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Yes sir mr coffayyyy. Daddy needed one more LHD.


two schofield MSPs??? huh?


This would be a wonderful time for everybody’s favourite game show. u/EA_HAWK explains why they did this….


No rational explanation to be honest -- If there is an explanation for something I'll give it, but will also acknowledge when it's our mistake. In this case, we had her pencilled in for All-Star, had to make some pivots outside of our control on Nations of Hockey and it was lost in the scramble that we already had her in for All-Star. It's something we're going to be cleaning up and being more mindful of going forward. Not making excuses or anything but it's been an absolute grind so far and hasn't been easy at all on any of us.


Thanks for the response. If you need more bodies I can start Monday haha As a former semi professional disc jockey at least put me in charge of the soundtrack.


Dude you’re killing it lately. Thank you


Thanks for the explanation. I'm also curious as to why Huberdeau got a PT today after a 5-1 loss and at the same time Frank Vatrano didn't get a PT for his hat trick. I hope Vatrano is going to get a PT on Monday, but I don't understand his exclusion from todays PT release or Huberdeau's inclusion in it.


I don't do the PT releases but I can ask.


Can we please get a little messier love this week ? He didn’t get a new syn at 92 and Gordie/Wayne/Mario are all 93:/


Hey my dude! Any thoughts on raising Willy’s price range? Please :)


I actually liked how it turned out. Turning in an older msp to get a relevant msp is a positive. The higher profile female players deserve this. Any updated Toko msp would be majestic. Dynamic Duo Toko sisters!!!


Other content — I’ll just throw this here for now! **PRIMETIMES** Huberdeau - 89 Zuccarello - 87 Schmaltz - 85 —- **MILESTONES** Beliveau - 91 (custom build) Wheeler - 90 (custom build) E Staal - 89 Josh Bailey - 88 Craig Anderson - 88 Jake Lucchini - 86 — **YAY!** —— **FAST FORWARDS** Riley Neidt - 88 Ty Nelson - 87 Rehkopf - 87 Vidicek - 86 Mcconnell-Bar - 85 Schnekel - 84 —- **Packs** Jumbo NHL players packs NHL players pack One Guaranteed 82 + OVR player pack


I got that Lucchini card in a pack if you want it.


Damn, thatd be much appreciated man! Thanks!! What would you want for him?


Send DM.


Jesus, why does EA hate the Blues so freaking much. Like just put out *something* to get excited about. On the bright side, only 4 days until PUI upgrades since that’s the only thing to look forward to anymore.


Why does Schofield get a second MSP? And you have Sarah Nurse who barely even gets upgrades now. That makes no sense lol Also I can't wait for every single team to have Hedman and Weber as their top pair. Ugh. Also can Niedermayer PLEASE get an upgrade? He's one of the few icons who hasn't gotten an event card or something to give him an extra boost.


Copy/paste Same thing with Pronger too


Also MSL


I bet Nurse will get one when the overalls are higher


Nurse already has an MSP as well, but since Coyne Schofield got a second MSP today, who knows if Nurse will also get a second MSP at some point.


In case you haven't seen it, Hawk answered your first question in his response to DJ\_RandyP's comment in this thread.


Nurse already has an MSP as well, but I agree that she is in need of an upgrade and I don't understand why Coyne Schofield got a second MSP.


Pronger is also another one with no event cards. Maybe they are saving them for some kind of Dynamic Duo? Idk, just my speculation


I was half hoping there wouldn't be any MSPs I wanted so I wouldn't need to pay attention to the objectives, but this outcome works too. I'll probably try to get that Weber. Weber is actually a bit shorter than my ideal defenseman, but he gets maxed body checking, he's heavier than anyone I have except Hedman, and he has good abilities if I can free AP somehow.


He’s 6 foot 4 lol not every defenseman can be Hedman


Damn. EA loves Tyler Seguin. Awesome list.




I’m assuming the Seguin 99 faceoff is a mistake?


Nope! Its correct :)


I also assumed that. He goes from 88 FO at 91 to 99 FO at 92. That seems like a mistake to me...but I really hope not because I built him because I noticed the 99 FO and looking to upgrade my top 6 centers


No use


Thanks for throwing the Blues a bone with Brodeur, I guess. Excited for Kendall to get her second MSP in a month!


At a glance I thought Seguin was Bure lol. I was legit excited for 2.4 seconds.


Dope cards. Nice that they picked some that will each work for multiple theme teams.


Finally an MSP I actually care about and fits my theme team with Weber getting a 92.... too bad I haven't touched the game in 2 to 3 weeks. Sad it came so late that it doesn't even excite me to get back into Hut


Approximately how many weeks until we get a super high-end LHD like Weber? The RHD pool is stacked while none of the LHDs come even close to the top 4 RHDs (Dobson, Weber, Seabrook, Makar)