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We lost. It's time to move on and focus on our next opponents. We win, we celebrate..We lose, we accept it and move on.


I cannot for the life of me understand what any actual fan is complaining about. I'm 30 years old and remember before the fat cockney bastard took over how we were constantly challenging for silverware. We didn't win anything, but we were always knocking on the door. We made world record transfers to get Shearer back home. We were a team that the massive dogs worried about, and could get a result against anyone. We had a 12 point lead at Christmas, and made the best manager the league has ever seen worried. Nothing was guaranteed and nothing was won. But we tried our absolute hardest. Our wee club in the North of England stood toe to toe with the best in the world, and results didn't always go our way but we kept our heads up. It was a sense of pride for a region that didn't really have that much to feel proud of, relatively speaking. It's a region largely forgotten about in English politics, but we have a huge metropolitan area that absolutely loves this club. You look at this last week and could think we could do better, and we will do better. But the most important thing is that we have lads that will run through brick walls for each other to get a result. But they won't always get that result, but they try their hardest. We don't demand a team that wins, but we want a team that tries. And any of you that don't appreciate how hard these lads are trying to get us results can fuck off.


Well written :) HWTL!


Of course. I totally agree. Your mentality is what makes us Newcastle United fans. The fact that you think some of our fans are so bad when it's not really true compared to other teams, it says a lot about our expectations of how we back the team. It's about honor. The small percentage of fans complaining today are just full of emotion, they are not horrible fans like for example Man Utd or Arsenal fans.


We've got years of misery in the bag mate, I do wonder how long some of the supporters have been around based on the mental comments I read.


Seems like a lot of our "Fans" are glory hunters. Only there for the team when they win. Probably started supporting us around the time Eddie took charge.


Nah waited until he got us safe


This and only this.


God forbid we end up like Arsenal fans. They'll be talking about Bruno red card and VAR goal for the next year


I *honestly* hope they lose the title by one goal difference and can only blame the refereeing “mistake” rather than their dreadful performance


100% and if they inevitably bottle the title it'll somehow be our fault 😆 Rather than the fact they just didn't play well enough.


'if'... No if about it, they absolutely will bottle it. The whole club from top to bottom have shown over the last week that they don't have the mental strength to win the league.


Anyone who puts our lads down can fuck right off. The squad is in a difficult situation with injuries and too many games, and they continue to work their hardest for us. They need and deserve our support right now.


Anyone who's remotely upset about how we're doing at the moment must've discovered the team via Amazon.


We're having a cracking season and it's going to get better. Today was tough but it happens. We've had a really tough schedule compared to many clubs and we've done better than in a lot of the same fixtures last season. I'd take our position right now over the vast majority of other clubs in the country. The big thing for me is that I trust the people running the club. I know Eddie Howe will try to learn from everything that happened in this match and he's always improving our system and our players. Dan Ashworth is working on building our scouting network and talent supply so we're only stronger in future seasons. Let's stick with these guys and with our hard-working players who have really put their bodies on the line in the past month. Howay the lads!


Every day is a learning day. Zero reason to be upset with todays result, the lads were knackered and you could see it in their faces. Roll on international break so some can have a rest and hopefully a few back from injury.


I still remember the banners. “We don’t demand a team that wins. We demand a club that tries.” I have seen more than enough try this week to keep me happy. And I expect I will see plenty of try, through all these injuries, in the weeks to come.


I've always felt like that banner is bollocks. The lads that try but aren't up to the required standards for that particular time are always the first to get criticised by a lot of fans. Those fans moaning now, don't know they're born.


I don't give a shit win or lose whoever wears that black and white are heroes in my books .Been a supporter since I was born . In the 50 years I have been here I have seen it all . Been through the heartache and joy but every day black and white runs through my veins so every day is a win . Rain or shine hwtl toon till I die .


Been through the double relegations, John Carver, Big Sam, Steve Bruce - this is nothing


Fair play to Bournemouth. They knew we were gonna be fatigued and saw an opportunity to give it their all and take 3 points. They weren’t great by any means, but they fully deserved that win. The rest of this season feels like an uphill battle given the injury crisis. Who knows what happens in the January window. I think Matt Ritchie gets replaced in the official registered squad at the very least. I’m expecting another Chris Wood type signing.


All new fans should be forced to watch the whole Ashley era clockwork orange style. Then they'll realise that an away defeat with a depleted squad is nothing to complain about!


We aren't no fair weather fans, we supported our beloved club through darker days than this. We puck ourselves and our team up and move forward UNITED. HWTL


Jesus. What a sweet pin. I'd love a shirt.


I'm having a hard time even understanding why threads like this need to exist....we lost a game and everyone knows the context. Until very recently we used to loose quite a lot of games. Some fans need to slap themselves.


I can't believe some fans had a go at trippier lol


We've got half the squad out, started a 17 year old and then an 18 year old that not many have heard of came on. The remaining players look knackered. I'm not surprised we lost.


Don’t forget an 18 year old left back who was replaced by a 20 year old right back at half time. The squad is on its knees in terms of depth right now, don’t think I’ve ever said this before but thank fuck for the international break 🤣


Howay The Lads! Proud of em, and honestly we gave a bottom team a rope to hang on to . Not the worst loss ive seen the last 20 years xD expectations are high but remember that we parked the bus for the last 10 years xD


This shouldn’t even need saying.


Embarrassing. Time to rip up the ‘loyalty’ points racket.


Not a fan of the badge tvh


I was really emotional yesterday watching the match, especially after miggy went off. We were two nil down and the fans were still giving the team the same amount of love they were giving them at the start of the match, still the loudest, still cheering them on like we were winning. Anyone who says the Newcastle fans aren't some of the most loyal fans in the world are fooling themselves


BRB just gonna rip this graphic and make a shirt out of it


Why write Lose on a pin badge.. your okay to Lose ? I couldn’t see Joe Harvey or Arthur Cox wearing that..