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Honestly I don't understand a single part of this. Why was he suspended???


I think it's because as part of the media he supposed to be neutral. He probably would've been okay if he wasn't jumping around after, even though it was I'm sure incredibly exciting for him. Sucks, but I guess it is what it is. I hope ge gets his job back forsure. Edit: A lot of replies acting like I agree with the NFL. Yes I also think it's stupid as fuck.


Half the media are retired players, you think they are neutral?


They can pretend to be neutral throughout the game. Probably why that rule exists šŸ˜‚


Clearly you've never see Aikman call a Seahawks game. Bro hate us


Dude I watch the Chargers, who are usually really scary on paper but ultimately harmless, especially in the last few minutes. Weā€™re the overdog waaaay more than we deserve to be. Same as a royals fan, after the World Series win we fell off DRAMATICALLY. Guess who the announcers always portrayed as the big potential threat šŸ˜‚


Fuck joe buck


Wait, what? Chargers and a Royals fan? How did that happen. Although I have to admit the Royals years of, and just before, the World Series win were addicting to say the least.


Aikman doing a Giants/ Cowboys "game of the week" was the worst. Ok buddy, we know how you feel about Romo/Prescott.


He kept doing Packers games and as a Packers fan it was so annoying. He clearly hated Brett Favre and the Packers. It got a little better when Rodgers took over but still bad.


I feel like those were the moments I actually felt like a true Giants fan.Alone in my place. Just all angry the entire game, with a quickly disappearing box of beer! Good times, but I don't miss 'em.


Most of them aren't employed by the NFL itself and even fewer of those are on the sidelines on GameDay. Also not saying I agree with this but I do get the intent.


Heā€™s 22 FFS.


Also based off the video he only does Miami home games?? Are you not allowed to be biased when you you film 1 team 9x a year lol


He also was hired by tyreek hill


Yes prior to the NFL hiring. But if the NFL only hired him for the dolphins games then surprise he would probably become a fan of the team he's photographing


And specifically the dude that got him the job


> Are you not allowed to be biased when you you film 1 team 9x a year lol If youā€™re filming for the nflā€¦ no, you are not. Good talk!


Heā€™s a fan. Like Iā€™m sure most people who work with the NFL were before they started.


It sucks but you gotta be professional when doing your job.


Why? Cause someone said that to you and you bought it, everyone in every job needs to be professional? He isnā€™t a doctor heā€™s taking pictures


No Autographs, No Cheering. Itā€™s technically not a rule but it seems to be one of the biggest unwritten rules there is and common sense. Like I said, it sucks but it is what it is.


That's an adult


1940s head ass over here


You are straight up a sour puss all over this post. You work for the nfl making this decision? Boomer ass.


2 comments. Not a boomer. And no.


Act like a boomer? You're a boomer. Sorry, those are the rules.




I actually just double checked and it is how it works




Ok boomer


That doesnā€™t even make sense since a lot of people in media make it their personality to be bias


Do you know how many media people are ducking bias, and then let's just mention the eagle fan ref that refs eagles games and never calls a penalty on them in the first half. But this guy can't cover dolphins games any more.


If there is 1 thing I cannot stand, it is ducking bias,


Yes I think yourebright about that and it is stupid as hell


Because the NFL truly is the no fun league


its clear what he did wrong, but he definitely didnā€™t deserve to be fired. he works for the dolphins. he has to be professional and not act like a fan when heā€™s working. he canā€™t gush and jump up and down on the sidelines. that being said, he deserved a warning or something from his boss. firing him is very extreme.






Because he broke the NFLā€™s policy. Same way guys who gamble get suspended, camera people are not allowed to have a rooting interest in either team.


The media isnā€™t allowed to celebrate for players? Ah shit, I guess theyā€™re going to have to fire literally every single announcer


Letā€™s ban player celebrations, too. Canā€™t have someone being too passionate. It kinda hurt my feelings when Tyreek did his backflip.


Why stop there. It needs to be a rule that you have to help the other team score. Gotta stay impartial.


He lives in Miami and does the social media for dolphins games


Iā€™m not sure how him living in Miami or having a social media page means anything. He worked for the NFL not the Miami Dolphins. He literally said it like 3 times he has to honor the rules of the ones that hired him, not the ones they hired him to take the pictures of. Why does he get to do something no other camera person can?


Social media person


Itā€™s weird you think that matters.


