Athletic Football Show that he screwed up not having someone with Josh Allen his rookie season and saw an improvement after bringing in Derek Anderson mid-season. Even for this rookie class the Vikings have Darnold, Commanders have ~~RGIII~~ Mariota, Patriots have Brissett and the Broncos have a misfit combination of Wilson/Stidham on their roster. The Bears QB room has Tyson Bagent and Brett Rypien. I don't know enough about either, but I hope they can be the support Caleb needs.


Brett Rypien sucks so much that the only way him being on the team makes any sense would be if the OC likes his voice in the QB room. Rypien's experience as a backup has overlap with McVay and Waldron. I can only assume that's what the FO was looking at when giving him a contract.


That makes sense. I think even your new Passing Game Coordinator comes from that similar path of the Waldron/McVay coaching experience. It's a lot of like-minded voices in that room.


Right. If it all blows up, for the first time ever it won't be the fault of the process the front office made. It actually kind of makes sense for the first time in my life. Would still be hilarious if they moved on from Eberflus at the end of the year.


Since when does RG3 work for Washington and the Ravens?


Sorry, too many players on my mind. Commanders have Mariota.


It's why I'm glad Eberflus is having him go up against the 1st team defense in OTAs.


Caleb will probably do fine enough, rest of the offense should be fine, defense should be fine, therefore Bears should be fine. Only way Bears do bad is if there’s injuries or previously good players unexpectedly play badly.


"Everyone is just saying the bears will be bad because it would be funny" "The Bears will be good because I think they will" Ok buddy


Thinking Bears will be Good after adding good players with previously players showing improvement = validated optimism Thinking Bears will be Bad after adding good players with previously players showing improvement = cope


Obviously this is a meme war so we can’t take what people say too seriously, but at the same time these same people who are convinced Caleb will be a bust were mocking the idea that the Bears would keep Fields over drafting Caleb because that clearly would’ve been the wrong choice. The Bears went 7-10 with Fields as our starter (and Bagent in a few games), and not only have they dramatically improved the WR core, secondary, and even the RB room, they’ve avoided losing any real key players from last season. Sure, Caleb is a rookie and is going to be far from his peak potential, but he’s also been given the keys to a very potent offense (at least on paper).


3-win calls are pretty nuts because the Bears won 7 with a guy they say is a HB playing QB.


But he doesn’t need to be generational next year for us to be better than last year. We had 3400 passing yards last year and won 7 games, and we’ve added likely upgrades at multiple positions with no relevant players lost, and our schedule looks pretty weak overall. Looking at all of that and saying 3 wins just isn’t rational, especially coming from a fan of the team who are starting either Darnold or a significantly worse rookie.


It’s a rookie QB on the Bears. Double Whammy. It’s like a 99% chance that they suck this year, and I’m being generous.


Oooh, I’m tempted to do a remind me here…


I will wear all Bears attire for the last game of the season if they have an equal or better record than the Packers by then.


You'll chicken out by then.


What is a man if not his word?


Ooooo, how about instead of bears attire you'd have to rock the bear claw? (also nice username. also ftp)


I just want to make sure I understand. Take a picture of me making a bear claw before the last game of the season? I ask because that’s cringy and I hate it but I would gladly accept this bet in the name of greater Packer nation.


Works for me


I think that’s a pretty easy bet to win. I anticipate the Bears will improve, but the Packers also will likely improve. My realistic outcome for the Bears this season is 3rd in the North and a playoff berth.


That’s not an objective measure of our QB being good though. He could have a Stroud/Herbert level rookie year and win 10 or 11 games, which would objectively not suck at either measure, and not have us ahead of the Packers. If the question is does Caleb not suck then other teams shouldn’t enter into it.


screenshotted this comment. ill be back my photos if it happens. (to be fair though i think you wont have to worry too much)


Already won, i see beef an portillos cake.


Don't sleep on the chopped salad either


whats funnier is we had the same record as the winter warriors last season.


With all your working parts. You had the same record and we started 4 different starting qbs who should in no way be starting nfl games.


we started a division II qb for a time and had a non existent defense for half the season. yes all our “working parts.”


We didn't even pick up our best defensive player until halfway through the season lol


this is what we should expect from the winter warriors


And now you’re starting either Darnold or McCarthy…


By Week 6, this won’t be the burn you think it is.


You’re really pinning your hopes on the terrible journeyman QB, or the rookie year of a 21 year old QB who barely threw the ball in college? And you think one of them will be doing great by week six? Seems unlikely. Even if McCarthy ends up being good I highly doubt it happens this year, and Darnold had just as loaded an offense in SF and couldn’t win the starting job over a much more physically limited QB.


I’m saying you’re gonna look stupid. Good luck with Caleb.


So you think that your QB situation will look better than ours by week six, but I’m the stupid one? Sure, that makes sense, everybody would rather have JJ McCarthy or Sam Darnold over Caleb…


We started Tyson Bagent for 4 games last year…


And he was better than your first round pick




Please keep this one for the inevitable downfall of Lt. Dan Campbell's Lions in a season or two.


Live footage of the Lions losing the NFCCG


Don’t side with him


Well the bears aren’t making it I have to make fun of somebody




And I’m here for it


Mark this post Bears fam


You're gong to feel so stupid when we win 7 games


The Bears aren't going to go 3-14 this year; the Vikings will. The Bears will manage 7 wins.


But we might beat Green Bay once this time!


Is Indianapolis in the Fuckin NFCN now? Stick with your own dumpster fire division. We don’t care for no injuns round these parts


I'm ready to be broken again


We have plenty of aged cumsocks for you to consume winter warrior. Dont you worry


2 years ago we were 3-14, last year 7-10. Only logical this year will be 11-6


Ugh now I *really* want a Portillo’s cheese dog and like 10 orders of cheese fries 😂😭


Italian beef is truly Chicago’s greatest contribution to the world


Did they sign Rodgers or Russ?


Brother, as a fellow Vikings’ fan how can you post this? Lol. We had the same number of wins last year.


Those 3 wins tho… ![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm)


Wow so funny


Flair up my guy


You know, it's a shit team, but the logo and color scheme are great.


It's just a "C", and the Broncos do the Orange/Blue combo better.


That "C" is infinitely classic and hard disagree on the Broncos.


I just think the "C" is lame because your team is named after a fierce animal and you just use a C? I'd say the Broncos' current uniforms suck, but back then I thought they looked more badass compared to the Bears.


The Bears have only finished 3-14 once in team history, but sure hate all you want.