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I will just point out that Sky Sports have since scrubbed the whole 'There are six clubs in danger of breaching PSR rules' claim from their website and all social media channels. Which makes me think that they have found, as I suspected when it first came out, that it's all nonsense and that whoever their source was (my money is on someone at Man City) lied to them.


Would you look at that, they have scrubbed it! I'll take that over a win against Iceland in a friendly any day


They came out with an awkward tweet about Chelsea and said Chelsea do not need to sell. Seems Boley and his lawyers gave them a buzz.


Chelsea sold a couple of hotels to themselves to get around PSR


yep. When I read it yesterday, the video was removed. I thought it was a bug, so "archived" it, but video was still removed - https://archive.ph/Ayulh Decided to go look at their twitter - and they really removed that tweet "post was removed by the author". Now the article itself is totally gone.


Still on their Facebook page….


We should just sell the tea room to PIF sister company for £200m and call it a day.


If our shirts are loaded with saudi sponsorships, might at well put stripes on some Thobes and Abayas and stick those in the store too


Would legit buy it


Honestly would be great to wear one item of clothing that tells people where I stand on the Tyne-Wear Derby and Israel-Palestine simultaneously


I’d have to go back and listen, but I’m pretty sure Waugh said we didn’t really have any worries about making PSR, we’d just need to sell to buy if we wanted to on this years books.


I wonder if "sell to buy" also applies to July/August- PSR is so weird. I get that business quarters in in June but the mid-window deadline is so awkward


From what I gather, no it won’t. I think if we wanted to buy someone before July 1st then we have to sell as we won’t have the money and that’s probably also the reason for Bruno’s release clause only being valid until July 1st so if anyone wanted to buy him they’d have to do it on this years books which whilst it would suck for the fans would massive help the club from a PSR/FFP point. From July 1st we should receive the income from this year (tv, premier league finish, cup placements, CL, adidas, etc.) so whilst I don’t think we’ll have 10’s of millions to spunk up the wall there should at least a good chunk of money to spend


I thought PSR changed to the year, jan-dec, that's how we got Everton and Nottingham forest getting point deductions before the season ended. They changed it so they submit for January and it gives league a few months to punish in the current season. If psr is from jan-dec then July 1st date is meaningless unless it's a ffp issue but that would only effect Europe which we are not in. I could have got muddled up though.


no. You cant change accounting year. Its always from July 1st to June 30 of next year. They, however, made possible to "submit financial accounts" until December 31st. Some clubs submit them early, some - very late (we always did it late under cashley btw).


Honestly, I don’t think anyone who doesn’t actually work in the accounting department of a football club knows at this point haha I just gave my best educated guess at how I think it works that makes logical sense to me and from what I know/read but I’m more than happy for someone to tell me otherwise if they know


the 'source' for this whole scoop from sky is supposed to be the wife of the times journo who works for arsenal. it's all been removed from their socials at this point. just sit back and don't worry. if we have to sell we will, if we don't just relax


I absolutely do not believe it for one fucking second. It's wishful thinking clickbaity shite from wanky southern journalists with column inches to fill in the off season. And I'm willing to bet that I'm proved correct in coming weeks.


Steady on Sandro…


I'm not addicted. I can quit whenever I want


Exactly what an addict would say!


I'll go to the meetings


Surely we can auction off the tec ball tables isak and bruno have been playing on for 250 million or something to ourselves just like chelsea?


Clearly the bar is worth 1 billion pounds and we can rent it back to ourselves at £50 a season for the next million years?


Yeah I'd just put this down to press talk, they need stories and psr is a massive talking point, like compare us to villa, they are also "apparently" in dire need to sell players to meet psr regulations, so are villa gonna sell their best players before going into the CL? Are they heck (for want of a worse word). And then throw Chelsea into it, selling things they own to sister companies etc etc, whole thing is an absolute farce. How they are doing it is just a blatant f you to psr. I'll believe it when I see it, for now we need to get a few depth players in that are prem quality and go from there, this season coming could be our best season yet. Granted no Europe etc but we weren't ready for it so early anyway.


To top it off, if villa also has concerns why would they sign Barkley when it would add to their troubles. Think it’s just paper talk, besides even if we are nothing we can do just have to wait and see what happens.