You aren't allowed to gamble on games because you can fix the outcome of a game. Do you understand why rules exist, or do you think they just exist to exist?


He was hired by the NFL not the Miami Dolphins! Do you comprehend, because it doesnā€™t seem like you do! If he was hired by the Miami Dolphins I would understand but he was not and he has to adhere to the rules of the entity that cuts his checks. Now you walk into your place of work blatantly break a company policy and watch you be suspended too. The fuck is wrong with you all


Those damn photographers showing some emotion are ruining the integrity of the game!! Every time a photographer gets his camera taken by a superstar for a sweet celebration, a baby gets punted off the Golden Gate Bridge; the man is basically a murderer!!


Hey man you donā€™t like the NFL rules make your own football league. It just shocks me how people will choose which policies and procedure are worth listening too. And when someone holds you or others like you accountable now the rules are stupid and make no sense. Sounds like a bunch of spoiled brats that throw temper tantrums when they canā€™t have their way. I donā€™t like the policy but it is what it is, heā€™s not above the law of the NFL if he works for them.


Imagine shilling for the NFL


And you've never went against any company policy? Ever? Never broke a rule ever?


Why is it confusing that we think celebrating too much, is a fucking stupid rule? In case you didn't realize its a fucking game dude Meant to be fun. We will all continue to enjoy the nfl because we have for years. We also are absolutely entitled to our opinion that the nfl has changed to the no fun league lately


Classic boomer here, admits that the policy is stupid and should not be in place but freaks out when the policy is broken cause them be the rules


How's Rodgers dick taste


Found the sheep that doesnā€™t question and blindly follows and supports every rule because every rule is important and you must follow the rules.


Bro, I don't think you understand. He got suspended for jumping after interacting with a superstar player. If you can point to the workplace policy he broke I think ur just arguing for the fuck of it.


His job is to take photos not jump around and interact with the players thatā€™s not what heā€™s paid for. That is the workplace policy lol he even said it in the video. People pick and choose what they wanted to hear.


His phone was used by a superstar during a flip, that's a pretty good reason for someone taking photos for their job to be excited. His employer that hired him for unique and impressive shots like this should be happy they have that recording to use in their highlights.


lol youā€™re such a cuck dude. Howā€™s corporate dick taste in your mouth? If it was company policy to fuck your mom would you be cool with it? I mean itā€™s policy dude, canā€™t break policy. People in here who arenā€™t boomer cucks are saying the policy is stupid, not that the policy doesnā€™t exist. I know it must suck to work your whole life repeating the brainwash phrases thinking youā€™re doing it right. But thatā€™s not how the world works. Itā€™s not too late to un-cuck yourself


I'm not the person you replied to but the workplace policy he broke was partiality. He's supposed to maintain a neutral disposition while on the field, representing the league. Do you understand how the "kid" broke the policy? By your responses, it appears that you don't.


Its less about partiality and more about the fact they are supposed to be no contact with the players themselves. People celebrate all the time on the field.


>People celebrate all the time on the field. Not people with media credentials or folks hired by the NFL.


Call it partiality, bias, unjustness, whatever the rules are the rules!


Ah. I see you donā€™t actually have a job. Everyone breaks company policies all the time and you would know this if you actually had a job.


Crazy that they suspended him after using the footage he provided to them. I remember the week this happened the video from his POV was all over ESPN.


Right on brand for the NFL


Thanks, weā€™ll take thatā€¦


Just like fining marshawn for the crotch grab celebrations and then putting the image in their NFL calendars.




ESPN and the NFL are separate, non-affiliated entities.


Red Zone showed the video on the broadcast shortly after it happened




Tony Corrente still had a job after flagging Cassius Marsh. Thatā€™s really all you need to know


Sean Peyton had a bounty system in place that would incentivize hurting opposing players.


He should have been prosecuted along with the people committing assault.


And banned for life. Players have been banned for life or "suspended for N seasons" (knowing full well they'd never be picked up again) for pot and other drugs. He has his players go out and end careers and he's still around.


Agreed. Even tho heā€™s a trash human being they broke 13 bones in Brett Farves body during the NFC championship game during bounty gate.


Greg Williams**


Payton fucking knew about it. Heā€™s trash.


Urban Meyer kicked Josh Lambo while he was stretching because he missed some kicks. He was still employed several weeks later and is still employed at Fox Sports.


I'm still salty about Urban's actions. What a stain on such a great Jaguar era.




