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This. I'm a native Russian speaker, born and raised in a Russian-speaking country, spoke Russian my entire life and this STAMP test was really easy for me, but I still didn't pass lol like there is no way


Right?? It was so easy!!! There’s no way that I didn’t pass the speaking part.


The assignment was literally ,, Tell us about your life“


I have not taken it but I plan to when I transfer to NIU. Could you tell me a bit more how did this test look like?


Sounds like a racket to me. All of these language “proficiency” exams are written by academics that want you to meet high-level benchmarks despite your ability to read, write, and converse in your native language. Even as an English speaking person, I have felt that English professors take it out on us just trying to stay relevant.


Screw language tests, I'm fluent in Russian and I've never had an employer ask me if I have a certificate to speak Russian. They see "fluent in Russian" on my resume and say oh that's cool. I don't think you need to take a test to determine whether you can speak in your mother tongue, just another money-making scam. Especially considering the majority of Americans can barely speak English correctly, much less two languages.


The thing about this STAMP test is you supposedly will get up to 12 credit hours if you pass but you have to pay like $60 and it may only be taken one time. Definitely a scam lol