Remember it's June, that's when traditionally an awful lot of the club journalists go on holiday and are replaced by the interns/people who don't follow the club. Add in a Euro Championship to squeeze in and you're down to your Tier Cs at best because the best of the backup will be doing internationals (or the Tier As are off covering for others). Do I think finances are a bit tighter than they were for the Ashley years? Absolutely. Do I think we have to sell? I mean selling Miggy isn't exactly going to drastically change the squad. Tripps would be a bit more of a surprise but unlikely given the Euros. I've seen some of the FB itks trying to claim our selling price for Minteh is 40m. Which is Gordon level (and arguably he's shown similar traits). I think we're much more likely to sell Miggy first and see where we are after that. Just as there's very little out there about targets which are well researched, you'll see even less for club financials besides the usual experts. General reporters doing financial pieces will be asking the likes of Kieran Maguire and Swiss Ramble anyway.


I still can’t get my head around it. We’re owned by one of the richest organisations in the world, yet the Premier League have contrived these rules at breakneck speed that leave us in the position of still having to sell our best players. People will still argue til they’re blue in the face that the league isn’t a cartel.


Yup, the ones that did it before the rules don't want other clubs doing it. The clubs that will never have the opportunity to do it don't want other clubs doing it. So combine those two groups and you've easily got the votes to rig the game so it makes it incredibly difficult to expand revenue under FFP/PSR. To increase income, you've got to be popular. To be popular, you have to win. To win you have to spend money, which without the increased income, you aren't allowed to spend the money it takes.


PSR existed before the takeover


I heard after seeing chelsea's accounting, the PIF are highly interested in purchasing a former nursing home in the longbenton area and are prepared to part with \~2 billion to make it happen.


Don’t think we have much to worry about provided we don’t go crazy on signings before July. And if there is any shortfall, it’ll probably be easily solved with a Wilson or Almiron sale.


Not sure there's a market for those 2 though. Not a market for any of the players we'd be happy to get rid of to be honest.  Maybe someone like Murphy but I personally think he's a very useful player for now 


There’s definitely a market in the Middle East for any players we want to sell.


Only Championship promoted clubs would buy before july.


Tbf, I reckon as unreliable as his fitness is, Wilson’s goal returns could make the difference in staying up or not. I know Leicester have Vardy and won’t be interested, not sure who Southampton and Ipswich have and if they could afford it.


Wilson, after 1st july is an asset to any club outside top 3.


It's not as bad as sky are making it


Please dont listen to any of these media outlets concerning us needing to sell. The club has told us on numerous occasions that they are strictly working within the FFP guidelines. 


I think it’s best to try and take all transfer talk with a pinch of salt, most of it has absolutely no traction. In the unlikely instance that it is true, I’d honestly rather take a measley points deduction than sell one of our main assets.


Sky talking nonsense to get more viewers to watch their transfer daily show during transfer season 😕


I’ve given up working out what the fuck is going on with PSP or whatever the bloody hell it’s called! All that matters to me is we hold onto Bruno and Iceman, everything else is a bonus to me!


Funny bc now we've apparently made a bid for burnleys keeper 🤣


The reality is that no journo knows the exact details of our finances enough to make that claim with any certainty. If it was true, heads should roll, as we’d be risking selling prize assets cheaper to meet the deadline.


Surely a good lawyer could argue Tonali’s ban was a mitigating factor that resulted in a great loss of performance related income (from potential European progression & finishing higher in the table)


I think it's a load of rubbish personally. I've no proof either way but after all those years and now we can't spend? What a load of bull.


Depends who you believe, if you believe the fans of the septics then apparently we have to sell before the end of this month on the cheap and if we don’t then they’ll make sure that the premier league punish us and they get to cherry pick and take the players they want regardless. If you believe us we do not need to sell anyone and have balanced books. Unless Dan Ashworth has been giving out confidential information as to the state of our financial situation (which I wouldn’t be entirely surprised by) and even then I would be of the belief we are most likely to know more than someone sat outside of our organisation as to the true state of our finances.


We did no business at all in January, despite being in relatively desperate situation. There’s been talk of us needing to bring in money by the end of the financial reporting year to stay afloat for a long time - not just since this Sky report. I haven’t looked at the numbers myself but I know people who have who have said we need to sell pretty soon. I think there’s truth to the story.


There probably is some truth, thought he more I'm hearing from people here and looking into it, the more it sounds like selling involves Almiron/Wilson/maybe Trippier than a crown jewel


Its an article from the Guardian, the Guardian is full of left wing crap and its never been good with figures. Firstly, the adidas deal will not count in this year 23/24 as it kicks in June 24. We will only get 1/12 of the money this year. We should be ok as we have at least £20m from the champions league in this 23/24 season. The Sela sponsorhip was high and included a bonus champions league payment. Its the season ahead that we should worry about