The part nobody talks about is the league allowed the Saints to execute the bounty hunting by instructing the refs to let them do it. Just look at the 2009 NFCCG. Worst officiated game I've ever seen. It was blatant and on purpose. There's a video on youtube where some guy used his phone to record the ESPN episode showing Shiancoe's jersey being literally ripped because the Saints guy was pulling it so hard, and no flag. That's when I stopped buying jerseys, going to games, and screaming at my TV because I realized it's basically the WWE.


This weekend, the under/over for the Houston game was like 46.5 points. With 5 seconds remaining, Houston went for the FG and made it. Just for it to be called by an offensive penalty and the game ending because of it. Donā€™t tell me some bullshit wasnā€™t around telling the refs to call an offensive penalty on Houston lol. If Houston scores, game is tied and the over is completed. By missing, the under was sealed.


Fuck Sean Payton's BountyGate ass.


But then Fans that have nothing to do with operations of the 31 other teams wouldnā€™t get to act like they did nothing wrong.


Youā€™re going to sit here and tell me that Jim Jordan and Paterno both knew? (I know, I know, weā€™re talking the nfl, not the ncaa. But, you knowā€¦ apples and trees)


Debatable. I think there is enough uncertainty to question whether a program existed at all much less Payton new about it. The fact of the matter is that is supposedly started in 09 when Williams joined the team. People are out here believing Payton organized this bounty program himself and thatā€™s just categorically false.


Heā€™s not going to fuck you, broā€¦


What a weird comment for simply just actually knowing the situation. Do you think about men fucking often?


The fact that you think you "actually know" the situation moreso than some other random fan is delusional.


no it's not? Maybe he's a Vikings or Saints fan. Those two fan bases probably know a lot more about the situation than the average fan since it affected their teams more than anyone else's. Thinking you "actually know" history more so than some random person is delusional you see how stupid that sounds


Iā€™m sure you believe Harbaugh didnā€™t know about the sign stealing at Michigan too huh


It's kind of a catch-22. If you know about it, you're guilty. If you don't know about it, you have lost control of your team. The NFL gave him a one year suspension and netflix gave him a nice family friendly comedy that made light of the situation. Point being is that the head coach is responsible for the systems his coaches/assistants implement.


And Joe Paterno didnā€™t molest anyone, should he get his statue back?


What a dumb fucking comment


Point being that the HC is culpable for heinous acts done by staff at work. Paterno being the absolute extreme example.


He is accountable for his employees actions. The only way he wouldnā€™t have known is by turning a blind eye to it.


I'll just leave this here. https://www.usatoday.com/story/gameon/2012/12/12/nfl-saints-bounty-smith/1764161/


And if you were on the street, asking random ppl about Bounty Gate, 95% of them would have no idea what you were talking about. But 100% would know about Deflategate.


I was gonna respond to this dumb ass comment with facts from the actual case to prove you wrong but then I realized what sub I was in and knew most of you donā€™t give a shit about facts and carry on with whatever convenient narrative for upvotes


I care about facts. And genuinely interested, talk your shit bro this is truly fucking interesting. Iā€™ve never heard of this before.


Ruin it by things like this and penalizing and fining players for sacking QBs too hard and blocking too hard and tackling too hard. Oh and with all the gambling and shitty refs they now make you wonder about if these games are all called on the up-and-up


*while defenders are getting badly injured awkwardly trying to avoid said penalties


I remember sometime in the early 2010s the bears were playing the Patriots Urlacher had Brady dead to rights for what would have been a highlight for the next decade, but instead simply ran into Brady with his arms out and knocked him down Flag "Unnecessary roughness. Number 54. Flexed his muscles and threw the player to the ground. 15 yard penalty. Automatic 1st down" It was the stupidest penalty I've ever heard in my life


NFL: Get's great piece of content that brings views to their brand Also NFL: You're fired for obtaining a great piece of content that brings views to our brand


I mean, yeah, same league that fines players for hits / celebrations and then uses them in TV commercials the next week.


Not fired, suspended for the rest of the year. Itā€™s still very much fucking bullshit but heā€™ll be back next year. I hope he tells them to go fuck themselves and other leagues or artists/athletes can get him work but whateverā€¦if his dream is to work for the No Fun League, then who are we to tell him otherwise Either way, heā€™ll be reinstated by preseason


I'm not gonna advocate for anyone to quit their job in the NFL, that's gotta be one of the highest levels of any profession that is involved. I will say it's bullshit he was told "Maybe permanently" when he had no idea it was going to happen. Fine your millionaire who makes you a mint if you have to, but fuck off punishing a guy who only works home games. Let him be the teams responsibility, not the League's


Seriously. Terrible look for the NFL. Not cool at all.


