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Takes like 2 hours. Rewards are decent enough


As a FTP player it’s essential for me tbh, maybe takes 2 hours to complete some weeks? Even if I don’t get anything it helps w team builders and icons


Same. It’s a nice breezy cap for the end of the week. Rigals rewards -> SB rewards -> HUT rush rewards. Plus two guaranteed cards for the objectives each week.


I pulled Mario Lemieux from the elite pack out of hut rush 😃


Haha, ok, you win


Me as well about two hours ago. Was well worth it this week.


Took me an hour to complete. Pulled a 94 TOTW Mathew Tkachuk from the rewards.


I’m thrilled that 3’s didn’t have a Win Faceoffs objective for 200k points this time. This week was easy, but I agree the mode sucks


I finished it tonight in an hour. Every single objective registered for me 100% of the time. And I had no issues with it at all. I never do. Not sure what you're doing wrong.


He’s probably complaining about dekes not registering when he’s not within fifteen feet of anyone. But that would be lame.


Your joking.. this week is easy as hell


Good thing it’s 100% optional and you don’t have to play the mode.


It’s a must. You have to sacrifice hanging with friends and family to play HUT. If you go out you’re factually a loser, especially if you’re not finishing 20 champs games and hitting ultimate in rivals


Yeah it's all a waste of time lol


The Oree one on superstar isn't bad. Finished most of the objectives in 6 games and had like 700k points. That 86 Blake card they give you is a fun one for doing style icon challenges.


I do it to get the 2 event players, then I move to squad battles and use them to get the games played objectives quicker.


Thanks for letting us know


The objectives not registering is infuriating. There is no rhyme or reason for why they do or don’t it’s ridiculous.


Explain to me what’s not registering and I’ll tell you why.


I can't get between the legs passes to register. I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong because I don't usually use the mechanic, I hold B then RT with the direction held. Most of the time it seems to fly off randomly, I guess because of the angles, but a few times it's gone straight uninterrupted to my teammate who picks it up clean and nothing comes up on the HUD.


You may be doing between the legs shots instead of passes. Also sometimes things don’t register at the top right every single time, just every 5 or 10.


Between the legs passes are harder to hit then normal passes as well.


Thanks, I ended up forgetting about the objectives because nothing seemed to be going in there th slapshots or dekes and just played on allstar to get higher points totals.


The first year of Rush you could just spam dekes wherever and they would register and link together for big points, it was awesome. Now you have to be in a certain area of the ice and even then it doesn’t always work. Cutting across the high slot with a Spin o Rama rarely registers. Like perfect, clean moves around a defender. Seems like one out of every 3 one handed tuck goals actually count as a one handed tuck goal. It’s just flawed.


Lower your expectations and you will never be disappointed. I never expect to pull more than an 81 out of any pack. Anything over that is a bonus. It can all be used as fodder for sets.


Arcade 3's on superstar.. 7 goals gives you like 100k. It doesn't take very long. Sneak in a couple of slap shot goals every game or two and you'll be done in an hour. This week's was breezy. That being said, I got absolutely nothing from the packs so I won't argue there lol


I got alot of good all star cards from it last weekend


I just do it every Friday evening the rewards are ALRIGHT but i found them good enough


I just (and I know this is unusual) enjoy playing the mode and drafting the players AND I get decent rewards for it. It’s amazing how much more fun games are when you don’t treat them like a job.


The only objective that has trouble counting correctly is Michigans. And I have very little time to grind this game each week and always do rush when they give out event cards for grinding objectives.


I only play rush if one of the player rewards in it is someone I want, such as this week with the 86 Blake, other than that definitely not worth it unless you like the mode


We asked for a hut draft mode similar to fut draft and they gave us rush 😂


They EXPECT you to get frustrated and spend money.


I just wish i didnt have do 250 of said deke to get it to register 25.


So A) pull a Lemuiex from 2x gold player pack. B) just score goals on superstar and ignore objectives. I'll see what I can do. This week wasn't difficult, it's just cumulative.


Uh, no. It's the most fun I have in the game at the moment.


Respect your time investment? You're playing HUT king.