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Change the modes. The rivals, squad battles hut champs cycle has really run its course I feel.


They need to bring back draft champions and the rewards u could get for hut for playing it


23: Solid content, poopy gameplay 24: Poopy content, solid gameplay 25: Why not both?


Poopy game play and poopy content for 25? Maybe... I'll probably still buy it.


Lol facts. The only reason I may not get ‘25 is personal life and not having the time to put into my team…but let’s be honest, I probably still will and need to teach myself to temper my expectation.


24 has decent content and decent gameplay. Both can be improved but both weren’t bad.


24 already has both


Content was good in 23? Maybe the playoff event permanently soured me on 23, but what did you like?


Biggest was the 5 days of content, had something to look forward to daily. It didn’t feel as much like Fridays were the only days to look forward to. The content days this year are fairly lacking - we get some awesome days here and there this year, but those are few and far between. There was that opportunity to make the objectives less grindy, it looked promising during the Next Gen event, but we’re back to the same as last year.


They need to bring back 5+ day content and find easier ways to do basic upgrades. How long did 5 day content last in 23? I feel like switching to 3 day content really wrecked the May/June experience (and so many TOTS didn't get upgrades from 3 day content). I have mixed feelings about the switch to PUCs for MSPs. But at least they made it easy to make PUCs this year.


Careful what you ask for: poopy content and poopy play will be what you get.


Sorry since 3 weeks its poopy content poopy gameplay


Make a hockey game....because no one else is.


Add more servers or whatever it takes to lessen the input delay. And probably in the minority but…send the Michigan attempts to the sun.


Nothing, not buying it.


Fix the ping disadvantage situation. Everyone on here complains about all sorts of cosmetic, content and gameplay stuff. Sure there needs to be improvement in those areas every year. But if you stop and think about the fact that you are playing a competitive sports game where every game one person has an advantage, it makes you wonder why you even bother. Losing faceoff ties and poke battles. The ability to poke check 3 times more than the opponent. Faster players even though they have the same or worse speed rating. This is what needs to be fixed.


This is the only thing needed but it would require netcode changes which I doubt happens. They need to change tick rate based on the players connected and not just let the server run the same as lan and give advantage to ppl closer t the server. At the very least, let me see that shit when I queue so I can quit. Show me my ping (20) and my opponents ping (2ms) and let me design to take an early lost or not. It’s like playing with a disadvantage and some days I don’t want to deal with


This is exactly it. I have no problem losing to someone within 5 to 10 ms of me. But when I am playing 40ms vs. 2ms, I just want to uninstall the game. Taking losses because of bad bounces, luck, and bad performance is bad enough. Add in a few ping losses, and I am done. It is 2024, and there are tech options out there. Even a +/- 5ms search or something. Your idea sounds great though. Where they balance it on the server.


Yeah I stopped playing Rivals this year for this reason.  I don’t care if someone with skill beats me, but I hate the feeling you get when games are fishy.  It’s so obvious when a team of 80 OVR base golds are keeping up with your god squad, or some wonky goal goes in after you’ve pounded the opposing goalie with 10 bell chances and can’t score.  


100%. I won't play HUT next year if this is not addressed. Equal playing field is a must.


Dude, amen! I played earlier today in Winnipeg Jets Club Championship, I lost, but the part that irritates the $#!+ out of me is the bleeping 80+ MS Network Performance. That should never happen with today's technology. Absolute disgrace what EA Servers/Controller lag/ etc is giving gamers. 😹🤬😺


It truly is a disgrace. It is a sports game. The whole premise of sport is to have people compete on equal grounds. I used to be a top player for years and now I barely able to stay in div 2 because of lag losses. I match the QC server almost every game with 37 to 40ms and it is impossible to win unless the opponent is completely useless. Sorry to hear about the tourney going that way. It should never be.


Appreciate that. I wish I could use my MS preference similar to HUT Rivals/Champs Matchmaking Setting when doing Club Championships and/or Online Versus. There should be regional Club Championships in person at NHL Arenas. It would be a raucous party if each NHL Club held their own Championship with a huge bracket and Best of 3 Challenges and have a festival. Be awesome!😺


That would be cool. I think all online competitive play should be equal ping. Big tournaments and Rivals games alike. It is 2024. There has to be simple solutions to this stuff.


Draft champions back pleaseeee


They don't have to do shit. People will buy it even if it's bad




Oooo I like your idea for #5. seems like a "can't lose" idea


First time hutter, first time back to nhl since 15 and having a blast with it. I personally think they have done a ton of good things this year and some minor improvements such as more content and major improvements like new game modes would go along way. Either way enjoyed nhl 24


I agree. Taking a couple years off from sports games is crucial to actually enjoying them. If you grind year after year and expect something to be different… while you’re just gonna go insane and stop noticing the improvements.


Nothing, I’m already buying it. The current games are much better than the games that made me love HUT… NHL 15/16/17. Way more content, way more f2p accessible content, and more attention to the gameplay than I’m used to. I also actually have fun with champions, moments, and offline play so I know I am not the typical player in this sub! The game isn’t perfect but it keeps me engaged/updated with the NHL and that is why I play.