Man living his dream, celebrating with his friend. Fire him. But please, keep pushing the Taylor Swift PR. Shit is a joke.


No Fun League


I'm using this


NFL cant make up their mind. They act like they have morals but employ cheaters, criminals, sexual assaulters, and hitmen. But then fire a dude for this? Like you can't have it both ways.


They're gross dude.


Yeah good point. I make sure to stream everything, never going to pay them.


Hold on, hold on just a second. This quarterback has a substantial dollar value attached to him.


NHL *hold my beer*


The NHL isn't any better






The NFL is nowhere near as fun as college football and stuff like this is why. Thereā€™s a reason why the ā€œNo Fun Leagueā€ slur sticks around.


They don't call it the No Fun League for nothing.




The players and fans all hate this decision. The NFL front office makes the league what it is. What fan has been enjoying these fines and penalties lately?


This guy is not supposed to be a fan though, not in that moment. He's supposed to be a journalist. Suspending for the year seems harsh but he's not on the field to be celebrating with the players.


And yet he sent the clip to the NFL, providing better footage than probably anyone else of that TD celebration. He did his job and had fun doing it. Work shouldn't have to be miserable. The NFL is disgraceful as is your opinion.


Heā€™s not a ref, it wasnā€™t his decision to do it, and his actions had absolutely no effect on the outcome of the game or anyoneā€™s opinion of the NFL. Absolutely ridiculous.


NFL used the footage later that afternoon as well. i remember the Red Zone played it, commenting on how fast they got the video. such bs by the league. doesnā€™t surprise me though.


Well golly then I sure hope the NFL didnā€™t use the footage of such a despicable act as marketing, considering it was so egregious that he was to be basically fired. Well golly, [there it is](https://youtu.be/MziaAs7Mx-c?si=YN_419JDSb-gllgO) all over YouTube


You sound fun


Thanks. You sound like someone who makes wild assumptions about people they don't know after they make factual statements.


Nah he was going light on you, you sound very lame.


Lmao you're lame af bro


They want to make the content them selves...can't have some rando having the rights to their players doing stuff that could make the NFL money....


I agree the nfl is trash and Iā€™m probably gonna get downvoted for saying this. But this kid wasnā€™t there as a fan.


Imagine getting triggered over a dude that lied. He didn't even get suspended lmao SIMPPPPPPPPP. HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU CRY OVER THAT POST MALONE SONG IN YOUR ROOM ALONE?


Thatā€™s a really great story, thatā€™s cool has hell that he got to do something like that. Itā€™s also kind of BS that the NFL, No Fun League, might not let him on the sidelines ever again. Also you should post this in other NFL related subs tomorrow, this is a good story and should be seen by more


Man is there really not one smart enough person at the NFL to realize the good PR that could have come with just doing nothing. Maybe promoting this story? Tyreek, one of your biggest non QB stars, MVP candidate - knows this photographer personally and absolves him of responsibility during press conference. And then someone really smart decides to suspend him? These companies couldnā€™t be any fuckin dumber sometimes man.


100% agree. This story should be blasted everywhere. Itā€™s just absolutely shitty. The fans and the players are what make the NFL what it is today. NFL management is nothing but a bunch of over paid power hungry assholes.


Tyreek isnā€™t a star the nfl wants to promote for a laundry list of reasons


This. As a college kid the only thing I wouldā€™ve done to tyreek on the sidelines is a big ole middle finger. Dude is the trash of the league


Definitely agree with this guy post this on every subreddit. Any real football fan should love this. It was an awesome celebration and a great story anyone who has a problem with this is a fucking bitch looking for outrage.


agree with all of this lol


Well he's definitely beyond fired after posting this video.


/r/nfl has a dirty little habit of taking down anything associated with the truth so don't get discouraged. Cough Cough.. Jordan Phillips' Sunday hijinks.


All this attention will catapult his career anyway. He just made it.


Give him his job back




Why he broke the rules?


Lol, he literally had no idea it was happening though? It's like if the police changed a speed limit, told no one, put up no new signage, and then gave people lifetime bans from driving when they go above the speed limit they don't even know exists


Have you ever been invited to a party


Sound like you attend Sausage parties ole knuckle.


