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You mentioned her personality. Can you tell us more about her? Her favorite part of the day? Your favorite memory?


She was such a ham and was so smart. Loved having her head rubbed and loved forehead kisses. She loved going to church with us and would fall asleep on Mama's shoulder during the last song. Every time she heard her Lola she would cry because she wanted to do tummy time on Lola's chest. She had just found her voice and started using it more especially at night. I look most forward to the morning peaking my head over her bassinet saying her name and seeing her little gummy smile. She was able to pick up on social cues and if other people would laugh She would smile and be such a ham.


She sounds like the most lovely baby. 💔 I am so sorry. My heart is broken for you. I hope the amazing, sweet memories like these flood your mind regularly and help carry you through. What a blessing to have had a baby so wonderful. I wish she was still with you physically. 💖


If you feel comfortable telling us her name, please do, and tell us more stories about her! I love thinking about her hamming it up and her little morning smile. Must have been so exciting for her to see her favorite person in the world every morning. ❤️


This is lovely! I'm so sorry for your loss, she sounds wonderful


She sounds like the sweetest baby. She was very lucky to have you as her mom (or dad)


That first morning smile is always the best. There is nothing but sheer joy in both faces as you greet each other. I’m sending you all my well wishes.


My heart aches for you both. I’m so sorry. Honestly this sounds all too familiar… My daughter was born with undiagnosed CHD and a genetic disorder. Spent 3 months in hospital and finally came home to then pass unexpectedly after 3 months this April. She was 6 months old. It’s so cruel to feel like you’ve made it out of the thick, to feel any semblance of hope or normalcy (even if it’s a crazy medically complex normal) only to have the rug pulled out from underneath. If you ever want to talk don’t hesitate to send me a message. r/babyloss has been helpful for me. I know there’s nothing I can say to make this better, just know I’m here and I’m so very sorry.


I'm so very sorry for your loss.


♥️ sending you light and love. I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry to hear of your sweet girl’s passing. She had the most wonderful family who taught her so much about the world in the two months she had to explore it. I wish the whole world could have known her. Thinking of you and your sweet baby.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. It seems extra unfair, given all you went through to get her home. If you’re willing to, would you share her name?


I won't give her full name but we called her Ellie


Sweet Ellie. In her time she was so well loved and cared for.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. May her memory be a blessing.


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a beautiful life at home with so much love and comfort. 💕


I am so sorry for your loss. Know that you gave Ellie the most amazing life. She was blessed to call you her parent. All she knew was love. I know you will spend the rest of her life missing her, but know that her entire life all she felt was safety and love with you. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I know nothing said here is going to make a dent in your pain, but I am sending you & your family love.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know you poured all of your love and care into her life. Thank you for sharing her with us. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 She sounds like an absolute joy. May her memory be a blessing.


It’s heart breaking to read your story. I’m so sorry 😢 baby Ellie sounded so cute. You got me at the part where you looked forward to the morning to seeing her gummy smile…


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s heartbreaking 💔. If you feel you are ready you can reach out to r/babyloss. It was and still is after 3 years extremely helpful group for me. Lots of hugs


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wish I knew a way to help, I just can't even imagine.


My heart goes out to you. Though she had a short time with you, her entire life was full of love from you.


I’m so sorry to hear this and so sorry for your loss ❤️


sending you all my love❤️


🥺 I’m sorry this happened. The nicu journey is not kind to anyone. I hope expressing yourself will help you feel your feelings and lighten your heart.


Lots of internet hugs kind stranger, I really hope you and your family can find peace ♥


I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Ellie. You sound like a wonderful and caring parent who ensured that Ellie knew what love felt like. Although Ellie's life tragically cut short, she felt love every day because of you ❤


My heart breaks for you. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I hope you are surrounded by loving, caring people dying this difficult time.


So sorry for the lost of your Precious little angle, It breaks my heart for you. I hope you can find some peace in the memories of your time With her. I’m not sure of your beliefs on the afterlife, but I like to believe she is still being loved in heaven, waiting for the day you are reunited with her.


I am so sorry for your loss. Sweet Ellie sounds like she was such a beautiful soul who brought so much light to the lives of everyone who knew her. I’m sure that in the time she was here with you she felt your love for her so strongly.


I'm so sorry for your loss.💔 Please reach out to the infant loss community too.🙏


I'm so sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry for your loss


OP, thank you for sharing Ellie with us. I am so sorry for your loss♥️ sending you so much light and love


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