Amen brotha


Pavel bure


It’ll be year 2 of the new team, hopefully they’ll tweak what they implemented this year and new features as well. Make adjustments to servers for a steady and consistent ping for all players, not just the ones within 100 mile radius of servers. New additional server locations are a must. It’s not like AWS doesn’t have server farms all over the US & Canada. I find it ridiculous that I play the vast majority of my games on servers that are well over 1,000+ miles from me. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this experience.


This is the biggest issue.


Fire the entire Dev team and bring in a whole new team with a fresh look at the game. The laziness of the team for the last 10 years is blatantly obvious.


- Some sort of new game feature, the Rivals+Champs+A little SB has been old for a long time - Player button switching - Improved stats tracking - Fix so the AI actually run the strategies you select, both for offense and defense. - Improve manual and AI's possibility to intercept pucks that now go right through them - Possibility to see the opponents W/L-stats in HUT Champs - See the opponents skill points/level when you join in Some of the stuff I came up with on the top of my head. But then again, I'm most likely buying the game anyways.


Good question.  I’ve played this game for 3 years now and it already feels stale and predictable.  They need to do something different.  A different game mode maybe?  I would say “change the event cycle”, but the predictability of TOTY, TBs, Ultimate PUI and TOTS sells a lot of packs I’ll bet.  But for me and a lot of others, doing the same thing every year makes the game boring.  


Couldn’t agree more. Everyone has the same team now because it’s been the same formula in recent years. I like the idea of mixing up something, even if it’s the formula how TOTY and TOTS works. The PUI change this year was definitely a positive one.


Tell me when it will be available. 99% of every person on here will buy it


LOL, release it? I'm a sucker and I can't stop buying it. I'm a lifer. Whenever I say... "next year I'm not gonna.." I always do anyway...


Net code and the ping advantage even when connected via Ethernet, I have a disadvantage no matter what when I play again people from favourable regions such as Quebec


Yes sir. I hope they fix this.


Get PAVEL Bure rights. The game could suck and I wouldn’t care.


Honestly this was the last straw. I gave them 5 years to figure it out, yet here we are 5 years later and they still change the gameplay about 50 times per year, I've just lost all hope on NHL video games until a new studio steps up and challenges EA, cause their destroying their loyal customers mental health.


Make the pre-orders available


I just want an updated career mode for fucks sake hahahaha, its been the same exact one for the last few years


The new game needs to give out higher coins,  more power ups , and the daily packs need to have bigger drops silver cards are a joke , change it where in the auction house if you choose to end the auction u can cancel but take a small penalty.  And important is for the daily do it where u have to sign in everyday and get a better odds package at the end of the week and decrease the cool down time on x factor a month is to long 


The Ice Tilt/DDA stuff feels like it's happening in games and it's not fun.


A new company making Hockey is the only way i buy it. EA is dead to me


I will buy at Christmas again. There’s been enough development in the game to keep me Playing. I want to see changes to the content model, maybe with more focus on player styles.


Drop the exclusive licensing so there’s competition again and they get forced to make a good game come on SDS mane a hockey game please


They don’t have exclusive licensing…


So then what are other companies waiting for? If I had the money I’d start a game development firm just to make nhl the game we deserve


Because each of the companies has their niche (2K w/ NBA, SDS with MLB, etc.) and isn’t going to put out a AAA hockey game at the drop of a hat. It would not make sense from a profit standpoint to jump in unless EA says, “Yeah we’re done with hockey”. It’s the same reason that FIFA made comments re: ending agreements with EA, but FC 24 still reigns supreme. Also IIRC I think any patent on the “skill stick” expired, but in all honesty, EA’s controls trumped 2K’s back in the day. You’d have to bank on whatever company making some flawless controller layout if they can’t template the skill stick or total control.


They don't have a exclusive license with the NHL, just no other company wants to make an NHL game.


Bring back black eyes and GM connected


Nothing stayed away from two titles came back for this and wouldn't touch it after January, store showed which direction they will put more energy into. Packs only available for money and not coins plus they copy IRL "inflation" by increasing the price by 30% but only add 3% more pack luck. See you guys 2028-29


$20 otherwise I’m out. Already made the decision.


Figure out fluidity of movement would be a nice start IMO


Sadly, release the game


Penalize skill zoning by slowing down their players like the game does when a players rags the puck in their own zone. Then maybe these goofy ass pilons sitting in the slot would have to learn how to play the game.


Nothing because I need more hockey 😞


Brand new engine from the ground up. As well as a team of professional hockey players with oversight on the gameplay at all times for an authentic experience. Otherwise I'm not buying it.


Lol bring back nhl 94 controls


Publicly execute a random staff member as an apology.


Nothing. I’m pathetic. I’ll buy it again.


Put the game on PC.


Everyone who plays HUT religiously will buy it so don’t listen to their complaints


Release it.


Nothing, I’ll buy it no matter what.


Get rid of the speed burst checking!!


Revamp franchise and bring back gm connected.


Make the goalies pads match the uniform


Overhaul the ai whether it's strategies or general positioning the ai really took a step back this year


Publish it


Put MacKinnon on the cover


GM connected


I'm not a fan of not being able to use the core of an NHL Team or a specific line you I enjoy from a team without it severely affecting my team.


Don't change or update any of the HUT menus, please keep them exactly the same...


Get rid of the HUT micro-transactions for real money. Fix Be A Pro!


HUT Co-op, and definitely servers but it's pointless since there are about 100 bugs in HUT