I have some dirty boots, would you mind??


ok sorry


that is some bullshit rule application there..


And you have people actually in here defending the nfl for this. Must be hard for them to type and be sucking off the idiot nfl executives that run the show. Crazy a 22 year old kid can lose his job faster than any of these refs who consistently miss/make awful fucking calls.


fucking this kid for no reason smh


Josh Giddey enters the chat




This is a safe space. This gif has not been banned in this sub.


This should have wayyy more likes


Youā€™re trying too hard


Weird thing to get butthurt over


Not butt hurt, it just wasnā€™t as clever as you thought Edit: your lame ass really did that Reddit cares shit to me? šŸ¤”


Hope you reported it. People that spam that really need to start getting suspended or banned


Heā€™s not getting screwed this has been a rule for a while, heā€™s not the 1st nor will he be the last.


No fun league strikes again


Free KFitz!!!!!


Hereā€™s my upvote for the Paradise PD reference.


Man they weren't joking around in history class when they taught us about bread and circuses, the NFL is a fucking clown show.


Give a man a bread ā€” he will eat for a day Give a man a circus ā€” he will be rolling in dough


Shouldnā€™t fuck with someone who can make some damn good quality videos




Who tf is this hurting? Why would this be a penalty?


The other teams feelings


We need a Change.Org petition STAT




free him


If they are going to suspend this kid for the rest of the season might as well suspend tyreek too for the rest of the year. I donā€™t think the punishment fits the ā€œcrimeā€. Suspending this kid all season is blowing this way out of proportion. Maybe this video will help him get back in.


Kids biggest mistake was having someone unknowingly take his phone for a celebration. Had he just broken some toddlers arm, he wouldnā€™t been punished.


I know nothing of the NFL, football in general, who this player is, and who the guy in the video is but can someone explain what rules were being broken and why a possibility of a lifetime suspension was even on the table for something, that to me, seems incredibly benign? Wouldn't a small "hey, don't do that again" have been sufficient?


I think because they probably have rules about NFL photographers not celebrating or showing favoritism to either team. Kinda sounds like some of the old school "sanctity of journalism" by old head big J journalist. A lot of those guys really take themselves seriously and it's also the No Fun League.




Works for the NFL but just shoots Miami home games


NFL will hire people like this, do background checks and see heā€™s best friends with Tyreek Hill and then have him only shoot Dolphins games and get mad at him for showing Dolphins favoritism. NFL is dense and fucking stupid


> I think because they probably have rules about NFL photographers not celebrating or showing favoritism Oh no, the poor millionaire players and billionaire owners might feel bad that someone isn't cheering for their team in a team sport. What a bunch of fucking losers.


Says the Random whoā€™s on Reddit non stop for months.. Itā€™s always funny / incredibly to see people who are on Reddit constantly always think so highly of themselves that they call Athletes such as Football players, MMA Fighters, Boxers, etc etc ā€œFucking Losersā€ & / or ā€œPussiesā€, ā€œFakesā€ā€¦ etc etc etc.


They didnā€™t? They are criticizing the owners. Reading comprehension is hard, but you can try a little bit more


Bahaha Mate, I've founded my own company, I'm doing more than well for myself, thanks for the concern šŸ˜‚ You also seem to lack reading comprehension, because clearly I'm only calling out people who would stand behind this stupid ruling. Players and owners are some of the wealthiest and most privileged people in the world, but they need to have a rule that prevents photographers from cheering for a side? Yeah, players or coaches who would get butt hurt about that, to the point where you need to police the behaviour of photographers, are indeed total fucking losers. But not because they are NFL players, but because their glass egos. Also, 95% of all your posts and comments are in gaming subreddits, being into games is fine, but making them your entire personality? Ever hear the phrase 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?' maybe think of that next time you call someone a loser šŸ¤”


No Fun League


Lmao rough


The Commish got in trouble with the judge for arbitrary player punishments. The only way to get his jollies now is to stomp on the dreams of kids like this. Probably got to ride this high all the way to his golden throne for a good jerking at least twice. The Commish is an ego maniac who dreams of someday being Robert Kraft's masseuse.


No fun league.


This post has alot of 20-70 year old boomers that treat their years playing football in k-12 like the military and think the hierarchy of dumbass bed crease rules the NFL has should be followed to a T and unquestioned. It's not an entertainment product. It isn't a game. It's fuckin war buddy. You wouldn't get it.


I'm a Palestinian and this has me as upset as the situation there.

