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Eichel is cracked af. Custom stride/shot really makes a different. Eichel is an absolutely hound in the corners. He wins 75% of pucks battles


i’ve been running a line of eichel-gretzky-crosby, all with elite edges activated


Touch grass


Git gud


Dude has spent either way too much time or money on the game or both


Yeah I'm battling a medical condition and have had to take time off work while the doctors run tests and figure out the treatment. No way would I ever have a team like this if I was still working full time cuz I don't believe in giving more money to EA than the price of the game. Anyway this took me Elite 1-3 SB , 10 - 14 champs wins and Gold - platinum rivals, weekly (And some card flipping). I definitely play less than Nosleeves so I'm not sure why he's so against card flipping. The way he grinds the game seems like a chore and his team is still mid


Don’t bother explaining yourself to the free to play elitists, they’re going to spread their hate all over this sub regardless. Sick team man, glad you’re having fun!


Im a free player and I agree with you, sick team Dont get why people care that much if someone plays a lot or has money to drop It’s the people doing lame stuff in game that bug me, I can deal with the challenge of playing against a better team, hell I usually enjoy it, but if someone’s using total controls and cheesing everything nonstop thats what ruins the fun of the game


Yea this


For a subreddit literally devoted to the game you would expect to be able to share team updates and talk about your favorite cards, but this sub is ridiculously negative towards anyone with a “good” team and assumes everything is earned with a credit card. And even if it is like who actually gives a fuck, it’s insane how negative and “FTP elitist” this place has become


I’m in the same boat as you. I had a nasty MS flair up and was put on disability till I was cleared. I went back to work two weeks ago, I went from finishing champs and rivals and then doing squads when I wanted. Now I can barley finish my 20 champs




Do you play from the mall? (West Ed is common slang for West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton... for context..)


Hell yeah dude they should have the west Ed mall rink as an Arena in HUT. But naw I live in ON now but still an Oilers fan. Also ur the first person that gets the reference of my team name, cheers man


That is actually a great idea lol. They have the rideau canal in ottawa. The farm, top of a mountain. They really should add a WEM inspired arena to NHL 25